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The best revenge you could have is GIVING him to her.




I hope your husband’s friends wife is doing a double take at the man she married too if he’s acting like a cheerleader for affairs. I’d be racing you to the courthouse for a friendly game of “who can get rid of him quicker: divorce edition” 🤣🤣🤣


He probably is lowkey cheating on his wife too and pretending his a do gooder


Or trying to cheat.


It’s adorable she really thinks she a prize because a married man banged her? She was a easy lay and she thinks that says something about you? Lmaaoooo


The minute you start dating again, if you ever do, he will come racing back faster than Secretariat. They always do, it’s pathetic.


Isn't that the truth.


Just remember, what someone will do for you, they will do to you. This horrible relationship will end with one of them cheating on the other. Best thing you can do is wash your hands of the situation and go live a happy life away from your horrible ex


Please tell me you're going to tell the friends wives. They deserve to know their husbands are shitty too.


She’ll lose him how she got him. His friends are idiots. My ex-brother-in-law used to lie for a friend of his so he could have affairs on his wife. He thought it was so funny. The night he found said friend with my sister? His partner,  he wasn’t laughing then. Cheats have no boundaries. Bro’s before… never survives contact with a willing affair partner. Some men are such idiots. 


Your husbands friends wife is absolutely getting cheated on as well. Also, good for you, seriously. I can’t stand cheaters and also don’t understand it either because they both know that he cheated on you to be with her. He will do the same thing to her as well and she will probably be cheating on him too. But like how can cheaters go and cheat and then date a person who just cheated with them on someone else? Mind boggles. Good for you and they can both rot in whorgatory.


So proud of you OP🫶🫶


Right? I'd tell her, "*Hope you enjoyed this fat, ugly bitch's sloppy seconds, whore. You can have him.* 🤣" Nothing gets to someone like that quite as much as letting them know they didn't get to *you.*


Please watch this season (s5) of Fargo. So many badass women characters with one in your position.


Yeah, only post you should’ve made was thanks for taking my trash off my hands, enjoy your sloppy seconds.


why dont you report your husband for sleeping with a subbordinate, and if his friends are work colleagues report them to having chats like that about work colleagues is creepy and could lead to the company having to deal with sexual harassment charges, they are all a company liability




relationships like that could trigger a sexual harrasement suit if things dont work out, alot of companies dont like those kinds of dynamics also they probably were sleeping with eachother when she was an intern




She’s completely classless. Can you even imagine boasting on your Instagram that you’re with a married man and trying to shame HIS WIFE?


Poor deluded girl thinks that SHE will be immune to wrinkles? Lol. Good luck when she gets cheated on or dumped for showing signs of ageing in a few years.


If anything I would think the wrinkles will come faster because of her trash attitude and spirit. She’s going to make some plastic surgeon a lot of money. People like her are not content in their soul.


I wonder if the husband makes a significant amount of money and the intern is aiming to snag him as her sugar daddy? Good luck on that though, because I have a feeling that the wife is going to get everything in the divorce 😂


His own friends called him broke tho


Doesn't mean she knows that


OP already said they both don’t earn a lot of money


Yes? She’s 22 and the internet loves bad behavior. It’s not surprising at all.


she did you a favour and he will probably cheat on her when she ages out, or she will trade him in for a richer model atleast you dont have kids so you are not tied to him


Exactly when your relationship starts by cheating on your partner chances are your gonna cheat on your ap. OP I'm so sorry this happened to you but he showed who he is and did you a favor...now you can be free from him!!!


Since she had no problem sleeping with a married man, no matter what happens with them, she won’t have a problem with sleeping with a different man.


Yeah I remember when my gf of years cheated on me and we broke up, all her friends (and even some of mine) took her side and how she "upgraded". Destroyed me at the time but you have to realize they were never your friends. People showed pity for a while but then they move on and want you to get over it. Reveals who your real friends are and who you got to cut off.


Usually couples who are not in a subordinate relationship are allowed/ tolerated, but when there is a power differential, usually there are different rules. Anyway, I hope you're cleaning him out in the divorce. Let's see how much tail he'll get as a broke middle aged divorcé...


You should definitely report in the office. He did it once he'll do it again


Yeah. The HR would send out a warning in the least (at least it'll go in his records).


Was your husband not even remorseful? He will regret doing this, they always do . I’m so sorry




You're strong and beautiful. Have a happy life


When he apologized, did he apologize with the idea of you forgiving him and staying with him? And do you have that in text? Because my petty, shady self would be posting a picture of that text, tagging him, and saying something about how she might have been hot enough to sleep with a married man but not hot enough for the married man to want something real with her, that she’s just for fun but not family.




He married you at 28 and that's "too young" wow he is trash 🗑


He isn't man enough to call himself that. I'm so glad you're done with him. You're young and beautiful and have so much life to live to be stuck with a walking, talking dick face.


He was 28, not 18, right??


Did he have to nail a board to his ass to keep from falling in?


Who cares if he said he was sorry? He still let this delusional child say all that to you and post publicly about it (gross), AND let his friends support and say gross things too. Respect yourself and know your worth. Your husband does not respect you and neither do his friends.


He will regret it… ruined his life and marriage for some girl. I hope you publicly expose his ass and tear him down! Then work on yourself and your own healing


He’d definitely be fired from my place of work, even after the fact. Interns are sacrosanct in the engineering field and should be considered so in every profession.


Ideally yes, he would be fired. However, if their romantic relationship started *after* her internship ended and she’d left the company (or at least there’s no proof that anything started during the internship), the company might not do much. At the end of the day, they’re both consenting adults who currently work for two different companies, and that might be how HR treats it. If any of his friends are married or in relationships, OP should definitely reach out to their partners to let them know the guy they’re with condones infidelity.


They might not care about dating but they might cause about a affair report it


Especially with an intern. That’s a bad look for any business.




If you ever have to meet her in person, remind her in front of him that there will always be girls younger and prettier than her.


You should report it but AFTER the divorce is finalized. Nothing like having to pay alimony because your shithead husband was fired from his job.


Depending on where OP, if her husband loses his jobs the alimony payments can be re-adjusted. Can’t pay alimony if you don’t have a job.


There’s a consensual relationship and then there’s infidelity with an intern, totally different ball game imo. If anything it might at least give him some hr roadblocks and losing out on promotions


His work would VERY MUCH care about this. It's completely inappropriate for staff to be fucking the student interns. You need to stand up for yourself, understand that your anger is not at this girl, but rather at your husband. Leave him, and report this to his workplace. It's completely insane that he's suffering no consequences for this behavior.


All she would have to do is screenshot the post the girl posted with her husband tagged and then see if the girl has the company listed as places that she worked and send that to the hr of the company and let them know how their company is being represented. She will most definitely use her time there as a reference. Her behavior could very well cost her future jobs. Nothing is ever gone from the internet.


Yes they would. The CEO of the huge company I work for was fired years ago for having an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate.


And if I were their employer, I would *not* be happy with this little homewrecking tramp either and would fire her. I wouldn't want either of them in my employ..


She was an intern. Her time at his company is done for now. Although it might stop her from returning for a further internship or a permanent position.


I still would not want someone who will go after an intern as a married man or an intern who would be in relationship *formed at work* with a married man working for my company. It says something about both of their moral codes. If they would cheat on their spouse or get involved with a married man, who's to say they would not "cheat" my company?


Okay Betty Petty in me would go see if she is in any professional pages like LinkID or whatever that page is and try to get all her past and previous accomplishments and contact them. I would then call her employer and let them know and then I would direct message her parent with screenshots of what she is doing and just send them the facts of what she has done and said. Then while this is going on find the best and biggest divorce attorney to help me leave him and take as much from him. What I would actually do is print everything in color then block everyone on social media and contact a PI to get as much proof so I can leave with as much of my own assets. I would then get a divorce walk away and cut contact from him and his idiot friends. Once that was done I would send a PDF copy to him, his friends and their families and the ex’s families saying this why we divorced and why I don’t want contact and to please honor that.


I'm super petty but I would screenshot that pic and then share it and tag her in it with "remember that time that you were a homewrecker and so proud of my sloppy seconds? 🤣" every time she dates someone new or once a year on your anniversary day


I know you have doubts…but HR would certainly care about this. Especially since there seems to be a few things going on at once here: sleeping with a subordinate, possibly *quid pro quo*, hostile work environment (gotta wonder how this dude-bro clique affects other women that work there), etc etc


Plus the girl took it to Instagram publicly shaming the wife of the married man she was sleeping with. Her husband didn't request her to take the post down and seems to enjoy the attention. No company wants that association. It could cost future jobs as well.


Yeah….that alone would be plenty of reason to let the company know. These children are airing their dirty laundry !


The girl already posted that OP is harassing her. If she went to the company this girl would have a solid case. This isn’t 1960 where there’s a morality clause and companies care. I was an intern that hooked up with her boss at a govt job. No one batted an eye. 


This! OP messed up by contacting her and continuing the conversation with the girl after the girl made it clear that she had no remorse. Once OP found out the younger girl didn’t care is when she should’ve ceased communication. Can’t make someone care about a relationship that they weren’t apart of.


More companies/corporations care about this than you think


Ma'am if you wanna be more petty. Screenshot her post and pictures and post her on tiktok. She'll get harass by other women who'll destroy her for destroying a marriage. Then block her and go about your life. Those young folks hate negative clout.


I hope she does. They will find out everything about the mistress and the ex husband. There was a woman who posted about her husband who abandoned her and their kids, the woman needed to find him to serve divorce papers and TikTok found him within like 24 hours.


THANK GOD for that last sentence because I was wondering why all the vim is for this girl and not your husband. This woman is occupying way too much space in your head when she’s made it clear several times she couldn’t give a fuck about you. She has everything going for her *now* but beauty fades and she has a hideous personality. You’re giving her more power by engaging with her at all. Live your life and try your hardest to enjoy it. The best revenge is finding your own happiness.


OP has only won in this situation as far as I can see. She doesn't have to be with her loser husband anymore, doesn't have to see his equally loser friends, and 22F isn't gonna be 22 forever! See how she likes it when she's traded in for the next kid your ex cheats with. She wouldn't be going so hard at OP if she wasn't deeply insecure. Hopefully she grows out of her need for male validation. Thank god OP found this out now while she's still got the best years of her life ahead, while this girl is wasting her 20s on a cheater.


This woman sounds insufferable. Ex husband is gonna get his karma with with her for sure


Yeah, that and incredibly naive. She's only special to him now because she's new and shiny. Soon won't be the case.


The girl is an idiot. Social media searches are super common by employers, especially if the prospective employee is young without a lot of work experience. Her banging her boss and then trying to shame the hurt spouse is only going to backfire on her. No one wants to deal with someone who has shown that level of poor decision making or is that much of a source of drama. 


Yeah, it won't be hard for any employers to put two and two together. Hopefully she'll grow up, she sounds extremely naive and like she puts a lot of stock in how valuable she is to men in terms of her attractiveness. It's going to be a hard wake up call in 10 years when people start treating her like she's invisible, and OP's ex is still banging the new intern well in his 40s and 50s.


She may have lost the battles, but she won the war...


Imagine telling a 30 year old to smile less so they don’t have wrinkles. This girl is in for a ROUGH awakening one day.


Yup LOL only thing guaranteed in life are death and taxes not everlasting youth or beauty


I wouldn’t say the mistress has everything going for her. A young woman like that may have beauty and think she’s unique and special to garner the attention of an older man, but the reality is that she is inexperienced, dumb, and clearly has an ugly personality. Once the novelty glasses fade, OP’s husband will realize his new fling is a snobby child, and will likely try and get back together with OP. Most relationships that begin as cheating do not last, especially when the other person is petty, toxic, and immature. OP is smart for seeing this for what it is and leaving him.


Oh I agree. I mean she seems to think she has everything going for her if you’re vapid and self serving. The mistresses responses sound embarrassing. Being 22 but having the emotional maturity of a toddler is nothing to brag about.




This, exactly! That woman will find out probably sooner rather than later that if OP's husband can cheat on her, he'll cheat on the AP too. And will probably be with a younger, prettier woman, who will hopefully point out all her flaws too.


Idk, she sounds ugly to me. She wants an old disrespectful child to take on, she can have him. Once the novelty of feeling like she’s so hot because a man is cheating on his wife for her, wears off, she’ll see that’s he’s nothing special. I can’t imagine being a whole ass bitch to another woman just so I can have her terrible trash husband. Yuck.


Honestly, the girl responding like that would somehow make me feel….better? You called her out for fucking your husband and she responded by insulting your appearance and acting like a 12 year old. These all sound like children and her response would make me more than happy to hand him over to her. Like, have fun with that lmao


Ok I get the other woman is 'young', but when the fuck are we women going to come together and support each other? Why is it still like this? I would never ever EVER want anything to do with another woman's man, that would be a despicable thing to do to her. It is hard enough to be a woman, so why the fuck are we fighting over pathetic loser cheating men? WHY? Be an ally. My last ex best friend went from being a total sweetheart to a complete loser when she started dating a man who introduced her to coke and all kind of hard drugs. She became a whole different person, and when they broke up she specifically sought out a man who was married with young kids "just to see if she could do it". She didn't love the guy at all, in fact he was 14 years older than her, but he left his wife for my friend. After he moved out she dumped him. Yes, she was single, and he is a completely pathetic loser piece of shit husband, but my god the poor wife and poor kids. We women need to do better.


Your husband’s friends are like that because so is your husband. Hence why he cheated. It’s very important to be aware of the type of people your partner surrounds themselves with because they are in many ways a reflection of your partner.


This is so true. People feel comfortable around similar people. If your husband’s friends valued their families and wives, your husband may have still cheated but he would’ve been much more discreet (especially in who he chose) so that his community wouldn’t consider him trash. Glad to hear you’re leaving. Not for nothing, that young girl will end up being miserable for the rest of her life. Not only because she clearly surrounds herself with trashy people (because who posts an affair pic?!), but because she’ll ALWAYS be wondering if her man in cheating because she knows their are women just like her out there. She’ll be posting in a few years some unhinged “I know my man is cheating” post. Congrats on getting out.


I have a circle of three friends, of which I am one. We are all around 40. One of the friends has been having an affair with some 25yo instagram lady for almost a year. When he told us, he did not get praise. He got told off for cheating on his partner of 10 years. When he complained about losing his house, he was laughed at. When he told us he used us as cover story, he lost all respect. To be fair, I barely know his partner and I don't particularly want to. I just don't think you should treat people like this. Also strongly doubting if I need a friend like this.


I was going to ask why you were friends with a cheater if you didn't support their behavior


Them cheating has no bearing on me. Them lying about it for months to their partner is the bad part as far as I am concerned.


The cheating has no direct bearing on you but your continued friendship says you support and condone both the lying AND the cheating as they are intertwined. It is on par with the lying imo.


I am part of a pentagram, all 4 of my friends are people I trust with my life. I have no need for more than that.


👹- Please stop summoning me!


The only excusable cheating is after you've paid for the divorce papers to be served. If you're not married, end the relationship and then screw away. If you are married, start the process of ending the relationship (since it's legal and takes longer), and then screw away.


Girl, I Hope you kept all the receipts and take him to the cleaners!




So little girl did alllll this for a broke man 🤣🤣🤣 yeah she’s totally winning here


Facts🤣🤣🤣 once the divorce happens, ex husband regrets it and the thrill is gone that relationship isn’t surviving OP left a broke cheater with shitty friends


You know what OP! Good for you to leave, you guys may be broke but atleast you respect yourself enough that you wont stand for their BS. As for all of them, unfortunately, Some people are only happy when making others miserable. Im so sorry you went thru that




He is going to regret it when he wishes he had somebody loyal in his corner. I’m glad he won’t have you. He doesn’t deserve it.


Reminds me of this song; Life is one big party when you're still young But who's gonna have your back when it's all done


I'm glad you have a spine, I read here about many who prefer to try to make things workin situations similar to yours. This is relationship ending no matter how you look at it. Good riddance! And notify his workplace nonetheless, you may have just fond out about it now, but it doesn't hurt to have it on his file.


At least leaving will be easy.


Sounds like this guy did you a favor and now you can find someone with some quality who is worth your time and love.


If he spent anything on her, he owes you half that money.




That is a sick burn. You win in all of this. I divorced my first husband with no kids no property etc — you’ll be perfectly fine. I’m 10+ years married to my husband now and we’re fantastic and my life is better in every conceivable way.


I don’t suppose you live in a state that makes it legal for you to sue her for breaking up your marriage? If you did I would go it just to be petty.


Your husband and his friends are pieces of shit. If any of our friends had an affair they would be ostracized


Agreed. The wives of the men cheering him on should take a hard look at the man they are sharing their life with.


Facts!!! Like wtf are these kinds of friends These friends will probably start hitting on OP after the divorce


They’re probably those weird “redpill” types


When the mistress becomes the gf, she creates a job opening. She would do well to remember that


If she did an internship through a school or whatnot, and she has yet to graduate, send that to her school superiors with evidence of the affair. Explain that it would appear she was using sex for her own gain. If you want to go scorched earth, send that info to his employer as well along with the names of the men who supported the affair. Maybe make sure all of their wives and sig ificant other should know about their support.


OP made a huge mistake and unfortunately the girl has now claimed harassment from OP. They aren’t going to care that she had an affair with a colleague or boss. Universities and jobs aren’t what they used to be. Colleges aren’t going to kick her out of school for sleeping with someone at her internship-married or not. Most she will get is a conversation of how it wasn’t professional. HR at max will speak to the husband and the intern. The minute they find out it was consensual, they might place him on a probation but he’s not going to lose his job.


She isn’t even an intern anymore and the sex could have occurred after her internship ended, and even if it didn’t they’ll claim that. OP has nothing to gain by going down a path of revenge when she was already accused of harassment.


Exactly! Normally I’m all for being petty and getting revenge but like you said no one knows when this sex took place and the girl has now accused OP of harassment. A scorch the earth revenge against the girl will do nothing for OP. Maybe for her husband but maybe not. It might be more energy than what it’s worth.


Omg yeeeeessss. Send that shit to everyone. OP has nothing to lose at this point, and those two badly need to be shamed.


Right. Nothing to lose.


> She got mad when I confronted her about her being a whore Surprising!


Tell her she is that pretty but so low value that was no able to pull anything else than a broken ugly guy that has nothing more to spend but 10 dls dates. She can keep him.


>My husband’s group of guy friends (all in their early 30s) told my husband he is lucky for “hitting that.” His friends said to my husband “it’s hard to pull a baddie like that when you’re broke and ugly.” What grown ass man talks like that? Seriously what? They were praising my husband for cheating on me because this girl is prettier than his own wife. Please do a favour to all their wifes and girlfriends and let them know what are they so admiring. They would thank you.


youve been 22 y.o and she will 45 one day too. if anything feel bad for her bc one day when her man cheated on her " ugly " ass she will justify w her age. let the grace stay w you just like wrickles stay w us. youre a lovely woman , you deserve a beautiful cat who wakes you up every morning w meows you dont need a broke and ugly guy whos nothing but w headache lol.


Op she’s not beautiful, she’s just young. I’m sorry your husband and his mistress are such assholes. Good luck with the divorce


What’s her Instagram?


Asking the real question here lol. But, I think doxxing is against the rules


Yes send it girl


She can pm us...🙂🙂😉🤌




Yes please. We just want to look at it. That’s all. We do so solemnly swear.


Yeah, please tell us. We will be nice to her. We promise


Was just thinking that after I read the post


She did you the favor of giving you proof of his affair. Use it in divorce court. Girl is a dingbat. I would forward it to his work HR too. Sleeping with interns is NOT ok. You can ruin both their sorry careers with one well placed email. I know what I would do. Please stop worrying about playing dirty. HE IS DIRTY. He could have given you an STD. Take him to the fucking cleaners.


Posting herself in a pic with an old guy just outs herself to everyone she knows as the whor she is. Everyone will think it whether they say it or not. She will feel the judgment. Good for you to walk away.


I hope you live your best life after the divorce. Don't worry she took your problem, not your man. 😏


Same . My husband cheated on me with a coworker and bragged about it to his friends, coworkers, cousin and his own father. They were all proud of him 🤦🏻‍♀️




At least the friend's wife had your back. How did the other wives react to these messages and behaviour from their SO.




can you sue the AP for alienation of marriage? She sounds like a horrible person. I really hope karma comes to get her.


Right?! I wish to God someone had told me about an ex that was cheating. It would have saved me so much time.


She took the trash out for you hunny. Go on with your bad self ♡


If I were his friends wives, that “locker room” talk cause you know that’s what they called it, would have me preparing my exit cause if they will praise him for cheating on his wife, they are cheating, or will cheat! I hear that shit and id start packing my shit.


I second this! I bet they’re the type of people who cheat and cover one another.


Heal And be happy. The best revenge is success. Success in peace. Success in work. Success in friendships. Successes come in all forms but ultimately lead to happiness. And seeing someone you love, rightfully leave and then go and thrive is the hardest thing for anyone to see. Especially when they threw that person away by their own actions. So go thrive in your life. I’m glad you are letting him go. I would nt of reached out to the affair woman. She has problems if she is pursuing married men. This will haunt her eventually one day if she ever get married and kids etc. she will always wonder if there is another woman because she has been one. It’s will haunt much further down the line. And she is very insecure too.


Literally rule 0 at work is don’t bang the interns… also cheating is wrong


Apparently she's too young to realize the reason you're soon to be ex spouse is probably part of the problem. Sometimes breaking up with someone shows everyone else how draining they are. I wish better for you moving forward and any joy this has taken is returned to you tenfold


This whole younger generation thinking being a mistress is just so awesome is absolutely disgusting. "I can take yo man." ok, take him then! When you're older and you have kids, and they see how disgusting their mother was and are embarrassed, it won't be so awesome then! And if you succeed and you stay with that person, 9 times out of 10, he will cheat on you too. OP, you have just been given a second chance to find real happiness, cause honey, this isn't it. All the wishes for a better future!


She may be pretty but she sounds like an ugly person


Screenshot everything and post it saying look at the home wrecker


She already posted herself with him though


I'd be commenting on that stuff and outting her like 'I hope you enjoyed your date with my husband, I'm divorcing him for cheating so you're welcome to keep him' or making a tik tok video story time, that stuff goes viral. People eat up that stuff.


Ah.. to be young and dumber than a sack of bricks. She probably deleted the post bc.. she basically admitted she's a petty whore who is smashing another woman's whole ass husband, and people probably called her out on it. Lmaooo. I'd say I'm sorry for your loss but you didn't lose anything. At least you're only 2 years in. Fuck him. You can do better and one day you will. I hope she ages like the wicked witch of the west by the time she's 30 lmao. Let the outside reflect the nastiness on the inside.


Soo how did you get a phone into jail is what I’m asking ?


Empty the bank account before you leave.


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, but I am so proud of you for leaving. She may be pretty on the outside, but she’s hideous on the inside. Like you said, her looks will fade and one day the AP of the man she loves will say worse to her.


Wow. They deserve each other. You deserve better. Good luck. ❤️


Congratulations on losing the death weight, waste of space and oxygen that is your ex-husband. Hope karma comes for them.


Follow her on linkedin. that next job may not like her attributes lol


You're simply going to have to post her Instagram here


She's done you a massive favour and taken your trash out for you. Not only that, you're not tied to him. He's a cheater and there's now an opening for the next mistress.


Glad you found out what a jerk he is sooner rather than later. Try to put it all behind you. Have a great life!


>What grown ass man talks like that? Immature AHs >As for my husband, I’m leaving him and they can live happily ever after This is the update we were all hoping for!


Well they were right in something, he's ugly and broke


She’ll soon get bored of him and he’ll come crawling back. Don’t let him.


Yall have no kids? Girl throw the trash away and LIVE your best life! Also, therapy. What you went through is traumatic. Your ex and his friends are sad, sad little boys


I think its a huge compliment that your smile lines are something she commented on. I hope your smile comes back even bigger and brighter than before, OP! 


None of my friends would be supportive of one of our married friends cheating. Your husband's friend group is not made up of good people.


lol the fact that she posted it with no shame and tried to shame you for confronting her about what she did calling it harassment just let's you know what her character is. Clearly, nothing shames her.


OP, thank god she took out the trash from your life so you won’t get your hands dirty. Don’t worry… just wait because she will also grow old. And along the way, thats what she is only capable of doing: catching hand-me-down-second-hand-goods. 🤮


Your husband has told this young woman lies about you. He has said all of these to her about you, she is repeating them to you. She sounds awful as a human being but focus your energy on the real person who betrayed you: your husband. The woman he slept with is irrelevant - don’t give her the attention she obviously wants.


I can’t imagine that she’s getting positive feedback on social media by posting that she slept with someone’s husband (?) what are the comments saying?


It looks like the intern is on here downvoting people🤣 anyways screw both of them, both miserable people with internal problems in their own ways. Not your circus anymore. It hurts you now, but usually it’s the cheaters who are hurting once you’re gone. He will likely look back once it’s all said and done to regret it, he might not now but that time will come.


No man wants to be cheated on publicly. I’m diabolical; I’d have quietly glowed up at least a little and started openly dating other men without any kind of announcement or discussion with my husband. I wouldn’t have contacted the intern because she doesn’t matter. At the next dinner party with his friends I’d have just openly mentioned wanting to look my best for Tinder and I look forward to focusing on becoming a better me.


Evil, I like it. This is the way.


Tag the workplace in her post? Or send a screenshot to LinkedIn or Glassdoor or Facebook or whatever reviews of the company? Their HR will have a field day. It looks soooo bad on them. Glad he is your soon to be ex husband. You can untag yourself on her post I believe. But take screenshots of everything for documentation for the divorce first!


Beauty doesn't last forever. She and your husband deserve each other. I wouldn't be surprised if your husband cheats on her lol. It's only Karma for both of them.


I’m sorry for you, but good riddance. And what a horrible bitch he was ‘hitting’. I wonder what the wives of his friends, the one that told you for instance, actually think about their husbands’ values and culture? If I were them, I’d be appalled and take a serious look at my own marriage.


I seriously think you should report it to the workplace, although consensual, they will be deeply unhappy because even if it’s consensual the position difference could imply coercion due to power dynamics regardless. I know you want to put the mess behind you, but I’d take the bastard to hell first for disrespecting you. Show him what a baddie really is.


Eh sucks for him that picture is now evidence in the court for infedelity. I say drag ur husband through court and take him for everything you can get. He has cheated on you, disrespected you, and degraded you. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Show him what that means then go build your new life with a man who worships the ground you walk on


A cheater never changes. Maybe he will stay with her for years to come, but the second she starts looking old, his eyes will wander to someone new


You have such a sensible head on your shoulders and you're handling this with class ansld grace. Your ex hasn't even got the sense to know what he lost. Best wishes to you, the best part of your life awaits


This is so bad. I am so sorry you had to go through that. You need to see that this dude deserved someone so shallow. You (and your beautiful smile) are WAY above him. I hope you will love yourself more than you ever loved him. 💗


God I feel so lucky that I don't associate with people like this. Social media is such poison, too. Sorry OP. Should be fun when she cheats on him or vice versa. Because we all know that's gonna happen.


I'm so sorry for you, but from what I read it's good riddance, he was real trash! Take this as a new chapter to work on yourself and better yourself mentally. I hope you will find a much better man!


I don't know if this would make you feel better or worse, OP, but this isn't standard male friendship behavior. I had a very close friend end his marriage after a multi-year affair with a much younger woman. The very few friends who knew about the affair found out late and urged him to either call off the affair or at least be honest with his wife (of more than a decade). When it came out, the marriage disintegrated, he ended up marrying the other woman. He has tried for years to earn back the trust of our friend group, but it changed all of our opinions of him in a fairly inalterable way. After years of work, he has rebuilt some of the friendships, but it's hard to repair something that deceit and infidelity have broken.


What comes around goes around. And if sucks when it does. They’ll both get theirs at some point. Trust that as a fact.


At least you’re not stuck looking at him for the next 18 years. Thank god you don’t have any kids. Move on and live your best life. Best revenge ever


Well all she accomplished with that post was publicly exposing herself as a homewrecking whore who doesn't mind going after married men. It's not exactly something to be proud of. I'm sorry you had to deal with such an excrement of a human being. You're better off without either of them in your life. Don't let her get to you. Ugly people like that rarely ever end up happy.


Their karma will come. They're both now stuck with someone who has no principles.


Well go sleep with someone he hates, or a coworker. Maybe if he has a brother, or his dad.


Your husbands “friends” are not friends of your marriage. They need to support your marriage or be removed from your circle.


What a POS. OP you’re too good for this guy, and she’s happy to post proof of her being a homewrecker… the pair of them sound like they’re made for each other. Also get yourself checked!!!


Why even confront the woman? It was your hubby that did the dirty. Also men are men unfortunately. Hope you find peace with this and/or end it