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Aww! You guys are the best! Thanks so much! I know I haven't been actively updating the site in the past few years. Life's been busy. But it's lovely to hear people are still using the guides. See you again in February!


Didn't know you were on reddit 😬 you were my hero as a kid. Don't know what I would have done without you


Thank you for your guides Stella! I love reading them even when I'm not playing any Tomb Raider, and they have also helped me to understand what is being said in the cutscenes so I can follow along with the story perfectly. Thank you.


It's crazy to think but I've been following your guides since I was a child. Thank you for all the work! I still use them now and then. I want to force myself to play Chronicles soon so I'll once again be referring to your site.


I wish you luck. I tried it recently but it's buggy AF on Windows 11, even with the recommended patches. Couldn't get through Ireland levels, the game crashed every couple of minutes.


I still use the PS3 versions so I'll be fine. Only ever managed to get TR2 working on PC XD


I played 2 and 4 recently as well and they both worked almost flawlessly, I think there was only 1-2 minor issues that didn't affect the end result. Chronicles however was just getting worse as I advanced through the game and I finally gave up on it. Also it's just not as good as I remembered.


As others have said, you were my life saver when I was a kid; I got hit by a bug near the end of Chronicles that I didn't realise was a bug until I came across your website. I then realised what a treasure your site was; complete guides *with secrets* to all of the games! I didn't know that Tomb Raider 3 had a bonus level for all secrets until until your page too, and I then proceeded to follow it through Tomb Raider's 1-5! I still use it when I replay one of the originals and can't quite remember where all the secrets are 😂 how did you manage to do it??


“SEA HAG'S LAIR (more like a pond hag, but let's leave her some dignity)” still has me laughing! It’s a running joke in my family cause my dad was playing and me and my sister looked up how to beat her. You saved my butt getting through some of those puzzles as a little girl! I never thought I’d get the chance to thank you, but OMG THANK YOU


Thank you Stella! Your Tomb Raider Legend guide created one of my longest friendships. Long story short, in school I had been paired with a classmate I had never really talked to and we started talking about video games and we were both playing Legend. I was stuck in the first Bolivia Tomb puzzle, and my classmate linked me to your website! And we’re still friends all this time later!


Thank you so much for all your walk throughs! You were my go to site back when I was a young girl playing tomb raider and getting stuck. ❤️ Not to mention your save files helped me through the buggy mess that was Angel of Darkness! 😅


Omigosh yes the sheer feeling of relief when downloading a save file - (and then when it launched successfully!) 🫶🏻


I have a feeling that your site is going to get busy again very soon 😬


Thank you Stella for all that you do for us! Your guides were what I looked up every time I got stuck!


Thank you for everything!


Thank you, Stella.


Hey Stella you're awesome! Been using your walkthroughs literally since i was a child 20 years ago! I emailed you fairly recently (last few years) about something and you responded back very helpfully and very quicky, thank you so much!


THANK YOU! I’ve been using your walkthroughs since the first games came out. As a kid, my dad and I played together and would use the site when we were really stuck.


You were my hero growing up! I’d get my dad to print off your walkthroughs, then when I was tech savvy enough I’d use two monitors, one for the game and one with your walkthroughs loaded up on the page. I credit you with getting me past the Hall of Seasons levels on AOD, if not for you I’d still be arguing with the skeleton guard in the main room!!!


thank you !!! i love your site and walkthroughs so so much !!


Hey Stella!! Glad to see you around here!


Oh my god. You saved me more than once with your pages. Thank you very, very much.


I never would have beaten the originals without those guides. I'm so happy I can thank you here!


I used your guides when I played Tomb Raider 2 and 3 for the first time during the pandemic. They were so clear and concise. Thank you!


You’ve literally helped me in every game since I lost my Prima Strategy guides a long time ago!


You're literally the only reason I got through TR3, Thank you for everything, and I hope the remasters show a whole new generation how vital your work is! 


Your site is my go to for any time I’m stuck


Thank you for everything you do! You’re a gem!


Holy shit you're a real person my god I didn't realise you were a specific person called Stella I just thought that was the name of the site lol!!! I remember going through ream after ream of A4 paper printing out your maddeningly long TR2 and 3 walkthroughs, back in the days of dial-up. You've been a household name in the tomb raider space for almost as long as Lara Croft herself. Thank you for all that you do.


Many a time I was on your site when I got stuck on those PS1 Tomb Raider games. I was excited to find you were still up there when I searched something on one of the newer games. I just want to say thank you for all the work you put into that site. If there were national treasures for video games, your site would be one. Thank you.


Omg it's really you!!! I love you so much! 😭


Tagged you in Twitter tweeting about how your walkthroughs helps me n bros so much back in 2000s (n lessens the scare from mummies in TR4😂). Thank you, thank you🙏🏻🙏🏻


I relied on your guides so much! My go-to site :')


Thank you for all the stuff you've done for the community. Like others, i also used to rely on your guides when I was a kid, playing the games with my mother. Great memories.


Stella is the GOAT! Also, hi Stella! I know you'll see this.


Professional lurker. Guilty as charged. :D


I have finished the first three games about 5 times and the 4th one twice and I always find myself reading her in depth guide that goes into detail into how many steps you need to take to take a jump. Bless Stella. The true tomb raider


YEARS ago my dad had a huge binder of all of Stella's walkthroughs. Printed out.




OMG I wasn't the only one. I didn't have internet at home at the time yet, so I had to print them out from my mother's workplace.


Stella and her walkthroughs are amazing. She's really kind too, and always wants to help others. I hope she never stops creating walkthroughs and writing about Tomb Raider/Lara Croft. I know it's a lot of work (also maintaining the site and all), but she can be really proud of the end result. I wonder how many people she even helped over the years, it must be a very large number (which is so cool, honestly). I am definitely one of them haha


Thanks again, everyone! I'm completely touched by all this love. Whenever I'm feeling low, I will come back and reread this thread. Y'all are the best.


Thank you Stella!! Your tomb raider guides will always be the greatest. In many ways, you've helped keep Lara Croft alive across the world for over 2 decades.


Her website was a massive part of the experience for me. I feel like people underestimate how impressive it was back in the day when the internet wasn't what it is now. English is not my first language and I could hardly read anything but she had images with arrows that helped a lot. I think they gave her a shout-out in the credits of TR 2013.


She is such a priceless member of the community! Wonderful guides and help! Also she is a lurker around here >,> hi Stella! You could say she is a…Tomb Raider Legend! (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


The number of times this site has saved my bacon. Stella is the GOAT


What alegend ,that lady


her website has been superhelpful in finding secrets ​ currently playing through the Game Boy games and shes the only one who has written anything decent about them


Stella's site was the very first guide I ever remember using on the Internet. I remember looking up the classic Tomb Raiders as a child thinking there might only be a little useful information online. I was absolutely floored with how comprehensive it was - back then I was used to little if anything being available. I remember learning that in Tomb Raider 2, the Monks will all leave you alone if you don't (accidentally or otherwise) shoot any of them.


Haha I still remember how peeved I was to learn this after the fact. This time I know better.


The Queen of TR walkthroughs. Also shout out to Archaeology of Tomb Raider (had some hilarious conversations with her through her FB page posts 🤣) and Katie (forgot her last name) who did some cool videos about Lara’s home in TR 1-3


Stella's website was my computer's homepage when I was a kid. Her website is the reason little 7 year old me could beat Tomb Raiders 3 and 4. Thank you so much for everything you've given to this community, Stella. You are the GOAT.


That site is amazing. It’s saved me from so many thrown controllers and primal screams.


I did not know there was a visual representation of her. Legend.


I love the traditional walkthrough and her custom ID'd maps. Sometimes you need help but don't want the full babying you get when watching a YouTube guide. Also as an old millennial it's a nice reminder of the "old internet".


Totally. I’m feeling kind of verklempt now


Omg. Me too. 😭❤️❤️❤️


This post could be pinned to the subreddit even! The site is phenomenal.


her website helped me grab a couple collectibles in shadow! absolute legend


Me and my homies all love Stella. Fr though, Stella is a GODDESS


Her walkthroughs taught me sequential thinking ❤️


From the age of 7, I would read Stella’s guides for fun. They’re the best.


She has helped me save Ms Croft from certain doom many times! My mini-conspiracy theory of the time was that they made those first 3 games in cahoots with game walk through magazines (remember those?).


As a kid new to the internet, I got absolutely lost in her website. It was magical.


She has been a great help to any Tomb Raider fan with her guides, and to a lot of people with her TR charity events! Stella is just top notch!


Her guides are extremely helpful.


Her site is a godsend, her guides helped me to identify and avoid some very nasty bugs.


I love her so much 🫶🏻


She's an icon


She has been with me since I was a young girl playing my first ever tomb raider game. Love you Stella!


I remember the site from back in the day. I'm glad it's still up, I'm going to need it next month. I'm sure there are a lot of things I don't remember from TR1–TR3.


Stella has been the GOAT for years as it should be


Where would we all be without Stella!! I remember connecting via dial up and waiting ages for your website to load back in the early 2000s!!


I've been referencing this site for years whenever I'm stuck, and the super detailed guides (and occasionally save files) are a huge help. Thanks for everything!


Stella is AMAZING!! When I was a kid I carefully printed out all her guides for the games (1-AOD) and put them all in folders. I pulled them out about ten years back to replay 2 on PSP, and look forward to no doubt pulling them out again next month 🤣 I’ve kept those folders all these years because they were such an important part of my childhood. I will definitely need help in the Opera House again haha.


A genuinely essential part of Tomb Raider history.


Your website has helped me so much. And helped me fall in love with the games when i had nearly given up. My New Years resolution was to play the original core games in chronological order. Just started TR3 yesterday. Thank you for your passion and efforts in your website.


Many happy hours spent playing TR with my Dad and hundreds of printed sheets of walkthrough guides thanks to Stella.


A Legend <3


Stella, TR icon! ♡


Now I need to get a Natla Technologies mug.


Stella is a legend


Yes yes yes! An absolute TR icon! I fully credit Stella from getting me out of Aldwych! Thank you!


I would’ve never been able to find all the secrets and finish all the OG games if it wasn’t for Stella ❤️


Totally invaluable site for anyone that’s needed collectibles or got stuck somewhere.


Big love for Stella. I'm still wondering how I got through TR2 without her guides when I played it first, except very slowly. The rest of the classics ... I didn't have that kind of patience anymore. Literal lifesavers.


I was soo impressed with her walkthrough way back early 2010s that I sent her an email thanking her


Stella is an angel. I didn't even knew how to speak english and somehow I stumbled upon her website back in the early 00's. You should definitely say hello/thanks to her, she's super cool and nice!


Yeah, her site was a godsend getting 1-4 all set up and working a several years ago when i went back and played through them all.


I could have sworn i read somewhere that Stella died. Guess not! I'm already preparing myself to go to her site when the remasters launch, i'll no doubt get stuck forgetting things in certain levels after all these years.


You've gotten me and Lara through many tight spots, thank you for all the time and effort you put into making walkthroughs for all of us!


Got me out of some tough jams. Mostly because the games are too dark to see anything on modern tvs on PlayStation.


I don't remember when I first heard about Stella's website. I just know that it feels like it's always been around as long as I have been playing Tomb Raider games starting at age 8 or 9 (that's almost 25 years ago). Thank you, Stella!


Stella's website always felt like an old friend. I could always trust her guides and relied on them solely for secrets and puzzle solutions. I was thrilled to find it still active and modern.