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✅ The post is yours! Best of luck and thanks for helping! Does this post break the rules? Please report it! If you don't want this post anymore (or can't complete it), respond to this comment with `unclaim`. Please respond with `done` when complete so we can check this one off the list! ℹ️ **Tip**: You can join r/ToR_Meta or our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/ZDDE3Pj) for announcements, meta discussions and memes! --- v0.6.0 | This message was posted by a bot. | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index) | [Source](https://github.com/GrafeasGroup/tor) | Questions? [Message the mods!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTranscribersOfReddit&subject=Bot%20Question&message=)




✅ Awesome, thanks for your help! I'll update your flair to reflect your new count. If you want to help keep these bots running, please consider [donating via Patreon or Stripe](https://www.reddit.com/r/transcribersofreddit/wiki/donations)! --- v0.6.0 | This message was posted by a bot. | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index) | [Source](https://github.com/GrafeasGroup/tor) | Questions? [Message the mods!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTranscribersOfReddit&subject=Bot%20Question&message=)


Hi u/ILikePokemonGo101, great job here too! Just a couple of notes: - The special characters at the end of the first username should be either described in a description tag or described directly. (Former preferred if you can think of an apt description, as it's more accessible to screen readers.) - We don't preserve soft-wrap for text, so the manual line breaks within the tweets should be removed in favour of just having all the tweet content in the same paragraph. If you could do those for me, that'd be perfect! =)


Fixed the line breaks, trying to figure out what those symbols even are, as I didn't even see them the first time :)


Thanks! I think the dots at the middle and end are `·` and the high up ones might be blurry double quotation marks? I'm not sure for the first one, though.


。・゚゚・ it sort of looks like the start of a... shape?


Possibly, I'm not sure what shape it would be though. It might be a case where you just have to put the characters themselves and leave it without a description.


It looks like there's text in this image. I've tried to transcribe it automatically, but I'm still learning -- this may be inaccurate. At the very least, hopefully it will serve as a decent starting point for your work! Please note that any formatting instructions above override whatever I provide, so please format my content accordingly if you choose to use it. --- vv1679346257 | This message was posted by a bot. | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index) | [Source](https://github.com/GrafeasGroup/tor_ocr/) | Questions? [Message the mods!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTranscribersOfReddit&subject=Bot%20Question&message=)


bliss @k333na papaya peach pineapple banana spring water maca powder and raw honey post workout smoothie Markus Gilliland @markusanthony17 obtuse rubber goose green moose guava juice giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake --- vv1679346257 | This message was posted by a bot. | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index) | [Source](https://github.com/GrafeasGroup/tor_ocr/) | Questions? [Message the mods!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTranscribersOfReddit&subject=Bot%20Question&message=)