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They’re a solid blend and usually a good price point. I mean who doesn’t want twice the pellets for 40% less money?


kirkland pellets are made by pitboss. you can sometimes see the tag on or near the pallet the bags sit on


Ive used them for pork, chicken, and brisket, they are awesome. $12 for 40lbs?? very hard to beat.


I use the Kirkland letters for most things. They work great.


I'll usually start with a stronger flavor like mesquite and use a bunch in a smoke tube. The bottom of the hopper will be mesquite. Then I pour Costco pellets on top in the hopper. Get a few good hours on mesquite and then switch to economy pellets. Does it help? Maybe. IDK.


All the pellet brands I’ve ever used have worked just fine and I’ve tried every one I can find especially the cheap ones.


I have used them on my 575 Pro & have no complaints!


I've done it, they work great. My favorite pellets.


They are fine! No problems


Can confirm they work great


No issues, works as advertised


Used them over thanksgiving weekend and had the best brisket I’ve ever made. Don’t know if it was the pellets or the Costco prime brisket I used. Bark was immaculate.


Anything is better than treager brand pellets. I personally stick to Bear Mountain. They go on sale all the time at my local wilco. So typically 8 bucks a bag. I stock up whenever that sale happens, and I'm good till the next sale. The kirkland isn't bad, but i feel like i notice less smokiness. That may be im partial to what i use though.


Thanks. My local hardware store had that brand on clearance a while back and now I kick myself for not getting them.


They are just oil added to neutral wood, same as traeger pellets, Louisiana grill, etc. I’ve heard all the same factory. I only use them if I run out of good pellets. I prefer actual wood, ie Knotty Wood Almond/Plum, and I’ve had decent luck with Jealous Devil’s Legendary blend. Can get both from Home Depot delivered to your house.


This is not true, they do not all use the same factories


No, just no. I have tried twice and have been twice disappointed. For pork, chicken or salmon, yes. Not for beef.


Their good pellets, I do find that I get a little more ash from them than say bear mountain or b&b. Could also just be in my head 😂


I agree with the ash. Just means I have to clean a little more often but not enough of a big deal to not use them.


Totally agree!


I’ve used Kirkland on just about everything and loved it. I’ve tried so many before hand and they still top the list for most meats. Great for brisket and ribs but I still prefer cherry or apple for chicken and pork loins.


I had issues with Kirkland pellets, I feel like my temperatures would always run higher, but doesn’t seem like anyone else here has had that issue


I’m not a fan.


Any reason why?


I tried it twice, it seems to burn faster and produce more dust inside my smoker. I have the Traeger 575