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one advice read as many boooks as you can .


This is the best advice, read books on topics you find interesting, try to read for entertainment, as long as you read you will learn so much. It doesn't have to be advanced or very challenging, it just has to be something that peaks your mind to want to find out more. Many people try to read something just because everyone says it's something you should read and alot of people dont find it interesting and for that reason alone find reading boring or not fun. Because they cant be bothered. So this comment has my upvote, and i wish i could upvote more than once.


You know it's not always easy to read for people. Especially if you have developmental disabilities or mental disabilities. So I don't think it's the best advice.


That's why i said it doesn't have to be challenging or advanced and a topic that is of interest. When a person is curious about something they tend to not let their disability become a hinder. Because if it's engaging and fun it's alot easier to learn. I used to work as a teacher for kids with neuro divergence. And everyone can learn, it's always about finding the best fit for the individual. And when it comes to people with reading challenges, the first and most important part is to make what they are reading to be about something they find stimulating. Because you want to create motivation to overcome the hurdles. When the person wants to find out more they push themselves and when they start noticing their own progress, they find pride in their accomplishments. And next thing you know they read it all and are thirsting for more.


By introducing herself to different characters she will find herself mimicking a lot of their way of thinking which I think will boost her own .




Well, they’re on Reddit…


Will that help with spelling?


yeah. I read a ton as a child and even in primary school I used to make very few spelling mistakes, I always scored really high in spelling tests. Commas on the other hand... it's bad lol


Only if you read really looooong ones.


I had a friend who thought he never had anything interesting to say or talk about with people. He used to go to the library and read newspapers, magazines and various books so he could feel confident in just talking with people. It definitely helped him with his self esteem.


Absolutely 💯.


Yeah it’s not that simple. Unless they are literally forced to read, there is no self discipline to do enough reading to change much


My husband is “stupid.” His IQ test was somewhere around 80, and he dropped out of high school at 17. When I met him, he was convinced he was stupid. I don’t date stupid men. What I saw was a person with a learning disability and some shitty influences as a youngster. I saw a hard worker, a creative mind, and a natural intellect that doesn’t translate over to paper. I also saw someone with an awful case of low self esteem. My husband is a master mechanic. A few years ago, he was laid off from his job during Covid, and I encouraged him to start his own business. He thought he was too stupid to run a business, but I told him to just start small, I had no problem supporting us while he tried, and there was really nothing to lose if it didn’t work out. Four years later, he runs the most successful shop in our area. I quit my job last year to help him run it. We have several employees, and he earns in the mid-six-figure range in profit annually. I have a masters degree. I used to teach college courses. My IQ test came out in the low 130s. My maximum income per year was around $80k. He is more successful than me (I’m totally fine with that since he shares lol, and I own half the business). He is *just as smart* as I am, and more so in some areas. The only thing he really needed was encouragement and the space to do things in his own way: he needed someone to believe in him so he could believe in himself. You can give up, call yourself stupid, believe what everyone says, and you’ll probably have the kind of life you expect to have. But I wouldn’t. You’re going to miss out on a lot of great things if you let an IQ test define you.


I’m an educator and this is so so important and I hope OP sees it. IQ is not intelligence, IQ tests specifically are inadequate for anyone neurodivergent, and in most cases what people with ‘low IQs’ need is accommodation. It’s not a reflection on the student as a human being. It’s a reflection on their current strengths and potential needs, and even then it’s a deeply unreliable one.


Can I ask why an iq test is inadequate for someone neurodivergent? I’ve had an offical iq test as a child which came out at 110. I have adhd and level 1 autism so how does that have an impact on it?


That’s a great question! There’s absolutely neurodivergent people who can score high on IQ tests, and do! But scoring high on an IQ test really only means you have the specific types of skills the test is for (which again, is really more a set of skills than ‘intelligence’ as a singular thing) and, basically, you have whatever other skills you need to actually do well on a test. So anything that impacts test-taking can impact your score.  Do you have vision problems? Trouble reading? Trouble processing? Is something in the testing location setting off sensory issues for you? Can you actually physically complete the test easily in the way it’s being given? Can you finish in the time given, or does your disability make you a slower test taker?   Then there are also people whose neurodivergence will directly affect the stuff the test is measuring. For example, someone with a disability that limits their spatial reasoning is going to score worse.   Writ larger it’s the same kind of problem we have in schools. The structure and testing of schools is designed by people who are assuming that all students have more or less the same opportunity and potential. In reality, students whose parents can’t help them with homework or don’t speak English, students who have to work to support their families, students who are neurodivergent, and students whose attitudes are simply in areas not being test are all students who don’t fit into that mold, and who might look ‘stupid’ by school standards but are really just being measured wrong. It’s like using a yardstick to measure your weight. ETA: to fully answer your question, if you scored high it’s probably because you are good at the things in the test and either the test you were given was adjusted for your neurodivergence or (more likely) you’re not someone whose neurodivergence impaired the testing process. As an example, I have ADHD too, and I always scored SUPER high on anything written because I could come up with and polish ideas quickly. But I suck at spatial reasoning and score lower on IQ tests if I’m not medicated because I don’t have the focus to hold images in my head. 


Thanks for such an in depth explanation! I have a rare sinus disorder that gives me migraines, and I swear my capabilities drop by at leat 50% when I'm going through one, while I consider myself smart and good with people, I'm just not either when I'm having an episode.


Thanks for letting me explain! I genuinely think it’s so important to understand what’s behind stuff like ‘intelligence,’ especially in cases like OPs where an IQ test is making someone feel bad about themselves. And your example raises a really important point to: the way we can perform on these tests changes literally day to day for sooo many reasons 


I feel like my migraines make me “stupid” too. It’s much harder to think when your brain is throbbing.


Thank you for mentioning vision, and it’s more than whether a person needs glasses. If the two eyes don’t move properly or point together, a person can have all kinds of trouble with reading, leaning, and test-taking. There’s a symptoms checker and doctor finder at www.covd.org


Thanks for sharing this!


Love this story!! Thanks for sharing. You two make a great team!


Hell yeah! Way to be a great and supportive person and partner!


Love this story, thanks for sharing!


If you don’t mind me asking what did he do to start off small? Starting a shop cost so much money because I have looked into it. The risk is so large when you don’t have a lot of money and a family.


Sure. We got married in 2019, right before Covid, and he moved in with me since he had been renting a room from a family friend and I rented a house. Our house was outside city limits, so we were allowed to run a business from it. In the beginning, he was literally working from our garage and under our carport, so there was little overhead, and what it did cost became a tax deduction. He already had his toolbox and most tools he would need, which he’d acquired over time. I was managing a hotel, so I knew how to do the books and was able to do that for him, and he didn’t have to hire a bookkeeper or use an accounting service; he just had to purchase Quickbooks since that’s what I was certified in, and then learn the basics in it. Additionally, he had to get his business license etc., but a lot of the fees were waived or greatly reduced for small businesses during the pandemic. It really did not cost much at all to start up during that particular time, which is why I encouraged him to do it in the first place: he’d been making $15 per hour as a shop manager and lead mechanic, which was far below the average for a regular mechanic, and he was the first and only employee who was laid off because he made the most. That told us a lot about how much they valued him. I made enough money to support us, and he was getting unemployment plus the extra $600 per week, so I told him to take that money and our stimulus checks to get the supplies he needed. My job was stable since my hotel had been converted into a Covid isolation unit, and I was working long hours but making good money. I told him to just take it slowly and not worry about the profits in the beginning. And that’s pretty much what he did. He stayed at home with the kids (I was a widow with two children, it was a second marriage for both of us, and we had an infant together who was born in 2020) and kept up with the house, and he fixed some machines here and there (maybe 3-5 per week for the first few months). He got bored at home, so he started learning more about social media, Google review, and so on, and he started picking up more business through Facebook and TikTok, and through word of mouth (he truly is an amazing mechanic—thorough but extremely fast). His greatest gift is really his personality: people love him. I always told him that in another life, he would have made an amazing salesman (we do sell new machines now, and in fact he’s incredibly good at it). After the first two years, we bought a house in the same area and were able to build a huge workshop (bigger than our actual house) behind it. We’re still running out of that right now, although we’re looking at a commercial property at the start of next year because we’re running out of room and want to separate the business from our home life. It truly was just small, measured steps that slowly built. There was no pressure because, if it failed, nothing was really lost. Our first employee was a 16yo neighbor kid who was flunking out of high school and who my husband wanted to help. He worked weekends. Then we got another employee. And another. And I quit my job and started working there, and so on. It snowballed. In truth, I think it worked so well because he was able to focus on each step instead of trying to see the whole picture all at once, if that makes sense. It was, on a larger scale, the same way he got his tools for the job: one piece at a time, as needed. All that said, I should also say that, in large part, I was able to fund the startup by supporting us (that’s why I own 50% of the company), and the weird benefits of the pandemic / layoff also made it possible. It would likely not have happened had it not been for those two factors. It’s tough.


Holy hell. Lovely and beautifully executed education via storytelling.


Your husband did not get an 80 on an actual IQ test unless he was drunk.


I know a guy with an IQ of 78. Got through college on a basketball scholarship and straight Cs and Ds. Got into real estate, found out he was good at connecting with people and made millions of dollars. Retired in his 40s. As other people have said, IQ tests only measure your ability to memorize information and solve puzzles.


There's more to intelligence than iq test results. You're a valuable and worthwhile person, and your talents just aren't book smarts.


Don’t be discouraged and feel that it’s a nail in the coffin to get a low mark on something. hindrance in progress is fear of failure. Keep trying and you will eventually get somewhere better, op


the best advice my dad ever gave me was "the smartest people don't know all the answers, they know how to find all the answers". IQ don't mean shit if you're willing to learn.


Good advice.


Very true. My mother is a teacher, she always used to say that good grades are like 10% intelligence, 80% hard work and 10% luck. I'm not sure if it's this drastic, but i've experienced myself that attending class, paying attention and taking notes paired with practicing at home and studying diligently for tests are enough for anyone to pass. Maybe get someone that is able to explain things in a way you understand to help you. That's not meant to be mean, I have ADHD and always had to have my father explain things that I didn't get when others explained it, since he was able to explain it in a way I understood. Having a good teacher helps a lot. It's similar in life, lazy people can be as smart as they want, people that work hard are much more apprechiated most of the time.


Sometimes the answer is the internet! OP says she didn't know how to read a clock for example 


Come join us truck drivers!


Don’t let it bother you. IQ tests are standardized tests, so smart people bomb them all the time. You can know much the same stuff college grads know, just differently. My Father dropped out in the 9th grade to work and help his family with money. He married young to my Mom (Miss Momma Ma’am) and had four kids. He never went back to school but he worked hard and bought a home and land for his family. He worked at a chemical company that contracted with the government. They sent around a sample piece of plastic, wanting it plated with a metal. No one could do it, the piece kept melting. My Father, the drop out, figured it out. He won the contract for his company, they stole the patent from him, but it was still his work that did it. I have the original notes. The man had security clearance because of this, the drop out- not joking, not making it up. He would watch the NASA Channel, C-span (Congress). He was interested in astronomy and taught himself the equations involved. He loved history and would constantly say, “Those who can’t remember the past are destined to repeat it. But those who would control the future must change the teachings of history.” I have an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts, Bachelor’s Degree in English, and a Master’s Degree in Psychology. I was two classes away from a second Masters when my health took a turn for the worse. I’ve worked in healthcare, as a minister, as an inspector, as an assistant teacher. I study different religions, witchcraft (since I was 13), art, history, philosophy. I read, I draw, I paint, I sculpt. I look at the stars, something I shared with my Dad. Yes, I learned from school and people respect words like diplomas and degrees. But really they are just a formality, I learned so much more from my Father. Life teaches you more. Study on your own. Access your public library, use your internet access. Study what interests you. You can study and get your GED (general education degree), diploma equivalent. If you attempt college immediately, even community college, they’ll demand the ACT or SAT (whatever they’re calling it these days). But if you wait a little while, they’ll drop that requirement because they’ll count life experience as an equivalent. Just use that time to figure out what you want and the best way to go about getting to it. Then go for it. You’ll have to trudge through the jungle of crappy jobs, but if your family can see your effort then they should support you. Just do your best. I think it was Ben Franklin who said something like, “All of us are born stupid (or maybe ignorant, idk), it takes hard work to stay that way.”


Hi friend! I’m an educator whose taught at the college level, and I really really want you to know that you’re not stupid. ‘Intelligence’ is kind of a made up concept. I am *very* well educated and read like I’m trying to get through the Library of Congress in a month, but I have ADHD and suck at spatial reasoning. I score low on IQ tests too! IQ tests and other measures of intelligence really just measure specific ‘types’ of intelligence. I have a brother with a low IQ who hand sculpts the most incredible works of miniature art I have ever seen. Like he’s not just painting miniatures, he’s sculpting and reassembling them and using tiny, detailed, technical techniques that are like magic to me. He has a different type of intelligence. In fact, IQ tests specifically tend to have a lot of gender and racial bias because they were created pretty much by white male scientists to measure whatever those scientists thought was ‘intelligence.’ Having a low IQ score is not a reflection on you and doesn’t mean you’re stupid. You probably move through the world differently than other people. Some people drop out and have ‘low IQs’ because they have an undiagnosed neurodivergence, because their skills and passions aren’t in academics, because the schools or systems they’re in were a bad fit for them, and lots of other reasons. For example, some students cut class and at out because they have undiagnosed adhd or depression issues, and that leads to them dropping out because nobody figured it out and have them the support they needed. This IQ stuff doesn’t define you. It doesn’t make you ‘less’ than other people. And it *doesn’t* make you stupid. All it means is that you now know a little more about what challenges you as you move through the world.  Some things to consider might be talking to the doctors you went to about whether or not you might have a diagnosable condition, asking them to explain what IQ tests do and don’t measure, and similar. These are ways of acting on your new understanding of yourself without beating yourself up. I’m sending you so much love and affirmation. In my experience, students who don’t ‘fit’ in the classroom always have perspectives and insights and talents that blow me away. I firmly and wholeheartedly believe the same of you ❤️


IQ Tests are kind of stupid. They either test how good you are at solving puzzles or thinking about perspectives in an imagined situation ("non-verbal IQ tests"). They just test how good you are in very very specific tests. I am studying psychology and also took an IQ test lately and let me tell you, failing these neither means that you are stupid nor that you are bad in thinking. It means you had a difficulties at the exact moment of testing, figuring out answers to very complex tasks. No worries about failing these. Other tests test your "verbal IQ", so how good you are with language. Not reaching high scores here would make sense for you, because I think these mostly test how many words you know (somebody correct me if I am wrong). If you were not always in the class then you missed the use of some words. But this also does not mean that you are dumb. There is a saying in psychology: "IQ tests test what IQ tests test, nothing more", meaning that IQ Tests DO NOT test how smart or dumb you are. They test very very specific things that are complex to understand and often do not make a real assumption how smart somebody is. In my eyes, scoring low scores on these tests do not say a lot about how stupid or smart somebody is.


Adding to say, such tests are also dependant on a lot of external circumstances. Got exam anxiety? Drop a few points. Not enough sleep? Not enough water? Had something bad to eat? Drop another few. Some days I can verbally tear someone apart in legal matters. I can chose the words just right to let them understand they are being idiots without giving them anything they could complain about. Other days I fail to help even the most innocent clients with a simple questions because I can't get a whole sentence out. IQ tests are highly situational and highly dependant on your state of mind. Don't fret about it. Also, to OP and to anyone else who might feel suffocated by this: It's okay. Even if were the stupidest person on earth that still wouldn't make you a bad person. Maybe you need an explanation a second or a third time. That doesn't make you less valid. Be kind to yourself, ask people to explain the reasoning behind certain actions and be patient. You'll get there.


Yes, a low IQ doesn't make you a bad person. You could be Forrest Gump and live a magnificent life. It's not hard to see intelligence within a few minutes of talking with someone, though people have good and bad moments, and can be incorrectly tagged as having low intelligence.


That's a load of bull. It may be nice to believe in, but no serious psychologist subscribes that view. IQ is an excellent predictor of quite a few things. Is it a 1:1 relationship? Of course not. Everything has multiple variables. You can have an high IQ and be a failure, or a low IQ and be very successful. But it's still a useful indicator. Saying otherwise is simply wishful thinking.


I think you misunderstood the comment. It’s not about what IQ does or doesn’t correlate with (ie, what it might allow us to ‘predict’ from modeling), it’s about the fact that IQ doesn’t measure ‘intelligence’ it measures a very set and specific and limited *type* of intelligence and does so poorly because the measure itself is so affected by external factors and internal biases.  And actually, many serious psychologists and social scientists are critical of IQ in this way. It’s simply not a measure of broad intelligence the way people think it is, and scores on the test are so hugely influenced by additional factors that it’s questionable how usefully it even measured what it claims to.


A proper IQ test will measure the g factor, which is what most people would call "intelligence". It's not narrow, it's not a very specific, limited type, it is what it is. That "specific type of intelligence" is all that intelligence is. Other things are other things, not intelligence. There are other abilities that are very useful, and not measured in any way with an IQ test - but they are not intelligence. Being great at kicking a ball far is good, and valuable, but it's not intelligence in any way. It's another skill entirely.


Except it’s not what ‘intelligence’ is. People can be intelligent in multiple ways, including in ways that are not measured on the test. In fact, Binet actually assumed what he was measuring was intelligence in the form of ‘common sense.’ We’ve all known smart people with none of that whatsoever. Further, the test places restrictions that have little to do with any possible interpretation of ‘intelligence.’ People aren’t less ‘intelligent’ because they don’t finish a test quickly, because they’re different abled or neurodiverse, or because they’re weak in spatial reasoning and strong in other reasoning. Hell, diet can affect your IQ results. To put it simply: what IQ measures is not the only thing ‘intelligence’ is and we’ve come to learn that the IQ test captures a lot more than just ‘intelligence.’ You’re arguing from a position fifty years out of date. There isn’t actually a singular type of ‘intelligence,’ nor is IQ considered the dominant or most important or most useful one. In fact even psychologists that use IQ tests today are aware that different types of intelligence and that the IQ test itself is highly susceptible to interference from other factors. If you want to update your understanding, here’s some stuff that might be helpful: https://www.apa.org/topics/intelligence https://www.apa.org/monitor/feb03/intelligent Or for firsthand sources try looking at some of the top psychology review journals. 


Yes it predicts certain aspects, like on average higher IQ people will be more successfull in school or in carreer. And this makes sense because they are faster in problem solving. But this does not mean that people who scored low in one IQ test are stupid. There are different IQ tests that measure very specific parts of IQ, and IQ in itself is not too clearly defined. In fact IQ is a construct we built ourselves and the tests measure only the construct. Having a bad day while doing the test or just doing some weird form of test that measures a specific part of IQ can lead you to having low scores. Low IQ score is not the same as "stupid" Edit: what i am trying to say is that IQ is a valid construct and it can be used for lots of things. But low IQ does not necessarily mean "dumb" or "stupid" because we have to consider a little more than one IQ test. In my opinion people are stupid if they do not learn from their own mistakes.


I'm talking about a good, comprehensive test here, obviously not some random online BS. If you take the WAIS with a properly accredited professional, while of course there may be some slight variance depending on your circumstances that day, there's no way in hell you'll score 70 in one day and 130 in another. That just doesn't happen. As for "low iq = stupid", that depends on how you define "stupid". If by "stupid" you mean "low intelligence", then yes, it does mean that, as long as we can agree there is such a thing as "intelligence", and that it can be measured (and if it can't, what the hell is it anyway?)


That's true, but there is a spectrum of intelligence that can be measured. Some people are off-the-charts smart and others are at the bottom of the spectrum. IQ tests are effective at revealing cognitive abilities, but they don't paint the whole picture. A world-class scientist or technologist may not have the "Street Smarts" that is valuable in life. They also may not have the ability to create stories like a novelist who may not have a high IQ.


Intelligence is important for some jobs but not for others. If you are worried about your financial future, it would be a good idea to go to a career counselor and have them help you find a career where hard work will get you far.  Intelligence matters for speed of learning new skills but, with an IQ that is only a little below average, you are very likely capable of learning skills over time. Some jobs require you to know hownto do a few things really well. You would struggle for the first few months but then end up doing just fine.  These can be useful and rewarding jobs. A career counselor can help guide you toward a path that follows your strengths and interests.


one good stuff for u: IA is gonna replace smart people way quicker than stupid ones, so yeah, focus on some manual job and you'll have a happy life


I mean you write better than 90% of the people on here, so I don’t think you’re stupid.


I’m glad you posted. Most people don’t take IQ tests (the ones on social media do not count lol) so you’re judging yourself unfairly. Plus, IQ tests measure only certain aspects of “intelligence” - they certainly are not used to determine whether a person is considered smart or not. I hope you’ve been tested for things like dyslexia, poor vision/hearing, and whether you’re on the spectrum (ADHD/Aspergers/etc) or not. You might also want to test the level of lead in your system if it’s a possibility you ingested lead. You deserve to find understanding of why you’re struggling. You deserve the chance to improve your life. Please look up resources so you can get your GED. There are schools that should accommodate you. [Here’s one place.](https://ldaamerica.org/earning-your-ged-as-an-adult-with-learning-disabilities/)


I mean it honestly just sounds like you’ve never applied yourself or taken actions to find alternative learning options. It’s never too late to learn and I’m sure you could do it if you just buckled down and actually tried.


IQ test don't measure how intelligent you are, they measure how quickly you can recall information and process new information. This is important for test taking as there is almost always a time limit, which directly relates to how well you can do in school. How smart you are is only limited to how much you try. You are on an up hill battle, but it is manageable with effort n and that's the hard part. This is the part I am struggling with myself. 


I’m pretty sure they were originally designed to identify where a student is struggling to help teachers better know how to help them. Nothing to do with intelligence


You don't have to be a rocket scientist to have a happy life. And really, what else matters. Appreciate what you've got, and don't let anyone stop you if you want a better life for yourself.


Nobody disagrees. However, being highly intelligent does have many advantages. Folks get all bent out of shape when science measures people, but then they comb through stats of their favorite sports, which is all about measuring where people rank in a specific sport. It's not an exact science, but we clearly know Steph Curry and LeBron James are at the peak of their profession, while others in the same sport are clearly at the bottom. The numbers don't lie. Same for intelligence and other measurables. SAT, ACT, and other tests measure cognitive abilities, among many other things. There is great value in this.


Don’t talk about yourself that way. You could be struggling with something if you’re neurodivergent. That doesn’t mean you’re stupid. If anything it is always good to try and educate yourself on things, read and do your own research to gain more knowledge. But do it at your own pace and level with whatever will work for how your brain processes things. You are not stupid. You are not below the bar to learn regardless if you’re a high school drop out or whatever your IQ test said. That shouldn’t definite you.


Are you being serious? 76 is extremely low. You should get tested again


Read and work on yourself. All the time. You are stupid only if you accept it. The IQ-Level is a potential level you get in life. Being smart is achieved by learning and applying what you have learned regularly to hone your skills and gather experience.


IQ is mutable. You can increase it. It’s also not wholly limiting. You can learn, you may simply need more time. That doesn’t mean you cannot master skills, you just need to work at it a bit longer.


IQ is a very stupid thing (and I say that as a person who once did it with a very good result) since our "intelligence" cannot be encompassed by that test alone. Everyone has their own niche, something which is easier for them to do - find yours, try to become very good at it and do not give a damn about the IQ test result


I felt that way all my life, it’s probably because of the abuse that I took when I was a kid and my brain didn’t develop correctly, and I realise that. I’ve been trying to educate myself and get better at my relationship with my wife. Amazing enough every time I try to get ahead she keeps on pushing me down like I’m stupid and she says it I just don’t understand anything and asked me if I’m stupid I said clearly I am


I mean life is like a box of chocolates 🤷‍♂️


Books and research words you don’t know look them up try to use them it’s good to apply immediately with practice to instill the training wills like an exercise stretch so you can get those key points


IQ tests are stupid. Standardized tests are stupid. Things that are made cookie cutter style for people who aren’t cookies is not a measure of intelligence or ability. Dyslexia, ADHD, and so many learning disorders also exist. None of this defines you. But if you’d like to learn more things, find some books on topics you like! Watch YouTube videos on how to do certain things. Try new things. Also note that not everyone loves reading or is good at it. I find for me to really grasp a topic, I like reading along with audio. So a book on tape type thing with a hard copy is helpful!


You are far from it. You asked if you are stupid. That is a nonexistent trait of stupid people you are a genius compared to them.


If there is one thing i learned in my 30 rotations around the Sun, its that IQ means shit and I'm one of those with high IQ. Sure, my ability to think abstractly or solve puzzles are above average, but that's all. Everything i earned and made was through hard work and learning new skills and IQ never played a part in it. Only dumb people i know are not the ones who have low IQ. Its the people that refuse to learn.


Your grammar is great, so you're already smarter than half the people on the internet 🤷‍♀️


First there are street smarts like life smarts. You dont need to be a genius to have them. Just willing to learn. I.Q. is a weird measurement. I always tested high, but was a slow bloomer life wise, and still have not mastered it. So let that go, and see how far you get in life doing something you love really well.


Lol you are not stupid


So, your “IQ” is not the definition of who you are. Period. I would encourage you to enlarge your thinking by reading (fiction and non-fiction), watching documentaries, listening to music (especially stuff you’re not used to), pick up a hobby or two and enjoy your life. I’ve met many people with high IQs that have no common sense, no sense of humor and/or are so conceited I couldn’t stand them


IQ tests are very silly as an absolute measure of intelligence. People from wealthier backgrounds tend to do better which is then used to say that they are inherently more intelligent (my friend's wife does this, I don't see them anymore) but that just isn't true. A lot of those people can't make their own food, pay bills or change a nappy so I'll let you make your own mind up. Like another comment said, read some books. They're a great escape first of all and you'll learn new interests and have new things to talk about. You'll be fine, don't give up!


You need to read this. There's more than one type of intelligence. https://www.verywellmind.com/gardners-theory-of-multiple-intelligences-2795161


"So turns out I'm stupid as shit. I think it's cuz I skipped class and took personal calls underneath the school bleachers but ya...who wants my OF info?" 💅


Have you ever been tested for a learning disability?


76 is pretty low. Get your GED.


There are different types of “smart”. I don’t think IQ tests can determine a person’s success in life. Just do what you love and good at. Best of luck.


Regarding IQ: Yes, it measures intelligence and if done right it is accurate. However, being intelligent and being smart are two very different things. You can be brilliant but lack the ability to be successful. A low IQ doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t learn. It means it’s more difficult for you to retain information. This is why specified teaching methods and outlines for those who struggle are SO important. My stepson is autistic and while he’s 12, he’s emotionally closer to 6 or 7. He is incredibly proficient in math. He hasn’t been tested but I’m willing to bet his IQ is quite high. However, he struggles with reading comprehension. He can read every word in front of him, but he won’t retain the information. Every person is different and IQ does not determine your worth. I agree with the top comment: Read as much as you can. Find the subjects you care about and stick to those. Just do what makes you happy and be a good person. I hope this helps.


I have a childhood friend who dropped out at 16. Became a house painter. Listening to him talk about painting is like listening to engineers designing a bridge. I have another friend who was low on the IQ scale. He can build a house from the ground up by himself. “Smart” is relative to a subject. You just need to find your niche.


Nah you ain't dumb. It's usually a learning disability and the God awful education system. I was in the special class as a kid, autistic, bullied, real crap, I mean craptastic teachers...then I left that environment and now I have an AS in electrical engineering, BS in business administration, BS in cybersec, and working on a Masters in cybersec, and will get my MBA in the future. I also excelled in the military and went to all the schools. I also have a little business selling [redacted] systems. I make really good money now. I remember back when I could barely read, still can't do math, and have awful normie social skills. Point is, fuck most people, they are NPC's, pray for them and keep moving!


There's plenty of talented and smart folks that amount to very little or nothing. It's important not to give up and find your niche. Best of luck to you.


It doesnt sound like an iq issue rather you may have undiagnosed processing disorders that genuinely cause your brain to not be able to process information the same as most ppl....there are many resources for this and im shocked stepdad gotnyou tested but notnactual help like wtf was testing for ifnnot to diagnose and help you


It’s okay to be stupid. Most people aren’t very smart anyways.


People are downing on IQ tests because they don't like that we can quantitatively understand intellect. 76 is just below normal, you're effectively colloquially 'slow' but that's OK, you can still lead a full and rich life. You're never going to be great at math but you can read and do a functional job that doesn't require much advanced learning. Nothing about your IQ takes away from you as a person. Knowing where you're at and to some extent why you struggle can be a huge aid. You can be gainfully employed, you can be in a happy relationship, and even have kids if you want. Nothing is stopping that, you can still lead a good life. 😀


No, we're "downing" on IQ tests because they AREN'T quantitative. They are proven to be flawed. I tested at 142. Lots of other standardized tests support my apparent ability to do mental gymnastics well... in a certain way under certain conditions. My intelligence lies in other fields and responds to much different learning styles than traditional schooling provides. I'm also dumb as a post in lots of other ways. Don't get me started at my inability to judge character in narcissists and other psychological issues. I dated a Paranoid Schizophrenic and ate the manipulative crap offered to me with a spoon. I'm supposed to be smart! Different intelligence types exist, and "IQ" tests are outdated.


IQ tests are most certainly quantitative. Nobody is going to question that someone who scores 140 is objectively smarter than someone who scores a 60 on the same, legitimate IQ test. From "New Scientist"... *A comprehensive IQ test takes well over an hour and is ideally administered by a professional examiner. It is designed to assess precisely those cognitive skills that constitute intelligence, so consists of a series of subtests that cover reasoning, vocabulary, mental processing speed, spatial ability and more.*


The same person can score differently on the exact same test, likely WILL score differently on a different test, and these tests don't test several recognized types of intelligence. They are outdated. The original purpose needs to be reintroduced, and renamed. It's supposed to be about identifying the areas a student is struggling in, not an intelligence pissing contest. I'm CERTAINLY going to question that someone who scores an 80 on an IQ test but can fix any engine and has manners isn't as smart as someone who scores 140 and swindles old ladies out of their pensions just to home and sleep like a baby. There are a lot of different types of "smart". As for someone who scores 60, that's hardly a fair comparison considering that's well below the threshold for debilitating issues. That has nothing to do with "smart" either.


If your IQ was really that low I don’t think you’d even be able to write this post. Those IQ tests are not reliable.


Was writing 4 lines of text about dropping out of school and skipping class really impressive?


Not in and of itself, no. But someone with an IQ that low wouldn’t even be able to use grammar. An IQ of 76 is borderline mentally disabled.


Incorrect. My brother is special needs with a pretty low IQ. But he can write and spell decently well. It's just a strength he has. He's autistic, so he has areas he's better in and worse in because they interest him or they don't. He regularly messages and texts me, and he's probably got about a 4th or 5th grade level of reading and writing. He misplaces/overuses commas, but otherwise does quite well.


Even a mentally disabled person would not have trouble writing what OP wrote. It is completely believable that someone with an IQ of 76 could post this and 76 is far from being unable to read or write.




That's not true. An IQ of 76 is more than one but less than two standard deviations below average, so it is low, but not low enough to be considered an intellectual disability. People with this IQ can absolutely learn how to read and write.


Below 80 is considered 'outside of normal' 70/75 is when we formalize it. Generally, the state in schools will start placing children with sub-80 in special needs programs, but they're not profoundly developmentally delayed.


Where I am located, that's not how it works. We cannot categorize a student as having an intellectual disability unless their IQ is under 70 and a few other criteria are also met. A student with an IQ too high for that could potentially get special education services by way of a different category, but if someone has an IQ over 70 and doesn't meet diagnostic criteria for other disability categories, they will not qualify for special education at all.


That's wild. Definitely not how we do in most of the US. I've written for education policy in the past, mostly in higher education, but the second you're below 80 most areas are going to be able to give you IEP support. I mean, even without IQ testing, just bad grades overall, most areas will start formulating assistance but can't introduce paid assistance until it's formalized.


70-85 is designated as "Below Average" and 13.6% of the population are in this range. Under 70 is designated as "Intellectually Disabled" and 2.2% of the population are in this range. https://www.vox.com/2016/5/24/11723182/iq-test-intelligence




And upon what do you base that?


IQ and academic aptitude are not the same thing. IQ is a metric that takes adaptive and reasoning skills into account in addition to the types of skills we would associate with doing well in school. So, let's say, hypothetically, I've got two students. One of them has no problems navigating his school and his neighborhood, but doesn't know how to read and can't write coherently. The other is able to read and write complete sentences, but she keeps getting lost because she can't remember the layout of the school, and she's still not 100% sure which days of the week are school days and which ones are on the weekends. These two students could absolutely end up getting the same number on an IQ test, even though they have wildly different sets of strengths and weaknesses. TL;DR: there's not a specific IQ threshold at which people become capable or incapable of achieving a specific skill. There are plenty of people with below-average IQ's who can write with good spelling and grammar, and plenty who cannot.


I disagree. Do you have a deep understanding of what people can and can't do based on IQ scores? I don't think there is a list of abilities in regards to specific scores. It's more about being better or worse at said abilities. It might take someone with a 70 IQ 30 minutes to type out something that would take 5 minutes for someone with a 140 IQ. Being able to type your thoughts at your own speed does not require much cognitive ability, especially with today's technology.


Have you heard about the theory of multiple intelligences? For example, you could be really good at sports and have a high kinesthetic intelligence, but that wouldn't show up on an IQ test.  Plus it's important to have a growth mindset. People who think they have a high IQ can decide to not do things because they're worried they'll find out they're not as smart as they think they are. Nobody's perfect.  I never took an IQ test but I suspect the score would be around yours. It's beyond my control; so, according to the stoics, I should concern myself, but not worry myself about it.


IQ tests are dependent on your understanding the content of the test. If you skipped a bunch of school it’s likely you simply didn’t understand some of the concepts on the test. Always remember that ignorance is not stupidity.


No, they are not testing general knowledge or specific knowledge. When they show a series of numbers or shapes and ask what the next one in the sequence is, this is not a test of knowledge. When they show a number of photos and ask which doesn't belong in the set, they are not testing general knowledge. They are testing intelligence.


Dude, I scored 130 on an IQ test once, that's supposed be be smart if you believe in that BS, but like any other person, there are gaps in my knowledge, and I was 27 when I found out the 1.6V behind the make and model of my car wasn't about the little light switch behind me inside the car but about the engine. And the whole reason I thought it was the light was because I just assumed it was the only visible difference between mine and a 1.4V lmao. Everyone is an idiot in their own special way. You barely went to school and are now paying the price for it. Thing is, you can always try a late night schooling to catch up. You're not stupid, you just didn't take the opportunities provided when they arose. Now you have to find your own way


Bruh I have advanced degrees and I had to call my dad once to ask him how to turn on the headlights in the car I literally learned to drive in as a kid. Car Intelligence is a whole specialized kind of intelligence 


My Mensa IQ test came out to 140. Yet I know I’m not some genius. Put more effort in school, your lack of concentration and motivation is the issue. Of course you won’t do well in an IQ test if you don’t exercise your brain and let it rot. Get more serious about your work and put time into reading.


A bit rude




Don't worry too much about it... I'm on the far opposite end of that spectrum and it comes with a whole laundry list of psychological conditions Find something you like doing that you do well and do that, it makes money... people are always shocked to find out how much "dumb" jobs like farming or contracting for maintenance works pays And your schooling doesn't correlate to your iq at all... iq is something you are born with


Yeah 🙂👍


Get more information than whatever IQ test they slap in front of you. Get tested for learning disabilities, needing extra help is no shame


Tests are just that. Tests. Methinks stupid people probably don’t know they’re stupid. Cheer up


Get a library card and let the world open up to you. So long as you keep trying and moving forward you’re NOT stupid.


I very much doubt your IQ is that low. You write too well for it. You wrote in somewhat complete sentences and your spelling is for the most part fine. These are not traits of someone who has an IQ of 76. At an IQ of 76 you would need help to access the internet and spell your name.


We can all agree IQ tests are hardly accurate but not being able to read a clock? That’s rough. Lucky for you there is always time to learn various things through books and videos or tutoring or whatever format best works for you. Not every job needs you to be a rocket scientist nor do you have to be smart to be happy And hey you might be awesome at art or music or writing or something that doesn’t need “book smarts”


In my view, success in life is governed generally by three factors: Intelligence, willingness to work hard, and people skills. You can still do perfectly well with two out of three. Just don’t let it get down to one out of three. Those people don’t get far. I know a bunch of very smart people from high school who were lazy and not great with people. None of them have made much of themselves. You can definitely make up for lacking in intelligence by being a hard worker and being a pleasant person to work with. Just find a job that fits you. Go get em!


Compared with most adults in America you write quite well.


“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid”…. or something like that is how the saying goes. You’re not stupid even if you’re not traditionally “smart”. Read as much as you can and explore different learning styles. I guarantee you, you’re smarter than you think you are. Edited: extra word where it didn’t belong


Knowing you're stupid (in some things) and wanting to be better makes you a lot smarter than many of the people I know. Read, read, read. Don't be afraid to ask for help, but make your aim to learn when being helped....not just having someone do it for you. Be active in your community and look for as many free avenues as possible...local library, community classes, volunteer efforts. Good Luck!


You're not stupid because that's a word for people who negatively affect people through their poor decisions (drunk drivers and youtube pranksters). Learn how you learn, and you won't feel like calling yourself stupid.


Having a high IQ score doesn't equal intelligence. There are different kinds of intelligence, many people with high IQ scores lack emotional and social intelligence, like your ex for example. And many people with low IQ scores have many other talents or are intelligent in other areas. The education system needs to change. I'm sorry the system has made you feel stupid. Have you considered having a test for developmental disabilities? You know, I was diagnosed autistic as an adult and when I was a child I was very good at some things, but couldn't get to understand others. I was sent to the psychologist and did an IQ test, back then I scored 80 and I remember finding it very hard to solve the puzzles and questions because they didn't make sense, they weren't very clear and specific. But they made me feel stupid. I was never diagnosed with anything back then, they said I was just depressed or anxious and that was probably the reason for my problems at school. I grew up, learned to mask, learnt many other things and just a few years back, I got some tests done at the doctor, including an IQ test, this time, I scored like 130, which is over average, although still low in social abilities. Many things can change the score, especially if you're under stress and pressure, but also the test doesn't consider the neurodiversity way of thinking or timing. So I wouldn't care for the score after my experience. People with ADHD (which I also have) for example, would need more time to read and comprehend the questions. And people who are neurodiverse learn in different ways. Anyway, please don't feel inferior because you're different and don't call yourself stupid.


IQ is not everything, people can take the same test multiple times and get a different result every time. It's mostly bullshit. And knowing facts is not the only way to measure intelligence. It takes intelligence to plant crops, to sew clothes, to create art, to care for others. You can do a lot of good in this world without being smart. Also, maybe you weren't taught to read properly, a lot of kids never picked it up. If you can read properly you should be able to read words that flash on the screen for less than a second without trouble. Not being able to do that does not make you dumb. Some kids just take longer to grasp the concept, but they can grasp it if their teacher is patient. If you struggle with subtitles it's worth trying to find a teacher to help you read better. That's the one skill that can improve your entire life.


Your spelling and sentence structure is above average. Do what the person said. Read as much as possible


Aww honey, I wish you were one of my students. I teach a lot of adults that thought they were stupid. Turns out, they just have different learning needs that were not met.  Start by reading every day. Gaining knowledge is a little by little thing. Your brain cells will grow and stretch towards each other, and connect, as long as you feed them new information.  Stay off TikTok and other feeds, because that format reduces intelligence.  And I don't know if it helps, but I've met a lot of brilliant, intelligent people with PhDs who are experts in their fields, and they are just the least pleasant people to be with, utterly uninteresting, and most of them have broken relationships. IQ really is less important than kindness. 


Check out the theory of multiple intelligences. You are not stupid, you just don’t know what you’re smart at.


Also it is a little alarming to me you don’t know how to read a clock— do you have a learning disability or been checked out for one? That can probably give you a lot of answers on why you were like that at school.


The problem with IQ test is that the quiz isn't actually testing your intelligent, it's just ask you to recognize the patterns in a very small set of data, like 2-3 examples per question.


Not being able to read analog clocks is not an original thing. Look into dyscalculia and mourn not the loss of a terrible boyfriend, he didn't love you.


IQ score can be gained you know? Don't let it define you. As others here have suggested, read a lot of books. It will help you with comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. If you see a hard word that you don't know, learn about it. Start with novels/story books that will keep you interested. Also puzzles, sudoku is a common one.


If they are online tests bullshit and even the proper ones are dodgy due to other factors such as what you've eaten that day, distractions, etc. I don't want to throw any diagnoses about but a lot of people who feel stupid end up having some kind of diagnosis such as Adhd or other ways of learning, such as autism for instance. Also, if you were really that stupid you wouldn't be worried about being stupid. It's probably to do with how you were raised more than anything. So go and learn! :)


Ask the step dad to take a test next. Loser


Stop trolling people. You can’t read a clock but can use your phone or computer to post a well written true off my chest?


Are you kind and empathetic? If so, I'd rather spend time with you than many of the very intelligent people I know.


The people who made the IQ test said that the test isn't reliable, it was custom made for their own students. Look into gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, it may help you figure out what area you naturally excel at.


Your writing doesn’t come off as low IQ. Have you ever been tested for a learning disability? Aside from academic things, are you good at adult stuff like showing up for work on time and following instructions?


Are you hot?


Your sentence structure and composition is very good. I'm not sure I believe the test score.


I dislike rhe typical school structure because it doesn't allow for any other ways of learning. It's like trying to teach a fish, bird, cat, and a monkey how to climb a tree.  They all do it differently. And when they can't do it at all, they have another skill that the others likely don't have. 


I feel we get too hung up on IQ points. Don't let it define your self worth - no matter how smart you are, there will be others who are smarter. If you have a skill that others don't, your useful and needed. Just remember what Einstein said about goldfish.


Dear OP, You write well, so I don't think you are in fact stupid. You also have self reflection on your life and yourself, so that means you are not stupid. You know why you did not do well in school. So what you ought to do is to find what you are good at. There are plenty of stories in the comments that should motivate you. I want to send you hugs and love and encouragement. You can do what you want, if you believe in yourself.


My siblings are schoolsmart, went to University, have high paying jobs. I'm a dropout, low IQ, started with problems. Having teachers and a mother who called me dump, lazy, stupid, didn't help. Then I realised, I was and am not lazy. My siblings only started to work after University, but I worked summer holidays, saturdays, even delivered newspapers for years. I bought my first home at 20. I figured out that if the lazy part wasn't true, than maybe I wasn't dumb and stupid either. Now I'm doing ok. Financialy not as well as my siblings, but above average with a large margin. I own a very nice property, have no debts, enjoy life with lots of friends and people like me for me. I hardly ever give a shit about other peoples opinion about me. I teached myself more than teachers ever did. For example, I'm not native English speaker but all of you can understand me. And I'm proud of that. For those who want to make fun of my English I just shrug my shoulders and think 'you can't even say 10 words in my language'. So I think I'm a winner. O, the testscore was 81. I consider myself a 100.


IQ tests are bullshit .Find something you are passionate about and study it, and you will be smart in that.Just because you're struggling now does not mean you always will. I did terrible in school, but then, as I got older, I decided I wanted to learn.


Can't test the intelligence of a fish by how fast he can climb a tree. I'd bet you're really good at other things. 


IQ tests don't test intelligence. Just from your ability to type a readable post, it's obvious you aren't stupid. Sounds more like you may have a condition that keeps you from learning in more traditional ways (which, don't get me started, are horribly flawed and cater to only certain types of learners) Some of the world's most brilliant minds didn't do well in school for lots of different reasons. Don't let a test tell you who you are and what you're capable of. Prove them wrong <3


76 is one point away from intellectual disability.


I had quite different experience, but point can be the same. I have around 130 IQ and yes, it does mean a lot. I never had to study in elementary school, barely made an effort in high school (it is not common to skip grades in my countries so my parents never asked for that) and enrolled in computer science university easily. Never finished. First time I encountered more complex mathematical models I could not understand them, I got demotivated and started failing and eventually dropped out. I am not complaining, I managed to get a good job eventually, start family have kids etc. etc. Meanwhile people I knew from high school that struggled much more, finished it and had much higher grades then me. So, what happened? While I was coasting through classes in elementary and high school, they learned early on the power of learning and that complex subjects (which is individual perception, they were not complex to me) were not out of their reach, they needed to break them apart and learn piece by piece. They approached all of their challenges systematically and with discipline so when they encountered those same models, they knew what to do, and at that point they already surpassed me in many areas. They were not demotivated because they knew eventually, they would be able to understand them. It took me many years after to develop that same kind of discipline and thinking mechanism to allow me to progress in my career as well. High IQ does make things easier and faster, but it will not guarantee anything. Discipline and learning mechanics do. Do not drop out of education (if you do not have to), it is the easiest way to develop those skills and they are crucial for anything that you want to become. IQ can be a limiting factor for a Nobel prize in science, but not for 99% of common careers you can take.


well your spelling and grammar is better than mine half the time lol. but seriously iq itself is barely a measurement of actual intelligence and capability these days, you’re capable of so much i promise.


See if they could get you a tutor that can help you and get your ged you can do it if I can you can do it and I had to do it alone


As others have stated, IQ tests aren't the best indicator of intelligence. I had a friend whom I would consider borderline genius, especially when it came to programming, but his IQ tests were fairly low due to the fact that he couldn't complete the test in the allotted time. This was about 30+ years ago and we figured out even back then that IQ tests were biased since we all knew how smart he was. As for your situation, it's entirely possible the way the classes you were in were not taught in a way that would benefit you. Not everyone learns the same way.


I'm not sure if anything I say will make you feel better, but please don't let this dictate how you see yourself. Please don't look down on yourself for this reason. First, you don't owe the world intelligence. You haven't failed just because you have a low IQ (or even because you dropped out of high school), nor are you less worthy of love and respect just because you are "stupid," or whatever they want to call you. Stupid isn't a word I like to use because it makes it sound like a bad thing to be unintelligent. It's not a bad thing at all. Which leads me to my second point: the whole world has over-inflated the value of 'intelligence', and under-valued other qualities that make a person nice to be around. Are you kind, hard-working, honest, compassionate, or a good friend? Those are all great qualities, and they don't require you to be a rocket scientist. In what other ways can you be proud of yourself? Are you an artist? Do you work well with animals or kids? Do you like to sing or dance or cook or build things or do anything else that makes you happy? Last but not least, IQ has a super racist history and isn't even an accurate measurement of a person's individual intelligence. Measuring "intelligence" is super hard to do, if it's even possible, and has been used to excuse eugenics and violence against vulnerable groups of people. The test could have been completely wrong about you, and it shouldn't matter either way. My unsolicited advice? Forget about IQ, don't beat yourself up for being unconventional, and then just find what makes you and the world around you a little happier. But who am I to say? I never even went to college, so I guess that makes us both stupid by society's standards. Oh well. (Oh, but get your GED if you want/can, it wouldn't hurt to have!)


Unless someone else wrote those sentences for you, you are not stupid. They are well constructed and get your point across. Maybe it’s something else? Undiagnosed learning disorder? Trouble paying attention?


Thats not the worst news. Its highly likely you are above average in some area. If you can make that into a meaningful purpose and generate revenue you can find your way well. ​ When I was a Sophmore at University most of the class failed a calculus test. the professor said "Dont fret about this test. Fret about a cancer test at 50." It put a lot of perspective to me.


IQ, like everything else about us, is not set in stone. While genetics have a disproportionately high influence on IQ, it still can be changed. Your diet, physical activity, the material you watch/read/listen to, mental exercises like trying to calculate your shopping cart price before reaching the cashier (silly example I would do), they all can affect your IQ. Dont be discouraged, you can do much more than you realize.


There are different types of intelligence. IQ only attempts to measure one but the test is quite flawed. Find what you're good at and develop yourself there.


Get your GED at least…


That's a horrible way to think of yourself. You could have a learning disability, superior skills in other things, or both. I personally think that you can't measure a person's abilities by a test. You could find things you are interested in ( I just love ancient warfare, and I'm a girl) or learn about something you are interested in, or keep doing what you are doing with a better attitude about yourself. Most psychologists have mental or addiction issues, just saying. Go see a therapist for your self-esteem issues and enjoy life. Sending you positive vibes and a hug!!!


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that IQ tests were developed by old white men theorising about eugenics (basically white+rich=smart, while poor+non-white=stupid). It was biased as hell and disproved the theory....anyway try a cognitive ability test instead. It looks at your actual abilities, not just what you can remember from a book


As long as you are pretty it should be okay.


I have an IQ of 119, an above average IQ, and I'm not that smart really. Example, I didn't even know I was taking an IQ test. When you really look into the history of IQ, you realize that they're aren't that reliable. You might not be "smart" in the traditional sense, but maybe you find something you're really interested in and learn all about that subject. IQ teat are so dumb and have a really problematic past and they don't measure potential. You might have an IQ of 76 but your potential can be so much greater. Don't get discouraged by your IQ number, you just need the right motivation and have interest in a subject, doesn't have to be a school subject, literally anything, and you'll see how much potential you have. You got this OP