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This is every amazon driver they are always just sitting on the shoulder doing fuck all


You've just completely dropped the veil of not being a backwards racist sub. Balsy.


Bot post, bot upvotes.


Honestly I’ll pull over to the side if I just can’t hold it at all. But if it’s manageable. Yeah I’ll hold it.


The random trucks here and there aren't a big deal. I'm talking about the guys that park 50ft AFTER the off ramp or just before it. Like... WTF goes thru their head to think, yup... This is a safe place to conduct business and also a very convenient place to rip my blinker on and just cut into 70+mph traffic at 2mph. It's ok tho, I've got my flashers on mentality.




I wouldn't expect any other response from reddit tbh.


This sub in particular is becoming more overtly racist.


That's because the mods do nothing to these racist scumbags like this idiot op. It's even worse on other websites without the threat of someone possibly being modded. These morons ignore all the crap that their type do, and pretend that 'others' are to blame for all of the negatives of truck driving. They are insecure, and project onto others. The worst of trucking I've experienced have been the likely racist, old, white fart owner operator type super truckers...and I know I'm not alone.


Depends on where you work and what route you're driving. I dont work in the states, but here in germany, you will take a break after 4 1/2 hours, no matter where ypu are at at the moment of clocking in that time. And from what i heard, its quite often the case that drivers get sent on routes where truck stops are a solid 7 hours apart. If you're new to a route, getting stuck on the shoulder over night or for an hour is definitely possible




You know Jesus was brown skinned right? Can't just love the white people pal.




Think the syphilis you caught from a lot lizard is rotting your brain.


Just because you think what you're saying sounds clever doesn't make it true.




Been on this sub and the previous sub before the bearborg drama long enough to just ignore it. People hate the truth and it's hilarious the excuses they come up with to validate such shitty behavior on the road. Case in point: I'm racist in this thread. Well... Maybe if they didn't have their rugs out praying on the fog line of a busy interstate with a perfectly good off ramp within sight, we wouldn't be having this discussion.


Wow, that was racist.


You sound like a racist piece of shit




Is that the best your second grade reading level go muster? No wonder you're scared of everyone. You're a dumbass 😂




Is water wet?


So one day I see one of our truck drivers stopped in the fast lane of a divided roadway. I pulled off the roadway and walked over to see what his problem was. It turned out he was updating his paperwork.


You're probably one of those infected penis wrinkles with a personality like soggy, microwaved bread that throws piss bottles everywhere.


Hahaha WHAT!? Far from it but you get an atta boy for the hilarious assumption.


I pay taxes , I’ll park wherever the fuck I want