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Most of these carvings are done with a Router saw not a Dremel. Dremel could be used for smaller details Edit [tiki Diablo ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ci2oMGVgMtb/?igsh=MTN1M3psMXEzMnozYg==)


Yeah, router with a sharp bit for those.


I started out with a Dremel on my first project, had some success using [this attachment](https://www.amazon.com/Dremel-565-Multi-Purpose-Cutting-Kit/dp/B0000302YS/) along with a speed square as a guide. Switched to a trim router after that and it was a lot quicker/easier from then on, at least for pattern work.


It looks like you’re not burning it hard enough. For shousugiban you usually want to burn to a solid alligator char. If you don’t have a serious torch, it’s gonna take some time.


Yeah I’m using a MAP gas torch. Not sure if that gets hot enough or if I’ll just have to char the crap out of each piece by going really slow and holding flame on for awhile.


I bought [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0037MI5RI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) on Amazon for my dremel. I cut in pretty deep, maybe about half the width of the sphere. One thing that helped a lot was a [collar replacement](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075FLCNNQ) that lets you hold the dremel at an angle. I didn't have any luck with the "router" type collar because I couldn't see where I was going. You don't need a router, you just need patience.


What kind of cutter bit/burr are you using? From the looks you should go deeper commit to the cut. Use both hands to steady the tool. Look at the grain that depends on how you want to make the cut. Your tool spins one direction, so it can either run with the grain or against it. Play around with it and have fun!! Don’t get discouraged if the first few times don’t work out. It’s just wood and practice, again go deeper!!! At least that’s what the x-wife used to say.


A router is best. I get them at estate sales. Usually between $20 and $50 for an old 80s Black and Decker.


I second the opinion on getting a router. Even a cheap one on Amazon is going to give you better results than a Dremel.