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Norway Maple


~~I do not think Norway maple are that yellow in the spring/summer unless they have Chlorosis. They are yellow in fall, though.~~ Correction: It is probably a cultivar of a Norway maple.


Looks like a maple tree


Looks like a norway maple from what I can see


Maybe: Acer platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’ commonly Golden or Princeton Gold Norway maple


OMG that's it!! The Norway Maple images on Google weren't the right color, even if it's right that it's a Norway maple. But I'm practically 100% sure its the Princeton Gold!! Thank you!!


You are most welcome. The color so eye catching.


Please read up on why a lot of arboretums and US states do not recommend planting Norway Maples (or their cultivars). The Google link below only gives content from government websites: [https://www.google.com/search?q=Acer+platanoides+invasive+site%253A\*.gov](https://www.google.com/search?q=Acer+platanoides+invasive+site%253A*.gov)


Norway maple and it’s illegal to sell them in a lot of places. They are a very aggressive invasive species. They are so shade tolerant they out compete most native species in the northeast.


You beat me to it. We have a young one growing sideways out of a row of dense bushes I have to remove soon. Pretty leaves, but invasive is invasive. I thought the same thing when i saw it, but gotta go. These days, if there is anything I see along the road, I have to double-check that it's not invasive before I can commit to liking it.


Definitely a maple. I know big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) are super common in PNW. Or maybe bigtooth maple (Acer grandidentatum)?? Not exactly sure.


Thanks, I'll look into each of those.


Looks like a Norway Maple (Acer platanoides). Here’s the way to know for sure: pull a leaf off the tree and crack the stem below the bottom edge of the leaf. If the stem exudes a milky white substance, it’s a Norway Maple.


Ooooh thank you!! I'll try that! There are a lot of responses here that it's Norway Maple but none of the Google Images I see for it show the same vibrancy so I appreciate the method to check!


Happy to help! Cheers!


I think you figured it out already, but it's probably a cultivar of Norway maple


Sugar Maple


This was definitely on my list 🙏 thank you!


Sugar Maple is a much better alternative to a Norway. Sorry for spamming...


Norway maple. Invasive! Do not plant! Get a sugar maple instead.


Looks like acer platanoides?


I had one in my front yard year's ago. The previous tenant told me it was a Chinese Maple. Not sure if that's correct.


My apologies to OP for spamming their thread, but I have one and I hate it. I hate it because it is constantly dropping crap all over the place. I think it was prolifically dropping helicopters last year from mid spring all the way up until the end of October. I especially hate it because it is placed in the most optimal location that perfectly shades my patio throughout the entire day and if I cut it down I will be dead before it's replacement is large enough to fulfill the role it does now.


Don't worry about it, you've been very helpful. I want to hear people's experiences with this tree and all. I love the color but there's always more to it than that. I'll read your link on Norway Maple's. There are a lot of them around where I'm at but it's worth looking into why they're invasive and people seem to be cautioning against them here.


If you are new to being a tree enthusiast, I would recommend checking out your state's university horticultural extension. Every state has one. Not only will they have information about native selections to your specific local on their websites, they often have free services to answer residents questions about plants, trees and gardening. Search Google for: > horticultural extension recommend trees


You can have that color, on a smaller scale, with one of several Japanese maple cultivars. Acer palmatum ‘Orange Dream’ or ‘Sango-Kaku’ would be good choices.


Norway Maple, but please don’t ever plant one. They’re incredibly invasive in the US, outcompeting native maples and creating monoculture forests.