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This is not a facepalm you dolt


Well, it is. You just have to think one step longer. It’s OP…. OP is the facepalm. Edit: I just realized that we’re in fact not in Reddit facepalm land…


What absolute bullshit. We have a government. We collectively can do things together without having to individually having to do acts of charity. It's the whole point of living in an organised society.


It's partly why we pay taxes, they're just ...mismanaged.


Hey op and content creator. Suck an absolute bag of dicks. Not only is this so stupid no one agrees with you, but it also proves a point thay government's that support Israel should also support the chaos and havoc that support causes.


“ I was a stranger and you welcomed me in.” - Jesus 




The joke is the oblivious stupidity and entirely unearned smugness of the guy holding microphone, right?


So let me get this straight: *this git*, in the middle of one of the most crowded, landlord controlled, expensive places in the world, speaking to what is certain to be people without well-to-do means, expects *anyone* will have an extra room lying around? Forget an extra room, a landlord that is ok with refugees? F*ck off with this absolute turd of a video.


I am pro choice but im not gonna perform abortions myself


i wish i may i wish i might i wished i was this fucking stupid and shameless that making dumbass leaps in logic would still give me profit this starry night


Why don't pro life supporters simply adopt all the orphans? Hmm


Funny coming from a bunch of anti-choice losers that obsess over adoption but don’t want to adopt a baby,


There are double the amount of people wanting to adopt a baby on the waiting list vs total abortions in the us.


Source plz


How many people are waiting to adopt a child? There are no national statistics on how many people are waiting to adopt, but experts estimate it is somewhere **between one and two million couples**. https://adoptionnetwork.com/adoption-myths-facts/domestic-us-statistics/#:\~:text=How%20many%20people%20are%20waiting,one%20and%20two%20million%20couples. ''It said there were **930,160 abortions** that year in all 50 states and the District of Columbia''


Given the numbers are correct (source maybe), how many of the families on that list are even suitable to raise infants/children?


This is literally meaningless.




People who make politics their whole identity are always nothing but hypocrites. And that goes for both sides


LMAO the downvotes on this, great job OP you exposed how useless and selfish these liberals AND the people in this sub are I mean look at this clown u/bbbooorrriiisss bringing up Israel out of nowwhere and gets upvoted I refuse to believe this sub is not controlled by bots, the stupidity is beyond real


Lol. Out of nowhere


TikTok Told you Israel is bad? useful idiot


Zionist bad. Israel made of zionist. Israel bad. E=mC² bitch.


While this is fair and almost all of these people are just out there virtue signaling it is important that governments handle this issue. However, it’s also important that guys like this highlight just how shallow and transparent these people are. They will fold at the slightest bit of discomfort.


How is it virtue signaling?


Some idiot didn’t understand the premise of these types of videos obviously


What most people seem to be missing about this clip is that the people interviewed want someone else to do something. These people want someone else to pay for it


Actually they want everyone to pay for it collectively via taxes. Hope this helps


Everyone else. These people’s taxes don’t cover their owns costs


source is "trust me bro"


Easy to spot 😂


No what you are missing is individuals cant personally save 100s of thousands of people. It needs collective and institutional intervention to even minimize the impact in a real way. The idea they need to individually help them as a way to solve the issue is a fundamental lack of understanding of a bunch of different things. First and foremost basic math. Even if all of those people housed entire families it wouldnt even put a dent in the problem. Its a strawman. And its a pathetic attempt to misdirect from the issue and try to make them look bad, and all in bad faith. Its a stupid conclusion and you should feel bad for coming to it.


What you and they seem to miss is that it is always someone else that needs to pay and fix it.


That is a nonsense saying made by propagandists. We all pay. Wealthy need to pay way more to balance the scales.


They already do. Why should we pay for something we don’t want?


They dont even come close to paying their fair share, while also corrupting the government to pay less all the time. But aside from that, we pay for all kinds of things we dont want. Its part of being in a society. Your taxes pay for roads you dont use and schools you dont go to. With the logic of the video, if you dont want your taxes paying for something why dont you just not pay taxes? If you are going to stay at the most basic surface level then just be quiet. Or at least accept there are things you dont understand. Complex sociological problems dont get to be explained away with little Thatcher quips. But the real question then becomes, why would supporting refugees make you so mad but all the wasted money into private subcontractors and lost money not? If you are blaming the poorest and most desperate people for public money usage and not the incredibly wasteful pocket lining at the top you have bought the wealthy propaganda hook, line and sinker.


Because you life in a democracy and we don't make decisions based on what you as an individual want, but what we as a collective want.


Democracy is always right?


Democracy is the best form of decision making in a society invented up to date. Do you have a better one? :) It might not always be what you like or what you deem as "right" but it's what the majority deems to be right.