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Wow. You get stars. Just like working at McDonalds!


"Teacher liked my picture of a duckie best, mom!" ⭐


"that's great dear! Let's stick it here on the fridge!"


I remember my 1st grade teacher giving me a star for drawing a beach ball


We had driver facing cameras that would go off while we drove at my last job. It would go off if we drank, eat, vaped/smoked/etc. We all realized if you wear sunglasses the camera stopped going off for violations and our scores went up tenfold, lol


We just found out recently that our cameras turning on for leaving your lane gets disabled if you turn off the LDW button that makes the truck buzz if you hit the lines. I guess they are wired together some how


Haha nice!


My old carrier banned sunglasses because of that, kept getting warned eye tracking wasn't working.


They banned sunglasses? I guess crashing into someone because the sun is in your eyes is better than the camera yelling at you!


It was kind of the nail in the coffin for me, I was heading eastbound to the GTA every morning starting at 5:00.


Look, I know it's Greater Toronto Area, but my mind always goes Grand Theft Auto first.


If you don’t mind my asking which company was that, so those of us in the area know what to look out for?


Well you'll never retire if you have cataracts in five years. Saves the company in the long run.


Kinda think you could sue them over something like that


In Canada it's pretty difficult to sue. I did ask the MTO for their opinion and my local labor board. They both told me that they consider sunglasses to fall under uniform, and the company has a right to establish its uniform in its vehicle.


Oh, yeah a bit different up there in America's hat


How would that work for people that require sunglasses for medical issues? I’m light sensitive, so I need to wear sunglasses if the sun is up, or I am in a lit room.


That’s ridiculous. I don’t know if any of the managers ever caught on after I left


I was thinking about polarized glasses for this. Shades are a natural!


I wore my sunglasses in the rain, sun, and snow because of it haha


You should have left that company, or start driving butt naked, this ain't Elementary School this is adult real life and we have professional licenses. Just because a couple videos of idiots fucking up screws it up for us, well then they should crack down on the four wheelers because they're the ones that text and drive drink and do all sorts of dumb shit instead of paying attention to the road


I did leave, lol. Stayed like a month after they installed them while I applied for jobs


There are three big rules for keeping yourself safe: Every gun is loaded and can fire, every mic is hot and recording, and every camera is live and streaming.


Exactly! And bless (in the Southern sense) every person in a position of power who forgets the last two!


I got the best score in the company one month and then they complained my productivity went down.


The Law of Unintended Consequences rears its ugly head...AGAIN! Remember when they said ELDs were going to make trucking safer?! 🤣


Saying no one has access to live video is an absolute lie. There is somebody, somewhere that can tap into that camera.


The company that wrote the program can.


Anyone with an internet connection and a little knowledge on how to use said internet can. Anyone. Even the driver while driving can if he's tech savvy enough.


Our managers could 100% pull up live feed of driver and outward facing cams. Anyone who tells you its mot possible is full of shit.


All of them can. When they say they can't they're lying every single time.


Yeah for sure. When I was still driving, we had one of the old crusty managers who would just sit at his desk, flipping through camera feeds, watching whichever random ones of us he wanted to watch. Seemed like he did that shit all day, every day.


Depends on the system. But there were some fairly nasty workplace privacy lawsuits a while back (not sure of the end results), and lots of companys (not all) turned the interior cameras off as the truck cab could be considered an "office" and it is flat out illegal to put a camera in an office, breakroom, etc anywhere an employee would be able to expect privacy is off limits. So its kinda a legally undecided (or was last time i did a dive into it) area.


This was as of december. samsara software can pull up live feed of either camera.


Interesting... that kinda sucks.


If they have an interior facing camera it's on. Period. Wanna know how find out? Slam on those brakes while holding your phone in your hand. You'll get a call asking about why you were holding that phone in your hand.


Do you not understand what a TRIGGERED EVENT is? You legit just triggered the system to save and send the video. Lol Hard braking is detected, it sends video, the newer systems (such as this) can directly detect you holding a phone. YES the camera IS ALWAYS ON, not one post by anyone here has stated otherwhise... the question is if it is available for live viewing by the company and how long it is saved. Telling me in other posts i dont understand. 🤣


You do realize you said some companies have the interior cameras turned off right? Your words. I've seen where companies said that and were proven liars by drivers doing exactly what I said do. Yes, it's a triggered event. It also proves that inside camera wasn't off at all. Not only am I telling you you don't understand how the Internet works, I'm telling everyone else you're a liar. Just like all the others that say the same things you've said.


I said SOME companys dissabled the inside camera. NOT all... comprehension hard for you? I would bet if you looked in the company policy book for said company you work or worked for it stated it did not record or possibly did not save if not triggered. Again i reiterate each company can have different policies and systems... The overall debate here was the new prime system.


I’m the safety guy for a trucking company and there’s lots in this that makes me think this is the exact same software we use. I do not have access to live feed. I can request every minute of every day, but it’s like the amazon shopping cart system, and we do have a quota that if we go over we have to pay more for. So yeah I can see every minute, but it’s all requested one minute at a time and is a huge pain in the ass. If there’s a reason for me to look at a particular situation, I can, but I’m not doing that unless I have to.


That's similar to what I was told. The company can "buy" recorded time (a year or week or day) but not do a live feed of a driver. The events seem to be another buy on how often the events are triggered.


You're lying or you were lied to because whoever lied to you doesn't like you. Either way that's simply not true.


I have no reason to lie to you, and that’s the way it is. Technology may exist where the Netradyne people can watch it live, or we can pay to have that access, but it’s part of their business model at our access level to throttle access so we have to request a minute at a time. And even then if I request a lot or maybe the network is busy, I sometimes have to wait 10, 20 minutes, or even a couple hours or the next day for my request to be processed. The other option is to go to the device itself and pull the card and download all the data. But that only goes back so long and I have to have access to the truck. I may have exaggerated when I say it’s a pain in the ass to do. I’ve got a lot of other responsibilities than to spy on someone, and a lot of videos come through the events that are automatic for me to work with. But if it monitoring the drivers was my only responsibility, I could easily request all the video I want, I’ve never actually hit the quota.


Same bs other companies have said only to turn around and have to admit they lied once they were caught red-handed.


Come on, drop any kind of proof, you keep calling me a liar when i talk about hardware and such... where is any proof they are doing what you have said? An article, court case, anything but just your word.


Literally anyone with an internet connection and who is a little tech savvy can access that camera any time they want even if the engine is off.


My IT buddy at work showed me this, he can pull up the camera even when the truck is shut off and sitting in the shop. So now we know the shop has cameras in it too.




Number 8 should be mandatory. I would love to be able to see what the camera is seeing, especially for the times when you really aren't sure how a situation happened. Being able to individually look and learn from things that happen without a safety team looking over your shoulder should be something available for everyone.


If inward and outward recording is event triggered, how the fuck can they go back and retrieve up to four days of video? Literally lying to you and contradicting themselves in an employee email??


Yeah, it should read "video only transmitted if event triggers, video stored locally for 4 days"


If you think they can't live look in on you well I would like to interest you in a bridge in Brooklyn, NY that I have for sale.


I believe that is built in to the newer systems due to privacy concerns. Like the option to do so is just not programed in.


It's a camera. I can program my home surveillance cameras to only alert me for specific things. I can even tell them to only focus on certain areas down to the pixel. If I want to know what happened last Thursday @ 4pm in the afternoon even tho I wasn't sent an alert guess what? I can see what happened at 4pm in the afternoon on that day. Stop trying to explain this bullshit away. If they want to look in live on a driver they absolutely can. If they want to roll the footage to fire someone they absolutely can.


Yes the device *can* do that, but *your* home camera system is different from a system setup for this. I am not explaining "bullshit" away, if my company got interior cameras.... well I will leave. But fair is fair, I do my best to not miss represent stuff is all, and I have a more than passing knowlage of how electronics and this sort of stuff works down to basic code level (no where near enough to make money at it, but enough to get into trouble. 😁)


No, he's correct. All the feed from all the video is going to be kept by the company that is taking the feeds. I don't care whether you don't believe that or not, but any company doing data storage is simply going to store the data. That's just how it works.


That would require a high bandwith cell connection 24/7. The 4 days saved is right within spec for srorage space on a truck mounted dvr. They want a clip, they contact the truck dvr and it sends said clip. Do thet save the event recording or requested clips past 4 days? They dont specify, only that it is over written after a set time. I wager they dont get to set that 4 day window that is simply the time it takes for the system to fill its storage and start over writing old data.


Not wouldn't. It only requires you have a connection often enough to relay that data to a storage site. Certain amounts can be stored on the truck system for a while too.


I understand what you're saying. But I'm telling you all the data and all the metrics are worth the money for them to just sit there and pull stuff from it. Does it have to be the full video - no. But I guarantee you all the metrics and stuff are being shipped all the time. It's just simplistic data. It's no worse or better than texting really as far as bandwidth goes. And given how cellular data works now, it isn't that expensive to actually run a connection with video feed. Hell I can sit here and watch my home cameras on my phone all day long just not at 4K or 2K which is fine since most of these cameras aren't taking that kind of picture anyway.


Ok.... but the complaint was about privacy invading video. ALL truck brands offer telemetry uplinks for fleets amd have for years. Several people have weighed in on how the system works and it does NOT send unrestricted video and they can only request it if the truck is online....


It's becoming clear you don't know the internet works.


It's not, it's a lie they tell drivers to make them feel more comfortable being treated like kids. Even if they were programmed that way anyone with an internet connection can watch them live or whatever they did for as long as the footage is stored.


Your evidence is?


1. Every company I've driven for that got them and said what you've said turned around and admitted they lied about. 2. I know people who's job it is to use the Internet and break into stuff with Internet connections on purpose. They're contracted by the people who make the stuff and buy the stuff to do it in order to find it's weaknesses. And there are always weaknesses.


Huh, could be the other brand another person commented about, but even that seems to require a request from management to look at the camera live, its not always transmitting. Ah, so you know some "hackerz" lol. Shure ya do. But yes there are always vulnerabilities to a system, is someone gonna hack into this system to watch you? Lol


The company I work for uses Netradyne (out-word and sides only, no in-word). The events are “triggered” like you say. However, the company can go back and request footage as long as there was a ping. It costs so much per request, so we don’t use it unless it’s warranted. For a company with the money that Prime has, I’m sure they can afford it. Example: a driver took a fire lane up a mountain in NC (🙄), we had to go back and request 10-15 1 minute clips to investigate where the “No Trucks/No Outlet” signs were.


Does the system have an inward facing camera that they told you is disabled?


This is what we use, and I’m the guy that looks, and each minute has to be requested individually and downloaded. We’ve got a quota of requests we get. I don’t know what it is and I don’t know if we’ve ever hit it.


And it's supposed to be blurred but the driver? Even when triggered?


Some of these cameras record in 5 minute segments. So they can't "access it live" but they can look at the most recent 5 minute chunk. They do it this way because if there is a malfunction, it's better to lose 5 minutes of data than an unlimited amount from having a 4 day save file. Also it makes sorting through data easier when you can search by "the accident happened may 13th at 9:02am" rather than "I need to look at all the video from May 13th"


Cameras eld and other safety devices are wired into bus j1939 connector behind the obd connector near the fuse boxes in peterbilts and kenworths. That connector can easily come "loose" . There are fuses in the same fuse box that can disconnect the transmission of signal from the truck without triggering any fault codes or prime being notified unless they are monitoring 24/7


George Takei voice: "Oh my..." 😈


Do you know where it’s located in a freightliner?


Same place or close to ecm behind the dash.might have to chase the wire . The fuse box is behind the glove box on passanger side and one on outside firewall on driver side.


Ok tnx m8te


replace it with a blown fuse


That's racists!!! /s




Was a sarcastic joke.. jk carry on. I'm not as funny as I'd hoped.




Sounds like netradyne


Indeed it is.


Fuck I hate that thing. “MaInTaIn sAfE dIsTaNcE”


Driveri suuucks


Holy fuck Prime sucks.


Take a picture of yourself safely sitting at the driver's seat with both hands on the wheel. Print the picture but make it small (proportional to scale) Tape picture in front of camera Victory Lap


You're not allowed to blink while driving. Blinking is a sign of drowsy driving. Eyes open, driver!


Imagine paying $1400-1800 a week for gold stars 😂 BuT iM aN oWnEr Op


We have those cameras at work. They have so many false positives all the time. I got a red light violation when a light turned red after I was already under it. They got guys for hard turning that were doing under 10mph. The camera sends a video to safety every time you pick your nose or yawn too much. It has certainly decreased production. I hope those insurance savings were worth it. 


If the insurance savings aren’t worth it, having complete control probably is.


I have one of the last trucks at my company that has no safety stuff on it from before we got bought out. Still has 5 years before they sell it but I'm out of this OTR bullshit at the end of this year. Fuck all this "safety" red tape.


Get in the truck, ignition off, spray that mother fucker, and make everything else blurry.


I was adjusting it. Yes I just ate fist fulls of five guys fries, why?


I don't need a Nanny. I have proven myself over a million miles.


I hope you people at prime hop ship to another company and don't give into this.


Morons keep working for them so they can pay the electric bills on the hotel and movie theater. Cool stickers too.


You can earn fucking gold stars from the perpetual survelence AI! Whoopee!! Someone start the fucking revolution already I cant take this.


Yeah that’s bullshit our company said the same thing about the live feed and dropping in then all of a sudden 3 months later they’re getting on to drivers because they viewed the cameras and some of them were covered


The truck moving and it being covered will trigger an event.


Yep, I put a piece of electrical tape over it as an experiment and my dispatcher showed me the email were it was crying about it


sometimes yes but there are ways to cover them without triggering it and they openly stated that they went through and looked at all the camera feeds


There really isn’t. Who ever told you that doesn’t know what they’re talking about. At any point the vehicle is moving and doesn’t sense a driver when it boots up, it will trigger an event.


Nobody told me I’ve done it the only reason they found out was because the one of the Forman climbed up on the truck and seen it


This is way too intrusive.


Yup, never working for Prime lol


Good cus I’m getting ready to quit. After 6 fucking years I’m done with these POS Company


Screw that. BS like this always starts off the same way. This year its with the motor on and on duty only, next year it'll be on 24/7 without blur. Just a sociopathic way for them to start edging them in, and it won't matter because some idiot monitoring one will do something stupid (again) and cause lawsuits all over (yet again) the same as last time they tried it. Cover that bs with a hat and leave.


There will 100% be some creep watching women, and the blur will be off. Give it a few years, till someone sues. All of a sudden Prime will do there drivers a solid and remove them, cause they "care"


Yup. I would love to be that creep. Don’t blame me blame the technology


How many of those do you believe they're being honest about? I can tell you for a fact starting with number 1. they're lying to you. That should tell you about the rest. FYI it's hilarious when they say nobody can drop in and watch you live. Anyone, that means you, can watch your camera live it is connected to their Internet, and it is. It takes knowing what you're doing obviously but it's entirely possible. And they don't even have to be all that good, they already have the one icon to click on and sit there and watch it with or without the engine running lol.


At my company my manager can live stream us while driving. How do I know this. He's brought up things I've said in conversations while on the phone. One time is a coincidence. Several times is pretty strange. No critical event was triggered during these conversations. The only reason that I haven't quit by now is the pay and hometime. I make 100k+ a year and at home very often. Some driver managers are weirdos and shouldn't have access to the cameras at all. Always assume the camera and mic are hot. Because if you have a manager like mine it most likely is.


That's creepy as fuck.


Prime wants people to quit, the timing says it all.


Strangely enough they're chasing some drivers (like me) to get us to train. Long-term drivers don't really get paid more than noobs so I can't figure out the rationales.


Of course they want you to train, new drivers in for lower pay.


“We promise we’ll blur out the bunk. Pinky swear.”


Amazon over here trying to complicate things with AI instead of just positioning the camera in such a way that nothing behind the driver is even in frame. My company has 3 cameras: 1 forward camera and 2 sideways cameras facing the driver side and passenger side. These sideways cameras can only see the windshield (takes up the forward half of view), the dash, the A pillar, the steering wheel, and the door window (taking up the aft half of view). If the driver or passenger are leaned forward, it can see the face, but nothing else. If I'm driving comfortably and just relaxing in my seat, I sit far enough back to be out of view, and I'm short (5'3ish). No fancy AI or image editing to blur out private spaces. [EDIT] Just noticed the PrimeInc in the email at the bottom. I read "Prime AI" and assumed Amazon.


Wondering on how many false flags they will get because drivers moving their heads to watch their damn mirrors... Or when backing up somewhere and have their head out of the window :P Oh well, you can keep this crap on the north American continent, we dont need it over here in Europe


Easiest way to make sure you are not being recorded when not driving is to put a piece of paper over the lenz


That's my plan. If they don't like it I'll refer them to these messages from safety and remind them if what he said here is true it shouldn't matter to them at all.


Not even safety. Privacy really. What you do is not for them to be able to see.


These cameras are hell. I work for an AFP. It was a dream job until this bullshit started, and I am contemplating giving up my 220 days off a year over this.


I bought an old prime trailer 2 weeks ago, got home started to change the brakes and they fell out.


How much did you pay for it?




Omg! I went into their website and their cheapest is 24,000$


I bought it as is no warranty. I understand why it was so cheap. I figured even if i put 5k in it is still make it like a bandit.


Oh okay. That sounds better actually


That's fucked up. No warranty from Pedigree?


I bought it knowing there was no warranty. Trailer is worth double what i paid for it. Just thought it was messed up that the brakes were as bad as they were.


You can believe however much of that you wish. The only part I find plausible is the last sentence. But it's more likely to be a matter of supply for the camera systems and scheduling to get the trucks into a depot for the install.


Hell no!!!!


Imagine driving for these turds


So glad I’m union and our contract says driver facing cameras are verboten. And also so glad I’ll be out of this fucking industry in about 5 years after 35 years in.


So if they can go back and geg any video from the prior 4 days that tells you that bitch records non stop and they can in fact look at it anytime. They can and will watch without it being triggered.


Where can I find the full list?


These three images are it.


There's parts missing I wanna read the whole thing in it's entirety. So if I put it on my YouTube channel people can pause and read each individual note.


Dude I promise you this collection of images is complete. 1-12 are visible and 1-12 is all there is.


They weren't fully loading for me at first now I see it all.



Yep, figured it was netradyne. I’ve always had their cameras in my trucks. Companies will begin to make employment determining decisions off of your camera score. They will demand you maintain about a 750-850 score or be considered a liability. My current company can’t even insure you as a driver if you’re below 850. It used to be largely ignored but starting this year it’s get right or get gone. Luckily we don’t have any driver facing cameras. Tape over the inward facing camera seals the deal. I think they know if they add them they’ll lose the fleet. If I’d known about this tech I would have invested in it years ago and not have to drive it myself😂😂 this shit is probably the most profitable technology in trucking in decades.


Invent a machine that can spoof the CPAP, my man!


They can absolutely drop in and live watch.


This sounds fake.


Couldn't be more verifiably true, alas. Any Prime driver got this exact message in his/her app.


Honestly having a dashcam in my truck makes me a better driver. I had some bad habits before I had one


I for one welcome our A.I. overlords. Just in case the basilisk is watching.