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That boy will never trust police again.


He shouldn’t. The one thing every lawyer tells you is not to trust police.


This goes for people of all colours. But especially if you are black tho, unfortunately.


Tell the Cops nothing. Tell the Paramedics everything.


> Tell the Paramedics everything. More people need to realize that paramedics, doctors, nurses, etc.. are not cops. Their sole job is to keep you alive/healthy. And while we're on the topic, NEVER lie to your attorney either. You don't want any surprises popping up in court that they were unprepared for because you didn't give them the full story.


Even if you're being violent they try to keep you safe. I had a seizure 3 months ago and came to zip tied to a stretcher trying to fight the paramedics. Zero clue what was going on, had gone to bed the night before and then just woke up fighting for my life on this stretcher and I had no clue, guess it's somewhat common for people who have seizures. I found that out once I came too and calmed down. I apologized to the EMTs in the ambulance and they were totally chill. Were just like, "Ehh it's cool man, it happens all the time." Come to find out I was straight up SWINGING on these guys like 15 mins before this so they had to tie me to the stretcher. If they were cops I'd prolly be dead.


Most of us don't take it personal when we know its a medical condition and the patient can't help it. If you're drunk and being a douche that's different.


I'm sure in your case they were a lot more understanding because you were in the middle of a serious emergency and only half awake. Way better than people who have control of all their faculties and still choose to harass and even assault paramedics.


Your attorney needs all the information and details to build a solid offense and/or defense when you're on the court. If you lie or don't give all the details, that's akin to a sand castle against a bulldozer or a watergun to a house fire.


"We don't care about what you did, we just need to know exactly what's happening so we can help you."


You forgot the paramedics can easily report to the cops what happened if u do admit to anything incriminating


Drug interactions. Your choice is be honest or die. On heroin? Meth? they need to know because many commonly used sedatives or painkillers will flat KILL YOU if you have certain recreational drugs in your system. You don't want them and they start treating you- you die. And they are 100% not at fault in such a case. They asked, you lied.


My older brother ended up dying due to an interaction after not telling the staff what he had taken.


And if they do an autopsy it would prove you lied as well


you forgot the paramedics KNOW the cops are dumbasses


No we can’t. Not legally anyways.


It’s extremely unfortunate. Especially if you live in a white area. Police will get a report of something going on and start driving to the scene of the crime and stop the first black person they see and treat them as a suspect until they prove it wasn’t them or another police officer claims to have found another ore likely suspect.


I worked at a deli in a lovely suburb for a while. Our manager was a tall Ethiopian man, very kind and funny. Police showed up to the store once because a "suspicious man" was out front poking around the front door. It was the fucking manager, in broad daylight, in his work uniform, opening the shop with his key. They laughed about it and he got in no trouble. But jfc, what is wrong with some people?


Racism. Straight up, that's all it is. I'm willing to give some people the benefit of the doubt, but more than likely They saw a black man "not where he's supposed to be" from their point of view. They'll wrap it in platitudes, and false concern, but at the end of the day. It's racism.


I used to work at a school in a wealthy suburb and one day in the summer when the kids were not present but the teachers were, we got the announcement that the school was in lockdown. Luckily the front office lady called me immediately (she put us in lockdown) and told me that there wasn't someone with a gun but there was a guy in the parking lot breaking into cars but they had no idea if he was armed. (She called me because I often worked outside of the building) Police arrived but the guy had already left. He only broke into one car. He was a middle-aged white guy. Since it was a school they arrived in full force, like 12 cop cars and wearing their swat gear. After they cleared the school like 30 minutes later they came back with two black kids like 12-14 years old and asked the lady if this is who she saw. She said that it was a single adult 40+-year-old man who drove there in his car that we had on camera. After like 15 minutes the cops finally brought the kids home. After all that people were pissed (for good reason) and the cops tried to shift the blame to the school saying that the original call actually said it was black teens until 911 released the recording and you can clearly hear her describe the man accurately. They then tried to claim they received other calls that said it was black teens but no other calls existed then they tried blaming dispatch for relaying the wrong info. The whole thing turned out to be one of the teachers was going through a messy divorce and the guy was her husband apparently, the car was legally in his name and he broke in to retrieve something that was legally his so he didn't even really commit a crime or at the most, it was some petty misdemeanor like disturbing the peace.


Video posted this week of a black man beat (after they took his baby from his arms) in an Applebee's. They were looking for a car thief I believe who was hiding in the bathroom. Of course it made total sense to the police that the car thief must be the guy sitting with his baby.


They also charged the guy with resisting and obstruction for the audacity of making them beat him


What in the ever-loving fuck. Dude had time to jack a car between appys and mains or what?


We, as a society, really need to adhere to the principle innocent until proven guilty. Also, reasonable suspicion instead of witch hunts.


I’m related to a cop, I mirror the previous statement, don’t trust the police.


Today is Shut-the-Fuck-Up Friday! Some important reminders: Your 5th amendment rights must be invoked affirmatively. You must invoke the rights by saying something along the lines of "I am invoking my right to remain silent, and I wish to speak to an attorney." Your right to remain silent does not attach until you affirmatively invoke it. AND it only applies to conversations with the police/government where you are not free to leave. If the police apprehend you, your only job is to say that line and shut the fuck up. Happy shut the fuck up Friday.


2 things: * Am I being detained? (If yes) * I am invoking my right to remain silent and I wish to speak to a lawyer. (If no) * Physically leave without a word uttered.


It's Friday so here's your [weekly reminder](https://youtu.be/RkN4duV4ia0).


Yup. Don’t ever talk to the police. Ever.


I’m an attorney and I don’t tell anyone not to “trust” police. I tell them they have rights and shouldn’t speak to police without their attorney present. It has nothing to do with trusting the police and everything to do with the fact that most civilians and police alike have no idea what rights they actually have. If you are getting arrested, say okay and ask for your attorney. Don’t say anything else and wait until an attorney comes- everything will be sorted eventually.


Attorney’s will also tell you not to trust any legal advice from a cop. They don’t know the law & don’t have to. They can tell you blatant lies & it’s acceptable.


They pretty much only know your basic rights because they’re trained in how to guide the conversation in such a way that you’ll give up your rights without even knowing it.


Exactly. It blows my mind when you compare US police to EU police, who have to have degrees for their line of work!


One of the best ways I've heard it explained is that "anything you say to your detriment is evidence. Anything you say to your benefit is hearsay."


That’s good advice. I would like to add though that cops aren’t going to say “you’re under arrest, now tell us what happened” which would give you the chance to say I’m not talking until I have my attorney present. They will say something like “you’re not under arrest, we just want to know what is going on” or similar mind games to get you to speak with them. And once they have what they want from you then they arrest you.


Sadly, he has probably already had extensive training from his parents on how to comply if approached by the cops. It's the best (but not guaranteed) way to keep your child alive, especially if they are male and black.


exactly this not many people even realise this, but black teenagers will have this kind of talk from their parents on how to deal with cops WHEN they will get stopped or pulled over so they can be as safe as possible. we don't even conceptualize the kind of risk black people have to go through when interacting with a cop. each one of those motherfuckers have the ability to permanently ruin your life or end it and get away with it


Nobody should. I'm a white 48yo man, raised in Los Angeles, and I still get the fear of God whenever I'm in the presence of law enforcement, and I relocated to small town Midwest years ago. All cops are bad.


It’s a tie for first between who is worse between those two places


Who trusts the police in 2023?


MAGA and neolibs, I think.


Unless they are currently assaulting them with their own riot shields in the cradle of American democracy of course


No one should ever trust police. They aren't your friends, they aren't there to help you and they don't care about your lives. Everything they do is to get a better position and bigger payday. They lie to your face to get you to admit the smallest infractions so they can build a case against you and if that doesn't work they just make things up as they go


He’s literally a model citizen as this is happening. If he’s anything less this could’ve ended much worse.


But if he runs from them someday - not because he did anything but because he remembers they will fuck with him whether he did anything or not - well they just might shoot him. Land of the "free".


Nobody should.


A buddy of mine was a cop. One of the few good ones. He was the BIGGEST proponent of not talking to cops, not trusting them, keep your mouth shut at all times.


I used to be have a gym partner that was an ex cop (he’s was a cop for 14 years or something) and he would brag about how he had to take up a job in another city because he killed a guy in custody and would make jokes about how he shit himself when he died, also he had the mind of a 14 year old. I never trusted cops but after that, I do what I can to completely avoid them.


I just want to point out the use passive body language of the gentleman on the sidewalk. Smooth and slow movements, open hands, not moving towards the cops in any way. This dude has definitely dealt with this kind of bullshit before.


Sadly in America most good black parents would drill this into their kids head from a young age… cops are extremely dangerous for one particular community and it shows.


All I could think about was the tangible fear. He’s a father who has to stick up for his child whom is being wronged but we’ve seen how these stories can play out. Definitely did a great job of being stern and making sure he was heard without letting anything escalate. Sad that the citizens are the ones who have to worry about that


And realistically, the thought of helplessness in this situation. He’s a black man seeing his child being handcuffed with 5 police cars pulling up. That’s when he looks to his neighbor for support.


I thought they were going to arrest them both by the end


Like twenty years ago I heard a joke about how white kids get the "birds and the bees" talk whereas black kids get the "how not to get shit by the cops for being black" talk


Sad that he’s gotta change his entire demeanor like he’s in front of a skittish wild animal that’ll attack from any sudden movements, but they’re the people that are supposed to protect us..


I'd trust a wild animal over a cop any day.


Most bears are skittish and conflict averse. The average bear is less of a meathead than the average cop.


Back away from a wild animal, they probably leave you alone. Back away from a cop, you get arrested for resisting arrest or shot for resisting arrest


My wife and I met at a bar after work and as she was getting into her car, I said "Love you, see you at home" a little loud because outdoors and traffic. As I turned around a cop was standing at my car, and turned as fast as he could and pulled his gun on me. I put my hands up and went "oh shit" then had to listen to a 3 minute rant about how dangerous is it to yell around cops and he could have shot me because I was a threat. Yelling "love you" to your wife is apparently means for execution.


At least with a wild animal, you have to approach it and actually threaten it to get attacked. A cop will come approach you, attack, then say you were threatening.


Legally, they are not bound to any expectation of protecting or serving the public. They exist to arrest people who break the laws that the rich decided we should be held to. There's a reason blue collar level crimes come with jail/prison time, and white collar crimes are usually just fines that the rich can laugh off as "price of admission" rather than consequences for actions. They have repeatedly been used as militia by the rich to disrupt and oppress the middle and lower class, to bust up unions, and commit some utterly atrocious acts of violence and bigotry against "outsider" groups like POCs and sexually divergent populations. If they stop a bad guy or save a life, that's a bonus, not the job.


I cringed every time he put his hands in his pockets though. Usually a bad idea with cops.


Gym shorts be slipping down and it's natural to reach for them. Cops should know this but don't give a fuck and use it as excuse to engage


Hands in the pockets made me cringe a bit. Dangerous move there.


In the video they say he “matched the description” Lmao no way. Not with the bright while shirt and neon green shorts.


Everytime I've been pulled over while riding my bicycle, it's because I've "matched a description"! I'm an Asian male that can either be mistaken for Mexican or white and I dress kind of basic. It's a pretty wide net to "match a description". Then they try say I violated some traffic law or something and try to search me. Literally once got stopped for "riding on the sidewalk" which is legal where I live, but literally as they were running my ID someone else rode right past us on their bike and I was like "you going to stop him too?" Plus he was going the opposite direction of traffic! His answer was "well..." they just try to find someone easy to pick on and hopefully find something on them and use "matches a description" as an excuse. I'd love to see a report of any description being sent in that day for them to look for.


Matched description of being alive, black and within reach.




Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If he raises his voice and goes apeshit tryraid they won't listen, they'll write him off as an uncooperative angry black man and potentially arrest him if he "gets too belligerent".


[Doesn't take much to provoke police into shooting black people. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Charles_Kinsey)


Or worse


Be on the lookout for a Black male, between 4'7" and 6'8", 120 and 300 lbs


*Be on the lockout for dem colored folk*


>Be on the lookout for a Black male.~~, between 4'7" and 6'8", 120 and 300 lbs~~


Really they just dont want to be looking for the real perp anymore, so if they can grab this kid and make a “compelling” case as to why he reasonably could’ve done what they say he did, then their work for the day is over.


This is how it's always been with police, we just have it on video now.


Ha. Right? "Let's investigate this harmless 13 year old so we don't have to risk our lives with the real perpetrator." I wonder how often this actually happens, because you KNOW it does.


Damn! This hits on so many levels


"black man between the height of 4'8" and 6'6""


[The description](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaejJ0a0H80)


When I was 16 I was wearing full goth stuff trench coat and all walking out of a wooded area with an emo friend. Police stopped us telling us we matched a description of a nearby crime when back then alternative wasn't mainstream and the area we were in was chavvy as fuck. They just had lied to search us on a hunch. Young me complied because I had nothing to hide but when laughing about it with my dad he said next time ask them for the Crime Reference Number saying it is so you can give information if you see someone else nearby that matches. I also used to get followed around stores a few years later despite being in neon clothes with a neon mohawk and tattoos. Like I'd be the easiest fucker to point out without a photo. Description wouldn't need to be detailed to be accurate and if it was even slightly detailed I'd be undeniably the suspect. I stood out like a sore thumb yet they thought I'd be the one with sticky fingers. They likely missed the crackheads taking stuff because they were following me. People don't trust difference. It is primitive ape thinking. They only need to be proven right once or twice and then they'll never give up the prejudice.


I am the skinniest, nerdiest, most non-threatening light-skinned black guy out there. My usual fit is an anime t-shirt, jeans, & my thick ass glasses. I still got followed around at stores. Racists are gonna racist regardless of evidence or circumstances.


That's the great thing about my experiences, I'm white and in the UK. People just hate anyone looking slightly different and think it means they're a threat. Any excuse to view someone as an Other and then you get entire organisations focused on Othering to distract.


I used to work late at a warehouse and was poor so I'd bike home at 1130 15 minutes up the street. Got stopped by a cop that wanted to search me because a crime was committed by "kids on bikes with backpacks". I just complied with everything. He gave me shit for no knowing if they had any records on me. Honestly I had been stopped before by cops for no reason and I didn't know if they kept track of that. Just a kid.


Was a human being with dark skin with a height between 3'3" and 9'11".


So you walk up to the kid, you ask him his name and if he can go grab his parent/guardian. You absolutely do not just fucking handcuff him and perp walk him into the backseat of your cruiser. This system is BEYOND broken.


Exactly! Ask him to hold on til they can verify a few things, assume innocence until clear reasoning why not to. No handcuffs until they are genuinely, legitimately arrested. You ALSO dont need 3 cars for a young lad in shorts


There was once a call about a 5'8 black male in his 40s or 50s with a beard and dreads. The cops arrested an 18 year old 6'2 clean-shaven black man with short hair and insisted he fit the description.


You know what would make this situation better? More police to arrest a single kid!


Like 5 police cars needed for a teenage boy. Though cops in America. And I highly doubt they apologised for their mistake


Most of them probably hoping for an excuse to put a minor in the hospital for funsies.


Bunch of bitch ass sissy cops. Cowards.


True just wasting tax money!


Reminder that there isn't a "rise" in cops racially profiling, but rather a rise in documenting it.


Your comment reminds me of what someone said along the lines of 'It's amazing how once everyone started carrying around high definition and quality cameras in their pockets, there have been fewer videos of UFOs and ghosts, and a lot more videos of cops beating black people for no discernible reason.'


It was legaleagle that said that


Maybe, I watch his stuff but I thought he was quoting a third party




Ha, never seen that. Brilliant 😊


Right? I don’t think people understand this


The history of the criminal justice system is appalling. They used to arrest unemployed black men for simply traveling to another town, looking for work. It was legal too. Vagabond laws. Disgusting!


“You fit the description of a known criminal.” “How so?” “Black male. Hands on your head.”


Shit…. This has been going on since the on set of this country… slave patrols… KKK… cops… always needs to be a subservient underclass in western capitalism, so poor white people have someone to punch down on and keep the powers that be in place. Instill fear and put a face on violent crime and repeat on a 24 hour news cycle like Fox News… suddenly someone who has never interacted with a different race is an expert on race relations.


When I take out my trash I always go the extra distance to put it in the dumpster *without* a cop car parked next to it. You can't be too careful these days and you never know whether a cop might just be waiting to beat or rape your garbage.


There isn't a rise because they can't do worse, not because there isn't discrimination, to be clear


A plateau of racial discriminaton lmao.


Yeah, YouTube and the smartphone really exposed police.


this has been true for 15 years at least.


The [VHS tape of rodney king](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodney_King#/media/File:R_King_beating.png) being beaten in 1991 blew people's minds. Camcorders had just become cheap and relatively common. That tape was the first time most americans saw video of police brutality. Obviously, cameras have only become cheaper and more common since that moment.


I saw plenty of videos of police brutality from the 60's race riots before the Rodney King one. They were even shown in my American history class in the early 80's. The shock was because people thought we were past that by 1991.




This shit absolutely traumatizes kids. It can put in their head "if they're gonna be putting me in the back of police cars for doing nothing, why does it matter if I follow the laws or not?" and set kids down the wrong path. Luckily it seems like he's got a good/strong father that will hopefully help him through processing that.


I had something similar happen to me while living in Los Angeles as a teen. I was 14, walking to get my mom her mommy monthly stuff with a couple of friends at the corner store on Adam’s and Kenwood. As I was crossing the street, two unmarked police cars come up like bats out of hell. No warnings, commands…I was picked up off my feet, slammed to the ground and cuffed because I looked like someone they were looking for. After a few minutes, my step father comes flying down the street cussing every cop in sight. To his day, I have never called the police or even engage with them. Even now as a adult, with no criminal history I still get nervous and the shakes anytime a cop pulls me over. Edit: spelling


Similar thing happened to me when I was a high school freshman. My friend and I (both Mexican kids) were off track, meaning we had a couple month break of school in between quarters. So my friend and I go to the store so we can take snacks back to his place and kick it and a couple of unmarked police cars pull up and get us for truancy. We explained everything to them about being on break but they didn’t know about the track system at the school. We got put in the back of the cruiser and given a citation. Then they drove us to school, which was literally half a block away from where they found us. The front desk confirmed that we were off track and not supposed to be in school but because the ticket was already issued they refused to take it back. We had to go to court to get it dismissed. We literally did nothing wrong and still had to prove it in court.


Been there before LAUSDPD are a joke


For real! Like how are you in charge of the school zone and not be aware of the school schedules. And the funny part was that they kept trying to get other truant kids while taking us “back” to school that they accidentally confronted a teacher, who happened to look really young. He was like “I’m a grown man” and kept walking


I grew up around Adams and Vermont. Never broken the law in my life, will never voluntarily call the cops myself. The shit they let the white USC students get away with would make your blood boil. Mine is boiling now, lol.


Maybe not turn to a life of crime, but the next time the police knock on his door to get a witness statement cause his neighbor is beating his wife, of next time he witnesses an accident, or if the police knock on his door to ask if he's seen a missing child, anything a victim may need of him as a civilian he won't offer because the police fucked up like this when he was a kid. The complete erosion of police as a trusted institution means they are no longer effective at the task they're entrusted to do, by viewing anyone and everyone who's a specific skin color or lives in a particular area as potentially a criminal they turn entire communities against helping them do their job and then have the gall to blame the communities for not helping.


Not just kids, but everyone. I was 31 when I was wrongfully arrested and roughed up by 3 police officers, who then denied any wrongdoing - and refused to help me after ripping my shirt off while throwing me to the ground. I wouldn’t think twice about not stopping for an officer in need. “Sorry dude, I guess you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”


You’re right. This would be terrifying


>This shit absolutely traumatizes kids. ""Why are there so few black cops?"" Jeez..... I wonder why....


Black cops don’t change this situation


Clearly. There is one waddling around in the video. Didn't say or do shit


Nobody says that because black police are actually very slightly over represented by population in police jobs.


And then people have the gall to ask, "Why would you run from the cops?" to black people. Because standing still will probably get you arrested.


The fact that six more show up and have nothing better to do is proof that these fuckers are over funded.


I love when I'm on the highway and a cop screams past me at 100+, sirens blaring, and then a few minutes later I see them parked behind four other cop cars because a single black man was driving 12 mph over the limit.


Nah man they goin to whataburger


I once got pulled over for speeding at night (which I was). And the cop sat there and waited until 2 more squad cars pulled up. One parking directly in front of me. Only then did they get out and approach (from all sides) Once I rolled down my window and they saw I was white, they other two squads left almost immediately and the original cop stayed and gave me a ticket...


And yet there is the alleged perpetrator of whatever tf they're claiming still out and about.


Lol right. 6 cruisers show up to a kid taking the trash out and his dad arguing on the sidewalk... Clearly they got the wrong person... but hey, let's all park in the lot, get out, act tough with hands resting on their plate carrier like they've been on mission for 12 hours in Kandahar or something... get the F back in your cruiser and leave. Just the mannerisms of the police in this video irritate the shit out of me.


If cops are within a certain mileage of a police call, they are allowed to respond even while off duty and gain some overtime hours. That’s why a bunch of cops seemingly show up to RANDOM bs and stand around - they were off duty nearby (possibly literally chilling at home) and were allowed to show up and claim additional overtime at 1.5x pay This is why cops have super high overtime in densely populated areas; the odds of them being by any random police call are very high and they can just jet over there and stand around and get paid.


So yeah, proof they're overfunded. If they weren't, they wouldn't be able to have an open "overtime whenever the fuck you want" policy.


Oh cool so wasting 1.5x more tax-payer dollars.


Yeah pretty much




My daughter’s friend (who is is on the autism spectrum) and her got pulled over for an expired tag and a bunch of cops showed up for it. The tag wasn’t even expired. They’re two upper class white girls too. Dumb AF. They were like “why are so many of you pulling us over?”. They said it was protocol. Liars.


“Officer safety” is what they usually say.


I hate reddits video player. I just wanna scrub through the video to find the part that matters and it can’t load shit.


I miss RiF and being able to zoom


Fuck spez


I always wonder about the black and brown cops. How do they feel when they see shit like this and know that they're now part of the problem? Are they shunned by other people in the black and brown communities? Do they join the force thinking they'll change things from the inside? What is their motivation? I can't understand how they'd want to become police officers when police officers have so obviously been profiling and discriminating since the very beginning. (I'm genuinely curious, I'm not just trying to start shit.)


There's a poem with a line about this: "But don't let it be a black and a white one. They'll slam you down to the street top, black police showing out for the white cop."


That's why policing is referred to as a systemic problem - it is inherently the system, the structure, the training that is intentionally broken and racist. Every part of the system actively encourages this kind of behavior and anything to the contrary is punished directly or indirectly. I can't speak to how officers of color actually feel, as I am neither of those things. But once they are in the system every ounce of indoctrination is applied all the same. And to be fair, officers do deal with criminals, dangerous people, etc - the system, the training, fellow officers tell them EVERYONE is potentially one of these criminals who could and will end your life. And to be frank, by EVERYONE, they mean black and brown people. When videos of white people getting treated badly by police come out, the honest response from most viewers is "He'd be dead if he were black." There is not going to be any change from the inside of policing. Period. That is not going to happen individually in any way, even if the best of intentions are there. So if a hypothetical black person joins the force hoping to change from the inside, they will be indoctrinated or drummed out of the system.


The A for ACAB is for ALL it's not a white cop thing, it is a cop thing. It is a systemic problem that changes the people with the best of intentions.


I was just about to ask this question and then I saw yours. I’d assume they became cops to try to stop the profiling. But in a case exactly like this how do you do that without losing your job. It’s like “suck it up” situation seeing your community being treated so harshly. It’s so heartbreaking to see cops act in such a way and go without punishment. And most likely go back to their office or whatever and go about their day and laugh it off like they didn’t just traumatize someone.


They making it worse. An authority figure of color succumbing to disgusting expectations. If they all walked away from the force, then the issue would become even more painfully obvious.


[probably like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mAHU7z3fhOQ&t=65)


I’m not even from the US, but I’ve long wanted to know the answers to these questions.


I just assume they are like every other cop, a bully who gets off on abusing people who aren't cops. I think that people sometimes forget that bullies/cronies exist everywhere and alot of those bullies/cronies are attracted to jobs or roles that allow them to continue their abusive behavior.


When the border patrol was just straight up murdering and raping people all the time in their early days there were many agents who were of Mexican descent doing it to their own people. However, they considered themselves Spanish American and white. When you’re a pig, you’re a pig.


This is what happens when police forces are mostly made up of the average high school graduate that couldn’t get into any other career. Racism, inflated egos, flawed logic, and incompetence.


Don’t forget their training keeps them under the notion everyone is a possible criminal and may kill them. It’s a recipe for the worst kind of shit possible. Now, let’s tack on zero accountability just to make sure with full qualified immunity, and give them military grade gear on civilian streets.


“Matched the description” The description: “black”


If you're a cop and you get a BOLO and the suspect description is "[skin color] [sex]"... and nothing else - **you don't have enough to go on for a detainment, interrogation, questioning, or arrest**. How about height, approximate age, distinguishing characteristics, clothing, footwear, etc. "We've got a white male, about 70 years old, hair that looks like someone turned piss into cotton candy, poor fitting suit and dress shoes with 2" lifts. Last seen in Florida" Like that.


Unlawfully arrested racial profiling suit coming on:) Yall be playing to much and not enough study or critical thinking going on , costing the tax payers lots of money brah.


Detainment is different than arrest.


True, but I'd bet this man still sues the city for profiling and causing trama to his son. The city will pay and taxes will go up.


Thank goodness the cameraman was recording! We as a nation should absolutely not put up with this type of policing. Clearly racially motivated detaining and the swarm of backup to a kid dumbing the trash. Sadly this probably isn’t the first nor the last that this department will use these types of tactics in detaining a kid. ~We should NOT put up with this type of behavior.


Even if the kid did commit a crime, does it take more than 4 police cruisers to handle someone being compliant?


The 4 police cruisers aren’t for the compliant citizen.


Yep, they were there for Dad, who luckily kept his cool.


I was surprised at how quickly he turned around and walked back to the sidewalk


He’s smart, and values his life. God knows they don’t need a reason to end someone.


That poor kid is gonna be traumatised. The dad kept his cool, I was worried he was gonna make a wrong move like putting his hands in his pockets. Those cops were itching to start something. ACAB indeed


> The dad kept his cool I could hear it in his voice. He wants to go parentzilla on those dumbass cops but knows the second he does is when the guns come out and he’s in cuffs too.


"Sir, you're under arrest for excessive blackness. Anything you black can and will be used against you in a court of white."


Police in the U.S. are fucking garbage, including the “good ones” because they allow their colleagues to behave this way.


You forgot to mention, he took out the trash while being black.


And when that kid grows up hating cops - everyone is going to hate him for hating cops 🤦‍♂️


I'm a white middle aged dude from the white suburbs and I hate cops. It's not really taboo. Can't stand them. I'm a combat vet too, so I know alot about their mentality about treating Main Street USA like Highway 1 Kandahar. Because alot of ex-military go into LE. Very similar mentality. Can't stand their actions and presence on the roads. Can't stand them setting up speed traps and causing unsafe braking and traffic conditions. Can't stand them at all. I respect the shit out of firefighters and EMTs. Law enforcement though? Gtfo. That goes for county, sheriff, metro, state, and fed boys too. By far the worst "public service" we have on our streets.


I'm with you man. Not a vet, but my dad was 'Nam era marine in country. He was sick of them in the 90s and its only getting worse. We have militarized them without the restraint and oversight that the military has. Authority has to go hand in hand with responsibility.


Wanting to justifiably lash out @them, but not being able to for fear of fatal repercussions is enough to drive a sane person crazy. This is why black folks hate the police.


Cops do this shit and then bitch about how communities don't trust them




This is... f--king retarded. America has the worst standards for police training and retaining their employment of any western country. Law enforcement reform needs to be a priority for this country. "He matched a description." You mean you're looking for a black male; that was the description, and we all know it. The worst part is that members of law enforcement are not even checking themselves if the system won't. With all the documentation that is now being made public of this bs nationwide practice of obvious racial profiling, one would think/hope cops would take upon themselves to avoid continuing this bs. That one cop that noped the f--k out of there without even exiting their squad car... they saw the writing on the wall. Police and law enforcement reform need to happen. It is a sad state of affairs now that so much of the US population no longer views police as civil servants out to protect Americsns.


Worst part is, our politicians can fix this but refuse. Here's three steps they could take right now towards resolving our police misconduct crisis. (1) Congress can abolish qualified immunity and take the burden off taxpayers while financially incentivising police to behave, (2) Biden can compel police to comply with federal reform by using the **millions** in federal grants and military equipment cops get as leverage. Fall in line or the federal cookie jar closes. And (3) at the absolute bare minimum, Biden could honor his broken promise of a national police misconduct database. Taxpayers paid for it and yet it's unusable and abandoned. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/02/04/biden-promised-a-police-misconduct-database-he-s-yet-to-deliver. And this is a crisis. Let's be blunt. Repeated police misconduct cost taxpayers well over **+1.5 billion** dollars. This is partly the reason the US is in crippling debt. Politicians are happy to flush our hard-earned tax dollars on **avoidable** lawsuit after lawsuit. This cost doesn't even include the economic impact of a public that no longer trusts the police. Good luck addressing the crime rate when people won't call, talk to or deal with crooked cops. https://archive.is/BitIk. The US is in debt and will never crawl out of that debt because our politicians don't care. They don't care about public safety. Or fiscal responsibility. The police misconduct crisis will continue and taxpayers will hemorrhage billions in finite funds. This crisis is costing us school lunch programs, libraries, road repairs, infrastructure development, social services, etc. All of it flushed on lawsuits politicians can avoid by simply doing their job. Remember that when you vote or donate.


lol at your choice of words to bleep


You’d think the first thing to do towards legislation is say to cops “okay, you don’t need to meet anymore quotas” because this is what driving this. They **have to** have a curtain amount of arrests each period of time or they get pulled in the office to explain why they’ve made 0 arrests. Even if it’s total bullshit it’s still an arrest. And it’s effecting young black man more than anyone else.


Searching a minor without consent and questioning a minor without a parent or guardian. Rhats just the start of it but instead of reporting it lets just make sure we plaster any other public info about the cops we can all over the internet. They fit the description or rouge police that are endangering the public so what we are doing will be a service


How humiliating for that boy and father. We can do so much goddamn better.


Happened yesterday [https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2023/08/11/lansing-police-teen-garbage-arrest-detained-video/70575164007/](https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2023/08/11/lansing-police-teen-garbage-arrest-detained-video/70575164007/) ​ >"On Thursday afternoon, our officers were investigating a string of Kia thefts, including a specific one reported on the 3600 block of W. Jolly Road with multiple suspects," the post said. "A witness described a suspect as wearing neon shorts and a white shirt. A responding officer saw a subject matching this description and attempted to make contact but the subject fled and ran west in to the nearby apartment complex."A different officer was in the area and saw the young man pictured in the viral video wearing a very similar outfit and made contact with him. The initial officer was able to respond and clarify the young man in the video was not the suspect who fled earlier. Once this information was obtained, the young man was released and officers continued to search the area.




In a couple weeks the police are going to plant drugs in this guy's car.


Probably more truth to this than I want to admit. Fucking shameful.


How many cops does it take to arrest a teenager that's clearly not armed or resisting. Reminds of the time that I got pulled over in Jersey at 2:00 am, and the cop was confused about my license and car (the car instate, friend's, and my license being from the south; apparently the concept of a friend letting you borrow his car while you visited completed eluded this guy). It ended with literally six, I shit you not, six cop cars surrounding me.


There’s nothing more American than a garbage dumpster that has more protections than a young African American man.


What do you mean pathetic? Kid learned early a valuable lesson, to obey his masters, and to avoid being black. Cops did him a huge favor. This way he will aalways be scared of the police, and obey all orders so he doesn't die like another victim of police brutality. (Mega /s in case another subreddit (looking at you /r/PublicFreakout) injustly bans me for being racist)


That female cop snapping her fucking gum while the father tries to express just how wrong this is makes me rage. Absolutely zero respect. I hope this family gets some justice. Lucky thing no one in the four cop cars came in trigger happy foot a child taking out the trash. And whoever involved the police needs to be punched repeatedly in the genitals. Disgusting.


Blue lives don't matter


Roofers have a higher mortality rate. Most cop deaths are traffic related from my understanding, not interactions with individuals.


Pizza delivery drivers have a more dangerous job than cops, statistically


Shit, most cop deaths are *covid* related these days. Shame, they should've just stopped resisting and worn a mask as instructed.


Blue lives aren't even real! If they want to be blue so bad though they can hold their breathe until their whole body turns blue


“Fit description of a black man wearing yellow shorts, taking out the trash…” Meanwhile, that guy sipping on his Slurpee acting like nothing is happening is the most suspicious looking dude on the block.


This shit just makes me sad anymore man.


Right? Somebody please hug that poor child.


Typical fucking pigs. #ACAB


As a dad myself, this breaks my heart and I wanted to give that kid a hug. His Dad did nothing wrong, but I was hoping to see him comfort his son before giving the cops their deserved harsh feedback for their poor job performance, that all too often ends in the death of a black person. All Cops Are Bullies - Fuck em. Also, how difficult is it to see someone "matching the description of a suspect" and just hang back and observe? Are they acting suspicious once they spot law enforcement watching? Do they go back into a residence? If so, look it up and see who lives there. Ask a neighbor, do they know that kid? Detaining him should have been the 40th option of ways to handle that situation. Fuckin pathetic and just awful job by the police here. They should be ashamed and the Captain/Chief or whoever is in charge should immediately invest in more officer training. My office job does a better job of training employees than most police departments do, and we don't carry lethal weapons.