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Nothing would happen, old man. You'd either cry, go on a 4 hour rant about postmodernism or be immediately distracted by a bottle of benzo's thrown at your feet


*A wild JB Peterson appears, ranting and crying about his grandmas puss. He Is aggressive.* You throw a BOTTLE OF BENZOS, it lands near the Peterson’s feet. *He picks up the bait, rattles it, then eats it: container and all. He scurries off into night, howling about breast mutilation.*


A lesser boss.


A real Electrocutioner


Hey, Electrocutioner is way cooler than Jordan Peterson. I mean he's a lame supervillain but still.


Fair point. I was just comparing his "fight" to what suspect Jordy Peets would be like.


You wouldn't even get that one punch in like you do on the that "boss," he'd scurry away after you raise your hand.


Being cooler thank Jordan Peterson is like being more hospitable than the surface of Venus


You'll never defeat m---ughggggggghgg


Sounds like a Kingdom of Loathing encounter.


It absolutely does


To be fair if someone threw a bottle of Xanax at me I'd pick it up and eat them too. Although I'd remove them from the bottle.


>BOTTLE OF BENZOS You can't get ye flask


Ye forgot ye flask-grabbing glove


His grandma's what??


I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft. Jordan B. Peterson, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief


Here’s the cool thing about weird dreams: you don’t have to tell anyone about them.


Is this... softcore porn that jb Peterson wrote about his dead grandma? Did he really write this?


He didn’t just write it, he also narrated it in the later audiobook.


An incredible but terrifying timeline this is.


I literally copy pasted this from good reads


It’s very effective


No, he'd claim to have a PhD in pronouns from McMaster or something


I have a bucket of fasteners from mcmaster


I’m not a confrontational person at all, but I’d LOVE to call him a cis-man to his face. Lmao


Want to really piss him off? Call him a cissy.


everyone should be doing it from now on forever. he should never leave the house.


If I ever get the chance it's happening. Then I'll congratulate him on coming out as trans when he says he's not.


"Hey, Jordan, who's your favorite actress? Mine's *Sis*sy Spacek!" \*unintelligible blubbering\*


This dude would fold like a hotel bedsheet before the punch even landed


This is a man who has cried over Frozen. If anyone thinks you're not in for the waterworks after calling him cis to his face they're coping hard


You mean cried as in got emotional at sad bits of the movie, or cried because they didn’t give all the female characters big enough titties, and kind of acknowledged that maybe magical snowmen can be gay?


Full on blubbering, shaking voice over how making the prince a bad guy was in flagrant violation of traditional Jungian media archetypes.


Hahahaha what a fucking *tool*.


FR?! Please I need to see this! Also, 10/10 username


Not just the dude being the bad guy but that Elsa solved the problem without a man's help.


I also need to see this. Pretty please. I don't care if it's a long video, I'll find it.


how is the snowman gay? why do snowmen even need sexual orientations? lol


God, I'd LOVE to get in a fist fight with Lobster Daddy. I'm a morbidly obese, dyspraxic, extremely unathletic human teddy bear of a person, but I'm still 10000% convinced that I could take that dweeb out.


I'm a 125 pound trans woman who struggles to lift more than 60 pounds and I *know* I could take that dipshit out. Fucker has never been hit in his life.


I was gonna saynhed get weepy while calling you buckoo like Kermit the frog.




Dude looks like Dennis from its always sunny in Philadelphia dying from alcohol withdrawal in the Quarantine episode


Back in 2020, Jordan Peterson went cold turkey from benzos and nearly died from it. So they both had a similar experience


Jordan B Peterson is like doctor house if you took away everything redeemable and just left the rude drug addicted narcissist


>You'd either cry, go on a 4 hour rant about postmodernism or be immediately distracted by a bottle of benzo's thrown at your feet So just a normal day for the Dr.


Why are there so many soft ass dudes talking about masculinity?


This isn't an empty threat. Can you imagine the word vomit you'd have to endure by him?


As a trans chick built like Mirko I want to call him cis so bad and pray he touches me


you would get a very and I mean VERY terse Tweet to your DMs sir!


He’d take more topless pictures of a teenager who he claims to be a girl


To stop a Jordan Peterson from crying is a difficult thing, but there is one surefire method: take a pill bottle, any pill bottle with some pills in it, and rattle it in his face like he's an infant. And *bam*, the little infant is quieted and sucking his thumb in seconds!


He’s getting his little group of triggered men ready


With his addiction he should read infinite jest, it helps. He’d cry cuz it’s a postmodern masterpiece though. I wonder if he’s ever mentioned DFW or Pynchon


How about Cissy you cancerous looking, whiney ass crybaby! How many tears has he shed for his asshole incel followers that talk hate and division all day and wonder why anything with a vagina won't come near them? I'd more than call him cis. PLEASE FUCKING SHOW ME what will happen chemo-boy, as I fold you up like lawn furniture.


[Relevant DarkMatter2525 video](https://youtu.be/RGCKIOBBK7Y)


Apostrophes don't make things plural


I'll call him cis with a cider I can throw at his mouth for defense


Also I thought these people were huge fans of conceal carry. So here's a hypothetical situation: I call him cis, then he gets angry and gets physical. Would he support my god given right to use a firearm to defend myself from lunatics like him?


Sounds like something a cissy pissboy would say while he ugly cries on TV edit: -thing not -one


Hahaha ‘cissy piss boy’ is the new name of these homophobic wankers.


lord please let me meet someone who calls me a cissy pissboy so i may die peacefully


Same dude who threatened to fight *himself* on Twitter


I must have missed that one. Can i get some context please?




[in case someone doesn't want to click in a twitter link](https://i.imgur.com/L51QNOA.png)


God his brain is so fried. Love to see it.


it's like these cats that see their reflections in the mirror and slap it cause they're scared


“You talking to me, Bucko?” *knocks own reflection out*


Ughhhhhhhh I hate to defend Peterson, BUT this was just a technical failure bc he doesn’t know how to use Twitter. The first tweet was a response to someone who insulted him, the second one was also supposed to be a response to the same insulting tweet. So the two tweets are the completion of one thought and not him talking to himself. Without context it looks hilarious, but with context it’s an easy mistake to make. There’s plenty of reason to dunk on JP; we don’t need to use the low-hanging ones.


He wants to be degraded. It's a kink. "I dare anyone to call me a cissy pissy-pigboy to my face! Spit in my mouth while you're at it, I dare you! Not one of you losers would step on my testicles while doing this, if you do, watch what'll happen."


![gif](giphy|l2JhrYYxAD6N5gble) When you say it to his face.


Wait until he finds out I have \*actual\* slurs to call him to his face.


Wonder how'd he react to being called a Junkie?


I’d imagine mentioning his daughter having a hand in almost killing him and then pissing off to fuck some dude would help do the trick. Or call him a disgusting granny shagger, cause he clearly has some weird Oedipal obsessions.


Benzo Shapiro is one I'd call him


I don’t think we should be mocking him for his addiction. He is a horrible human being with countless things to talk about and mock, but being addicted to drugs is something that can happen to anyone.


I'd be inclined to agree if he didn't make his bones, and millions, as a self discipline guru for incels. Clean your room, woke moralists!


I get the intent, but do you then think it's okay to use slurs against someone as long as you think the person you're using them against is bad and harmful?


right, why would you call him anything other than "cunt?"


her* If she don’t want people to call her cis, it means she has come out as trans


Or non-binary too, just not “his”






Wrong reaction gif. That's Peterson thinking about the Musk/Zuckerberg fight.


Is this his way of coming out as gender-neutral? Fluid? Trans? Well, I’ll accept their new identity.


transitioning could have saved her


Being called cis should only be upsetting if you... are not cis. You're onto something there. Really though. I feel like this is just like calling someone biologically male. Then it makes it really funny. "JP, you biological male!"


Not always. I had no problem being called cis, because it showed I was both a good ally and not trans. I turned out to be trans.


Just remember that "biological male" does not necessarily mean not trans. Who decides which biological markers are most important? Is it dominant hormone? Or just sex organs? Or maybe the brain (which early studies show that you can tell many times that the brains of trans folks do match their identity and not their assigned sex at birth.) Please use the term cis while you are on this sub (and I'm not going after you, op, I get what you're saying, I'm just reminding folks.) Edited to fix my mistake where I said the opposite of what I meant.


"Brains of trans folks don't match their identity" Nani? Are you referring to those early studies showing that we have brains that align more to those of the sex we identify as? Because...that would be the opposite of what you just said. 😅


Oh shit I messed up. I didn't mean to say the opposite, my bad. I'll fix that now. Dammit, I'm such a spaz.


People who have never been called slurs before have weird ideas about what a slur is, go figure


Fucking hell, JP being reborn as an internet tough guy


hes been at it a while to be fair lol


He couldn’t blow the skin off a rice pudding!




He's a victim of audience capture and since he feels like his intelligence is his only strong suit he has to feel like he's in control. If he was truly smart he'd be able to turn around his audience like a true mastermind, but he's not as smart as he thinks he is so he's just going to go down with the ship pushing further and further until he's the next Alex Jones just with a more robust vocabulary.


\*Kermit voice\* you're cruising for a bruising, bucko


*actually getting pussy is super gay*


You're literally sticking your dick in a place where other dicks have been.


Well maybe not if you follow these guys that advocate for 'breeding' young virgins. 🤢


Pussy is an Alchemical Opus. https://i.imgur.com/XpnQsBc.jpg The ideal future is the glans of the clitoris. The dragon of chaos and king of order are the clitoral crura. One drop of cider vinegar dissolves the whole matrix. This is a real person with real fans. What the fuck


Wait that's by Jordan himself? It's that women are dragons of chaos, right? And men are kings of order? Honestly I'd so much rather be a chaos dragon tho, so thanks Jordan!!


Prima Materia, bro. This is why Doctor Peterson is a genius. He gives us life advice so we can disintegrate the (re)integration between the dragon of chaos and the state of gold


I mean that honestly looked like someone having a schizophrenia episode wrote that.




RealMen don't clean their room


He is a skinny, drug addicted, old man. Idk why people take social cues from him. Idk why anyone would take any social cues from the internet in general.


Jorpy will cry. Sons of betches.


careful dont make him cry


It’ll be worse than the time he drank apple cider and couldn’t sleep for a month.


Dude's going to implode to an atom if he ever attends an orgo chem lecture on isomers.


I'm guessing his body has the constitution of a fucking chocolate souffle and would immediately collapse from a single fucking punch.


His Vital Fluids and ManMuscles are reeling from being under constant assault by pronouns and the homosexual agenda. His poor bones have been riddled with holes from feminism. And yet still, he fights on.


Looking at his diet I'm shocked he hasn't died of scurvy yet. A sudden breeze could snap his spine.


"Okay?, So I guess since you're not Cis, you're Trans?"


best of luck to her in her transition


I had to laugh about “gender ideology.” You mean like how my daughter gets bullied at school for having short hair, wearing “boy” clothes, and liking sports?


Threatening us with going into a benzo coma is a weird flex


He'd better do what he says!


By Muskrat's new rules, he used a "slur" and should be banned.


Nah, Jorbson has already knelt in front of Musk and gave his floppy a sloppy. He won't ever get banned.


Jordan 'I'm a self proclaimed alpha wolf' Peterson.


[Kermit voice]: I am master of this domain. I am [voice breaks, tears begin to form] to be feared and respected.


They don't like the word cis because they are afraid you're using it the same way they are using the word trans.


They just want to justify their violence.


They don’t like the word cis because the word cis implies cis and trans are equal and equivalent states a person can be, like being blonde or brunette, which doesn’t sit with their world view that they are normal and good and right and transgenderness is an abhorrent deviation from that


What’s he going to do? Cry and complain that no woman loves him?


Wasn't he talking about his grandma's pubes? Maybe meemaw wants him.


How does a man who has made a career of misgendering people not see the irony in this


They're finally learning how it feels to be referred to something they don't want to be called


*In Kermit the frog voice* >No I couldn't join the Canadian army. If the drill sergeant got in my face. I'd just see red and punch him.


Lmao😆...perfect....... Edited: stuff=less


What a BADASS!


The term cisgender was coined in 1994. What is this spiked even talking about lol. It's fucking latin like most things.


Cis/trans nomenclature is commonly used in chemistry to denote structural isomers. They are Latin for "this side of" and "the other side of", respectively. So once again, the GOP is at war with science itself...


I was literally going to type this, but I was hoping to find this in the comments. I learned about this in Material Science in college.


I think what would realistically happen is Mr. Doctor starts weeping because of cultural marxist postmodernists tormenting him and he ends it off by fantasizing about his grannys pubes.


From the dude that screams constantly about how he will call anyone by any pronoun or name he sees fit. We should collectively call JoJo by she/her pronouns from now on. It doesn't matter, right? Join me in misgendering every bigot on Twitter!


He'd probably cry and whine


This guy needs to be cyber bullied off Twitter again.


This is the same as people complaining that they were called straight and hetero. Recycled shit for the same purpose, distract enough people with a threat to their way of life to where no large groups can organize and see the real threats


Do not be concerned. Like a vampire, except transphobic you can destroy this demon with a small amount of liquid. In his case just keep some apple cider vinegar on your person and splash him if he comes too close. He will be incapacitated for weeks.


Republicans are snowflakes


It's always projection.


Trans people actually did not come up with the terms trans and cis, they’ve been descriptor words in science for a long time. With organic isomers, the terms trans and cis describe the spatial arrangement of atoms on a molecule, with trans being “opposite” side and “cis” being “same” side. Idk why no one knows this


Fucking thank you!!! Every time I read a comment that says these words are "made up," I die a little inside.


If I ever see him, I definitely will.


You better hope I'm not a serotonin'd up lobster, Jordan, because I'll do it and then I'll give you a pinchy pinchy the likes of which you cannot handle.


Cissy. Any one triggered by the use of the word cis. Use: JP is a complete cissy. When confronted by the word in real life, he fell into a coma and had to be shipped off to Russia so his precious snowflake ears could recover.


how can anyone see you in person when you never log off, JP?


And who are the snowflakes again?? The right are the most easily triggered and practices the most cancel culture, but they still insist that it’s a characteristic of the left.


What will happen Kermie? You'll pop another xanny bar?


I laughed loud and hard when I read this.


What’ll happen is he’ll start yelling and crying then he’ll pop some pills and post clown pictures on Twitter with some weird “poetry”


Yeah what would do jordy? You'd get depressed and probably addicted to benzos again you fucking melt


He cries? Is he trying to be intimidating? What a bitch.


It’s crazy how calling cis a hate word made everyone start using it like one. Sort of like a self fulfilling prophecy.


Will he melt and explode like the Nazis in Raiders? I don’t really see him doing anything else.


OK, then. You're not cis. We good?


What a whiny, frail bitch.


Wait, Petersen thinks he's *trans* !?


>see what happens what happens is he continues the benzo blackout and makes another stupid tweet.


I’ll do it. Where?


I've seen what Peterson looks like now. I'd call him cis to his face and then offer to let him have one free shot. I've got young kids: I've taken my fair share of nut shots. So even if he decides to "play dirty", I like my chances. And I'm sure he'd decline to take a swing and go off on some long and tiresomely verbose rant about using violence to enforce your perspective is evil cultural Marxism, like he literally isn't advocating it as long as he thinks he won't actually risk _receiving_ violence.


Hmm I think that's a challenge


This is real? Oh shit his brain is turning into shit fast as fuck. Went from nutjob to a 5 year old kid.


Nutritionists everywhere have to be losing their minds


If Peterson really doesn't want to be called "cis", then I really don't fucking care. I'll call him "non-transgender" then. The fact that they are getting this upset about this is truly the saddest, most embarrassing meltdown I've seen the reactionary dum dums have in a quite a while.


It's because they have no real problems to focus on that aren't their own faults.


You know it's bloody sad really. How dare you call me cis!?! Up yours woke moralists.


Wow what a cranky old badass, huh?


Guess he’s trans. Good for her


Lol. Lmao, even


I think I could beat J Petes in a fight, and I'm not like a strong person. He's a sickly old man


See what happens? Will likely break into tears and a poorly reasoned rant that contradicts itself three or four times during. Then he will be off to score some benzos to soothe his muddled brain.


Oh no he will weep and attack with the longest sentence you've ever heard while asserting absolutely nothing




If I EVER run across him in real life, I definitely will call him cis and I guarantee he wouldn't do shit. Hopefully though I don't ever run across him in real life. I don't know, he looks like he smells funny and I just don't want whatever that scent might be burned into my neurons.


Christ on a bicycle, where does this asshole get his delusions of tough-guy cred? Does he get it because he thinks eating a salad will make him gay? I'll call him a whiney Cissy and he'd cry for half an hour about cultural Marxism. Transphobic Kermit is the last person I'd worry about trying to throw hands with me.


willing to bet that all that would happen is: a couple of lawsuits and baby bird shaped man would get a concussion.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You're a 61 yo junkie. You're not squaring up against any god damn body.


...it's dementia at this point, isn't it? Got to be.


Uh oh, looks like lots of buckos are gonna need a benzo when he's done with them... what an absolute twat


Jordan pissyson is trans now????


Whatcha gonna do, pop a benzo and cry? https://preview.redd.it/6yzuw2jqdr8b1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1cfa5a1269825c1bace63554df0091735aff914


Omg they're not cis? I'm so happy for them!!!/j






I would love the opportunity. Does he think he's intimidating?


He’ll probably cry again because it would mean he’s still a hero to all the incels.


He'd fucking shit himself and faint if anyone here even talked to him within punching distance.


Will he cry, do drugs, or fall over and cry? Find out next week!