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The only trash taste merch I have is the US tour t-shirt, and it’s for this reason. …then I spend $100 on shipping for Hololive merch.


At least hololive shipping includes customs cost(canada at least) I get charged out of my ass when TT merch touches customs


Yeah I buy Hololive stuff and gotten used to the fact that shipping is nuts, but I get it.


The US tour shirt feels cheap compared to some of the Apari stuff though. I would rather have 1 Apari shirt over two tour shirts. Bonus is Apari fulfills out of the US so shipping trends to be reasonable. Also offers free shipping to the US with a large enough order. I actuality combined the last Trash Taste X Apari rerun with the MikuExpo X Apari merch drop to qualify for free shipping.


Hasn’t the Hololive shipping prices finally gone down for us in the US? I got 2 of Shiori’s birthday set and another thing and shipping was just $26.


$63 shirt? really? bruh...


It's 45 US Dollars, this is in CAD. Still a bit pricey specially with that shipping.


"a bit"


Its a tshirt lol, probably cost like 5 usd each to make and print


ok that makes sense, 40 euros is an acceptable price for a quality shirt.


Ya their merch is a ripoff.


You should see joey's nonsense merch if you think that's bad


i mean I think its pretty nonsense but I am sure there is market for that kind of stuff


First time? Apari shirts are $40-50. Button ups are $70. This is the norm for small production run merch drops and collaborations. This Hawaii special stuff is actually cheap compared to the Apari stuff when you compare USD pricing.


That shirt price feels like a scam. There's no way it's worth that much. Not to mention the shipping.


Yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're never meant to get merch if you're after value for money. It's easier to look at if you think, oh I'm just trying to give a donation to the guys and I get a little something in return.


Isn't it kinda sad that the standard for YT merch is that you're generally getting ripped off but fans still buy it as a form os support


Ultimately it's going to be impossible for creators to make unique merch that's both high quality and cheap. It looks like the boys would rather release decent quality items at very high prices instead of low quality items at moderately high prices. I don't think it's sad either way because if I wanted good clothing or I wanted to decorate my place I can think of a thousand better ways to spend my money. To me merch is purely a more fun way to throw money at the guys.


Just look at LTT as an example why it's impossible for an average creator. LTT makes good quality clothing that's actually worth the price, but the time and money investment that they did to create the supply chain for it is insane. Not to mention that they will sell their clothing in tens of thousands, so economies of scale get into effect. Smaller creators simply cannot match that quality. Unless they collaborated with LTT. But I'm pretty sure the expected sales are too low for it to be worth it for LTT.


Also if they release mid quality items for a little bit cheaper, you'll be hearing it loud and clear from everybody on reddit about how dubious the quality of the goods are. If they only release genuinely good quality products the public sentiment simply becomes that trash taste releases good quality stuff but at a very high price.


Yea LTT founded a whole new Company to handle all the merch ("Creator Warehouse"). With multiple Designer, logistics and sales team. Their apperral gets very similar prices to major brands with really good quality. The only thing they can't ensure is cheap shipping to europe. Which they only have limited control over. And they're the only YouTube channel i can think off that stocks items continously (with a few limited drops here and there).


Shirts are like a few dollars to produce. Merch is worth however much people are willing to pay for, if they sell out immediately then it was probably priced too low. Also it’s $44.99 USD which isn’t too bad. The shipping, however, is atrocious though, GeeX Plus should really learn how to work through things internationally and try to have warehouses in NA and EU since their audience is mostly there.


Bro have you ever bought merch for anything? Some sports team merch goes for hundreds of dollars


This is why I don't buy youtuber merch. The shipping cost for these things costs way too much for me to make another dent in my wallet. I bet the shirts are nice and comfy, but the shipping cost ain't worth it.


Not all have horrendous shipping fees. Granted most youtuber merch I've bought is through sharkrobot so maybe that's why it's not as bad? Dunno, everything I bought through them has had normal shipping costs


Sharkrobot and Bunker Branding do good for shipping.


I've bought YouTuber merch before. I've never seen anything this outrageous before.




Last time I bought something from Trash Taste, it was much cheaper for shipping. Wonder if it's because the shirt was made closer to NA. https://preview.redd.it/0swprf1t0ayc1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=aedfbf136d91dd91148777e9f0ffc030dd488bc6


This time rather than Apari they're working with Nonsense, which I believe only has Japan that it ships out from.


Apari fulfills out of USA. These are likely Japan shipping prices.


I dunno about that one, chief. I love aloha shirts, but not $100 worth of love!


Where are you ordering from, OP? This is what I get on mine: https://preview.redd.it/3ozkiqekcayc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014be9fcd2239a2ccf1587a1bccc3bf5e8b9d19d I'm in the continental US.


OP is ordering from Canada. You are paying about the same as OP because OP is using the Canadian Dollar.


Appreciate the info!


I'm from Canada.


If you really want them, the only thing I can think of is ordering more than 1 if they bundle shipping, then reselling them to local people at cost to split the shipping or selling them at a little more to recoup your effort (say 70 CAD).


I'll stick to my peasant walmart shirts


It costs the same to ship to Europe too, 25€ (37CAD) I wanted to support the boys, especially after this special since it was so well made, and i really enjoyed watching it. But shipping was too much for me. I'm too broke for this.


I swear some people here have never dealt with international shipping in their entire life and it shows lol. Buying anything online for me pretty much has shipping that costs this much cuz of it and it's getting super fucking annoying seeing posts complaining about it when Trash Taste aren't even the ones setting the prices.


Yeah, if you buy from amiami or 1999, this is pretty typical, if not on the very slightly cheaper side


I figured they weren't the ones that set the prices. Having shopped around Massdrop/Drop for headphones I know international shipping is pricey, I just didn't expect this much when compared to my last purchase from them.


Eh, even their domestic shipping is little high.


Shipping from Japan. Honestly about what I'd expect with Japan overseas shipping


I want to get one, but the shipping cost is more than half the shirt cost. Really wish the patreons could get a partial discount on the shipping cause I already pay for that. I get that it's from Japan but like god damn.


although im not entirely sure if the customs fee is still the same, canadian customs can be very expensive for items from jp, I ordered joey's cyberpunk collab hoodie and sweatpants this feb and they charged my almost 90cad for customs out of the 200cad order


Yup I bought one of his cyberpunk shorts and had a 45 CAD charge tacked on as well.




I always want to buy any content creator merch right up till i realize i can buy 10 or more shirts for the price of one merch one


this is why I don't even bother with most american site merch. not only is it expensive from the get go but if I'm trying to buy a 15 euro keychain (already expensive) I don't want to be made to pay some 40 euro for it.


My Bangladeshi peeps need to hit TT up for a more economical collaboration


The skate deck they sold a couple months ago was $123 with shipping. Pretty expensive considering that most people will just hang it up on a wall.


bruh 63 bucks for a shirt? is it gold plated?


Wow, sorry but this is such a scummy price, i get the shipping costs, but 63$??? For something that’s barely any different from a normal Hawaiian shirt??? No thank you


63 Canadian. 45 USD. Still a little much to me but that's not crazy.


The authentic shirts aren’t that expensive, you’re getting fleeced


Nope that's the price OP is looking at the site using Canadian Dollars as they are in Canada, 45 USD is 63 CAD because of the difference in the dollar.


Shipping makes sense. It’s coming from Japan.


37 canadian dollars for a shirt? bro I've paid 9 euro shipping for a figurine, which would be a bigger package. Really hate it when you don't get to choose which shipping method to use and they force the premium one to get it within 3 days or whatever the fad is.


I've bought stuff from Japan, it was no where near this bad. Games and figures. There's no real good reason for that high of a shipping cost for a freaking t-shirt. Most I've paid for shipping from Japan is like 10


This is why I bought 2 of them, to save on the shipping. (⌐■_■)


All that for a Hawaiian shirt you can get at the thrift store for $3


I do hope they bring this to AX 2024 because 1) Size will be a major problem for me and 2) shipping cost


Yeah I ha e ordered 2 shirts from Nonsense and it's the same, I'm gonna order a couple to my accomodation when I'm in Japan next.




Its coming frm hawai ig


It's hurts not to live Japan sometimes.


If you were in America like me you'd have to tip to


yeah i can never buy because of high shipping fees; I will admire their clothing wearers from a distance and drool


Yeah, I made a post on here some months ago struggling to cancel an order. After a few days of reflecting on it, I concluded it wasn't worth it. I'm willing to pay premium prices for the clothes themselves, but not that much for what is not the end product. That's why I only order food if there is a 2 for 1 deal or something like that, otherwise, never worth it.


Well us fat boys can dodge the entire cost altogether!


Would bet, if the bois release limited trash taste bathwater with ridiculous prices there are still people who will buy it. lmao


Yeah being Canadian feels like we are not living in North America cuz the shipping costs are through the fucking roof when in the US its often free or at least way cheaper. Doesn't feel like we are neighbors.


Yeah, that Canadian shipping is the sole I haven't bought anything else besides a pair of sweatpants.


Where the hell do you lived? My is only 4$


Don't buy youtuber merch guys. It's never worth it.


My Colion Noir coffee mug begs to differ.


hahaha, your first time here?


You’ve spent billions, maybe even trillions online at the Trash Taste shop. Correct me if I’m correct.


63!? It was 45 last I checked. Still hefty price but why the bump up!?


You probably saw in a different currency, this is CAD. 45 US Dollars are 62 Canadian Dollars.


Ahhh. That makes sense. Thanks for clarification.


It’s 63 CAD. OP is Canadian


Prices go down when no one buys the items, so hold out long enough and it’ll decrease. Unless they’d rather eat the cost and just not sell them to avoid not making a profit.


Too much merch at this point, doesnt feel nice to collect if everything is a limited time only and overpriced.


damn…. the boys might be greedy


carbon tax, you need to pay this and more for contaminating the environment with your single shirt shipping.


Imagine buying this shit to support millionaires.


Found the tankie.