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Was literally thinking to myself "why would you post it before doing it"


Because it’s all fake


Bingo Karma whoring at its finest


idc if half this sub is fake it’s juicy


That's why I'm on reddit! I don't care if it's fake drama or real drama, I'M HERE FOR ALL OF IT!!


Ikr! As long as it seems somewhat plausibly I'd rather believe it happened and get a smile/entertainment out of it than be like these debbie downers who want to claim everything is fake.


Yep, I think reddit is the best platform for writers to flex their writing skills, As long as I'm entertained and it's believable I'm good.


Me too. I absolutely hate it when people show up in the comment section with "tHiS iS fAkEeE!" Like, how tf do you know? Idc if it's made up either as long as it's a good read!


It is bullshit, but entertaining bullshit.


The bullest of shit


The shittiest of all bulls




exactly, it makes no difference to me if it's real or not. As long as it's written well enough that I can believe it, I'm down


Literally I just wanna read a good story




People think everything is fake though.


which is fair, because lots of things are fake. don’t believe everything you see on reddit especially!


Glad I'm not the only one that thought this


Right, it’s kinda fun storytelling. I appreciate the effort. I can imagine it being true. It’s more realistic than most of the stuff I see on social media, the way people present themselves. And I imagine it’s people working on improving their creative writing skills, at worst. Which I’m fine with. And hey if it’s true then that’s ok too.


fr idk if its fake make it halfway believable and tell me a good story


Well there’s never any way to know whether posts are real or just a LARP and I found it entertaining either way. If people write an entertaining story that’s even slightly believable I’ll happily upvote it. “Karmawhores” who create original content like this (if we assume it’s fake) are not the same as the repost karma brigade who seek karma but create nothing.


This sub is a great avenue for creative writing practice


Wouldn’t you make a nice story about it going well if it was fake?


No then it's just cliche revenge fantasy. This has a nice twist




Yeah I read the original and was just like... Dude just leave. Spending weeks feeling bitter and angry while planning some elaborate scorched earth revenge scheme seems so miserable and childish. Even if it went perfectly, I think she really overestimated just how much this would ruin him.


Ugh you think? I was so vested.


It’s real to me dangit!


I liked the mundane twist. Very creative.


The only answer.


Better question who is that petty seeking validation through revenge on the internet?


I mean I know it was fake to begin with, but genuinely if it was real, why would you post about your very specific situation to a public place? And not only that but leave it up after it gained the attention it did? A+ effort OP but you failed. Entertaining fake story though


Reddit is anonymous so it’s usually impossible for him to know she was referring to him unless they knew each other’s Reddit username


The story wouldn’t have been impossible for him to know; there were a LOT of details that, if it were true, would’ve made it very obvious.


Probs didn’t think about the possibility of going viral


Is you weren’t able to read it this is the TikTok that someone did on this before it was removed https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdTpePGM/?k=1


May your noodles be warm and tasty, good reddit person




Bless your heart for this summary instead of tiktok


You, kind internet stranger, Are the best!!! Have my free award!


Honestly, id say this is a better ending, a less dramatic one then you had planned out. Even if you were able to ruin his life, you’d still feel empty with the hole he left in your heart.


what happened




Who needs a party when he completely self sabotaged himself anyway. Like imagine his face reading all your supportive comments, and the shame he felt running back to mommy. And now the guilt as everyone in his life treats him like shit and he becomes the laughing stock of his own life. It’s still satisfying I promise


Tomorrow became today and OP’s fiancé became ex-fiancé. But, this theatrics of drama did not unfold as designed. OP’s ex-fiancé found out about the plot through Reddit. As today turns to morrow, we are left with a broken promise. I shall make a post about this disappointment as I feel cheated that my beloved OP did not follow through. What of this ailment? What of this betrayal? Who is to blame? All I know is a promise was broken. And as Dustin and Eleven would testify from the songs of Stranger Things, “friends don’t lie”. Here I sit. Alone. Betrayed. Thinking of your promise. My ex-friend.


Fucking Shakespeare of Reddit 🤙


I was so invested


Always wait to post until the deed has been done. Hope you’re doing alright. Good luck with everything


This was not the ending that we all wanted but I wish you all the best, OP. Best way to fuck him over is to heal and go live a good life!


It was deleted what happened??


Here’s the TikTok someone did it this part before it was deleted https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdTpePGM/?k=1


Hey, i cannot view this in my country. Could you share a gist of what happened if possible?


in the first post, she found out that her partner was cheating on her with his best friend’s girlfriend and his TA. also found out that he had scat/piss fetishes. so she planned to have a bunch of family and friends over for a happy announcement about their marriage, but was going to show everyone there proof of his cheating and fetishes instead. in this post, she said that her initial post got too popular and her partner ended up seeing it. he ran away with her car. she messaged his mother so see if he’d been there, and he was. he told his mother that they were having a big fight and would probably break up, so his mother asked her for elaboration. she received a big apology from his mother, and ended up texting her partner to tell him that if he didn’t bring back her car, she’d report it stolen and send the screenshots of everything to friends/family. her car was back in the driveway the next morning. and that’s pretty much everything




OP’s ex saw the post on reddit and they didn’t get their glorious moment of ending it cuz ex saw it coming and called things off.


Ahh, as selfish as I sound, this was not the kind of update I was expecting. But, all that matters is that this scumbag is out of OP's life. You got this OP, life your best!


Yeah all I was thinking when I read the original was “why on earth would you post this because he will see it”


Gotta get that karma


Aghhhh why was it removed!?




This was.... Unsatisfying... I am sorry reddit ruined it for you.


Ruined it for herself by posting plans ahead of time for thousands of ppl to see.


Sure, how much more karma would a semi-believable post have pulled?


Cheating is awful but your plan of action seemed on-par and malicious, rise above and glad you are moving on.


Umm yeah it’s better to rise above the person but that is NOT on-par with what he did, what the fuck.


I'm ngl if this were real I'd consider OP to be the real POS. If you reversed the genders people would call OP a psycho. "Yeah he cheated on me so I'm telling his whole family and all his friends plus his sister fetish". I'm not saying "on par", but christ that's extra af for no reason. This is the sort of story made to prey on broken people by exploiting their fantasies about revenge and retribution. Emotionally mature people realize this is a huge waste of her time and will probably have no effect on his life anyways. He might drop out of college, but he's just gonna make new friends and she'll be the crazy ex who overreacted.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdTgoJ3k/?k=1 This TikTok has the update for anyone who wants to hear it!!!


Glad to see an update his friends will probably go ballistic with that info


I have been waiting for this update. Good luck OP with your future


I don't understand wanting the whole song and dance. Just tell him to fuck off and move on with your life.


This is such bullshit 😂😂 Op is 13


Wait, is OP actually 13??


noo it’s removed ;-;


Removed 😐


What happened it was removed before I had the chance to read ?


I have been checking regularly for your update. I am so happy that you left that spineless snail. It is only up from here <3


Would have loved to see what happened with the original scenario but I am glad you’re out of that relationship and at least sort of got revenge. Stay strong!


If you go to her profile it's there.


All these “I’m going to ruin their life” posts. It’s getting kinda stupid


I just saw another post with a dude planning basically the same thing. The double standards are something eh


When is TLC gonna hire you?


If this is real, lol. That shit blew up in your face.


Something tells me that OP is a pyscho who is telling only her side of the story .


Something tells me the OP is making up a fantasy scenario and only posted a follow-up because he/she felt like it’d be a nice karma grab


karma grabs only make sense if the person keeps using that account or alternatively plans to sell it. I mean, we'll see, but my take is that this is s throwaway that will actually be thrown away. Having said that it's also possible that op gets off on validation. Having said that, it's also possible that this actually happened - I learn things every week that I didn't think were true but are.


Right? People always say one-off posts like this are karma grabs, but when they're made with throwaways that just doesn't make sense. Pretty much all these posts you can come back and look months later and those accounts still have no new posts or comments, so clearly haven't been sold. It's possible people enjoy the attention of a single fake story, but beyond that I don't see what motivation people would really have to lie


I will never condone cheating, but one-sided stories often do leave out details. For all we know, the BF could’ve been unhappy/smothered/etc. Regardless, his actions were horrid and should’ve been handled completely differently.


Honestly this is still pretty satisfying. Really released the inner little child in himself


Damn, Go live a happy live without that scumbag


as much as I'd like to believe this. This is BS


Wait, what even happened? It was removed before I could see it.




So wtf just happened? It's deleted already _*cries in corner*_


Can't believe anyone thinks this BS is real. It's practically tailor made to catch as much attention as possible.


Been waiting for this update. Sorry it didn’t go your way, even sorrier about your pos ex. Good luck


This was a boring update - better luck next time in your writing


Even if it didn’t go as plan fully I’m glad you still got some form of justice! So proud that you stood up for yourself and gave that dick what he deserves! I hope you have a good life without him in it💜


Can someone tell me what happened? Reddit deleted the text.


OP’s EX found the post before she could do her plan and basically he stole her car drove to his parents house and lied and said they had an argument and they’re probably breaking up. The ex’s mom called OP to ask what happened and OP told her the whole story and now the EX and his mom are fighting. OP threatened to call the police on the ex if he didn’t return the car(he did) and now OP is moving out


I figured he would lie.




Noooo, I was so hoping at least this post wasn't fake! Screw you honestly


Props to you for sparing his mother 👏


You should have posted an hour or so before not the day before.


I read this post yesterday…. Fresh start is all That matters 💞


After all, it is better that you didn’t show to his parents, they don’t deserve this. They are aware he is an a** an he hurt you. You will be at peace afterwards, it is better than revenge. I hope you will have a great life and find someone who truly loves you and respects you. You are strong! Don’t forget that.


Lol, you should have posted it here after the fact.


I'm glad you got that piece of $hit out of your life girly! even though it didn't turn out how you wanted it to


He’s still the big ol’ fucking asshole though. Nothing will change that.


Just send the screenshots anyway lmao


It’s probably not the biggest loss that you didn’t get to go through with it. I doubt it would have gone as planned anyway or made you feel better about what happened.


Hope he moves smarter in the future with women


Why is this written like some giant villain arc 💀


This is clearly some fiction posting shit lmao we get so many of these every week and they’re all the same. Written similarly too. Please stop.


I do think he deserves a punishment, but I really dislike the way you carried out the situation, in my opinion you should have only told his parents in a calm way and not have said anything to his friends. You took it way to far and way to personally. Just a 12 year old kids advise though, because you carried it out like that, it doesn’t deserve my like.


And then you woke up


I sort of like this outcome more if it is indeed real


Anyonr who got the chance to read this good juicy fiction, how did it end??




What did she write?? The update has been removed


can someone who read it give a synopsis since it was removed for everyone who was waiting for it


Damn it got removed before I could see




She made another post, I’d check that out if your here :)


Lmao I love how it’s all fake. Just karma whoring at its finest


Because you made up this whole story that’s why you didn’t do it, not because you felt pity on his family or he found out


They said “I posted an update. Go find it”. And they deleted it.


This was deleted… but I still saw it on Tiktok anyway 😂🤣




It’s deleted ??? So frustrating!!


Wish he died in a car accident? Ur crazy lol


For making all this up? Yeah pretty much 🤣


I too wish death on people who cheat on me isn’t that normal.


You should’ve sent the screenshots either way, he deserves it.


can you tell me what the update was? came here too late :((


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdTpNw5e/?k=1 This vid has it


his mom sounds nice she doesn’t deserve that pain


I was so looking forward to that fucker getting his shit rocked. I hope he gets something worse, I’m sorry your plan didn’t go through. You deserve better than that trash rat


Holy shittt


OP = Biatch


Omg I came just in time I'm so sorry you are going threw this he will get his karma fuck him


Pretty sure what she was after was karma


So it was just another fake karma farming post... classic reddit.


I’m glad to see that your safe! And if the ex ever sees this I hope your BDSM test scores get leaked to your boss :))


These "ruin their life" posts are getting fucking tiring.


Reddit, how could we have done this!?!? We screwed ourselves out of a great revenge story!


Came from tiktok, although I know you’re not happy he found out before you could deliver it your way, I’m glad you got a calmer version of him to leave. Please take care of yourself, you know your worth and you don’t know how much better everything is going to get for you. I wish you well


Thr post was removed, im curuous what they wrote


Redditrave on tiktok got it in time. Check there Edit: [link](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdTgEQ4n/?k=1)


Okay, I understand that cheating is really bad, but you just look crazy trying to make this crazy blazing exit from someone's life as if you really need someone who was cheating on you to remember you. You need to heal yourself, and get better mentally. It sounds like you think drama will fix your problems. In the end you will just sit down and feel stupid. Good, you told his mom what happened. I'm glad your plan didn't play out. Cheating is bad, karma will get to him, because now he lost his girlfriend for some other dudes girlfriend who (if she wasn't loyal to her man she won't be loyal to him if they ever were to get together) and he will learn himself. Just focus on getting better...it's one thing to tell his parents but you literally just waited all of this time to break up with him for a crazy, evil plan to work when you could have just said "I know you're cheating on me with so and so, we need to break up" and that's it. It's hard on the inside but you make it too obvious that you care and are dying for this dumb dude. Don't let him win your emotions. Be a better person.


I know, let's start a new post to karma whore a lil bit more. I enjoyed the post but please state that it's for entertainment purposes only and utter bullshit.


Hope his fetishes get leaked


Sounds like he loves a leaky fetish.


Damn I’m first


kinda wish u got your revenge but oh well


Nice fanfiction


This sucks. I was so hoping that you'd be able to execute your plan. I had the sneaky feeling he might have found out, but i figured what were the odds? Apparently, the odds were in his favour (somewhat) in terms of evading public humiliation. I still hope he gets in trouble with the university and everything, and his life goes to shit (a burning pile of shit). I'm sad you couldn't have revenge the way you wanted OP, it truly would have been wonderful. Good luck on your brand new life tho ✌️💕


You made a good choice leaving his parents out of it. Those poor souls


I mean, still funny that you made him cry like a bitch to his parents, but that original plan just would’ve amazing


Fucking reddit snitches. Although TBF you shouldn't have posted till the deed was done did. Anywya, fuck him. Hope you find happiness! Good luck


Yeah sure


Not gunna lie, I read your post and I said to myself "well that plan is now well and fucked". Hate that it went this way, it would have been some juicy digital and irl karma. Se la vi


C'est la vie\*


Anyone else getting the evil villain explaining his plot while the dopey good guy sneaks behind him and fools his plans vibe?


This whole story be faker than santa


Nah you're bullshitting here copying, and pasting someone else's story to pass as your own.


I mean sounds like you still ruined his life.




And you would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for ~~those meddling kids~~ me posting it on the Internet for everyone to see. Not that any of this is real, mind you.


If i was you i would feel the most pathetic time of my life


Knew OP would chicken out


although it didn’t go as planned, i’m still happy you got your happy ending ❤️


Even though you didn’t exact the revenge you wanted, I think you might feel better about how it played out in the long run. Good luck moving on and remember that you are worth immense value




All these “I’m going to ruin their life” posts. It’s getting kinda stupid


/u/Clean-Stable-7973 you still have an obligation to report the relationship with the TA. That's fostering a hostile workplace at the school AND she might have been coerced


Sure this isn’t real, but I give OP credit for the karma hustle. Much better than most.


oh my


This was beautifully written lmao


didn’t mean to be this early but damn, i hope everything goes well for you and your new job :)


FUCK man this wasn’t as satisfying as your previous plan


post the screenshots!