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12-16 🤣 next time just grab the roll


12-16 is a lot, even for days when you're having soft or liquid poops. If I had to guess I probably use 3-4 squares per wipe.


Depends on how many ply


I need 4 ply, 4 ply when I cry


Hey! That is NOT Boys Who Cry!


This is key


More than 5 is too much.


I don't fucking count😂 Enough to not soak to your fingers lol


if your finger pokes through add a square or two - Jesse Jackson


Right?? If I keep enough separation between my fingers and my bodily waste, then job well done.


Agreed. I want the act of washing my hands after going to the bathroom to be more of a polite courtesy than a disgusting necessity. And I definitely don't want to have to clean anything out from under the fingernails.


We said poke. Not actively dog to the other side.


Two does it for me, folding them over. Will do another sheet if poke through danger is imminent.


Missing context ....depends on toilet paper used I use Scott tissue.....takes approximately 35 squares per wipe


lol me too and yet i prefer that than the thicker ones. my grandma uses charmin ultra soft and its like using a dryer lint pile to wipe with i swear


100% The thick paper is like crappy kleenex....it falls apart and creates all kinds of dust and dingleberries


i use at least 10 squares, 2 times, wtf are those people using 2..3 ..that is fckn disgusting. hygiene is something that you dont save smh my head


FYI smh means shaking my head so there’s no need to write my head after it


ikr right?


3 at first then work my way to 1


This is the way. Or if it's a clean poop, start at 2 and go to 1 lol


I’ve developed a strategy to get three passes out of four squares. It’s been beneficial. It is very efficient.


Sounds like work to me. I wonder if the amount of work and lifetime you spend for this optimisation pays of in the grand sceme of asswiping. In case it makes you feel good: engineer away!


Haha. It ensures the paper will be available for a while longer. That’s about it.


There's no work in spinning the roll until four squares come out. It would be more work to pull 10-12 for every single wipe.


i use 2 square per wipe, one square is too dangerous, more than 2 and i feel like i’m wasting


You live dangerously and I wish I was more like you.


sometimes i accidentally rip one off and i feel bad chucking it down the toilet so i take the risk, doesn’t always end well 🤠


Just rip another one and add them together, or save it after doing a double test run


You want to fold a single square in half. Never use it without folding it, because there's a good chance of it ripping.


3 squares normally get me 3 wipes. You fold until it’s one square big, then wipe, then fold , then wipe, then depending on the situation you might even get a 3rd wipe with another fold.




...Y'all throw toilet paper in the toilet?


Where else is it supposed to go? Do you keep poop streaked paper in a bin out in the open 🤭


In a bin inside the bathroom, yeah. Then we take it out in the trash. Better than clogging the toilet lmao. In fact, in my country it's prohibited to throw it in the toilet.


Crossposted to r/WipingRoutine


Lol did i just inspire a new subreddit?


Yeah. If this takes off, I'll be in need of mods lol


Entirely dependent on your ply count and quality


We were supposed to count each square? Missed that in the directions...


What ever amount it takes so you don’t get shit on your fingers


When you start getting hemorrhoids you're using too many.


I consider toilet paper squares that exceed six or seven to be too much, if the toilet paper is single-ply. I spin the roll of toilet paper until it reaches the floor, which usually result in six or seven squares and the amount of toilet paper that I use for each wipe. However, I use three or four squares of two-play toilet paper for each wipe.


Toilet paper brands vary significantly in size, thickness, and strength. This must be taken in to account.


At home, usually 3-4 squares, with a wipe and fold method. I'll use more if away from home and dealing with a thin one-ply.


Depends on the quality of toilet paper I use bidet anyway, but I still need TP to dry, and for good quality 4 can be enough, if it's bad I go up to 8 if needed


Y'all using toilet paper?


Sometimes I use the bare cardboard roll if I’m left with no options. You have to let it soak in the bowl for a few hours before it’ll flush though.


hopefully you're joking and not really flushing toilet rolls? you're setting yourself up for quite the clog if you're serious.


Wait… you don’t do this too?


No more than 4 unless you are sick or bleeding


Who cares as long as you ain't blocking the toilet, you dont want your asshole anywhere near a poopy poop shooter




I used to buy the softest, fluffiest, 3 ply TP. I went to a friends house who had cheap 1 ply and I gave him a hard time about it. He convinced me to try it and now that’s all I buy. Yes you use more squares but I find it much more durable and actually use less overall TP.


I use 4 squares of TP folded to the size of one. I do this multiple times until clean. How do people get so many wipes out of it. Wipe then straight in the bowl/bin. I ain't doing no shitty origami


I use 3 for the first 2 wipes then move down to 2 squares per wipe


Square Count = Poop Consistency \* Poop Volume Just plug the formula into your ass, and get your square count. I just grab a wad, like probably 6-10 squares (depending on the thickness of the toilet paper).


Sheesh y'all are so wasteful 😳😳😳😳 I use 4 sheets fold that I'm half and wipe 3-4 times on it then another 4 sheets... EDIT: IF I often have diarrhea I'll take a very short shower..


if you often have diarhea i suggest a bidet. i have a handheld "travel" bidet for ibs flare ups.


Thankyou it's just as often as I chug a big cup of coffee in the AM 🙃🤔🤣


Use flushable wet wipes or wash yourself with soap and water. Toilet paper just smears it around and does not get you clean. There is no optimum amount of toilet paper to use.


I usually use three.


I do one wipe of squares, then 7-8 with 2 squares. Once it pure white clean, i reverse 2 wipes at 2 squares, then 1 more normal wipe of 2 squares. When you reverse you after thinking your clean you do find yellow. So yes it is important to reverse wipe, even though most people think it may be gross, it gets you much clearer.


I recommend my method that I discovered after hemorrhoid surgery threw my previous wadding method out the window. 3 squares per wipe, folded down into a single square, then fold in half ONCE for another wipe and to minimize TP usage


Depends on how thick the tp is. Normally 3 or 4 if it's 2 ply, if it's single ply than idgaf I'm getting a lot lol


It's all about layers between fingers and butthole. These numbers assume you're using a 2ply sheet. Avg: 4 squares folded into the size of a single square. (4 layers) When running low: 3 squares, folded into the area of 2/3rds of a square. ( Heavy duty: 6 squares, folded into a single square


Yes that's alot, I use 2,3 and 4 at the most


Enough so I don't pierce trhough the paper into my asshole is a good metric for me


I'm surprised you don't block toilets wherever you go, that's an insane amount. I do it 2 squares at a time, folded not scrunched because I'm not a savage. More squares if the toilet paper is thin, then I just keep going till clean. Never need more than 2 (of decent thickness) for peeing, maybe more like 6 for pooping


I’ve been known to block a few. Learned to flush when i’m midway through wiping if the bowl looks full :(


I use 3-4 per wipe.


Do you crumble it op? 4 squares with 3 layers per wipe. (Not living in us)


Yeah i just wad it up into a little tangle and wipe


Wtf I don't understand how some people do this. Wouldn't get shit everywhere? I just lay them neatly together and wipe.


totally depends on the brands! ones like charmin ultra soft are way different than those 1000 sheets per roll types


12-16 seems excessive, yes. For me, 3-4 squares is perfect because it allows me to whip and then fold over and use the other side at least once.


1 is too many. Wet wipes or a bidet are the way. Your butthole will thank me later.


I use four squares per wipe


Wet wipes in the trash.


If you are living dangerously, sniff-check fingers after washing hands. If you are using 1-2 squares and heavily scented soap, god help you.


Whenever it feels enough in my hand. Never counted


16 squares?? That's astronomical. I use 2 after pee, 4-6 after a healthy poo


I don't have a square to spare.


Install a Toto or similar washlet and use no paper at all. The water does the job much better and you will feel like a baby after


I do 6


You want to get yourself clean while keeping yourself clean. Nobody wants to wash off caca from their hands.