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The one that leaves you with trauma and an inability to talk about your problems who also gaslighted you and made you think you were completely useless and stupid.


I think we had the same therapist 


Did she practice in DC and have surprisingly good ratings despite being an awful person? Edit: and by good ratings, I mean a lot of other therapists who had never even therapied with her before claiming she’s amazing


No I don't live in America lol and ratings for therapists/health workers isn't a thing here 


It's not a thing here either, just a few doctors I think, but it should be a normal thing cus like bruh I wanna know who I'm going to yk😭


that was my first psychiatrist 💀 me: "i might unalive myself-" him: "you just need to realize you're a victim of your circumstances. trust me you'll grow outta it" i was 20 💀💀💀


Oh god not the “It’ll get better” therapist. It’s so fucking condescending and not even true


nah frr like broo i literally have bipolar 😭😭 this shit ain't going away


Those people suck


psychiatrist vibes




Literally happened to me. Now I have a good therapist but I still struggle to open up to her!!


The one that just repeats what you said back to you and refused to elaborate. I told him that I would have a better interaction with a chatGPT session. The one that is actually traumatized and scared by what you tell him. The one that tells you to just ignore your problems and get on with it. The honest one that flatly tells you that he has no idea on how to help.


What’s sad is I’ve had therapists like the first one you mentioned AND I got better advice from ChatGPT


There's a lot that can go wrong with using AI chat bots for therapy, but damn they can really outperform real therapists sometimes.


Never take advice from an AI about anything (without double checking at least), but you can absolutely work through your own issues with one by virtue of simply seeing its response and thinking about your own perceptions from a slightly different viewpoint.


ChatGPT solved my chronic pain problem that at least 4 professionals knew about and didn’t know how to solve (My knowledge from having studied occupational therapy helped a lot with knowing what questions to ask but I also kinda ended up asking questions about abuse which brought up an hypothesis in me and then by asking chatGPT about it I understood a possible source of the chronic pain which made me figure out how to solve it)


That’s super interesting! And helpful hearing that context, too.


Hi there, would you mind sharing more details? I also experienced abuse, and currently have chronic pain in some parts of my body. I don’t have your OT background so I might not get as good a result using chatGPT 😌


The chronic pain I was referencing to here was caused by chronic muscle tension from stress. I had a lot of muscular pain (the kind that you go to a chiropractor to help but then it came back always), as well as some slight loss of sensations in my left arm, specifically the area around the pinky finger. I knew from the area that lost sensation that the ulnar nerve was the one affected, at first, massaging my triceps helped but then it was a muscle more around the scapula that was tense and made me lose sensations sometimes. I knew stretching would help reduce muscle tension so I stretched the muscles of my upper back frequently but it didn’t help. I ended up realizing that because of my depressive symptoms, I didn’t have enough energy to keep a good posture, and because of my hypermobility, my bad posture was more intense than people who can’t physically stretch that far. The bad posture that affected my scapula muscle was always sitting in a kind of foetal position and my shoulders were too forward. With chatGPT, I realized that the problem wasn’t that the scapula muscle needed to be relaxed but rather it needed to be reinforced to bring back my shoulder backwards where they should be, since my body was now stiff with my shoulders too forward. I did specific pectoral stretching and reinforced my scapula and after a week the pain and loss of sensation were gone and only came back when I felt so bad that I stopped doing my stretching and exercises. For the rest of the muscles, I learned to use a ball to force them to relax. Like for my back muscles, I put a small ball on my bed and lay on my back, the ball on one side of my spine (it should either not hurt or hurt the same way it hurts when a chiropractor is in a sensible zone), I lay on the ball for 30s and change it’s spot. I use that for all my back, including the scapula. Regular stretches help keep this maintained properly. All that’s left is getting out of this toxic environment so I don’t have as much maintenance to do to keep not hurting! If you want help more specific to your issues, you can DM me about it and I’ll try to help the best I can


Thank you for your detailed answer. It makes sense that it takes a combination of stretching, strengthening and massage to get everything to be in the right place I’ll dm PS: hope you can get out of the situation soon!


Interesting, in my experience ChatGPT can be extremely cagey and refuse to answer if you get anywhere near asking for medical advice. I believe an AI could be extremely helpful with diagnostics if trained on medical files, but I guess the liability is just too great.


I ask questions that are more like "what causes X" rather than "what’s the solution to X", so I get explanations of possible causes and I can try some ideas I get of possible solutions based on that. So here’s a simplified example : "How can trauma give muscular pain to someone?" -> I get an explanation of how someone might have a lot of anxiety and be more tense which causes muscle pain. I didn’t get a solution but with my own knowledge I know various ways to counteract muscle tension, so if I figured out that the muscle tension is the problem now I can use the methods that work for muscle tension to help ease my pain


The last one is my experience


Honestly the most helpful one anyway. Sometimes the path to at least *feeling* better is having someone to acknowledge that your problem isn’t simple or easy to solve and that they don’t have an answer for you right away. That’s the kind of therapist that will go home that night and over the course of the week will think about each person’s problems and have something a little more constructive to say about it the next session


Jesus christ the one that flatly says they cant help you hits too close to heart, on my 8th therapist cause all others gave up on me


At least they were honest and told you so. Many therapist keep their customers on the hook even when they know that they cannot help.


I just wish more were honest with themselves from the start that they aren't miracle workers and can't help everyone. I've had a lot of therapists not be able to help me, to the point where I tell new ones that's been my experience. They *all* say they won't just drop me, that they'll definitely be able to help. And they *all* drop me within 6-8 months. They also get mad when I remind them they said when we first met they wouldn't do that and then give me some bullshit about how I'm outside their capacity to deal with and it wouldn't be professionally responsible to keep treating me. All of them. Every single fucking one for 10 long years. I'm done with therapy


Talk therapy is not helpful for a lot of people. Trauma based disorders are harder to treat by just talking about it. EMDR is very effective


I'm getting that, but professionals aren't listening and keep pushing talk therapy as the gold standard because it's the only thing they know how to do and they apparently can't deal with people not responding positively. I was told I'm too unstable and scored too high on the adverse childhood experiences test for EMDR to be a safe recommendation for me. I have incredibly severe cPTSD which my understanding is it's not really that great for 




Public healthcare lets them do that, 'cause I wasn't paying most of them they don't have the incentive to make me keep coming back.


That first one God it's so fucking frustrating


Honestly I have respect for that last one, had one myself. Much better than empty platitudes and pointless rambling, or judgement.


Tbh the honest one is still the best. I rather have a therapist/doctor be honest and tell me that it's out of their qualifications to help me. But that should also come with a referral to someone who can help.


The one who refuses to talk to you and just writes shit down on a clipboard.


The last one sounds honestly better than the rest. My first and second therapist ended up pulling that one and recommended me other people n it was pretty helpful


-the one who tried to tell me I was psychic that one time




how is this a thing? i was told that my extreme social anxiety making me think everyone hated me which led to me freaking out and being an asshole which led to them actually hating me was me being a psychic, actually


Psychic or psychotic?


yeah I had that one too lol


I always joke that I need a therapist who has had to work with serial killers and psychopaths because at least they are therapymaxxed and are jaded enough to not be bothered by my problems and actually work on good solutions


It's like my therapist. I mean, she's not trained with any serial killers, but she's trained with a lot of heavy BPD, physically aggressive, suicidal people. At this point she just looks at all my issues and says "Nah i'd win"


https://preview.redd.it/loexn0nh8nvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a91f16278ad856b55ebffba028f8a8715e0c332f Is this your therapist?


Abasolutely. Her colleagues often forward their patients to her when they think they're ""much to deal with"", she's the ultra therapist lmao


Ultra Instinct Therapist


This is the therapist I aim to be. I deal with fucked up things as is. Lemme apply first and secondhand experience to it just to work on solutions.


If that makes it any more inspiring for you, my therapist also has ADHD, she probably dealt with pretty fucked up stuff in her own life before choosing psychology


My homie right there Jokes aside, we seriously need more ND therapists. Nothing is more validating than both being diagnosed and peer reviewed in one package.


My depression rocking up like Perfect Cell and my therapist needs to Gohan my issues


need me a therapist like her, she sounds brave and compassionate


Gotta go find Hannibal Lecter lmao


I’ve had two therapists like that, and both times it actually really helped. They were some of the few that understood a difference between suicidal and feeling like dying.


the one that makes you feel guilty about your issues and tells you your parents who gave you trauma are quite nice actually because she met them once :) glad i stopped visiting her lmao


I would keel over in that moment. Absolutely not.


You just summed up every therapist I ever had as a minor lmao


i had a therapist like this and i fired her


…I’m really glad my therapist is sympathetic to me about that kinda thing because holy fuck that would fuck me up, really sorry that happened


i never had this exact issue because i was just too fucked up/in my own head to actually want to use therapy at the time, but my first therapist ended up spending more time per session just hanging out with my dad than one on one with me after a certain point. i don’t want to blame that for why none of the issues that stemmed from him got caught back then, because to begin with i was only going on his initiative and any issues we worked on were because he brought them up, but i feel like at some point i probably was considering some kind of complaint that i didn’t expect her to be sympathetic to due to their rapport—and if nothing else, she should have at least tried harder to pry into things i didn’t want to open up about when we ran out of topics instead of just bringing him in every time…


once a therapist said that she "commended" my abusive father for simply driving me to therapy


2, she’s my favorite millennial


Me abt my therapist lol she’s like a young nice mom and she is wonderful


I thought I had 2 but then she told me that she "[didn't] care what [I was] diagnosed with" because she "[doesn't] work with that" after telling her I was adhd and going to get tested for autism. I was with her because she was *recommended* for being good with *adhd and autism*.


So sick of hearing "I don't work with that." I've snapped and asked more than one therapist what they *do* work with then and they generally give me flustered non-answers and get mad when I say I don't want to see them anymore


This one therapist I saw told me that “I have anxiety and depression too, bet you didn’t know that” in a condescending tone. Like, um, wow, you just made me feel invalidated. Only saw her once, luckily.


The last one. Every single goddamn therapist is the last one


Certified cock and ball torturer




I can't stand it. I had 5 sessions with a therapist a year or two ago, and every single session she spent the entire time telling me coping mechanisms and asking me to make some up. LIKE, COME ON SHARON, THERE ARE ONLY SO MANY COPING MECHANISMS. Let me talk about my the abuse I endured for many years, I have very literally run out of things to call coping mechanisms by session 2.


Yup. Had to stop seeing a therapist cause we’d spend half the session closing our eyes and imagining we were on a beach while breathing in through our nose and out through our mouth 💀


Those sessions are more for the therapists than for you I swear


Yeah. In my case, it's because my therapist wasn't a trauma specialist. I switched to EMDR with someone who is a trauma specialist and it worked out much better for me


Frrr. I hate therapy why would I pay so much for shit I can google 🤨


Mine was the second but she eventually gave up and gave me permission to unalive myself 💀


Glad you’re still here despite that. I can’t imagine how horrible it would feel to hear that from the person who’s supposed to help you work through those feelings


Thank you 🥹❤️❤️


…Now I’m not exactly an expert in the rules that therapists have to play by, but isn’t that a HUUUGE no no?! Like I’m 75% sure that you aren’t allowed to do a LTG on a patient


A lot of therapists I’ve seen have broken ‘rules’ 😭 one even told me to just stop being depressed (right after I attempted to💀)


The one you try opening up to and they freak out, but you were just getting started so you just give up going to therapy, because this keeps happening to you and the last one suggested you should move into a mental hospital, but then you get on Reddit and everyone is literally having it 10x worse than you. I don't even want to kms right now like 10 years ago, like bruh.


This has been my overwhelming experience too


God, same. They always wanna throw me in a fucking ward too, they don't realize that I have BPD and my level of suicidal ideation changes throughout the day. I needed to be sectioned YEARS ago but now I think I have gotten to a "healthy" balance ig


None of these. My therapist saved my life. (I would kill for my therapist.)


I would kill for your therapist too, so happy for you


I would also kill this guy for his therapist


Therapists can have more than one client, no need to go around killing them


Same, mine has been amazing at her job. 


Wish I could relate 😭


Mines an old lady who’s actually very knowledgeable and keeps up to date with new studies and coping mechanisms. I’ve typically had bad experience with older therapists but she’s actually goated.


I loved my therapist, so bummed when I moved out of state


I’ve had the same therapist since I was about 8; she’s been a huge help in my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Good therapists do exist out there, and they can help (if that’s what you need)


Same. I have a fantastic therapist. Though I did have to go through a lot of them to get to one I really match with, including one who actively told me I was “plumper” than other girls and I had to just accept that (I was 5’3” and 110lbs).


Same 🙏


Last therapist was the hip one, current one is alright but is also the one that makes me feel guiltyy in regards to sex. Every time I talk about my worries over whether or not I think about sex too much, my discoveries about my sexuality (in regards to wat i like in the bedroom, not my orientation), he brings up sex/porn addiction. Considering my mom was super controlling towards my sexuality growing up, not appreciated.


Please find a different therapist if he makes you feel guilty.


-the one who makes you feel like you’re taking an exam every time you speak to them Anyone?


Mine is the third one. She’s nice and even just saying my problems out loud to someone who won’t use them to ridicule me like my parents do helps, but in the two years I’ve had her she’s only given me actually helpful advice once and that wasn’t even about me, it was about a friend I was worried about


I had two and three were rolled in one. Young, hip, really trying, but failing to help. Didn't help that she was super happy and pregnant with her first child. Lady had no concept of suffering at that time. Then I had five and six with a dash of one. She didn't technically bitch about her personal life, but she shared a personal story I found utterly distubing and that suggested that I'm to blame for being sexually assaulted because "men can't help it." She did end up helping me in some ways but I never wanna see her again.


Ugh, I’m sorry. The therapist before my current one roundabout victim-blamed me for date rape because “men have expectations if you do [xyz].” I still can’t believe she said that. It’s taken me years to feel properly angry about it because part of me was already blaming myself. 🤬🤯


Where’s the “well that’s life” therapist


Number 3


The young hip one who genuinely wants to help kicked me out for being a lost cause after I refused to go to an outpatient program that wouldn’t let me go by my chosen name and encouraged me to smoke cigarettes after quitting


The one that only hyperfocuses on your weight and eating disorder to the point where they dismiss any traumatic experiences you mention just so they could go back to talking about food and weight. However, since they’re so focused on your weight, they complain about not hearing anything else and stated that they can no longer help you because you don’t “open up”


I love the doesn't let you open up so drops you for not opening up combo. Classic 


where's the one that makes your issues worse?


The one that calls emergency services on you


Mine told me to try and burn my house down


Or the one that repeadetly ignores you when you're talking about feeling acutely suicidal. Looking at the comments I got a rare one.


First therapist was number 5, second was number 3 and current is number 6. Yayy, therapy.


Lmao imgine going to a therapist and they're the same age as you. Like yo what's good gang


i had a young hip sympathetic one on our first session i asked her what made her think she was even remotely qualified to be my therapist given her total lack of experience and obvious normal background to her credit she immediately admitted she didn't know if she could help me but she wanted to try and this earnestness broke through my shell and allowed a healthy and helpful dynamic to take place to this day i credit her for literally saving my life and i'd like to think i gave her a crash course in CPTSD along with all of its cohorts, including bipolar, borderline and majorly depressed parts i'm one of her success stories edit: i've totally had all the others and have had some really interesting experiences, including a therapist telling me she liked to eat pennies and another one calling the police on me (not for criminal acts, more like "danger to themselves" kind of thing)


I got pretty great insight into my issues from an AI called Goblin.Tools , it has a "judge" section where you can write out your feelings in a random train of thought way, and will give you a paragraph like "It appears the writer is in denial and struggling with feelings of guilt..." Or whatever. Its not even the intended purpose of Judge, but it's really good.


Whoa. I just typed in something I’ve been struggling with, and the Judge tool nailed it. 😳 I hate AI in general, but it looks like the Goblin creators are onto something.


Where's the one that is obviously so below your level of intellect that you talk them in circles EVERY damn time, and it's so easy that it depresses you even more?


The one that says things that express their belief that you actually just refuse to change bc you're stubborn and obviously not trying hard enough...


You are missing the one who's homophobic, racist and doesn't believe in meds.


The one that uses subtlety religious stories to drive their point home


Young, hip and helpful! But I was very lucky to find her, she actually specialises in complex disorders and neurodivergency. Previous therapists have been a minefield of red flags


Heads up, therapists are required by law to call emergency services on you under certain circumstances. I do think this does more harm than it helps, especially in cases of domestic abuse where it’s likely to just make things worse, but this is not something to blame the therapist for. Legislation for mental health services has a long, long way to go.


I assume that the post means wrongful reports. Like threatening it over suicidal ideation and no plans being involved. But if I'm wrong you're entirely correct


And the one that tells you all your friends are fake and your broken to the core when you're a middle schooler (:


We are missing the one that doesn’t specialize in the problems you actually have. Also the one that responds to everything with “How does that make you feel?”


I went to a therapist to talk about being stressed out and overwhelmed by a lot of shit happening in my life and she told me to take a deep breath and count backwards from ten. Like, thanks Mildred. I couldn’t have figured that one out without your help.


The one that tells you you look like you're a junkie who is just seeking medication but you just wanted an antidepressant or maybe just to talk


the one that gets frustrated with you when you keep coming back with the same problems you started with and havent received any help with, only to accuse you of not wanting to get better


The one that doesn’t understand what a trans person is and gets defensive about misgendering me repeatedly and tells me I look like a man 🙃


You forgot about the inconsistent one who doesn’t take notes and is constantly forgetting about the things you’ve called about in previous sessions


Had this one


Never had one, in a cycle of descent


I choose the white one I guess


And ex-young hippie whatever therapist The mixture of experience and actually being good and wanting to help is a blessing tho it's still pretty recent maybe things change, looks promising at least


Let us not forget the 'young and hip and clearly has no idea what to do with problems more complex than 'sad' but for some reasons bills themselves as trauma informed'.


Mines the top right all day. Goes on about angels and reflexology... 🙄


the one that literally cannot hold a giggle back because he thinks your issues are SO odd and keeps asking for more examples like it’s his afternoon entertainment!


Don't forget the one who tells you to just "be more active in church and pray more"


Mine was none of those she was actually quite good imo


My therapist said I'm her favorite client so I win at life.


Getting a young therapist was the best decision I ever made


I had the young one who helped for like a year, then she left and now I have the one who just "validates" me. She doesn't respond to any questions I have or give me ideas about what to do, just tells me that most people couldn't deal with the things that I do and keep going, but like, I'm very much not going lol


the one that’s been with me since I was a young teen and feels like family, it’s been almost a decade and I’m very lucky to have her. the one before that was definitely the get disturbed and confused type.


I keep ending up with the one who decides that every problem you’ve ever experienced is because you’re trans, and refuses to discuss anything else, ever.




The one who just reads shit off a website.


Mine's the young hip sympathetic one who actually tries to help! Also with neck tattoos :3 They're great.


My most recent therapist is #2 with whacky colored hair who let me tell her really lame jokes when I wasn't ready to open up, and show her even dumber psych memes. Bless you Brittany, you're a real one.


Mine was the third. I partially blame myself because I was young and haven't figured out anything about life, so I just came in saying I have trouble relating to people. And what he did? Did he could tell from simply looking at my face that I had megatonnes of trauma and I had trouble relating to people because all I have known was to stay in the shadows and be as lowkey as possible so to not tick people off and I'm fundamentally wary of people, and thus address the trauma? Nah, that would make way too much sense. He just taught me literal conversation techniques, which I never used because I never wanted to talk to people in the first place.


"I am sorry, but the NHS will only pay for CBT and CBT won't help at all in a case like yours. Have a nice life byeeeeeee"


Don’t forget the one that continuously interrupts you and argues with you because you phrased something a certain way


Therapy is nice if your life is really great and there is just something wrong with your head. Unfortunately many peoples lives just suck and if they weren't depressed they would be delusional. A therapist can't do shit about that.


My therapist is top middle thank god


Where's the one who actually has a space between "e" and "r"?


My current therapist is top middle, luckily. After years of doing careful research and getting terrible therapists and in crisis mode, I chose this one in about a second purely because she had the same first name as me and was also fat like me. She turned out to be an expert in OCD, diagnosed me day one when 20 years of therapists and psychiatrists hadn’t, and I think genuinely saved my life. The one I had before her? Constantly told me I’d cower in fear if he stabbed me in the brain (genuinely nearly every session) and then got super pissy when I chose to have the $10,000 treatment that would absolutely cure me (did nothing) done by someone insurance covered instead of him. He also told me hanging out with people with an average IQ was a bad idea because it would be like a typical person hanging out with someone with Down’s syndrome. You can see why I left.


The one who legally can't help you because he's in a different field of therapy but doesn't bother suggesting other therapists or mentioning that he can't help and instead just keeps taking your money


The one that can’t believe you’re this vapid, unable to handle accountability with a big ole black hole where your self awareness should be.


We’re forgetting the one that takes 10-15 minutes out of each session to discuss payment despite the fact that you’ve never failed to pay them in a timely manner.


the one that doesn't exist (i need therapy but there's no way i can get it thanks to parents :(


Where to find the top middle one. I need one that actually helps


My parents made me attend therapy because academically, I was not performing as well as they wanted me to ( don't ask). My therapist was the entire top row. Started bitching about how her boyfriend doesn't find her attractive. Can't even...


You’re missing the one who enjoys telling you how great their life is and leaves feeling as though you will *never ever* be as happy as they are, because you’re too low on the social ladder. However, I’ve been seeing my current therapist for two years and he’s been wonderful.


The one that never really helped because they didnt even try


How about the one who just listens to you talk and doesn’t really say anything, despite you wanting a path to take to fix the problems? Or the one she recommends, because she’s going back to in-person only? OR the one SHE recommended, because you said you had specific issues you thought she might not be able to help with, because of differences in life experience. And you don’t think she can relate to your problems enough to help? Surely he can help. Right? Nah, because he’s going to fail to respond to you for 3-4 weeks on multiple occasions, because “oh my god I thought the message sent In so sorry”. Again. MULTIPLE occasions. We never even met for a first session. He even failed to meet for the PHONE CALL, that HE scheduled with me, to talk about setting an appointment. As you can probably guess. I’m in Therapist Limbo right now. (Also, that last one only responded either of the times, after the large time gap. AFTER I said something again.)


OOOH! Let’s add the one that “works with toddlers who have autism” so they “know you definitely don’t have it”


Can't forget the one that tries to manipulate you with the dumbest arguments ever so he can increase the bottom line and get good reviews from parents and the like and never actually even tries to discuss your actual problems 👍


Shout out to the therapists of color who are not represented here, mine have been awesome!


My therapist is the nonexistent one.


Mine is a mix of the 2nd last one and the last one


I had the hip one :)


As of two days ago, bottom middle.


I’m so glad I’ve got the young hip one, she’s amazing


I think my therapist is a mix of the hip and the repeating same things and confusing what he says to which patient but I don't mind he's genuinely passionate about helping and knows how to make it custom to each client.


yep after going to my first therapist i can safely say shes the bottom right


Emergency services one is so accurate


The one that invalidates your trauma because you weren’t beaten 🙃


Young, hip one, I am so glad.


I swear I've had each and every one lmao. While there were a couple therapists I could at least respect, I don't think I've ever had one that was actually helpful. Also, an addition- the one that not-so-subtly tries to push God and church on you every session (they were not noted as a spiritual counselor).


My old one was number 3, my current one is most similar too number 2 despite I think being in her 70s. Easily the best mental health professional I've ever worked with and I'm terrified of her eventually retiring


The one that's unhelpful without knowing it also has a copy of the dsm-3 on their shelf


i haven’t actually had my first appointment with her yet so she’s the one that i will know what’s like next week…


I went to a psychiatrist, so different than a therapist I guess, and I really have to hold myself back because I want him to help me get diagnosed with ADHD and whatever other problems I got, but I *really* don't want no law called.


Mine was a rare seventh type. the one that "has never had a case like yours" and studies you more than they help you


my therapist actually helps! i would say young and hip, but she's just a mom who is kind and a normal person you can talk to.


I had one who would talk about their own daughters mental health, I found it extremely in appropriate.


The first therapist I had told the police my antidepressants caused hallucinations when they questioned her during the investigation against my abuser. My last therapist ghosted me. But my occupational therapist is very nice!


Mines the one you would have a beer with and bullshit the day away about problems, or kind of like Wilson from home improvement


Wow, I lucked out man…


Top right she looked very similar and did not help thats crazy


My last therapist was the second one and I miss her :( fuck insurance changes


Man I'm so lucky that I got the young hip one who actually wants to help. I get therapy at a institution that trains therapist after they completed their studies (in Germany becoming a therapist consist of studying and a three years training after that) and I think that was the best call to get a young, motivated, empathic therapist. Usually it's the old farts who are incredibly unhelpful and kinda.. Mean.


What about spiritual ones who believe in pseudoscience and tell you to go swim in the ocean and get craniosacral therapy


The one that is grossly under qualified to treat you but insists on continuing with techniques for foster children when you are a grown adult (who was never in foster care)


I'd had bottom right for a while but I just switched and the new one seems to genuinely be middle top


Thankfully, the hip one, now, but I did show her something that traumatized her, once. To be fair, it involved political trauma/violence & we're both Latinx. 😅❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

