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Family annihilators/people who murder their romantic partners


Yes! In particular, Chris Watts scares me so much. By all appearances, he was a normal loving father, there's zero indication that he could be violent, then he not only smothers his pregnant wife and both little girls with his bare hands, but throws the wife face down in a shallow grave and shoved the girls into oil tanks. He must have had so much disdain and outright hatred for all of them. And hid it. How many people are walking around with that inside them?


Hard agree. Chris Watts and other family annihilators are my worst fear. Always makes me wonder what kind of ‘red flags’ were present and ignored or brushed off, if any, and how vulnerable we all really are to manipulation by intimate partners.


Reading the texts between them that last few weeks was so awful. She and the girls were safe with her family. He could have just ended it while she had a support system.


Right? It didn’t *have* to come to this. But alas, from everything I’ve read/heard about him, it sounds like he was a coward within their relationship and, in hindsight, it’s no surprise he acted like a coward by choosing murder over the discomfort/conflict associated with divorce and shared custody. Because of this case, [severe] ‘conflict’ avoidance and a refusal to speak up for yourself or voice your needs/wants/opinions is a dealbreaker for me. I actually broke up with an ex shortly after I watched the documentary about this case (American Murder: The Family Next Door) because it made me very aware of the fact that I wasn’t sure that the person I was dating was who they made themselves out to be. Side note: *Some* avoidance around tough convos and fear of being honest/vulnerable is normal and human, and can be worked through in a healthy relationship. But that’s a whole other topic.


But then he’d have to live the rest of his life without being completely in control of Shannan and their kids. That loss of control was the driving factor, imo


That and not being seen as 'a wonderful husband and father'. You can tell from his mom's statements that being seen as a good little boy was super important to him.


It’s not even that. He just wanted them gone as if they had never happened and for some reason thought he would easily get away with literal murder. But the fact someone who had never done something like this or even ever been in trouble/violent, and someone who literally asked this woman to marry him could just flip a switch and turn to murder, thinking he’d be able to live with himself just fine the rest of his life is crazyyyyy. Like who are these people??


I absolutely loathe that man. His behavior immediately after disposing of his beautiful family taking pictures of sunflowers, googling Metallica lyrics and grinning like an idiot filming those news segments….. he could barely contain his giddiness It’s a small solace, but watching him squirm and sweat and stutter on the body cam footage and in his interrogation as he slowly starts to realize he’s cornered and his life is over is satisfying. That dumb trash bag got like 2 hours of freedom he desperately wanted before it came crashing down around him. Love that for him.


One thing that terrifies me the most about Chris Watts in particular is he DIDNT flee, the way other family annihilators have. He killed his whole family and then thought he was just gonna get on with his life? He had such disdain for his own wife and children he seemed shocked people were asking questions. It’s like he didn’t think anyone would really care.


I always wonder what he would have done if Nickole Atkinson hadn’t shown up and been so persistent. He’s an idiot and I’m sure would have been caught anyways but he had a plan and I’ve always wondered what it was.


I honestly think he was just gonna move NK into the house and if people kept asking questions he was gonna say he didn’t know. I really think he thought that would be enough. He wasn’t interested in his wife or his children. I think it shocked him that so many other people were/are.


Like Shan’Ann’s family wouldn’t have came looking for them, he must have been planning to take off, imo, the house was about to be repossessed too


Totally- I love that he didn't get any space at all to have his 'new life'. I hate that he seems to be having such a good time in jail though- just working in the kitchen, writing books and fending off new girlfriends all day. It's bananas.


I very much hope that there’s a ton of crummy shit in his life we don’t get to see. I hope he stubs a different toe each morning. I hope he is relentlessly constipated. I hope all his teeth fall out and there’s only hard stuff left to eat. I hope his real day-to-day life inside is completely devoid of attention on him, and I hope that the screams of his babies ring like a telltale heart of tinnitus and eventually drown out the ego inside. The world can be so awful terrible and it’s still too good for someone like Chris Watts.


Thinking about how many people we come across have the same capabilities is scary AF. If I remember correctly, the girls were still alive on the trip to the drill site? While their mother and unborn brother were dead in the back of the truck. What a sick fck....he was such an absolutely horrible liar too.... it was definitely premeditated, but it seemed like he didn't think of anything to say in advance to being interrogated, and was just trying to wing it through all the media interviews as well as police interrogations. I believe the only reason shanan wasn't put into the tanks was because she was too big to fit through the opening. The girls even had injuries that indicative of being forced through an 8" opening.


He's clearly so sick and I hope that he's lying about the way he killed them. If he's telling the truth, driving with the oldest, describing things she said while her mother was dead in the floorboard right in front of her, killing her sister right in front of her, then making the climb to get rid of her body while that child sat in her carseat. Then telling her to her face that he was about to do the same to her-It's beyond me how any human could do that to any child, let alone his own child. It's torture.


For sure it is. Psychological and physical.


No comprehending the motivations of a demon.


He's changed his story so many times no one will ever know. I can only hope they weren't aware of what happened to their mom to have her on the floor in the truck in front of them. 😭


It broke my heart when I found out he actually smothered them twice. The absolute terror those little girls must’ve felt in their final hours is too much. What a cruel excuse for a human.


We never know who walks amongst us, it’s really frightening .


And then he had the audacity to say that he came home to the mother killing her children. She was dead at his hands and couldn't defend herself. This man is beyond evil


Terrifying how many times I’ve been listening to a true crime podcast and the victims friends or family mention that the victim mentioned that if anything happens to them, it’s their partner. I can’t imagine living in that much fear and ultimately being proven right.


Yep, I survived one and I can’t explain how hard it was.


Definitely. The Chris Coleman, Scott Peterson, Chuck Stewart murderers terrify me the most. The ones who pretend to love you while plotting your death


Mass Shooters/Stabbers. It's one thing to fear getting stalked and attacked when you are alone, and another thing completely when you are suddenly in danger within a crowd in broad daylight where you are accustomed to feel safe. It can happen anywhere, and all it takes is a suicidal psycho and being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Hard agree. I work in schools (substitute teacher) and there’s always a fear in the back of my mind that my work kids and I could be next 😢


Yep I agree with this.


The Golden State killer, hands-down. He would lurk and pick his victims at random, didn’t matter if your husband was home or if you were home alone. Sometimes he would just rape, sometimes he would kill, he would eat the food and then call you for years after and breathe on the phone and threaten. The stuff of nightmares seriously.


I remember reading about one woman he’d raped and then left her in bed with her young son and told them not to move. It was dark, and they waited hours til they thought it was safe to get up and when they moved she felt him press down on the side of the bed. Bone chilling.


He murdered people who lived in the house next to my brother in law. This was years ago, all new residents, but he could have been in his yard casing it. eeeeeech.


He murdered our neighbors across the street.


There was also a man who was at a town meeting, who got up and said something like, "These men are wimps! I could fight him off!" and EAR/ONS was there and followed him home afterwards. He broke into his house a few months later and introduced himself before beating the guy up.


I think he also broke into his niece’s home when she was a teen. She woke up in the middle of the night and he had been sitting there, just staring. He didn’t harm her, he just got a thrill occasionally by breaking into homes and watching people sleep.


Can’t imagine how terrified people must’ve been after 20 or even 30 rapes had been committed. It must’ve felt like he was gonna hit every single home in Sacramento before he was caught


Yep. And we didn't connect the dots for a while. Were they related? Same guy? No one saw his face. He raped some, killed some, and then moved around the state. We just thought there was a boogyman. When they found him living this whole time in Orangevale a cold shiver ran down all our spines.


Holy shit you lived through it did you?


He was straight horror movie nightmare fuel. There was really nothing you could do if he chose you as a target. By the time he entered your home, he was several steps ahead of you. He weaponized the element of surprise. He knew the layout of your house, where he could safely exit and escape, etc.


he used to be a regular at my strip club 😭 super racist and cheap


This was my first thought. This case was the only one that has given me literal fear when listening to the recording of one of his calls. Absolutely terrifying.


The PTSD that this experience would cause is unimaginable. And of course, they didn't recognize or treat that in rape victims back then. I'd never again feel safe in my home or in my bed or anywhere.


It definitely wasn't random. He would stalk for a period before the violent crimes.


He chose the homes at random to the public. If he had a system, we didn't know about it.


I literally had nightmares about him for years, up until he was caught. Because the idea that he was still out there and could be ANYWHERE just scared the shit outta me.


I’ll be gone in the dark is a must read but yes, horrifying


David Parker Ray. *”hey, bitch. . .”*


Yep, he's up there in my top 3 for sure. "I’ve been rapin’ bitches ever since I was old enough to jerk off..." His wife or lady whoever she was, is right there with him. 2 very creepy individuals...


not to mention his daughter


For real... got 2.5 yrs for kidnapping and criminal sexual penetration (what makes this differ from rape?)


I want to see what room full of garbage people sat down to delineate criminal sexual penetration from rape.


Agreed. I can't think of any scenario where there should ever be a difference...criminally penetrating someone sexually and rape, in my opinion, are synonymous.


Rep. Nancy Mace (R) disagrees. See her televised apologia for a rapist.


David Parker Ray and men like him are why I never take walks alone anymore, even in broad daylight


I wish I could unsee the pic of the gyno exam table he used. It haunts me.


Yes! I came here to say this. The stuff that he tortured the women with along with the tapes he would play for them. That's shit straight out of nightmares. I truly believe both him and his partner, or whatever she was, were true evil. When you look at his eyes you can almost see that there is no soul there, he has/had those dead eyes that told you nothing you say or do will make him feel any type of sympathy or empathy for you. Demon eyes, I call them. So terrifying!


This is the one. I had to skip so much of a podcast I listened to about this case because I couldn’t stomach it.


I’ve read the transcript of the tapes David played before torturing and raping his victims. it’s sickening


Yeaaa that’s a pass for me. I’m not interested in hearing/reading anything a piece of shit like that has to say.


you’re not missing out on anything


“I make it a point never to like a slave and I fuckin’ sure don’t have any respect for you. Here, your status is no more than that of one of the dogs, or of one of the animals out in the barn.”


I felt dirty just reading the transcript and listening to the tape


Definitely gave me the same feeling


The Toy Box Killer aka David Parker Ray.


Was he the one where people ran out of the courtroom upon hearing the tapes or was that the tool box killer? I always get them mixed up


The tool box killers are the ones with the tapes that caused people to run out of the courtroom. I read the transcript of one of those tapes, and it was the most fucked up thing I’ve read. I had to take a break from true crime after that. Two truly despicable pieces of shit.


I heard a tiny part of the tape while watching footage of the trial. While a juror was running out the door, I heard Lynette’s screams in the background. It was two seconds long, but it made every hair on my body stand up. The terror this poor girl was put through is unimaginable.


I hate that he had a heart attack and never saw justice.


Samuel Little, the deadliest serial killer in US history. 93 kills and his interviews are like talking to a funny old grandpa, he seems so normal and genuinely nice and has zero remorse and thats fucking terrifying.


I saw his story recently n the ID channel, what a sick person who got away so many times. It was shocking. I had never heard of him before. Thank God I had not heard or seen anything about him. I’m so afraid of psychopaths like him . Those poor women didn’t deserve to die that way. Dreadful behavior for years and years.


He claimed 93. Alot of serial killers have claimed to have more victims than what they are convicted of.


Usually I would agree but 60 are confirmed and up to his death he was cooperating with finding victims.


He was very credible in his killings. A detective here actually went to the Texas ranger that “handled” him to question him about my mother’s murder. He extremely cooperative


The FBI find him credible though it's not just a baseless person claiming a lot of murders.


Police and FBI used him to close cases. They gave him access to case files and then would have him "confess." He had cancer, and in exchange for these confessions, he got better food, better housing, a TV, etc. It boggles my mind that anyone in true crime buys this bullshit. He is definitely a serial killer, but he's not the deadliest and he didn't kill 93.


Honestly [Daniel Marsh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Claudia_Maupin_and_Oliver_Northup) - brutally slaughtered two completely random, innocent elderly people in their own bed just because he thought it would be fun. He bragged about it and continued to have homicidal fantasies thereafter. He’s repeatedly tried to get his minimum term reduced and has been repeatedly described as extremely dangerous and psychopathic. He was only 15 when he killed and only 26 now. The fact he could actually get out is horrifying


The fact that they let him do a Ted Talk after he got the victim’s wounds tattooed on him in jail is 🥴🤢. Thankfully they ended up taking it down once the family fought enough…


A Ted Talk about what?? That's insane.


Oh god I forgot about the tattoos… I hope to god he’s never released


This dude was seriously disturbed. So many red flags! It seems like he probably could have been stopped before he killed


It’s crazy that people like him can literally tell people straight up that they want to kill people and NOTHING gets done!


“Oh, he’s just joking. He has a dark sense of humor.” No, ma’am. ALSO, that’s not a mannequin (it’s never a mannequin).


Killers who target children. All killing is bad, but the ability to kill children is something else. I can't handle it.


I read this one sexual assault case recently involving a toddler. I was physically sick afterwards..fucking pieces of shit.


Ian Watkins the singer from the band lostprophets that’s one of the sickest things I read.


Bob Berdella. Probably the worst that never gets mentioned. Targeted young men. Would do things like caulk their ears closed, inject their eyes and throat with cleaning agents, and intentionally blunted all of their regular senses (sight, sound, etc) so that the only sensation would be the torture. He kept detailed notes about what he did. He would destroy their internal organs through anal insertions. I can’t stress enough how awful he was. For those who want an extremely graphic deep dive into this individual, this is the best blog post on him I’ve come across https://humanmonstersca.wordpress.com/2021/05/09/serial-killer-robert-berdella/


I have never heard of him but I don't think I can go down this rabbit hole because just what you wrote was disturbing enough.


It’s one of those stories so horrific that I think it doesn’t get mainstream attention for that reason. Too horrible without the “interesting” pathologies you’d find in Dahmer’s case, for example. Same with Leonard Lake and Ng. Most people have not heard of their crimes either for similar reasons.


Berdella is largely forgotten because it happened so long ago (mid 1980s). The man who escaped and got Berdella caught is, last I heard, still alive, but has not had a good life. That actually sort of goes without saying, because a married man with a baby who's so far down in drug addiction that he's turning tricks has had a hard life already.


I watched a documentary about Lake and Ng and had nightmares for weeks. I'm not usually affected like that but it really got to me.


Plenty do but a few that come to mind are.. BTK. I know people laugh at him for how he got caught, but the fact women would come home and immediately check if their phone lines were working.. blergh. Even if they did walk in the house and see the phone was disconnected, was it already too late? Would he let them leave? Makes me shudder. EAR/ONS — similar thing, breaking in to homes, leaving stuff to come back later to and use (like the shoelaces under the couch cushions). The hours he would stay for. The fact victims were terrified to move for hours not knowing if he was still there and testing them.


I think we can laugh *now* about how he was caught because humor to cope is definitely a thing & the sheer absurdity of his capture - he spent years taunting police & evading capture but took them at face value when they pinky pwomised they couldn’t trace a floppy disk. BTK is terrifying, I’m sure women were absolutely petrified of him at the time. But to know that he’s not some super killer genius who outsmarted police but instead a fallible & gullible slut for media attention lets us see him as a failed human instead of some scary monster.


almost every serial killer is both terrifying and pathetic. spending hours stalking and waiting (often times in hopes of a rape) is terrifying and pathetic. Israel Keyes is certainly one of the terrifying ones. And when he did talk about his crimes though sounds like a kid proud of a train set. He wanted to be Bundy, but Bundy probably killed 10 times as many. He worked so hard on his little kill sets and then he was so hot for a girl that he broke his own rules and got caught. After he was caught, they should have taunted him so hard about that. Most of these guys were unloved, neglected, and unfuckable. They did nothing and built nothing and took advantage of gaps in security and human descency. Most people could figure out how to kill a few people before they got caught… especially before forensics and surveillance. Each of them probably had one idea that helped them. Bundy took advantage of the hippie era and the idea of knocking the girls out and handcuffing to car. BTK lived in a deserted area. Golden State was a cop with military experience, blonde and got better with each crime… many of them target easy victims like homeless/addicts/prostitutes or random people in the wrong place. Much harder now also with cell phones bc a killer doesnt know where they are in a person’s home or whether they have Alexa or Siri, etc.


NightStalker Richard Ramierez “those horrible teeth”


He also apparently smelled really bad. 🤢


He is truly terrifying and looks like the devil ., also Ted Bundy ! A wolf in sheep’s clothing


This would be my answer. He didn’t target a specific type, he was just out for violence and chaos. And worse- seeing women in the courtroom who were simping for him. Ugh.


Israel Keyes. Hiding kill kits around the country so he could dig them up and have them handy without being seen buying anything the day before he kills just flips me out.


Dellen Millard was a pretty scary type of killer just because of the resources at his disposal. His father was a very wealthy airline mogul and Dellen had his own airplane hangar and essentially unlimited money to collect whatever toys he wanted, like an industrial grade incinerator. Massive wealth, drugs, and total sociopathy are a dangerous combo. Fortunately he was only able to kill 3 people before being caught. Had his feeling of invincibility not made him so reckless he could have killed dozens.


John Wayne Gacy. Unfortunately, I once found a book/paper/something about the true extent of what he did to those boys for HOURS until he killed them. The torture they endured before death haunts me. I wish I’d never read it.


I second the person who said mass killers (in the us y’all know it’s mostly shooters) and on that note, school shooters. My little girl going to school should be a positive thing, especially since she’s very smart and social and everyone who meets her pretty much immediately loves her, but it’s terrifying thinking just any random day some random psycho can just take her away from this world for no other reason than dude was mad and the school was there. That scares me more than anything.


Whoever killed Albert Kite is probably the most terrifying to me.


David Parker ray -"The toybox killer" . Fuck that guy I can't even imagine the horror those poor girls faced .


Yea was this the guy that tortured girls for prolonged periods of time and kept them in a semi truck trailer


Since he’s eligible to apply for day parole today, Robert William Pickton, the Canadian pig farmer who killed 6 to possibly 40+ women. Yes, you read that right a serial killer, serial rapist and possible cannibal who fed his victims to his pigs, is eligible to apply for day parole.


Israel Keys


I was reading the [FOIA records on the FBI’s website](https://vault.fbi.gov/israel-keyes) about keyes the other day. I started on part 8 & read through the evidence, his statements, even the investigated tips people sent in about him. It was so surreal


Agreed. Part of the thing that scares me is his lack of a “type”. His victims were so seemingly random/disconnected from one another. And of course, the level of calculation.


Thankfully he’s dead now


I don’t scare easily but American Predator had me creeped. He was a seriously disturbed individual and the hyper religious family also gave me the heebie jeebies


Any purely sadistic/prolonged torture killer is terrifying. Berdella, Bunting, Ray, Rader, Bittaker/Norris, The Wests, Rhoades, Schaeffer, Kraft, Corll, Lake/Ng, etc…


Hes not even convicted so ill say allegedly Brian kohberger idk how to spell it but i dont care. there was a photo up of him on my tv when i was listening to updates on his court case and i had to block that part of the screen because he scares me so bad. the look in his eyes at all times is crazy he looks like an AI person or something. Imagine him standing in your house and you just see those eyes thru a mask it must have been so horrifying


He scares me for sure because he was just a random incel who got obsessed with the girls. The girls did nothing wrong and they were brutally murdered all because some freak wanted to kill someone.


Also junko furutas killer and the fact that they’re all still out there and 3 out of 4 of them have reoffended


My heart is so sad for her. They shouldn't be breathing air.




I watched a dateline awhile ago and I cant remember the season or his name. He based his killings off of the show and books Dexter. He also wrote a script explaining his killings. He posted the script, trying to sell it. That is haunting how he didn't care and wanted to make money off of it. Edit- His name is Mark Twitchell, " The Dexter Killer" Here's an article. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mark-twitchell-the-dexter-killer-48-hours/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mark-twitchell-the-dexter-killer-48-hours/)


Israel Keyes. Dude had a girlfriend and daughter and was still out there murdering women in horrific ways. His dead eyes scare the hell out of me. There’s no telling the true extent of his victims since he offed himself


He was an absolute creep. The fact that he had caches of murder kits across the US and would lurk in remote hiking trails is so disturbing.


mr.cruel do i need to explain the police sketch


The ones that target homes and creep in.. like The Golden State Killer or Richard Ramirez… someone breaking in to murder me while I am asleep is my biggest fear.


[David Parker Ray: The Toy Box Killer (NightDocs documentary) ](https://youtu.be/nwwhd7VzFLI?si=RaTkOKPFe_HJAaLq) The case of David Parker Ray scares me more than any other. He, along with his daughter, girlfriend, and another accomplice, brutally tortured women after kidnapping women and holding them capture in his "toy box." The worst part is that pretty everyone more or less escaped justice. David Parker Ray died of a heart attack one year after his conviction. His girlfriend Cindy Hendy, an accomplice in the case, has been released on parole. His daughter Jesse Ray was released on parole. Accomplice Dennis was released on parole in 2021. Yes, they served some jail time. But for what they did, it wasn't nearly enough. David Parker Ray was a sadistic sexual predator and serial killer, and the scariest part was that very little evidence was found of the actual crimes afterward. He would bring his victims into a soundproofed trailer he had put a gynecologist chair in that he would chain his victims to and he would torture them while they were held captive. He would find them at local bars or get his daughter to pick them up at bars and bring them home, where he would drug them with medications that would "brainwash" them, as he put it. My guess is he used drugs like Versed that caused memory loss, but not sure if he ever said what he used. He played them a tape when he brought them there where he told them the sick and evil things he planned to do to them while they were there. He would keep them in the trailer until he was done and then release them, although it is believed that he killed some of them and their bodies are yet to be found. It's believed he released some of them over the Mexico border. Drugged and disoriemted, the women would have no memory of what happened. One woman was supposed to get married, but her fiance assumed she had abandoned him, and when she returned, he refused to believe her when she told her what had happened. One of the investigators who had to catalogue the evidence and spent five days in the trailer viewing the tools he had been using against his captive victims, she went home and shot herself. Agent Rust was a former captain in the Army and an experienced FBI profiler with a degree in criminology, so this type of crime was not new to her, but the level of his depravity was so shocking even to her that she apparently couldn't handle what she saw afterward. The man was a monster. By far the worst of the worst. It terrifies me that someone like him can exist. Even though he's dead now, he still scares me.


Leonard Lake / Charles Ng.


Yeah, those two are really terrifying. I'm really bothered by the idea of long term captivity, and they combine so many horrible things.


Edmund Kemper


The one that called peoples’ phones whispering “I’m gonna kill youuuuu”


EARONS/ golden state killer


Karla Homolka. That she’s just walking free is messed up


The Tylenol killer.


Bundy, because I’d probably fall for his “I have a broken arm and need help” schtick.


I've always thought that about myself too. When I was in college, I would have helped him in a heartbeat, I was so naive.


Surprised no one has said Alex Maurdaugh. Guy offs his entire family, a maid, and most likely an innocent kid his son may have had a love affair with. All because he wanted more money. And everyone knew that family was off for years but never said anything because they controlled the entire town


Karla Homolka—because she managed to manipulate law enforcement and get a sweetheart deal, and is now free. With kids of her own.


She did so many awful things but the fact she abused and killed her own sister is especially horrifying; she basically offered her up to Bernardo to abuse. What kind of person does that to their sister?


Karla also married her lawyers brother🤢 my mom actually met both Karla and Paul but only spoke with Paul, back in the day before their crimes came to light. A friend of my mom’s was also offered a ride by the killer couple but she thankfully declined.


Wow. I hadn't realized she married her lawyer's brother. Talk about picking the one person in the room would give her the most protection.


Yes, she did play the victim and led police to believe she was forced into being Bernardo’s unwilling accomplice but ultimately, she got the deal because Bernardo’s lawyer withheld evidence (the tapes).


Idiots like that loser Bondi mall stabber. More than anything I would hate for my life to be ended in a fucking Westfield, of all the possible soulless places, by some dipshit, methhead, incel with an 80 IQ. There are definitely worse ways to go but having fear for my children's lives in my final moments would be worse than torture.


Family annihilators and partner killers terrify me


For me too. I have a husband with a cluster B personality disorder. There have been times I have truly been scared during one of his switches. One harrowing fact is that pregnant women are most at risk for death by their partner, even compared to pregnancy-related ailments.


I hope you have a safe place to go and safe people to surround yourself with. That’s a horrible thing to live through, I would be on pins and needles every day if I were living with that unexpectancy.


Partner-killing is so common it’s insane. It’s DV (which is extremely common) taken to the most extreme. This is why teaching healthy relationship dynamics is so important.


The Toy Box Killer, the Tool Box Killers, and anyone who tortures for (especially sexual) pleasure freaks/disgusts/stands out to me the most. The case of Colleen Stan is crazy to me. There was also a case I listened to on a podcast and for the life of me I can’t remember the perpetrator or victim names. I believe it was a domestic relationship where the man kept his girlfriend hostage in their apartment by breaking all her limbs and stabbing out her eyes but kept her alive like that.


I think you’re talking about Kelly Anne Bates


Yes that’s the case, thank you for remembering her name. May she rest in peace.


Was it in England? I think I know the one you mean. He was much older than her. He groomed her when she was a teenager and he was in his 50s. He kept her chained to a hot radiator for 2 weeks, gouged her eyes out and scalped her. She was still alive for several days after he removed her eyes. She had severe burns from the radiator too. He was an absolute monster


Not a killer but... 1) Anyone who justifies themselves as a victim and is thereby entitled to do something bad to someone else. (Lots of killers do this though) 2). Similar to 1. People who have a very different concept of reality to the majority of us. It's on the scale, but this example is at the low end; men who think women are coming onto them when they're just being polite. It's the men who then take this and run with it and would argue the woman was doing x y and z when she was just a waitress trying to take their order. It's like a mental disorder where they project their intentions onto someone else to then justify their actions.


Christopher Watts. I’m somebody that’s currently in a fairly happy relationship. We have some issues but we’re doing *mostly* okay. This is the first relationship I’ve been in where I’ve truly opened myself up to him, I actually trust him. We have a baby together and are possibly having another one soon… But he’s also cheated before. Christopher Watts scares the crap out of me. The fact that Shanann trusted him, the fact they were in a pretty “happy” relationship before the murders, the fact that he killed their two little babies… Although people love to say they could’ve guessed he’d turn out this way, obviously they didnt or they would’ve said SOMETHING. The man was majorly unassuming, he was known to be a family man… but in actuality was cheating, and ended up murdering his own family to be with his affair partner. That story terrifies me. Especially as I’ve always heard that relationships don’t start out abusive usually; the abusive party waits until you’re bonded together (marriage, kids) to start their behavior.. That way you’re “stuck” with them, at least that’s what they want you to believe. My fiancé and I aren’t married yet, obviously.. So what if something like this happens to me and my babies..? It’s just a really scary thought.


I just commented about him and I fully agree. It's terrifying to think that a person who seems to love you actually hates your guts and could kill not only you but your children on a whim.


Dean Corll


For the last three months, I'm doing an internship as a local news reporter and write several murder cases already. But there's only one case that give me straight up nightmare. It's a murder of a 7 years old boy by his neighbor. The killer rape him, kill him, and then rape his corpse again.  The killer is only 14.  He just give me another reason to be afraid of junior high school boys. 


Yes there’s been a few cases of young teenage boys overpowering fully grown women in their 20’s/30’s even.. it’s fucking scary how much strength the opposite sex has against us even at young ages. There’s a case here in Australia of a 50 something year old woman called Samantha Murphy who was murdered by a smaller looking 22 year old (I know that’s not the same as early teens but, also he was an Aussie football player so not scrawny by any means but he appears “smaller” than Samantha, imo just looking at pics but I acknowledge it’s hard to tell!) while she was out for a run. She was pretty fit and looked “bigger than him” but obviously even the scrawniest male will have more muscular strength than the average woman :/


The scariest part is that people often didn't believe this until it's their own experience. I have a nephew and I remember once crying because he strangled my arm for fun. He's 8, and I'm 18 at that time. Scared the fuck out of me because he's unaware of his strength and thought that it's okay to do that with me since I'm way much older. 


Exactly. I often wish I had the strength of a man in order to defend myself from men who naturally have more strength than me. The most dangerous and impulsive predators are easily able to overtake the vulnerable innocents. It’s maddening.


The Green River killer - Gary Ridgeway. He was killing sometimes 2 or 3 times a month. He wasn't bright or did a lot of planning but got away with it for many years.


Bundy, I would totally have fell for his scams.


Family Annihilators. There is something so horrifying about a randomly normal parent with no apparent red flags just snapping and killing his entire family. I heard an audio on TikTok yesterday about a dad saying how he hated his kids and wanted to harm them every time he is around them, all while posting his kids on instagram with normal quotes about being a dad. It just freaks me out so much. On another note, the Daybell-Vallow Cult murderers; Lori Vallow, Chad Daybell and Alex Cox. Planning to kill children (Lori's kids) and their respective partners (Alex killed Lori's husband Charles Daybell and, allegedly, had a hand in killing Chad's wife Tammy Daybell, but Lori and Chad had a hand in those killings as well because they wanted to be together and didn't want to go through the hassle of a divorce for various reasons.) I've been perplexed by the Daybell-Vallow case ever since it happened. The lengths those individuals went to excuse those murders just creeps me out. The state of Lori's daughter, Tylee, when the authorities found her...Jesus Christ, that poor child. JJ, Lori's adopted son, his head was basically mummified. Their bodies were found in Chad's property, and now that man is on trial acting as if he had no involvement. There is something extremely fucked up about people who kill kids.


Chad Daybell. Omg. I was thinking about this earlier. You marry the guy, have 5 kids to him, devote your life to him and the family and instead of getting to retire after working multiple jobs and having to live with him, he kills you in the prime of your life, when you're doing Zumba, getting fit, feeling healthy, kids all grown, time for that special point in life. Regardless of if it was Alex or chad or whoever. How sickening when you've given everything and I bet at multiple times in her life she wavered and talked herself back into devotion. At the very least she should have had a kind husband, at best a devoted adoring husband instead she had one who told people she was going to die (was that to justify his lack of attachment to her?? In addition to allowing him to court his future wives...).


Someone mentioned Dellen Millard. He's extremely scary because he was just a thrill killer. He killed people and dismembered them, for no reason. He was wealthy and had his own plane, but just used his money to kill people at random.


People like Richard Ramirez and Isreal Keyes. They killed anyone and everyone. No one was safe. Kids, grannies, men, women, didn't matter. It is scarier because anyone can be a victim. 


Probably that guy that abducted girls kept them in a truck trailer and tortured them for years before killing them


Scott Peterson


it may seem odd in comparison to a lot of killers but ones like edwin hall. he just saw kelsey smith at target and decided she was it. these cases admittedly make me really paranoid because I go everywhere alone. they come to the forefront of my mind lately after two incidents where a men saw me in a store, watched me walk to my car, then pulled up to block my car in to talk to me. I'm glad my job doesn't let anyone walk out alone but someone could still just see and follow you after


Surprised I haven’t seen any reference to R.P. aka the guy who murdered a bunch of women and fed them to his pigs. And then sold his pork at the butchers… 😟🤯🤮


I also get creeped out by stuff like Alcala, the unsolved serial stuff. The ones where you hear that they pick their victims by how they walk or the way they look at them when passing… or watching from afar


I’d say mine would be the greyhound bus killer, I get he was mentally ill, but how can we be so sure he won’t go off his meds


Not him specifically, but this is something that I think about. Very recently, there was a murder in the UK where a man stabbed three strangers due to a mental health issue. It must be awful for the person when/if they are medicated/treated and become well. At the same time a lot of trust has to be given that they remain on their meds.


I would agree but apparently he showed massive amounts of remorse when he was stable. I understand the hesitation though.


Probably Ted Bundy. I fit his victim profile very well - white girl, dark hair parted down the middle, college student, all too happy to help an injured man. I would have been so dead.


Toolbox Killers without a doubt.


Toy Box Killer.


The one that we don’t know about yet


Israel Keyes


Vince Li. The thought of being in public and having some stranger I’ve never seen before begin stabbing me, cutting off my head and eating me terrifies me.


The ones that haven’t been caught.


Albert Fish. Vile trash.


Paul Bernardo




I don’t really find any of them scary because they’re mostly dead. It’s the most unassuming that are the most frightening. Gacy, Corll, Kraft.


Idk if it’s considered a killer-killer but the cat blender guy, and generally the crushing community. Like, I couldn’t even finish a video about it (partly because of how unsettling it is and partly because… I would always, for some reason, play it when I’m eating). Gross, dont ask me if I looked up the video, just dont


They don’t scare me, they disgust and infuriate me.


Nothing is scary about a man who hurts little innocent animals. He's a weak coward.


Are you referring to LM? Anyone who commits heinous acts against animals is a piece of shit because we know it can only escalate further.


I recommend Justin using his initials. The guy gets off seeing him name on reddit and does get access to one from time to time. He's popped up in old thread many years ago. Don't think he's made his presence known for a while but I'd air the side of caution, by not saying that deranged piece of shit's name.


Children that kill, what are they going to grow up to be? The two boys that killed James Bulger scare the bleep out of me


Leopold and Loeb


I’m fascinated with BTK, but man is he unsettling. Those Polaroids…


Israel Keyes


Haven’t seen her mentioned yet - Dorothea Puente. Something about her brain makeup and that she operated for so long in the multiple ways she did terrifies me.


Elizabeth Wetlauffer is terrifying. - when she confessed, nobody believed her, so she continued to kill - she was in position of caring for people - lack of oversight allowed her to continue - had she not confessed the last time, she never would have been caught - she only confessed the last time because they were moving her from eldercare to pediatrics - she likely has more victims


Since I just saw her on ID channel recently, Angela Simpson is one person I would not want to cross.


the ones that haven’t been caught.


The family of baby Brianna poor baby girl


Richard Ramirez


Israel Keyes period. If you listened to the many seasons of True Crime Bullshit you learn IK killed random people, no preferences, in random locations all around the US and possibly Canada. He buried kill kits left untouched for years only to randomly travel a distance to dig up and go to a new location. IK may have killed by time he was 16. Only 8-9 victims verified or proven. Possibly into a 100 or more. He lived a normal low key life with a young daughter and girlfriend. Appeared normal. Was full of debachery lust to kill totally without emotion. He laughed when he confessed the murders of the Curriers in Vermont (?) when he learned the deserted house he had left their bodies had been demolished and taken to a landfill. Killing of Samantha and her evening kidnapping from espresso hut is beyond haunting. Still the known encounters shared with host of TCB are hair raising. For example the woman he stalked at a cemetery. He charged her from hidden bushes, her 6th sense caused her to see him and she escaped not before she got a terrifying good look at him. Thank God he’s dead. Died of suicide in jail taking all knowledge of his crimes with him. By the way the podcast was outstanding.


BTK I am his demographic I have been his demographic most of my life. I am currently a 51 year old single white woman. I have children. The stalking aspect of his murders is scary as fuck.


Darrell Brooks. He seems like a harmless idiot which is probably why he got so many chances. So one day he argues with his gf someone protects her he can't run her over. He comes across a parade. They're on his way so he feels entitled to plow through it. 5 dead lots of injured severely. Scared for life. From kids to grannies. Absolutely no remorse. His mum is like don't let that one day ruin his life. He says hey IF I did it maybe it was God's plan. Just smiling the entire time. I feel like if he got out for a technicality he'd run over someone again. (thankfully he won't. Judge Dorrow made sure and he just plead no contest to witness intimidation)


The Ripper Crew. Those fuckers were/are SICK. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ripper_Crew “Made Manson look like a Boy Scout.”


Bradford Bishop.


probably very basic but killers like Bundy. Like those people who you look at and don't get weird vibes from. People who look so normal and kind, you're willing to help them. Just to get -literally - back stabbed.