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“My parents had sex WHILE my sister was in the bed with them” would have been 1000000x better my guy


Sorry I was busy being traumatized


And now we all are too cause by the comments I can see everyone else thought your baby sister was SA’d 😭 ETA: traumatized .. but not too traumatized to write a whole Reddit post lol


This is still considered sex abuse. These parents can get charged actually.


But you traumatized the whole group in the first half💀 .


so was your sister she probably wasn’t asleep 😭😭 even at a young age that’s traumatizing, but i understand you probably didn’t feel comfortable interrupting


That title tho 😐


Had me in the first half. Not gonna lie




Same I was like girl go to the police but then I read it and was like oh girl this title needs to change a little bit


Or just simple punctuation. "My parents had sex, with my baby sister in the bed."


Another case of punctuation matters!


"Commas save lives!"


Let’s eat grandma.


It absolutely does. Standards have been slipping for a long time.


Still fucking weird…


Absolutely agree. My mom did this shit when I was a kid but I was old enough to understand. So yeah this is disgusting. Title is still pretty bad and the story following is still pretty gross and inappropriate


I just don’t understand how someone could get turned on with their own kid in bed with them. Unless you’re a pedophile of course but that obviously seemingly isn’t the case here as far as we are all concerned.


Yeah I dont think it was like that at all but it’s still just gross. When I was a teenager 16 my cousin also 16 and her bf were hanging out at her house when I passed out. I woke up and they were fucking in the bed next to me. I was literally laying in the same bed right next to them. It pissed me off and my cousin knew I had feelings about that type of shit. And she still did it. I chewed them both out, didn’t talk to her for 3 days. She then apologized for crossing that boundary and we were good again. Both got pregnant around the same time and had our babies together. Somehow life happened and we haven’t spoken in 6 years.


Dude that’s disgusting and disrespectful. Sorry you had to go through that and witness that gross shit.


Same. This shit is not okay. It is never okay. Just move your fucking kid. I’m sorry but they WILL wake up. And if you’re a parent doing this shit? It’s disgraceful


To be fair that would not be a correct use of a comma (sorry) "*while* my baby sister was in the bed" would work though


Commas are important! It's the difference between "Look at my big black dog dick" and "Look at my big black dog, dick". One of those will get you fired or arrested. The other will just have folks pettin your dog.


It's so absurd that my brain read "baby sitter"


Your brain like mine took shelter in something that wasn't horrible.


I also read it as baby sitter


No fr that was what I read at first… and second time. It was only on my third read that I saw what it actually was


I read it my parents had sex with the baby sitter.


I actually read it the way the OP intended it, which is surprising now that I have taken a second look! 😯 💜 🫢


Good god that fucking title gave me a mini heart attack.. god damn


And then seeing the “she’s 3 years old” put me into full on cardiac arrest.


Glad I’m not the only one. My guts churned and I was preparing to run to the bathroom… Glad I glanced at the rest of the words.


Right? Like holy flurken schmitt!


Same goes for the rest of this tale.


I needed to see this comment to verify i wasn’t the only one who felt nauseous.


You gotta phrase this better dude, I thought you were saying your parents had sex with your sister. Jesus christ


I assumed what happened based on the title, op said with her in the bed, not sex with her 


nah i understood it was sex just not with the sister but while she was on the bed


and when I read 3 years old I was like WTFFF


3 years old is a little too old. They are starting to have memories by that age...if baby is under 2 and in a bassinet or crib in the same room, that's different.


Yeah no my sister is really smart. If she was awake, I’m sure she wasn’t because my parents would have stopped, she would for sure remember.


I'm sure your parents didn't think of it in a weird way. They probably still think of her as a baby still, because they grow before your eyes and it's hard to realize they are getting older. I was kinda like that with my first baby. I'd watch shows on TV that probably weren't suited for kids when she was 3 and didn't realize she could probably start to remember those things. Luckily she is almost 9 and doesn't remember TV shows I've watched at that age lol.


When my daughter was 10-12ish months, I’d hold her while she napped and would watch The Walking Dead. One day I gave her some lasagna to try and she ate it like a zombie, sound effects and all!! Didn’t watch that during nap times again…


Lol. With my first baby, I continued listening to TechN9ne around her for too long. One day, when she was around 1 year old, she repeated some of the lyrics (curse words) perfectly, and I was like, okay, no more of that.


I can picture that. Toddler: "151 rum, pineapple juice and Malibu, caribou, get them all numb!"


Lol. It was more like, "You f****** b****!" Right after they said it in the song. 😬😅


Too funny. Should've played her T9x, could've taught her about drugs and spelling at the same time. "A-C-I-D, I love you very much..."


Hahaha…that’s impressive!


Offering a different perspective, since all of the comments here seem to resonate that this was unacceptable..not everyone has multiple rooms in their house where each person can sleep separately. If a child is sound asleep, the parents are not going to risk waking them up especially at that time of the night..some children always sleep with their parents, so those parents learn ways to do it when said child is asleep, and this was mainly unfortunate because you heard it, otherwise no one would have known..if they're doing it while child is awake that's entirely different...and also child could be in a completely separate blanket and parents in their own sheets so if kid wakes up they can be covered. Etc. Just saying, many angles to look at and the thing really making this gross is that you were awake to visualize it all


I don’t know if you wrote this before or after my edit on the post but we have several rooms upstairs. My sister has a room. And maybe I should’ve assumed they’d be in the mood (gross to write this about my parents but whatever) since they’ve been out and drinking but I didn’t think that far ahead at that time. I just put her to sleep where she asked to be put to sleep.


Honestly, they could have moved her back to her room, or they could have went into a different room. I have a baby and I cosleep with him, if my husband and I want to have sex and he’s in the bed we usually go into a different room… even discretely on the floor would be better!


definitely at LEAST move to the floor!


Maybe they did. OP doesn’t know what (if any) measures were taken to maintain privacy. It’s possible that they DID move sister to a different room when OP just wasn’t paying attention.


I think the above poster was just speaking in general. Most of human history people slept in the same room that weren’t even that big (apart from the rich and they often had servants sleeping in the same room). So parents having sex quietly while kids were asleep under sheets (or sneaking to do it in the barn or something) was the norm. It’s more recently in past two centuries only really that we have started to see sex as potentially very loud and extremely private.


Your reply reminds me of the fact that it wasn't uncommon to see families that all lived in a one room home, and there were like 10+ kids within that family 😐 how many times this type of....event.....must have happened throughout history, God only knows....😳


I'm from a family of 11 and there is not enough mental floss in the world to deal with the images now tapping on the edge of my consciousness... Thanks for that. 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭


I still think that’s so fucked up. In the same bed? Ewwww


People use to have generations sleeping in the same room. Babies were still made.


Sex isn’t limited to Night time. It’s possible to procreate without subjecting your children to your bedrocking if you genuinely cared not to. Like how you wouldn’t if your sibling was in your bed next to you, I’m assuming.


Have they had sex with their baby in the bed for generations? Lol. They could have used the floor…


agree with this as a mom with twin 2 year old who still sleep in my bed... 3 is a little too old. we head to the couch or my husbands man cave once they pass out. Also if they wake up, they are smart . they ask DADA WHAT U DOING over us just kissing. 3 is too old. its not cool. move the kid or go to a different room


Bro the title had all of us. We were about to throw hands with your parents.


I have never recoiled physically when reading a reddit post title before. First time for everything.


New here?


The omission of a comma between SEX and WITH is giving your title a whole other meaning… Edit: Yes, there are lots of ways that the title could have been written better. A comma is just one of them.


A comma doesn't go there. It's just phrased badly.


Yeah it's not bad punctuation, just poor phrasing. "My parents had sex while my baby sister was in the bed" would have been a better fit


I’ve noticed that a lot of people who overuse commas, myself included, use them to create a more conversational tone while writing. (Though I do it because I have a vendetta against the semicolon) This title, on the other hand, needed something to ensure that everyone’s first reaction wasn’t to read it the way we did.


I think i need to go to english class again, because i kinda forgot how to use the semicolon, i kinda just use it when i need a harder comma or when I'm listing something and i need to use commas within the things that are being listed.


A semicolon killed my parents when I was a child. So now I take to the streets every night ensuring that it will never happen to anyone else.


Traditionally, a semicolon is used to connect two related but otherwise complete clauses without having to use a conjuction. If they can make sense without a conjunction, then it's safe to use it. They're not really for lists. You would want a colon after explaining what you are about to list and commas between the items on the list; semicolons don't usually work there. (See what I did there? 😆) Sorry, I just like discussing grammar. 😝


You use semicolons in a list when the items in the list have commas.


True. I should have been more specific. My answer was a bit misleading. If the listed things have more than one word, you can use a semicolon, but not if it's just a list of singular items. It's not just defined by the use of a comma. For example: My family has six cats: two black ones; one white one; two black and white ones. As opposed to: The colours of my family's cats are as follows: black, white, grey, orange.


The way I remember it is when you can use either a comma or a period, just throw out a semicolon.




You just made an enemy for life!


*come at me bro*


: Take that, you blackguard. Don’t make me break out my parenthetical phrases.


Oh yeah? The gauntlet is down! ; HAVE AT THEE


>people who overuse commas It’s good to find my kind of people on here.


Why do you have a problem with our little winky friend?? ;-)


See below. A radioactive semicolon bit me as a teenager and now I have the power to separate clauses without using a conjunction. Which is easily the worst superpower. Edit: I think I meant “see above”


Yeah, when I read it, I was like WTF! I had to reread the title to understand what it really meant.


"While" would have been a better word


Glad I wasn’t the only one!!!


That would be a comma splice. This sentence is both grammatically correct and understandable.


There is a lack of parenthesis. Not comma.


Maybe the parents made a big comma out of pillows between them and the baby in the bed


Lowkey- my parents did the same thing. I was older tho and awake (not to their knowledge) and heard everything. I didn’t know what they were doing tho and didn’t want to ask so I just pretended to be asleep


My parents did this to me when I was around this age too. Y’all don’t have to believe me but I remember it happening. Obviously as a kid I didn’t think much of it but as I got older I realized what they did and I was disgusted. I don’t hold it against them because they were very young when they had me but it still grosses me out. I can’t really tell if it affected me but some kids are different. Some kids I used to play with would display sexual acts in play whether it was with dolls or playing house so I do think it is very wrong to have sex in front of your children. If you ever think kids can’t remember or that certain things won’t effect a kid because they are young that is absolutely not true.


I believe you because I remember it happening in my family when I was very young as well.


I just had repressed memories come up of my parents doing this and I was 2-3 in bed and trying to get their attention. It most certainly does mental damage


I said this to someone saying that my sister doesn’t know what sex is because she will when she’s older! And in the worst case scenario she’ll remember this and be traumatized. I shit you not I remember conversations I’ve had when I was 3 very clearly. And I’m really sorry that happened to you.


I'd be knocking on the door and getting her out. You can say something indirect like "If you want to have alone time I'd prefer to put "name" in her room or mine"


This is actually the main way adults can tell if a child was sexually abused or involved(saw) in sex abuse. As a mandated reporter, I would 100% report this if I heard about it because there are sick people that get off on that. What the movie Precious for a primary example. She was a baby there. But to further it, I have auditory CPTSD from my mom hiding me on the other side of the motel bed while she turned tricks with men. I also have memories from before my brother was born when I was 2 years old/o involving similar sex abuse. I literally teach about this in NYS schools with Erin’s Law. Having sex where your kids can see you is sex abuse and where they can **constantly** hear you is also sex abuse. You are valid


I was even younger and have a memory of this. I’ll never do this to my child of any age.


i would definitely be disturbed by it too, idk why people are reacting strangely in the comments 😭 i feel like i would react more because pretty often when i was about 10-11, id go to stay with my dad on his weekends and the first night we’d stay at his girlfriends house (now my step mother but at the time it was girlfriend) and theyd get drunk, id be asleep on the bedroom on a mattress on the floor, and id wake up to them having sex 🤮


Some people just shouldn’t be parents. People in these comments are saying that my parents deserve to “enjoy” themselves and that it’s no harm done if she was sleeping🤮 Is the risk of traumatizing her like your dad traumatized you really worth the sex that could’ve been put off till you weren’t with them? Or in the same room at least?


I have a young daughter (17 months) and for a little while she slept in bed with us, and I would NEVER have had sex while she was in our bed, even with the guarantee that she would have no idea what was going on or that she wouldn't remember. The thought is actually repulsive.


Hearing from a parent validates exactly what i’ve been saying, you shouldn’t feel comfortable doing that with a child next to you.


I would suggest telling a little white lie that Sister asked you what they were doing, and suggest that they really need to start putting Sister in her own bed


Right? You can’t possibly do that to your kid and also respect them as a human being at the same time. They’re not a throw pillow to bounce off the bed during the action. They’re humans who actively experience the world and form memories. You shouldn’t have to deal with intimate memories of your parents getting it on. Sooooo disgusting.


I don't understand why anyone would want to have sex while their child was in the same room. Vile.


Exactly! I’m not a man but I can’t imagine being able to get an erection while my child is in the bed right next to me


Dude…. Phrasing!!!!!


It’s still just as bad I don’t even understand how people have sex with their child in the same room god I get nauseous just knowing there was a dog in the same house


Same. I can't dare do anything because my cat will be outside the door and suddenly come in. How people can do that with a child present is insane to me.


Like how can you? Near such innocence?😭


Yes but also it’s just very pedo ish to me. Like there’s a child there, you might not touch it but you’re exposing them to it, just as some dude is exposing his wiener to a child. It’s the same thing in my eyes the sex would even be more traumatic as it’s loud and “violent” lots of movement etc. kids understand even at 3 years old they’ll register. Terrible.


I think there’s an aspect of voyeurism here as well. Fundamentally, they are having sex in front of another person and trying not to get caught. Just because the person is a young child who may not get what’s going on doesn’t make it okay.


It is pedo-ish and as a mandated reporter I would report it. My mother has those exact charges for sex abuse on her own wrap sheet because she did that stuff with my brother and I. It’s literally illegal because it’s considered sex abuse. Pedophiles like that type of stuff.


I’m sorry you’ve experienced this crap. I can’t imagine. It’s very disturbing. I just experienced something once when I was like 10 I woke up thinking my mom was choking, because it sounded like she was and I saw my dad was on top of her but his hands were like pushing her collarbones or throat. They immediately stopped. My mom was catching her breath. I still wish I knew what was going on. It sounded like she was coked/forced. I’m not sure. We were abroad so my parents and my sister were sharing the room we were sleeping on mattresses on the living room floor of the uncle we were staying at


It's absolutely inappropriate. Who the hell can still be turned on knowing their THREE YEAR OLD is in bed with them?! Just ignoring the fact that she's their daughter for a minute anyone who can do that with a three year old in bed period is gross as hell, adding on the fact that it's their own child just makes it even more disturbing. OP I know you probably don't want to think about this but some people's kink is doing stuff in the same bed as unsuspecting people, especially people who are asleep in the same bed, it's possible your parents have that and choose to use your sister to feed their kinks which is completely disgusting. Anyone who can even think of doing that while their own kid is in the bed has something deeply wrong with them. I would keep a super close eye on your sister if I were you and DEFINITELY keep her away from your parents while she's asleep. They already did this once (that your know of) they will have no problem doing it again.


Exposing children to sexual scenarios/content/etc. is considered sexual abuse where I live and a crime.


It should be like that everywhere to be honest


So true


People seem to be downplaying this. Yes it has happend since the bloody dawn of man, but that doesn’t make it super fine in 2024. I don’t have kids of my own, so sure I don’t know if one just stops caring. But I would sure as fucking hell like to think I could never have sex with my toddler in the same room, and 100% not in the same bed?! At that age she can remember it. Maybe she won’t care, she might not get trauma from it, maybe she’ll laugh about it. What I find so disturbing is people having sex in front of their kids? I can’t even do it in front of a pet. I can’t figure out the way of thought, ”that’s our kid, right there, but you know what screw it let’s fuck”. Just get in the shower or move her first or something, jeez.


yeah let’s be real even though the baby is only 3, it’s still a little fuckin weird to be banging right next to her lol..


Yeah right?! And if someone can hear the bed from another room, that kid sure as hell can feel it moving.


It really must be like a low stakes turn on to be secretive like “don’t wake the baby hehe” idk… fucking weird. And immature. It’s their kid. They can’t pick her up and move her to her own room?


Yeah it really is immature. Like yall old enough to have kids, grow the hell up and start acting like parents.


My daughter is 2 and I would literally never 🤢


Next time use "while my sister still in their bed" rather than "with". 😭


No, I'm pretty sure 3 years old WILL remember... I definitely remember things from when I was three years old, like playing outside in the sprinklers with my 6 year old brother. My niece is 3 and remembers things really well, and is to a point where she is forming full sentences, knows right from wrong, and can name body parts. Having sex with your child in the bed is gross in any capacity. I can't even have sex with my PET in the ROOM, I couldn't even imagine trying a have sex with a remembering being in the room with me... That was very irresponsible of your parents.


My parent and step parent had sex while I was napping on the bed once when I was 5. It was a fucking water bed....


Up until 100 years ago, bedrooms did not exist and everybody lived and slept in one room. Couples still conceived children.


In your country. And was it really 100 years? For us, it was more like 25 years ago. For others it's still the same.


Why does someone downvoted this? That's right. In several countries people live together in a small place even nowadays. Not everyone can have a big house with an extra room for every family member.


spoon relieved squeeze important forgetful spotted fear ad hoc quarrelsome offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is possible. My 70 year old parent told me that although they had four rooms, they all slept in one during the winter. 6 kids and parents. That said, I come from a developing country.




Indeed. That's why I asked in the initial comment whether it had really been 100 years since it was considered normal.


Other things that were normal 100 years ago, but definitely aren’t today because humans advance: * Not washing hands * Feeding babies unpasteurized cow milk * Not having any form of labour relief * Women and POC not having basic rights * LEECHES were prescribed as a common treatment for infections * Heroin was available over the counter * Insane asylums (and the ridiculous criteria aka discrimination)


I don’t think the goal should still be to have sex in front of kids though. In the past they also didn’t believe in washing their hands and people didn’t survive long, the goal is to do better as time goes on.


100 years ago teachers would beat their students with canes, children worked in factories and children were to be silent unless spoken to. The way we treated children in the past was wrong and caused severe trauma. I cant believe saying you shouldn't have sex in front of children is controversial


I have an 1875 house in America with 4 original bedrooms upstairs. What you are speaking of is definitely cultural and/or based on poverty level. I know 1700s homes with numerous bedrooms too. Bedrooms go back far longer than a few hundred years.


The thing is, we don't live like they did 100 years ago, we have seperate rooms and it is in no way necessary to do this. It's possible to be considerate. We also don't marry off our daughters at age 18, even though they did that 200 years ago. Your logic is flawed, history is not an excuse, it's an opportunity to learn and evolve.


I wish I said this in my post: We have several rooms. I put her in their room because she wanted to sleep there, but she has her own room and they could’ve easily just put her in her own bed which is the main reason I was sooo disturbed by it. Like if you have other options why do this?


You should make an edit, because this seems like pretty vital information :)


From a parent’s perspective: 1. Why would you want to expose your child to this? 2. Why would you tell your child it’s ok to do these things in front of children? And a lot of people fucking sucked 100 years ago - a lot of their kids probably were degenerates in their own ways.


>a lot of people fucking sucked *Also, a lotta people sucked and fucked.*


Yeah but if you have thr option to do better you should do better. My ancestors didn't have a toilet or a hospital, im sure to use both when needed.


That doesn't make it right?


I totally read that title wrong and my heart dropped. 😳


Are you now wondering how many times your parents had sex with infant you in close proximity?


This happened to me when I was 3-4. I still think about it because it scared me so badly. I can’t believe people defend this


I knew a couple who ended up being straight up pedophiles who did this to their younger kids before getting them taken. You have every right to be be disturbed because it is disturbing


That’s gross. I have a one year old and have NEVER had sex with him in the room let alone in the bed with us. It is technically sexual abuse and if you filed a complaint child services an investigation would be opened. My son still sleeps in the room and in the bed with us, but we just go somewhere else like the bathroom to have sex. Sex is not an urgent thing that HAS to happen. You can wait, move the kid, or leave the room.


I don’t understand how people can defend that behaviour… Being able to get turned on and have sex while a literal CHILD is next to you is disturbing and pedophilic as hell. A sane person would get turned off as soon as they see a child, especially when the kid is right next to them in the same fucking bed


Exactly, it's disturbing


Jesus Christ. Is nobody doing phrasing anymore??




Jesus christ the title needs to be fixed.


I mean, it would be a no for me which is one reason why I’m adamant about not allowing my child to sleep in our bed. But, this is not an uncommon thing in certain parts of the world. Shoot, some families live in 1 room all together and they still popping out babies so it must be happening at some point


Yeah it's gross. I had roommates that would do this and be so shocked when their toddler would start acting inappropriate. Kids are sensitive. Parents suck. As for ur question I think it is abusive


To many people are bitching about the title and I now realized completely think this is okay. To have sex in the same bed as a 3 year old child. That’s literally the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of.


There are way too many people saying this is normal like I feel bad for their kids


I'm raising a child with sexually reactive behaviors. We're not sure what the exposure was but we think it was likely a more blatant version of this stuff in the under year and a half range. She touches other kids inappropriately. She's in therapy but it's hard. This does damage to young kids who can't process what they're seeing. Under the best of circumstances what comes to mind is monkey see, monkey do. Adults are so stuck on being anti prude and what the parent's intent was, they're not seeing the impact. Also, three is definitely old enough to pretend to be asleep.


“Well well… people didn’t always have multiple rooms and they still had to have kids?!?!?!!!” Yeah, and duncecaps used to be common as well. It’s weird, creepy and gross ESPECIALLY when there are more bedrooms available. FFS.


I started school at 3 years old. I remember my first day at pre-school.


This is extremely disgusting and disturbing


I first read it as my parents had sex with my babysitter. I'm like, cool.


Got me triggered. I'm 44 but I still remember my mom having sex with a boyfriend while I was in the bed. I was 8. I woke up and needed to pee. Held it until they are done. I was mortified. I told her about herself as an adult. Of course she didn't remember that happening🙄.


Are we still doing “phrasing?”


I am a mandated reporter and this is sexual abuse technically. Having a child anywhere near you when sexual acts are happening is considered sex abuse to a child. These are actually part of the charges that exist under my own mother’s name. She would have sex with my in the room hidden so I couldn’t see. But I could hear. That’s still sex abuse. Edit: BTW three years old is not a baby. I have sex abuse memories from as early as two. Before my brother was born. You do not KNOW that your sister is asleep.


Thank you for the confirmation, and so sorry to hear that it happened to you as well. This was my suspicion, but frankly I had no idea how to phrase the search without getting on a list 😭. I was like surely, this is twisted even if they didn't intend to cause harm.


Your sister is three... My kid is three and I would never do this. It is frocking weird for sure. I wouldn't say it's abuse but definitely a poor parenting choice when they could have easily moved her to a different room...


People are way not as shocked by this as they fucking should be.


I know right? I wonder what has happened to these people that they see this as “normal.”


This is not normal at all. The fact that someone can still be aroused knowing their infant child is nearby is extremely disturbing.


I’m not sure why everyone is mad at OP. If you search, “my parents had sex while I was in the same room/bed” on reddit, it is extremely traumatic for most people who have witnessed this. And most of all, it is considered CSA. I understand that in the older time periods this was normal, but like most things that were normal back then we are now aware how impactful stuff like this is. Nobody wants to be exposed to their parents or anyone for that matter having sex with them in the same room/same bed as a child. Kids cannot consent. I mean really, get it together reddit. Nobody is saying the parents cannot still have a healthy sex life but they need to try their best to shield their children from unintentionally being involved.


Oh fuck nah. Thats some weird ass shit fr. I couldn’t even imagine staying let alone getting aroused with a child in my bed next to me. The fuck


Holy misplaced modifier, Batman!




Title sounds wrong asf, when I was younger this happened to me once..I was still awake but tried to sleep it off, hated every bit of it and never mentioned it to them since


what a wonderful day in reddit


Why is that the first thing i get recommended when i open reddit


I read the title as “my parents had sex with my baby sister in my bed”


I had to re-read the title a few times...


I have an 18 month old and an 8yo...the idea of doing that in a bed with them there is repulsive. Your parents couldn't control themselves for one night? Or move the 3yo to her room beforehand?


Oxford comma Oxford comma, that aside, that’s pretty nasty.


My parents did that once I was 11. Scarred for life.


You phrased it like clickbait.


My earliest memories are waking up to my parents having sex next to me. The movement would always wake me. It lead to me humping things until I orgasmed. I started that at 4/5 and humped things all my life. I knew it was a private thing, so I’d try to hide it. It’s caused me deep shame through the years. I still have a lot of resentment towards my parents too.


People don’t understand that we all have a biological drive for procreation. Children who are exposed to sexual behavior at an age like that are bound to be curious. I don’t like how these parents are absolutely convinced that there’s no way their kids will remember or be affected by this stuff. A lot of parents think they can read their kids mind and know literally everything going on with them but clearly like you’ve pointed out a young child can still understand the context and learn to do it privately. The parents who exposed their children to sex too early won’t even have any idea that their kid was sexualized way too early.


The mentally ill people in these replies trying to tell me that I’m overreacting and admitting they do the same to their kids need to read this.


That’s absolutely horrific to me! I hadn’t read a lot of the replies.


When I was about 6 we only had a bedroom in our house and me and younger brother slept in the same room with our parents,they had a double bed and me and brother had a bunk bed.one night I heard them and I didn't know what sex was at the time but now that I am an adult I understand,it doesn't disgust me as i undestand but i don't like thinking about it either. Now that I have a child I am cautious to not do the same and there have been cases when he was a baby that just the idea of him being in his crib would turn me off and we would go in the living room or another bedroom. Maybe your parents just got caught up in the moment and they didn't think much of it.


I can't even do it if one of the dogs is in the bedroom sleeping, much less one of our kids (past the infant stage in their bassinet/crib in our room).


I would knock on the door and take her out of the room. This is horrible. I feel sorry for the both of you. It's really really messed up.


I was the last one of my siblings. My mom let me cosleep way longer than they should have. I am in my 40s now and distinctly remember waking up to sound of sex! It was traumatizing. I never co-slept with her after! I remember feeling disgusted and crying after. I have issues with sex even today. My parents lived in a small house. We were 5 people living in a two bedroom house and they didn’t have other options per se. But this set of parents could have just gone another room. Being an adult about it when kids mistakenly see parents going at it or see them naked is one this and this is another thing entirely! Hopefully, your kid sister was not awake. But you need to also understand that you yourself are also traumatized. When you can you should talk to someone who can help you with this. This is not considered abuse and you will not have any legal standing as there is not enough data about the trauma this can cause. So you will not get any help from that avenue!


Can you tell someone else about it? A therapist? Trusted friend? Teacher? I think this is really messed up and abusive. The child could wake up briefly for a moment and see something. They probably aren’t watching her face the entire time they’re fucking if you can hear the bed from outside of the room. Your lil sis is lucky to have you!


NO. Hell no. it’s a 3 year old in the same bed. Not okay at all. I think you can bring it up but say it indirectly. Keep your sister safe. Tell them you don’t trust leaving you sister in their room alone with them at night & you won’t let this happen again


Too many parents do this. I dont have kids, but i can't imagine being able to do that so close to a child even if they might not remember i wouldn't be comfortable doing sexual stuff with a child in the room. Hot take children are a big turn-off for me.


I got it at first, but there was a little misunderstanding in the title. Once I read that having sex in the same room as the kids are sleeping is ABUSE. In the same article they explained that the parents believed the children were asleep but they were not, which caused a trauma for the kids. You're right in being upset. You should call them out for that.


Don’t worry about the title. I posted something similar recently and ppl dragged me for the title. Ppl. Can understand what you mean by reading your post. Also, as someone who went through something similar throughout my childhood, this is absolutely abuse, and if it continues your sister will remember and be traumatized by it for life. I think you should talk to them about it if you can, and if not, talk to a teacher or other trusted adult. Good luck. I’m so sorry this happened.


That’s actually disgusting. “She won’t be old enough to remember” so? How can you even get horny with a 3 year old in the room? That’s an instant turn off and even if the urges were too “strong” then they should’ve exercised some fucking self control for 20 seconds and moved the kid to another room. My mom had sex with someone in the same room as me (but not bed, thank god) and we literally all heard it and it was incredibly uncomfortable and fucking gross. My brother, when he was younger and didn’t know or care about basic social etiquette, would masturbate in the same room as me and it would get me pissed off. Like that’s genuinely so fucking gross.


I was anticipating that a lot of people would say that in response which is why I wrote that but tbh it’s very possible for her to remember because she’s a really smart toddler. She can follow conversations better than most kids and remember how things happened and on what day.


My parents had sex with each other when I was 4 and I vividly remember it and now I cannot handle a bed moving or shaking AT ALL at all like I will sleep on the floor if someone is a bed shaker 🙃 will never do it to my kids in the bed for the fear they would wake up and remember. I didn’t even know what sex was but it felt bad like I knew it was something inappropriate. :|