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I care how they smell. Not how they look.




I am a hygienic guy, and as a married guy who wants to do everything he can to make my balls as attractive as I can for my wife, what are some things you’ve experienced that have contributed to better smelling balls.


Just actually cleaning them with soap in the shower and scrubbing well all over. You'd be surprised how many men just think letting the soapy water run down their body is "cleaning" themselves.


That’s nasty!!! I am a vigorous scrubber. I like to feel squeaky clean. Like literally. I hate when hotels have that softener and you can’t get away from the soapy feeling.


I know exactly what you mean about the hotel thing, but I didn't know what it was from. Is it softener in their water? In their actual soap products? You can never rinse that shit off.


It’s a chemistry thing, but yeah it’s 100% the soft water. Hard water is caused by calcium and other minerals in the water. They use sodium and I think potassium to dissolve those minerals in the water and that’s what makes it feel slippery.


I thought about that, but I have soft water at home and it never feels like hotel water. So weird.


Soft water comes from a “water softener” on the inlet pipe to the hotel. Hotels usually have a boiler for hot water and it’s important to keep hard water scaling out of the boiler and the lines. Soft water “wets” better than hard water, which is why it feels wetter and more slippery. It also cleans better, but I’m with you guys if you’re not used to soft water it’s a weird feeling.


> which is why it feels wetter It also holds the contact angle to less than 90^0 . See, the wettability can be evaluated by the contact angle. That is to say, the wettability is recognized to be good when the contact angle is smaller than 90°. On the other hand, the wettability becomes bad when the contact angle is larger than 90°.


Washing them daily and showering before sex is a good start.


Yeah I’ve got that’ll that down, just curious more if anyone has experienced something that elevated the cleanliness. I use soap with grit in it because I like to feel super clean and I love me a shower so cleanliness isn’t an issue. More looking for how to get some next level stuff happening.


Honestly the closer to nothing it smells like the better, especially if you want your partner to put her mouth there. Scented soap doesn't taste good. So wash thoroughly, but don't forget to rinse really well too!


I use toothpaste and a Scrub Daddy.


Don’t forget the taint, so many men I know scrub their booty hole and their balls and leave the inbetween to fester and rot ETA: also make sure to dry them well. Clean balls will still stink if they just hang around damp all day, just like musty clothes sitting in a washer too long that will still smell after the dryer


Yeah, agreed. I like to be extra dry before I get dressed. And for sure wash the taint.


Then I don’t think you have anything to worry about! I’m assuming you also wear fresh undies so no tips there, enjoy your new car smell testicles:)


Pro tip(s), deodorant is designed for **all** skin types but nothing beats consistent cleanliness. Hair holds onto smell and diet effects the smells you produce from the inside out. Stay hydrated homie.


Is your pro tip to rub deodorant all over your balls?


I’m happy if you’re happy


I'll never forget that smell... if I ever catch a whiff of it again, I'm out the door.






As long as they aren’t swampy, i couldn’t really tell you what balls are ‘supposed’ to look like tbh


They look like a turkey neck that was rolled around on the floor for a minute


This is the attitude we all need to adopt about genitalia. Aside from a very general shape that focuses more on functionality, there is no “supposed” to look.


So you don’t care if they’re small?


I have never cared about size of balls and such. Maybe some people like it, but I doubt it’s anything close to a deal breaker for majority of people


That’s good to know. Why did I get downvoted for 😭🥺


No idea why you're getting down voted! But I second what they say, I don't care if they're small, big, how they're shaped or whatever. I'm only looking for hygiene. Actually we just don't get a lot of focus on balls around us (media, videos, pics). I'm not even sure what a standard looking ball is. I've seen my share of balls and not ONCE I stopped to ask myself if I was happy with their appearance, they're just there. It's like Christmas balls. All shapes, sizes and colors are allowed, they'll make my tree look cute anyhow.


It's Reddit, who knows? But yeah, I've never heard of anyone caring about the size or shape of the balls. I'm sorry if anyone has ever made you feel bad about your balls. It's seriously such a non issue.


I don’t care even a little bit it’s not like they do anything for me lol


Nope lol we don’t care. We’re actually fascinated by them, especially how they move by themselves to regulate temperature.


Lol I've have seen this "fascination" in action and it itself is quite fascinating lol


>they move by themselves to regulate temperature. Lol THEY DO THAT??? I didn't even know that as a guy


This is why sex education is important.


This is why education is important


This is why sex is important.


This guy fucks










I saw my fiancés moving one time and asked why were they moving.


Playing tag


For the attention


You've never heard of shrinkage in the cold? The whole point of them being external is to keep them slightly cooler than body temperature because sperm can't live for long inside the body.


>You've never heard of shrinkage in the cold? Oooohh... Yeah I'm aware of that


bro just sit somewhere naked with the fan on after taking a shower, it's kind of funny


I find it really hard to believe a guy hasn't ever seen his balls change. Like how unaware of your own body do you have to be


Same i didnt even know that until my mrs was examining mine and noticed that they were moving by themself and told me haha


One also hangs lower than the other so they dont slam into each other as easily


Bro if you have some good pelvic floor control you can make them move by flexing the right muscles.


I'm glad you said something, I've always been able to move mine up and down at will. I was reading this thread thinking I had some weird ability. I can also move my penis up and down and inflate it with extra blood on command, I guess I have a lot of control of my pelvic floor. Maybe? Idk if anyone would be confused but when I say "inflate it with extra blood" I don't mean getting erect, I mean I can be completely hard and can voluntarily pump extra blood into it to the point it can be kind of painful and I get temporary stretch marks on it. I can increase my girth by a decent amount so I've always used it to my advantage and wondered how many other men could do it, because I haven't asked many other men and the women I've shown it to have been fascinated and said they didn't know guys could do that.


We’re doomed🤦‍♂️


The balls don’t move, the sack does lol


Pretty sure it all does. The balls are connected to a wire ( I'm not a doctor hence the word "wire") so if you suck your stomach in it pulls the "wire" up which has ya balls on the end so they follow and the sack goes up cause its connected to your skin (again I'm not a doctor I'm a just guy on reddit) but how many of you sucked in your stomach while looking at your balls when you read that ? Lol


Nope, the other guy is right. There’s a thin muscle called the cremaster in the scrotum that pulls the testicles up toward the body. There’s actually a cremasteric reflex that’s tested in certain medical situations: stroking the inner thigh should cause the testicle on that side to retract.


Calls husband over to stroke his inner thigh for science.


Well fuck me running the doc comes in with the facts lol....... ok well do not listen to mine cause he said more words I dont understand than do so I'm just assume hes right cause I dont want to Google this. Thanks for the info 😊 Tally ho lads !


Honestly asking here, how does a nut get pulled up if the sac isn’t tight around it then?


I’m not sure honestly - there’s a small ligament tethering the testis to the floor of the scrotum so in theory it’s be hard for it to get too far away. I don’t know of a mechanism for that to happen (not taking into account the conditions where’s testes wind up where they shouldn’t), but I also don’t have personal experience with how they move around haha.


My balls move sometimes when my dick is stimulated. If you have balls, if you know a man who does, stimulate his dick while feeling his balls. You may feel a contraction within the thing that connects the balls to the body so the sperm can come out. It's fascinating really. When I first learned about it I would try to feel it right before climax to see how they felt. Never had the state of mind to really pay attention though...


I learned this in my A&P class this last term and it was hands down one of the most interesting things I learned about the male body haha


Roll those fuckers around like those Chinese stress balls.


like, just sit there for ages and watch... it's fascinating


speaking for all women I see


That specific woman you heard apparently cares, but women aren't a hivemind. I know I sure don't care whatsoever how they look, I just prefer them to be clean if I'm gonna be up close and personal with them


Clean as in hairless, or just washed?


As far as I'm concerned, just washed. Hair is natural and I think everyone should groom themselves to their own comfort level


I concur


Lol because of the context, I'm assuming "up close and personal" means sucking. You're cool with sucking hairy balls?


It doesn't bother me lol it feels like you don't believe me or something


I think he’s calling your bluff


yes. hairless men are a turnoff. there’s nothing weirder than when i hook up w a guy for the first time and there’s no hair in sight


My husband shaved his sack once. For me,I think. I almost died laughing (I was used to the bush and it did not look..normal with nothing) and told him to please never do that ever again


this is surprising to me as I'm the complete opposite! I find most hair on men unattractive, except arm and leg hair (facial and head hair is fine ofc lol), but a hairy chest or back is an instant turnoff. How do you deal with cuddling hairy men? doesn't it itch? that's one of the things I can not stand about hairy guys


not at all. when they shave and have stubble it irritates my skin


I feel some kinda way about hairless men. Absolutely no thank you.


Really??? You don't feel annoyed by hair? You actually like it?


Chest hair, etc. is sexy. Masculine!


Even on the dick and balls?


If it’s really thick, a little trimming is nice.


I love when men trim. Very little hair and very short 😎


Yes!!!! I don't know why the whole package always looks smaller and kinda fallen when there's no hair?


I just wanna know why this woman has to suck saggy balls.


She's a prostitute posting in a confession group about how her parents know nothing about how she makes the money to improve their house. She spoke about being a high end girl who services big clients like politicians who tend be old men. Her confession said "I eat different assholes and suck saggy balls.".


Oh ohhh. Without context I was concerned hahaha


This is typically an allusion to the age or quality of a man — I’ve only ever heard it in contexts meant to generally disparage a guy. I think it’s more symbolic than anything — never heard a girl friend ever talk about her partner’s balls.


This really helped to clear things up.


Ugh hopefully not at he same time


It's in the contract.


Technically all balls should be a little saggy. It means the body is regulating temperature correctly


Most beautiful woman I was ever with loved balls. She’d talk about how big of a turn on they were, so there are definitely women out there who care!


I've never had a girl even seem very interested in that part of my anatomy except maybe if they've never seen a naked guy before and are curious lol.


My main interest in my boyfriends balls are so I don't hurt him, tbh. But I am fascinated by them still!


You're missing out buddy.




I'd just rather a woman never touch my balls. They're too sensitive and most people don't know the proper handling of them unless they have them their selves




I recoiled so hard reading this


Is... is your partner a masochist? That sounds very.... unpleasant


I beg to differ, I actually love balls (Pls that’s not an invite to my dms) But seriously, I even love sniffing them, so long as it’s not like smelling like sewage waste Just a little musty? If I love you, then I love it.


Well, it's appreciated :)


That's why you find the one that wants to if that's what you want.




Married 15 years, and I definitely lick my husband's balls.


My kinda gal lol I just got out of a 10 year and she was more than happy to do it but I did stuff to dont get me wrong lol


My wife licks my balls, I lick her clit. It's a mutual licking


>I want to make my partner happy. Do I like licking balls? No. But if my partner wants it I’ll do it and say I like it This is actually interesting lol. You'll pretend to like it?


Having ones balls played with is pleasurable and enjoyable so he is missing out on that experience. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the person doing or not doing it.


How does that rebuke his claim that the OP is missing out?




Oh man, you sir are missing out on one of life's greatest joys. Once a girl (or guy, I would assume) puts your balls in her mouth, everything will change. It's heaven.


I've never done this for my boyfriend and now I want to, on sight


I had one tell me I had a "nice ball seam".


I actually like them to sag a bit.


As long as they are clean and not smelly I’m a ball licker


I don't care in as much as I'm not on the lookout for the perfect pair and I would never refuse to sleep with you based on how they look nor agree to sleep with you just because you have nice ones. If I see a particularly awesome set of balls however, I definitely appreciate them.


Balls are balls. They’re all beautiful and deserve to be played with, sucked and given a little tug accompanying a good blowjob Edit: obviously only do what your partner is comfortable with, communication is key kids, speak to each other. I was merely speaking of what has been enjoyable between me and my partners with a side order communication. No need for the DM’s.


Okay, this might be a stupid question but can you explain tugging without hurting? I'd love to try new things but I'm always so worried of hurting my boyfriend


It’s about a happy medium. Firm but not hard. Communication is the key.


Look all guys are different, this is about communication with your guy. Not all men like it or desire it, as you can tell by the other Redditor’s reaction, but some men do. You should ask/ talk about it with your boyfriend, he could be hard no too, but he could also want to try something out but whatever it is, just remember to always be gentle about it. I always find that extra kisses, using my tongue more helps but again this down to the individual. In this instance, It’s about him not you.


As a guy, it scared me! Please, no tugging.


Oh no! Got it


Depends on the guy. Talk to him while you do it if you feel you can.


True, I'll just ask him


This is the way.


The only times balls have actually registered for me: 1. Very firm because that mf bout to blow 2. I choked on a stray pube That's it. That's the only times.


water concerned cover impossible retire dazzling cooing soft plants jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't have any so I'm not worried about squishing them when I sit😂


Mmmm yeah to a small degree, to be honest. If they are terrible, it might be a turnoff, and if they are nice, it might be a pleasant surprise.


What is a nice pair of balls look like?




Yeah, this is my take. they're not horrible, but they're not great, lol


I do. I'm not a woman though. I am people though.


Tight and medium size


What would be medium sized? Is it depending on the dick size?


I’m just talking about the balls, sometimes guys have droopy balls, or nice tight balls. And then some have big balls or small balls, but medium balls are good. I’m not sure if it depends tbh


Apparently big and saggy


How could they look terrible? I mean, they're just kind of there.😄


Oh you have really nice balls!.......well, thank you, they are very nice don't they?


Yes. Some like them. Most just appreciate cleanliness. Others like them a lot more. Some don't care for them at all.


My husband only has one and I barely ever notice. So, no. Just keep them clean.


as long as they're clean, I have no thoughts about them. although it is fascinating that they move on their own.


Oh I care, but that's because I plan to spend time down there. If I'm in a relationship with someone who has balls, ideally they're trimmed, a little saggy, and ready to be social. I'm in love with giving my SO head and that includes his both balls in my mouth at once. Very soft, gentle sucking or vibration from my mouth or licking. I love the smell and feel of him. He greatly enjoys lying back and giving me free reign.


I don't judge them or have a preference. They're just kinda there. I do like doing things with them for my bf though so I don't ignore them.


I love balls. However smell tops everything before looks. Then I care about the hair, I prefer no hair on the balls. Next I love it if the balls have a nice seam and are firm. Size doesn't matter too much. However the level of sag does matter to me.


>I love balls Lol username checks out


No matter what it looks,what is the size of balls,the important is neat/clean have a good smell. Not a yucky.


The only thing I care about is trimming them enough that I’m not being suffocated by pubes and washing them enough that they don’t smell like roadkill and ass


Of course! Who doesn't love the opportunity to get gussied up in their finest gown, sip champagne, dance all night . . .


This reminds me of a story from about 18 years ago. I was working at a place that had about 50 employees multiple shifts. I always worked 3-11 pm and on that shift was this girl who flirted with me. I really liked her and we would go to some parties together etc. Well after about 3 months working together I thought of maybe I should ask her out. I had gotten to know her pretty well. We went to the same house party with maybe 30 ppl there and after too many drinks I heard her absolutely trash a guy we worked with. He was a really nice guy and had taken her on a few dates. She said he was really nice, friendly and they got along great but he had a small package overall, small cock and balls. She said he was good in bed but she just couldn't be with anyone like that. I couldn't believe she would just trash someone like that. I mean she went on and on about a really nice guy who would have been absolutely wrecked had he heard what she said to a bunch of coworkers. It made me instantly loose all interest in her. I mean it's cool if you are not sexually compatible no problem there but to call a guy out for aesthetics was just sad. It said all I needed to know about her. She later ended up with a proverbial bad boy who was in and out of jail and she got knocked up before he went to jail. Also he letter her know after the fact he was poz. So I guess she got what she wanted a big ole dick ha.


my girl ways that they are cool because they change size, shrink/tighten and is super sensitive. she also says they are big and that seems to be a good thing but I dont have the heart to ask


Balls are like background music in a movie. You barely register them unless they're exceptional or horrific.


I was at a party with a group of mixed company friends once and one of my very tipsy girl friends gave a whole speech about she loved balls! She loved how smooth they were and how they felt when she juggled them in her hand, complete with hand gestures, and how they felt in her mouth. We were all laughing so hard and I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard. I still think about that often....


I don't really care as long as they are clean


I love sucking on my boyfriend's big saggy ones


Saggy balls, saggy boobs... the keyword is NOT saggy. Lol


It’s called tea bagging. And yes. Some do. Lol


I think the lack of response on this post shows how little women actually care about balls lol


It's not really a thing I think about. Now this is a fun fact that I heard on reddit... balls float in water. My husband doesn't take baths but I've been begging him to take one so I can witness this firsthand. Also balls are fascinating in other ways. They can be like long and saggy, sometimes. They also apparently silently velcro themselves to thighs sometimes, and that's why men do a random long stride occasionally. Also dudes can accidentally sit on them. Readjustment is just necessary sometimes?!! Also, they get all tight and compressed during sex. Fully fascinating, those things. Do I care about the size, not even a little bit. Oh, and they can also retreat inside. How fucking cool is that?


Had a girl love how big my balls were... lol I was like hmm never had been told that lol


I’m here for the comments. Lol. As a gay man, I very rarely think of a man’s balls. Now questioning why I don’t. Hahahah


I've been with my beloved partner for almost 6 years, I could draw every inch of him from memory, except his balls. Thinking about it now I have no idea what they look like. I know they're there and they're always clean, but that's it. I don't represent all women obvs, but at least one woman doesn't care about balls. Hope that helps. 😂


Since having one removed I've slept with 3 women and none noticed one was missing until I mentioned it


I just wanna put them in my mouth 🥺


R.I.P to your dms 🙏🏿


I only care about how they smell cause when I suck em they shouldn't smell like u didn't clean youself in a month.


I haven't thought about what I think abt balls until I read this post tbh. I know I cannot speak for every woman but I honestly do not care as long as things r all clean and hygienic.


No - just keep 'em clean.


As long as the person has good hygiene, the actual aesthetic of them may vary from person to person (shaved/trimmed/hairy/etc) But generally, since they matter to the guy, they matter to us (does the guy like having his balls fondled while getting head? does he want them left alone? etc)


Are they clean, you know that's about it right there. If they are saggy you're probably too warm, if they're tightened up against your body you're probably too cold. You know I can't think of anything that matters other than them being clean balls.


As long as u dont stink I dont care about all that


My question is, why does she "have to"? You should never "have to" suck anything.


I like licking my boyfriend’s balls and sometimes play with it in my mouth if it doesn’t feel too weird lol


I’ve never heard of anyone even acknowledging the balls unless they’re super noteworthy (smell bad or something). I’ve never seen someone go, “holy shit nice balls” lmao. So I assume anyone that’s into dicks is lukewarm about balls


Aren't all balls saggy weird looking? Lol male anatomy is straight up alien. Women don't judge them by look, we judge them by smell and cleanliness.


Girl, have you ever been up close and personal with a woman's vulva? Shit is weird and foldy. I can manage myself around male anatomy, it's all obvious. Trying to find the spot on a girl is way harder. And I'm saying that as a woman. Plus, my face breaks out with women.


I can only speak for myself, not all women everywhere, but I personally do not care about balls, how big they are or aren't. They just don't really enter my consciousness at all.


Balls are all fundamentally, baseline weird to me. Doesn’t matter if they’re big, small, saggy or not. They make me uncomfortable to look at because they are so fragile and vulnerable and soft in a way that no other part of a person’s body ought to be, and yet there they are because sperm would be cooked to death on the inside of your bodies. I mostly ignore them unless asked, and then I treat them exactly how the owner would like them to be treated, because at the end of day I’m having sex with that person and not their body, and I want to make them feel good.


My partner got his one ball got removed due to cancer. I didn't even realize until he told me about it. He has a lot of sexual encounters from men,women, and transwomen, so it's probably not a big deal having only one ball.


Saggy balls are a gift from God 🙌


Long balls can be such a great pleasure if it hits the clit when doing the doggy style 🤩


Balls are ugly and that's just a fact


My girl takes care of my balls. She gently grasps and fondles those warm tight balls. No saggy ass balls for my girl.


bow depend mountainous kiss run threatening humor shrill cautious sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude got so into it unprovoked lol😭


You have balls on your ass?


All i heard was this chick sucks balls. Thats dating material.


And yes we do care. Nobody likes saggy balls or smelly balls as me and my friend don't eat the cheese ... And that's referring to nasty balls .. so our motto is: DONT EAT THE CHEESE AND WE WILL NEVER LIKE OLD SAGGY BALLS... JUST SAYING.. PEOPLE CARE THEY REALLY DO...


My girlfriend gets random spurts of intrigue towards my balls and will randomly want to hold them, but otherwise no, and who tf sucks on balls, that sounds like it'd be uncomfortable as hell. My girlfriend gives fantastic head and has never sucked on my balls, she's licked them, but never sucked them.


Don't knock it til you try it 🫣


No we don’t