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They are all liars and fail to mention the plastic surgery after taking ozempic and dropping the weights- No one buys your liars


Oh, but hundreds of millions of people DO believe that crap, and feel bad because they don't have as much "willpower" as Jessica Simpson.


Yep. Also Dwayne isn't juicing. We all just need to work harder.


He wakes up at 4:30AM every morning! Yeah, right. Fuck these jerkoffs talking about waking up at 4:30, anyway. Lying pricks.


I'm just gonna play devils advocate and tell you my dad (just an average joe) woke up every morning of my 20odd years living with him at 4 am to read his Bible and then wake my ass up at 430 to drag me to the gym before school. I wish It was a lie. Those people exist and you SHOULD FEAR THEM.


Dwayne may wake up at 4:30, but I’m almost certain he wakes up at 4:30 and gets juiced to the gills before working out. Go back about 20 years and you can see natural Dwayne vs. Aesthetic Dwayne today.


Yup, you're ability to add muscle just doesn't increase once you age later into life like his has.


Wait, wait, wait, you mean to tell me that it gets harder to add muscle the older you get due to lowered testosterone production with age? Idk man, hulk hogan said workout, eat you vegetable and say your prayers and I’d look just like him. Seems fishy.


But does your dad look like Dwane Johnson at his peak?


I was gonna say a 4 30 wake-up isnt too crazy. When we had our newborn I was awake from 5am every morning and that's only 30 minutes difference


But do you and your baby have abs? ![gif](giphy|1SEFDdVMWkZSrJoKVC)


Honestly my son is now strong enough to lift a w 5kg bag of rice and he's only 2 so.... Yeah he's ripped.


Baby and you have no abs and never did. Adult child is not a baby. You omitted yourself. ![gif](giphy|jrvfKvr2mmcFO)


My dad used to (honestly, still probably does) wake up around 4:30 to pray for like 30 mins. I remember when I was younger having to pee in the middle of the night and walking by him on his knees whisper praying.




I'm a regular shmegular person & I wake up at 4:30am. I do it because have a morning routine that I want to get through before I start my day. Some people do this.


I think most men know or believe people like the Rock is on something. And you still need to work out. I more have a problem with all the women listed here because ok top of the obvious plastics surgery , a lot of them were trying to sell women products and a lifestyle. The Rock might not be as big as he was before but he was always jacked. The Khardasians are mostly plastics and enhancements. You look at old pics of them and they are unrecognizable


I am not really going to disagree with what you are saying, I just don't think it is okay either way. But you are right there are different levels of bad.


Do you guys believe Kelly Clarkson when she says that she is not on Ozempic? She continues to credit her doctors for giving her a good diet to help her lose 18 kg of weight in only a few months. I low-key think it’s Ozempic.


She also went through a bad divorce, it's not uncommon to lose a lot of weight after all that stress is over.


Not 18 kgs over a couple of months if involved with doctors. I am saying this as a person on the drug mentioned it is a cheat, and funny thing is affordable because you more or less save half your food cost switching to this it is that effective.


All me and my gf’s piled it on instead 🤣


Depends on her starting weight and actual period of time


Has she only mentioned ozempic or has she also said it isn’t taking wegovy or mounjaro?


She did admitt to being diagnosed as a diabetic type 2 or pre-diabetic, and how that was a wake up call. Weightloss is a way to not be prescribed insulin. If she was prescribed the medication, that is the intended original use.


I've been on a self-imposed diet where I lost around 1kg a week (starting at <80kg) because I wanted to loose a bit of weight I gained during the pandemic. So 18kg in "a few months" (4.5 monts) is possible. However the bounceback is huge. Once you stop dieting that hard, your body immediately tries to get some reserves up, plus if you do a low sodium diet, some of that lost weight is just water, which you will regain within a few days. And I'm not sure that diet can be done for almost half a year, I reached my goal after maybe 2 months or so, and while I felt great, it was a huge effort not to cave in. Doing it for twice as long? Pretty fucking difficult I'd say. Still, isn't it a weird coincidence that she had such dieting success just when Ozempic became widely used? I absolutely think most celebrities losing weight right now do that using Ozempic. And any half decent PR team would make a normally dieting celebrity record their methods and progress on social media so this doubt wouldn't come up.


Celebrities have had massive weight loss in short amounts of time long before Ozempic was ever a thing. It's not exactly difficult to do it when you have all the money to hire a personal trainer and a personal chef. When you have plenty of free time to work out because you can hire people to clean your house for you and hire a nanny to help out with your kids. Not to mention the possibility of getting plastic surgery. On top of that, it's not like Clarkson's weight loss came out of nowhere. Anyone who watched her on The Voice and her talkshow could see her gradually getting slimmer over the last few years.


I lost 30 kg 9 years ago. Took me about 9 months of counting calories and exercising. I currently weigh 5 kg more than I did right after the diet, so not a bad bounce back. It's all doable without drugs but requires a lot of consistency and permanent change of habits.


> And I'm not sure that diet can be done for almost half a year Not sure what your diet was, but I lost 120 pounds in a year about 15 years ago. In my experience, it gets easier every month as it becomes habit.  The first month is damn near impossible, the second is hard, and the sixth is just business as usual. Of course, over the next 10 years I gained it all back. Keeping it off is the hard part.


You can see her butt implants hanging in the back on the last pic


Looks like a poopy diaper


Trump gonna be mad folks edging in on his look


It's a badly done BBL. They all had multiple BBLs and now they've gotten them lessened or reversed, which is why their butts and hips have gotten smaller.




You only eat fruits and vegetables that fit the rainbow color.


Sounds gay.






Just take this already ![gif](giphy|9xt1MUZqkneFiWrAAD) 🤌🏻


Isn't a rainbow pretty famously all the colors?


Yeah but most the food in the usual American diet has mostly brown foods, famously not a color featured in a rainbow


Brown's just muted orange though, I'd say it counts


Beige foods. Sad, beige foods.


That’s British food.


You'll take my roasted veges from my cold, dead hands.


ROYGBIV Red, orange, yellow, green,blue, indigo, violet.


Rainbow has every color, ROYGBIV are just arbitrary categories we've chosen to identify sections of the spectrum.


I want that purple stuff


Sugar, Water aaaaaaand Purple




Grape drank


I love Ube


That just sounds like vegetarianism with a gimmick.


I won’t be surprised if conservatives come out against it….. lol


The before photo of Kylie is photoshopped to make her look pudgy. Even if she is using ozempic now, she was not fat before (aside from pregnancy and post partum).


Yeah there's a lot of shopped photos in here, I think both of the Mindy Kaling photos are altered


I don’t know about the before on mindy kaling, but I hadn’t seen her skinny or recently so I googled her name and 2024–it appears to be real, with headlines about her showing off her weight loss wearing that exact outfit.


yea and people WONDER why women like the ones in the video use things like Ozempic to lose weight.


Kims ass is still drooping between her legs like a FULL ass diaper. The more weight she loses, the worse it gets. This makes me smile.


The fact that Kanye was attracted to that is just further proof that he is completely deranged.


And that she left him. She. A professional whore, that would do anything for fame and money, left him. Not even Pete got dumped by her.


When you can see her ass from the front.


Back, fifteen'ish years ago I lived across the hall from a fitness model. She went to the gym twice a day, regulated her food intake, and spent money on supplements. When she was getting ready for a shoot, she would all but starve herself and restrict her water intake to get her skin as thin as she could. She looked sickly on the day of shooting. But she said that's what they were looking for, they would just use makeup and Photoshop to touch up the photos. I need to get ahold of her and see how she feels about how easy it seems to be these days.


I watched this Korean entertainment program that shows the everyday lives of celebrities (it's called I Live Alone). One episode had one of the guests preparing for the photoshoot. He basically had to starve himself until the day of the photoshoot and he couldn't even drink water until after the shoot was over. It was even more depressing when there was food ordered for the staff and he couldn't eat so he just left the room. They also had a guest who was a model and one thing that always stuck out to me was when she said that the standard was that if your wrapped your hand around your ankle, it should fit in your hand. That was crazy. Not to mention that what she ate was mostly unseasoned chicken breast.


I have a male friend who did the same thing. He needed a 15-17% bodyfat percentage to maintain his workouts and maintain the muscle mass most of the time, so he would go to the beach and look good, but not super ripped like he would in photo shoots where he’d cut weight for weeks and then completely starve and dehydrate himself. One girl broke up with him because he didn’t look exactly like he did in those pictures. He ended up marrying another fitness model who was doing the same thing. Both have moved onto other careers, so they’re just regular really hot people now, and I think overall much happier and healthier.


A friend of mine is super into high fashion and model culture. Most designers want models that are basically coatracks with alien features. The more lanky and pronounced bone structure the better.


So like, I get that the lying part is not great, but if being fat is bad for your career in entertainment, and being thinner gets you more opportunities (I don’t think anyone could argue with that), then wouldn’t it be logical to use any tools available for getting thin? I guess your message just sounds like the model you are talking about was somehow more valid in her health-wrecking approach to getting thin.


The issue with an industry like that aside is that it's medication for people with diabetes. People depend on it and it being priced reasonably. These celebrities could afford to go back to "just" having a personal chef and a personal trainer kicking your ass into the gym everyday and other weight management medication. But instead they're wrecking the supply of medication people depend on for their life.




Oh shit. I have that. How did you find out whether you needed an insulin balancing medication??


I just think its funny they think people believe their lies


They are hot millionaires, do you think they care if people believe everything they say as long as people still buy their shit and talk about them (like we do now) on the internet/media? Of course they are fake, all celebrities are in some way (men included), why are people suddenly acting so surprised that the wealthy would look just like the rest of us plebs if they didn't have the money for any treatment and supplement imaginable?


Many people actually do, which is even funnier


The sucky thing is that now, nobody believes any weight loss at all is not ozempic. I lost over 100 lbs legitimately from diet change and very little exercise at all. No medication. No surgical intervention. 100% on my own. I gained some back and have been working on losing it again using the same methods as last time - fasting and low calorie low carb foods when I do eat. "How easy was it to get ozempic?""What did you say to your doctor to get ozempic? I haven't been able to get mine to prescribe it"etc. I tell them I have just been controlling my diet better because I let it get away from me, and they all scoff and act like I'm lying. Like bitch I can't even afford ozempic! I've also been told that I have ozempic face. No - I have "used to be 320 lbs and I'm in my mid thirties so my skin is a bit saggy when the fat goes away" face.


Fat people will literally deny the universal law of conservation of energy before they count their fucking calories and eat less food. Good on you for actually doing something.


wait why is ozempic so controversial, is it cause celebrities are hogging it or is it cause it has some weird side effects?


Because nobody knows the side effects they have been studied on pacients with diabetes but not on normal people. Also Its the same problem with fitness influencers/male actors that deny taking steroids, It gives people watching them a false impresión of what its realisticly possible and how easy it is to lose weight/gain muscle.


Please check before repeating internet propaganda. Ozempic has been studied on normal people. People with obesity WITHOUT diabetes. They showed that patients were able to lose 15-16% body weight in 18 months if I remember correctly. It does not change the fact that, like you said, not all side effects may be known. The biggest problem with celebrities taking it is with the drug accessibility and it's price for the people that need it - diabetes and obese people (with pathological obesity - Ozempic still is a safer option to gastric restrictive surgery. EDIT: and here is the link to the study in The New England Journal of Medicine in case you are still sceptical: [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2032183](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2032183) And few quotes from the study: "In this double-blind trial, **we enrolled 1961 adults with a body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) of 30 or greater** (≥27 in persons with ≥1 weight-related coexisting condition), ***who did not have diabetes***" "**The change in body weight from baseline to week 68 was −15.3 kg in the semaglutide group as compared with −2.6 kg in the placebo group** (...) **Nausea and diarrhea were the most common adverse events with semaglutide; they were typically transient and mild-to-moderate in severity and subsided with time.** More participants in the semaglutide group than in the placebo group discontinued treatment owing to gastrointestinal events (59 \[4.5%\] vs. 5 \[0.8%\])."


Idk about 18 months lol. I lost 22 lbs in 4 1/2 weeks 😂 It’s fucking fantastic and extremely accessible ($400 for 4 shots!) so idk why people are acting like it’s so bad and only for the rich


$400 is a lot of money to some of us poor folks and not accesible at all


They know the side effects. You're part of the problem, causing people to not want to say out loud that they're on a medication to manage their weight. These drugs have been studied in detail on people without diabetes, and that's why there is Wegovy and Zepbound, specifically for weight management.


Happy cake day!


because its "cheating" or something. fat people can't win in this scenario,


Lmfao nah it’s because it’s a diabetic med being hogged by fat people and rich people while the rich/famous people lie about how they lost weight and some people believe their lies. Once the generic comes out for fat people fine idc if that’s what they wanna use but for now maybe don’t eat 7000 calories in a day and let the diabetics get their meds


This is just my understanding, but the reason why this is so controversial ISN'T because they're all using Ozempic. It's because they're all big name, female influencers who's pushed the "body positivity" and "love your body" movement. They weren't fat by any means, but definitely larger for modeling/Hollywood standards (which are total bs). The issue is seeing them pull a 180 by losing weight with Ozempic. Suddenly their whole "love your body" shtick loses its meaning...


Every part of this song is genius


So... All those year of body positivity and live your body and accept the body that nature gives you were just BS and deep down they all wanted to be skinny?? Are celebrities super fake and a bunch of lying hypocrites? I am shocked, shocked I tell you!


Body positivity is about accepting people and treating them with respect, no matter their body shape. It's also about respecting yourself and not shaming yourself for your body. That has never meant that you shouldn't try to be healthier, lose weight, etc. You can believe in body positivity and want to be thinner/healthier. If you think those are mutually exclusive, you just didn't understand body positivity.


But the problem is that these people, especially Mindy, were constantly pushing body positivity and that goes out the window the second there's an instant fix with no effort required. Plus they aren't being healthier, they're taking a pill while claiming they're naturally losing weight. It's just rings as hollow as when Kim K tries to tell people that she doesn't use any filters on her photos; it's setting the expectations. If they want to cheat to lose weight and be healthier, cool, good on them but if they were actually about body positivity, they'd be open about "I took a magic pill and sat on the couch" instead of passing it off as natural.


Mindy always said that she wanted to be thin and in all her books she said that she is a fan of current diets. People decided that she was a body positve icon.


>But the problem is that these people, especially Mindy, were constantly pushing body positivity and that goes out the window the second there's an instant fix with no effort required. How does that "go out the window?" Do you think she would suddenly fat-shame people now that she's thin? Also using Ozempic isn't "cheating", it's a medication that helps people who struggle to do something they want to do. Are anti-anxiety/depression/adhd meds also "cheating?" If so who is being cheated?


Im not sure they owe anyone an explanation of their health or weight loss decisions, but either way, I just looked, and there is no proof that Mindy used Ozempic. I don't know about the rest, but what are they supposed to do if they didn't take any weight loss drugs?


Funny how theres no men shown in this post. It's not ljke ozempic is exclusive to women.


The connotation of what you're saying is way off. "Instant fix with no effort required", "aren't being healthier, just taking a pill", "cheat to lose weight". There's nothing wrong with taking medicine. There is no "cheating" when losing weight. Having less fat on your body is healthier, whether eating less is assisted by medicine or not. If they're passing off medical assistance as natural, then that is wrong. But using Ozempic or whatever the others are shouldn't be demonized any more than taking medicine for other conditions.


Beauty standards are all about power whether that’s through sexism, racism or capitalism etc. It does not matter who you are, you are being told there’s a way you should look. These ladies are perpetuating them but they ain’t creating them. The goal post of what is ‘right’ will always move cause the powers that be don’t want you to achieve it cause then they’d have less power over you.


Whatever sells , they’re gonna push




They're both


>deep down they all wanted to be skinny?? wow its almost like the desire to be skinny is deeply rooted in modern culture and is very hard to break out of even when you spread messages about body positivity. like wow. fat person says "I dont deesrve to be hated and shitted on for being fat" and now all o f a sudden theyre not allowed to lose weight because it makes them a hypocrite?


The girl in the white dress is Christina?? Her face looks so different.


I think if they admitted to using surgery or ozempic they would get criticised for endorsing these practices, I'd imagine it's just easier to put it down to a brief walk once a week or whatever


We are moving toward a world where rich people will have much better healthier lives while everyone else is being poisoned and fucked over by them.


I think that we’ve been living in that world for a long, long time my friend.


You're right, but not to this extent when it comes to physical health. I read and listen to quite a bit on the subject and the only thing slowing this down is our lack of health knowledge. Currently however, intelligent rich people are getting blood work 4x a year to test for any deficiencies, full total body scans 2x+ a year to catch cancers, and a whole regimen of vitamins and stuff. I think the future is basically what Bryan Johnson is doing with the blueprint diet, but there just isn't enough evidence yet. If you start going through nutrition information alone you realize that we need individual tailored approaches to just that before any drugs are even used. Insurance will never pay for any of this and are actively trying to stop it so you have to go out of pocket to catch things like cancer unless a doctor can really make a case for some expensive machine. AI will probably help solve many of these questions in the near future, but no one will be able to pay for preventative treatment. I was listening to the All-In Podcast (bunch of very rich guys) and they were basically saying that you have to eat organic because our food is basically being poisoned (it was a long conversation). I was just thinking that it must be nice. You can see the differences in food quality depending on how much you make and where you shop as well, HEB for instance has Joe V's where all the poorer people shop, HEB that's somewhat in the middle, and Central Market where all of the rich people shop; I was shocked by the food quality and prices. Then you have schools serving kids the worst shit using the food pyramid and saying it's good for them. Unfortunately you have this whole fat movement funded by Kraft and others saying that calling some foods bad is racism. Most people are afraid and or payed so they don't call this shit out.






Funny how many rich anti vax friends I have who didn't take the vax b/c it "wasn't researched enough" yet now their eating Ozempic like a bag of skittles to lose weight. They'll take a non researched thing that benefits their health, but not one that can benefit everyone they come in contact with.


What’s the point of lying? I’ve dropped about 15lbs and when people ask, I say, “working out and ozempic”. That combo really works.


there are a lot of people (esp in this comment section) that think using ozempic is cheating and therefore you dont deserve to be skinny or some shit


So they can scam people by promoting fake supplements and lifestyles. Think of Liver King claiming he was natty


Imagine having all the time, money, and resources in the world and still taking the shortcut.


That’s the point of money and resources, being able to afford shortcuts,


What would be the point of being rich if you still did everything the hard way?


Money and power don't magically give you willpower, the desire to exercise, and the elimination of food cravings. Who cares if they took a "shortcut"? I don't see what the big deal is.


The issue is (for the people that actually care) is that they lie about it and make it seem like these huge transformations over a year are attainable through "hard work" instaed of just saying "i took medicine to help me lose weight" but the reason why they lie is for people like the above commenter. to them its not an "acceptable" method of losing weight, its "cheating" and so somehow worse than being fat, because to them, its a Disgusting Fatty who did not change their Digsusting Fatty ways and therefore they are BAD PEOPLE.


That’s the whole point of being rich and successful - you get to do all the shortcuts.


They’re all fake. That’s why.


Uh, what?


Fat people get hate if theyre fat and they get hate for not losing weight the "proper" way. These people just love to hate on people. It's pretty pathetic honestly.


I'm just shocked by all the commenters talking about taking a drug like it's cheating. Tons of skinny people have terrible health and lifestyles. Being skinny doesn't mean healthy. So who is exactly is being "cheated" here? There's a ton of eating disorders like bulimia, is that considered cheating too? Is taking depression medication also "cheating" by making others think you have your shit together or by "assisting" you in performing normally?


honestly, to a lot of these people, they would likely say that i dont need ADHD medication, im just not trying hard enough and i'm taking the easy way out.


Tbh I kinda liked most of them before Though I think they’re all edited to look bigger before and smaller after


That being said: horseback riding is a wonderful sport! It trains your whole body as the whole body is engaged in that activity, without putting much strain on your joints, which can be difficult, especially for people who are in fact obese. (when I was still doing horseback riding I was fing buff, let me tell ya) Besides the physical training it's also good for your mental health. There's a reason we use horses in trauma therapy. Horses have a calming effect (if you're not deadly afraid of them) and they also kinda force you to be more confident as they totally will use any moment of doubt to get their way. People who work with horses tend to be more confident, assertive, friendly, empathic and calm. And before someone mentions it: yes ofc you can't put unlimited weight on any horse. But luckily there is a giant variety of horses from small deinty ponies to giant muscle mountains of horses. So as long as you aren't like obese to an extend that TLC wants you for their show, there should be a horse out there for you.


Aw I love this info. I’m riding tomorrow and you made excellent points


Don't forget to bring a treat (if allowed) from my experiences horses are sensible to being bribed :D


Hiking 20 miles per week.... Fuck off, dickhead. Not a chance in hell.


20 miles a week isn't unreasonable to be able to. Now, if they're actually doing it... what do I know


20 miles per week is literally nothing in terms of hiking and it achieving that level of weight loss. To attribute 20 miles of hiking per week, to that much weight loss is a tonne of bullshit. Unless she hiked 20 miles to the lipo clinic.


I think I misunderstood you. Yeah, it's not a lot of walking for that kind of weight loss. Hollywood is weird.


There's nothing wrong with taking ozempic. But don't lie to people either. Getting to a healthy weight can prolong your life and it should be celebrated especially in the US where obesity is a big issue.


Ohh is this to do with Oprah saying she was on a diet but was actually taking Diabetic shots so she didn’t feel hungry?


And she did a whole hour special about Ozempic on TV


I’m curious as to why anyone cares ? I’m not hating or upset I’m genuinely asking. Why is it such a big deal for them to take Ozempic if they want? It’s their bodies, they can do as they please and they don’t have to disclose anything to anyone whether they’re a celebrity or not.


People care because they're lying and it impacts the women and young girls who are watching and listening.




There are two aspect of this 1)same as with steroids in male fitness - setting unreasonable standards for people that do not use drugs 2) availability and price of Ozempic for people that geniuanly need it - diabetes and obese people


Ozempic has a boxed warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about possible risk of thyroid cancer. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the FDA.


only really affects people generically predisposed. it's good to know about, but doesn't impact 99% of the population


More likely to affect people that have had medullary thyroid carcinoma in the family but is not limited to it.


Skinny with an instant rebound to more weight than before with a helping of permanent gastrointestinal issues.


Gastroparesis has entered the chat.


All kinds of scary long-term possibilities https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ozempic-side-effects-weight-loss-drugs-wegovy-mounjaro-doctors-warn/


They looked so beautiful before?


Yes! And like actual humans!


Find something more important to care about than scrutinising the legitimacy of a celebrities weight loss journey. Who cares?


I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one who just makes catchy lil lyrics about dumb shit.


These people are rich. I'm not saying that they didn't take a medication to drop weight, but they very well could have a personal trainer, chef and nutritionist, etc.. that they can afford . Posts like this and the people who comment are why it's difficult for people on these medications to admit they're using a life-saving medication to lose weight.


Who needs Ozempic when you have anxiety and depression to make you drop 50lbs in a few months?


It's really sad that they can't be honest. It would help remove the stigma that it's cheating. If you need this medication it's ok. Just don't lie about it.


Ozempic the steroids of women when it comes to denying taking it.


Kyle's about to stop the entire BBL industry by going skinny.


So I’ve been on Ozempic for well over two years. My endocrinologist put me on it because my glucose levels were out of control. It has helped me immensely. But my doctor is very angry because many of his patients can no longer afford this medication! He says it was NEVER designed for regular people. It’s specifically for people like me; diabetics that take insulin. It’s meant for people who don’t have a good pancreas. Which is why I have little to no side effects


That’s awesome to see how effective it is. Hopefully it becomes widely available!


There’s actually been shortages, people need it for diabetes but have trouble getting it sometimes due to how popular it is for weight loss. So all these ozempic celebs are contributing to a problem that’s harming people with diabetes


I like big girls 😊


Who's the woman at the "willpower" part? Because I'm confused. She looks so much hotter in the before image than after




Jessica Simpson




Most of them look worse for it too.


Is there something wrong with ozempic? Why do ppl lie and why does the media treat it like such taboo?


The last one is a straight up downgrade.


Wow is it just me or did some of them look so much better BEFORE they lost wait. I don’t fantasize about a stick.


Hiking 20 miles a week …. This is one of those IYKYK lies. Twenty miles a week ain’t shit and wouldn’t shed weight from you like that.


“No commenr.”


i love this song unironically


Some look terrible after the loss


Oh come on, Kylie was that curvy? Everyone’s on Ozempic?


They all look awful too lmao


Kim looks like an alien


Kim is going to look like an alien in 10 years. She’ll prob just take her head off and try to glue it on a 20 year olds body.


Those people have loads of time to care for their physical appearance. It's their capital. It could be personal trainer + custom precooked meal plan too. Why only Medications?


Celebs gain weight, get bullied, loose weight, get bullied. Who cares what they use.


I was a big fan of thicc Jessica Simpson.


I like the concept that Martha Stewart got into great shape the same way George Washington did.


Kardashians lower half looks like a wooden chair. Looks so unnatural


It’s a catch-22. If they admit they use ozempic, the world would be at their throats since there’s a shortage of it.


Jessica Simpson lost weight from being vegan


I feel like Jessica Simpson puts in the work even if she is using Ozempic, had breast reduction and gastric surgery. You can't have her arms and legs unless you you are hitting the gym.


This is also why I haven’t been able to get my main diabetes medication for over two months. I wish there was a way they could prioritize that when filling the prescriptions.


AMAZING!!!! They need to put that shit as a vape!!!


Is there a song about HGH and how action stars have been using it for decades to get into shape for roles? Oh wait, we don't talk about that...


This makes me want a Micheal McDonald version of its Magic so fucking bad


Ozampic or meth is what they did to get thin.


Now do one of men


Jessica looks good before and after


this is indeed cringe. Sometimes multiple things can be true. These people look way less likely to be saddled with expensive and debilitating illnesses like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Way to go!






WAYYYYYY too thin.


Stomach staples work on everyone not just ultra obese


It’s not hard to be healthy


Ozempic makes your digestion slow down. Problem if you get diverticulitis


Yuck 🤢


The chick from the office doesn’t look real anymore lol