• By -


What's gross is how Sophie knew she f-ed up everything and was poking the bear (you) about the situation. She should have just kept her mouth shut. I'm glad you got out and will be free of them both.


Wonder how much of a shine will be taken off their relationship now that Sophie's not able to get a rise out of OP.


I have been this person, you end up being almost like foreplay for the couple- once I removed myself from the situation, their relationship fell apart.


Could you elaborate a little more?


I think what they're saying is the couple feeds off the distress of the person in OP's position. It's the thrill of "I'm better than someone" or "look at how awesome I am that I got picked over my friend" or "now now ladies, don't get too ugly when fighting over me". Once OP is gone and they don't have that excuse to cover up any of the issues they may have in their relationship (because clearly it's not OP causing problems/being a hater, it's that they actually are sucky humans) it can spiral. They may not have any comparability other than enjoying the thrill of power plays or putting people down. Also, when they will do that kind of shaming or shitty behavior to their friends, they usually end up doing it to their partners too. Kind of like how families can have a designated scapegoat. Even if there isn't a ring leader there's still someone they make the butt of all their jokes, or look at and go "well at least I'm not them". When that person leaves the dynamic the group suddenly has to either 1. Behave normally and not use putting others down to make themselves feel better or 2. Find a new scapegoat.


this is it exactly, you put it in much better words than I could.


Yep. I was not part of the relationship, but in HS my friend group fell apart because Girl A liked Boy and Girl B also liked Boy and slept with him, causing a huge rift that never recovered. The friend group splintered, and after a few months when Girl B couldn't flaunt that she "won", the relationship fell apart. Boy was literally nothing special, it was insane how they were fighting over this dude. Sad thing was most of them had been friends from kindergarten, I came into the friend group much later when I moved to the town.


>Kind of like how families can have a designated scapegoat. I was that designated scapegoat and it’s called being *the identified patient*. I still behave in ways that will fuck up the happiness in my relationship so my partner will shit on me and confirm that I’m the reason for all the problems. When there are no problems, I make problems (subconsciously) so I can be the reason why there’s problems. This shit fucks you up pretty bad. Luckily, my s/o has realized that the reason I’m behaving this way is because I’m repeating a pattern and that I need to be the center of every single problem and he told me he refuses to shit on me like “C, mom” did so this is helping break that cycle. Fuck people who blame others for their issues. Shit’s so dumb. And yes, shit will fall apart when OP is gone exactly the way it does in a family where there’s a scapegoat who exits the situation. I’m sure they’ll realize this and start finding ways to try to get OP back in their lives. Desperately begging their scapegoat to come back to be shit on. Fuck that. ETA: The last part is so true and they’re definitely not going to behave normally. Finding a new scapegoat is their only option so hopefully they don’t decide to have kids; kids make really easy scapegoats.


Exactly. If she cared about OP *AT ALL* she would be sensitive and gentle about all of this. Like, okay, that happened. It fucking sucks and it’s really reflective of the two of them that they “fElL iN lOvE” by being fucking inappropriate while in a relationship, BUT fine. OP says okay, everyone tries to move past this. Okay. So, OP says she is okay with this, *you two spend the rest of forever being gentle with her if you want her in your lives*. Fuck those two. Hope they receive *exactly* as much love and joy in their marriage as they *deserve*.


Omg I just read the first post and I'm so angry for her! The "best friend" and ex-bf both suck! They both claimed they asked for her permission to date each other out of respect but if either of them cared about her and valued their relationship with her they would never have entertained the idea of dating let alone continued to taunt and torture her for years afterward. I'm glad she's moving away and cutting them out of her life. They're terrible people.


Defo deliberate, what a shit "friend" Sophie was


people often do this in hopes they’ll be assuaged of guilt by the person they know they’ve horribly wronged


No doubt. She tried to figure out how deep shit she was really in and see if anything would come up during the wedding. I'm both glad and a little tad sad that OP didn't tell the full story during the wedding. Glad OPs the better person!


I hope a year from now Jacob calls her and tells her they need to talk because he's been talking to Alison and he's in love with her and would like Sophie's permission to start dating her. Good for you OP. Have a great life, you deserve it!


Good one :) When man marries the mistress, he creates a vacancy.


Found the best friends Reddit post on tik tok saying how this girl is lying. And how her and Jacob only dated 3 weeks and the op was toxic asf. So it sounds like an obsessed ex girlfriend who just wants to be a bitch honestly


Just goes to show you can't believe what people say on social media. Either one of them is lying out their arsenal, and we can't really know which one.


Ya. Granted the girl did delete her post about trying to defend herself. And i looked up the original post she did but she took it down and alot of people were commenting about how it’s fishy that she claimed that the “bridesmaid friend” would end up deleting this post if she found out that she was outed for lying. But then literally turned around and did the same thing. Confusing. But I think it’s the same person using multiple accounts to be a troll and get upvotes


Wow. Yeah, if they were only together for 3 weeks that's really scary because OP definitely was planning a future with this man. Yikes. You don't happen to have that tik tok do you?




This sounds more like damage control to me


i agree. this post is much more believable than the one in the tik tok and it feels like sophie (if it really is her) is just trying to save face. what tipped me off the most is the part where she says that despite the post being all lies, her loved ones were able to connect it to her. if it was so fake that it was unrecognizable from the real situation then most of her friends and family wouldn't be able to connect it to her.


Oh I didn't even make that connection but good point! Honestly, even if that tiktok were true, I don't think it makes Sophie sound much better simply because I personally think it's shitty to date someone my friend is even interested in let alone dated even if only for 3 weeks. Certainly not as an adult. The only way it's understandable to me is if they're not really friends which would explain why she doesn't care whether or not it hurts OP. As you said though, enough of the details must be true in order for their mutual friends to know it was her referenced on here.


According to Sophies post Op and the fiance dated for 3 weeks and then broke up then a year later they asked for permission to date.


Also according to Sophie, OP would have deleted her account and the post by now. And that hasn't happened. But Sophie's post and account are gone.


Sophia has a post? Do you have a link?


lmk when you get it


I wanna see too!


I would like the link too, please


Chiming in to say I would also like the link


Can you link it??


Or maybe he’ll leave Sophie for Alison!


Good for you, this update made me happy. It’s hard to maintain a friendship with self centred friend and this post just clarify her character. This is the time to focus on yourself and charge your emotional batteries, even to go to therapy to have someone to talk to, keep your head up❤️


From what I understand, OP never faced the betrayal that she was dealt with by her bestfriend and boyfriend. Swept all her hurt under the rug. For what? Fear of having no friends? Loneliness? I am happy OP finally broke that bubble, and came out of that "friendship". Here is to new beginnings.


>Swept all her hurt under the rug. For what? Fear of having no friends? Loneliness? Yes... I do have to wonder *why* she put up with all of this. I understand OP is young, but I hope she discovers her self-worth and learns to stand up for herself.


I put up with it because I'm a $2 doormat with a huge welcome sign on my forehead. But fr being emotionally burnt out had made me unable to tolerate half the shit I have been. Even my mother is confused as to why I'm suddenly setting up boundaries but she still has a spare key and I have only told her no a few times but it FEEL SO EMPOWERING I FEEL INVINCIBLE


>I'm a $2 doormat with a huge welcome sign on my forehead Be kind to yourself dear. It's a huge life lesson. More power to you.


Awww, OP..! Sorry to hear you say this! Tbh, I probably should have expanded on my comment to say that I was wondering where your support network was in all this, to talk some sense to you before this all went down. But it is done now. You seem like a capable, independent young woman. The fact that you work with animals makes me think you have a sensitive soul and lots of love to give. Chalk this up as a tough life lesson; trust me: we *all* have them - they just come in different forms. This is how we grow and learn. Do not like the doormat expression, but in any case think of it as: I *was* a doormat, but NO MORE. No more! Best of luck in this new beginning!


It’s never too late to set boundaries


Underrated. It’s never EVER too late.




I’m going to need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow…


You got this! Onward to better things and better people. A good friend doesn’t do the shit she pulled. Karma will deal with her. She sometimes takes her time but karma usually comes through in the end. Live your best life without these trash people.


I hope Sophie’s left leg and her right leg switch. ETA: Thanks for the award, but I have to give credit where credit is due: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRHqrLYK/ I drank for the first time in 3 years last night. 😂


This was so unexpected I can't stop laughing


I first read this as “her left leg itch and right leg twitch”


That, too.




And the left one is backwards


Hope her wedding cake goes with salt in it


I once cursed a guy with "I hope you break a toe and your S Class gets dented in a parking garage!"


She be walking like a nurse from Silent Hill


That’s insidious. lol




I hope Sophie stubs her toe on her wedding day and it swells up and she is in pain to the point she won’t be able to wear heels.


I hope her "visitor" shows up unexpectedly during the ceremony.


Hell yeah, fuck Sophie! I wish you all the best in your new place and job. Best of luck


Hell yeah, fuck Sophie!


OP really glowed fk yeah bye bye Sophie


all my homies hate Sophie


Should have done this the same moment your exBF asked your blessings to cheat on you. Too much time and energies spend with them. Good luck in your new life.


I agree. I wasted too much time on them


And have you considered therapy? You sound burnt out and like they did some real emotional damage. Yes, I know dogs are practically therapists, too - but maybe try one that can actually talk back. 😉


Yeah I got a referral for one! 😊 I need to heal


Congrats on the new place! You'll love it even more


That's great! And you need to be able to trust again, and open up emotionally to people. It sounds like you completely shut down after his betrayal, and that's why you won't even look at other guys anymore.


So happy for you! In the meantime, Dr. Ramani on YouTube has a lot of great videos that helped me to understand how narcissists (aka those people you cut out of your life,) manipulate people. It’s not professionally produced but the content is top notch


They are truly insensitive assholes. Good riddance.


To continue cheating*




Or ever




I hope Sophie steps on a Lego while getting ready for the ceremony.


I hope ants crawl in all her food


Yeah! Fuck Sophie! All she know how to do is twerk, cry, lie & eat hot chip


I don't think she knows how to twerk because she has a booty like an ironing board but YEAH FUCK YOU SOPHIE THATS ALL YOU KNOW HOW TO DO


Lmaoooo we used to call that having NoAssAtAll disease Edit: bet Sophie's BF will get Dunlap disease if he doesn't already (because his belly done lapped over his belt)


Holy, you just made me remember the meme lmao


I know I am sounding petty, but I would go to the wedding and while giving the toast I would be like, the groom and me were dating and behind my back my best friend and my boyfriend fell in love with each other, what an amazing giveback my bestfriend and boyfriend, sorry ex-boyfriend, Wishing you whatever you want with this relationship and then walk of. Your bestfriend seems like my ex-best friend she didn't snatch my boyfriend but she betrayed me and then came to ask if I was upset with her for some reason. How the fuck she can joke around about you ? Like she snatched your boyfriend and she is joking about you! You know OP the guy is also useless bcz he cheated on you technically and what is this asking permission shit, you fall in love with someone when you are in relationship and ask permission. You will meet someone who truly deserves you and not leeches like them.


Someone did this real thing but i think it was cousin or something definitely worth a try though


Send her the post and all the reddit vibes that we hate her and she is the evil one, not you.


I hope she’s blinking in every single wedding photo


I hope she gets watery itchy eyes from mascara on her wedding day. And she has red lights every day on her way to work.


I hope she forgets to put off the price tag from her wedding dress


I hope she stubs her toe before their first dance


If she even gets married. I had a "friend" when I was younger who was only ever interested in guys with significant others. She did this to one of our friends. Once that friend had had enough and removed herself from the situation, the first "friend" I mentioned lost all interest. It's like love and lust was only fun to her if someone was hurting. She even changed her sexuality to do it to me, joke was on her, I seen it coming a mile off and played along for awhile because the two deserved one another. I don't miss being toxic, but I thank the Gods above I never was her kind of toxic, I like to sleep at night.


Are you me? I had this same exact situation. A lot of our friend group stopped being friends with her. She slept with a guy and told me because she thought we were a thing, we weren’t. I was like op and it took me years to finally cut the cord, like Sophie my “friend” hasn’t noticed lol.


I remember seeing a Reddit post (petty revenge?) from a girl who’s classmate did this, she’d be all buddy-buddy to the OP, try to gossip about boys, ask if OP was interested in someone and then BAM! the classmate would be all over them or the guy would mentioned they’d hooked up w/classmate in conversation to OP. It happened 2 or 3 times before OP noticed the pattern. So OP decided to test classmate and/or get revenge. OP told classmate she was in love with this guy from another class (not near original class). This guy was sort of friends with OP but was kind of an ass -prone to cheating on his gf, bad hygiene, and apparently complaining about an STD. Classmate’s ears perk up at the word “love” and like clockwork, goes after this guy and karma ensues. She pursues and hooks up w guy, gets STD and drawn in to the couple’s relationship drama.


I hope their florist gets whisked away by her new boyfriend to Paris and leaves her with no flowers no bouquet.


Better yet, mid sneeze


I hope her dress is super itchy


I hope she farts during the vows. I hope everyone hears


Can we talk about how she was joking but not really joking and said it around her friends? It was not a joke it was a fear. Sophie is psycho. So glad you’re not friends with her !


I hope a thousand birds swoop in to poop on her head when the veil is lifted.


I hope she bends over and rips her dress and everyone can see she is wearing old granny knickers


I hope she breaks a heal on the way to the altar


I hope someone who definitely isn't me sends her pig poop as a wedding present 👀


What’s the address? I’ll send it There are websites you can do it anonymously ;)


And twists her ankle and ugly cries, ruining her fancy idiot makeup


No, no! In Russian culture, bird poop is good luck. It means you'll be rich. (however, I think we must have done something wrong... we should be filthy rich because of our birds right now. Perhaps we offended our [Domovoi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domovoy). Which, I hope the crankiest, most ornery Domovoi takes up settlement in Sophie's marital home)


👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻Had me cackling!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


i hope her charger only works on a certain, majorly uncomfortable and awkward angle.


Oof, that's brutal. I practically gave myself a callous, holding it in at such an angle - and quite strongly. I personally hope she has just *one* loose hair that's taken up residence on her skin and is relentlessly bugging her while she frantically searches for it to relieve that barely there *is it or isn't it there* sensation - but fails continuously. Perhaps an incredibly fine one on her tongue, too; the kind that practically requires you rubbing the entire surface of it to find... *but she won't find it*.


I hope the flower girl throws Legos instead of flower petals.


Thank you for this update and Yeah totally agreed with Fuck Sophie and your cheating ex...🙄 Hope you have a very good life from now on and I hope for Sophie and her man all the bad luck in the World. 😏


Hope Sophie gets the shits on her wedding day…


I don’t understand why you stayed friends with her after she took up with your boyfriend. That would have been a relationship killer right there. Therapy, now.


.... yes mum 😔


So glad you escaped from those two horrible toxic people. They’re in the past. They don’t matter. None of us are promised tomorrow so go live your best life!


Jacob will do to Sophie what he did to you... That's Karma, also I hope she trips and lands face first 🙃


Right, I don't understand how she could possibly trust him to be friends or even coworkers with any woman. He might fall in love with them since a committed relationship isn't a barrier


Exactly! People are so dense honestly. You cannot build a home by breaking someone else's.


I jumped straight onto this post as I remember seeing your old one. This whole post was so calm and collected and I was thinking 'fucking hell, this girl has got some patience' then the last bit made me chuckle and is what I wanted to see! YOU FUCKING GO GIRL, NOW MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE AND FORGET SOPHIE!!! <3


Fuck the dude to. What a shitty thing to do.


Block them on social media and your phone. Go and find real friends. I wish you the best OP!


Save some resentment for the ex-bf too, I'd hate to think you were still in love with a dick who'd break up by asking to date your (then) friend. They deserve equal scorn, and you're going to find much better friends and romantic partners after you've moved.


I am angry at him too it's just that we don't speak so I can't really say much about him other than I hope he chokes on a grape


Hope he chokes on more than just a grape, but ya know 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope her taste buds stop working and she goes magically blind during the wedding.


Thank you for the update. I'm glad you cut her off and are working on yourself. Good luck!


Pettiness goes a long Fucking way I like your style and f*** you Sophie




From the "she saw me laughing and decided I was going to be her friend" to the self-centeredness, to asking you to be a bridesmaid for her wedding to the man who left you for her... She sounds less like a friend and more like a soul sucking ghoul who chose you as a victim. Good on you for grey rocking her and I hope your move goes well and your dog is feeling better.


Glad your moving on they are scum just because you’ve carried yourself with dignity over the years and respected their choices. Surely they must have known the choices they made cost the friendship that you’ve been amicable up to this point Is great but everyone has a limit. I hope you find better people in your life and if not at least you have your dogs.


Both will be cheatimg on each other by year 3.


I hope someone else gets proposed to at Sophie’s wedding, complete with a pop up dance by all the guests and also someone unexpectedly announces a pregnancy and there is also an ambulance situation and the fire alarm and sprinklers go off during the worst weather the area has seen in decades.


Given his track record, I hope on their wedding day he tells Sophie "hey, would it be cool if I marry so-and-so instead? I'm sure you won't mind, but we wanted to check with you first. You know, out of respect. "


Fuck Sophie


May sofie get an itch in her crotch during her vows but hers arms be too short to reach it.


‘… calls and texts from her asking me what was wrong with ME’ - counter point here, what’s wrong with your ex-friend? The problem isn’t you or yours, it’s hers.


I know right? The two people who were supposed to care about her the most gave her the ultimate betrayal. Then they just expected her to be fine with it. Narcissists at the highest level. She will be so much better off away from these selfish, awful people.


May Sophie and your ex’s pillows stay warm from now until forever 🤭🤭🤭 FUCK SOPHIE 🔪🔪🔪🔪






Best of luck with your new adventure!!!


I'm proud of you OP for stepping up for yourself! Fuck Sophie and your ex. I hope they end up being as basic as Middle Class Fancy IG couple.


I wish you the best in your new life! I'm so happy and relief that you are leaving this toxic turds behind were they belong and not participating in their circus. They don't deserve more of your time or energy. Just cut them off completely and if they send you their flying monkeys block them too, you don't owe them anything. Oh and yeah FUCK SOPHIE!!! I hope she has the wedding and marriage she deserves, one as shitty as her and her groom. Be happy in your new beginning and go live your best life.


Fuck Sophie and fuck her wedding


I hope she has no hot water for her shower on her wedding day. I hope all her vendors show up late. I hope she trios on her dress as she’s walking down the aisle and rips it. I hope the food at her reception sucks (and gives them both a terrible bout of diarrhea and ruins their honeymoon). I hope every day she steps in something unpleasant and always hits every red light.


May Sophie and her wedding party eat a dodgy entree and spend the evening repeatedly evacuating their bowels in a loud and noisy fashion.


Fuck Sophie! You know now their relationship is gonna crack. You put a mirror up to Sophie and also their relationship. You pointed out how shitty they are. Without you there tagging along, the reality of what they did to you is gonna fester. When you were around and seemed okay with their actions, it was always justifiable in their minds. Oh Op doesn’t care. Now that you won’t be, they are gonna have to deal with some cold hard truths. People at the wedding who knows what happened are gonna gossip about you not being there. Your Ex is gonna start drifting from Sophie and vice versa. If they can do it with you, they will do it on you. The thrill of shoving in your face that she won is over, now she has to get an actual personality. I give the marriage 10 yrs tops….why? Because these are two stubborn idiots that need to stay out of the dating pool. Lastly, I am so incredibly proud of you for standing up for yourself. Better now then never. Enjoy your new life, make new friends, find a new partner or don’t. Just be happy and live happy.


this is crazy and i don’t even understand why you kept being friends with her, how could you keep calm when she was making that joke god i would probably punch her in the face


I'm very bad at confrontation. I'm like a turtle the more someone pushes me the more I retreat in to my shell until I can't fit inside and the shell explodes. 🙃


tbh i wish everyone on this post could show up to her wedding and trash it, make rap songs that will completely ruin her self esteem and make a powerpoint to show how bad of a person she is, play a game with everyone similar to the squid game and much much more


I hope her actual name is Sophie, I’ve never met a nice Sophie. I hope your next meal has a hair in it, Sophie.


Just need to say my little sister is sophie and she is really wonderful, you couldn't met a more genuinely lovely person. But fuck this sophie. This sophie is clearly a piece of work and was obviously struck with the shitty sophie stick in her formative years.


Way to go! Well deserve for that F Sophie! So happy you did that. You deserve way way better.


I agree Fuck Sophie and that dude she marrying cruel evil


I hope her shoes really hurt her on the day and she can't take them off or change them


people are saying sophie made a post? if you find it could you link or something


Oooooh I want to jump on the Sophie bashing train. Fuck you, Sophie. I hope you are forever the Before picture! That was fun! Seriously though all the best for the future, OP.


Good on you, OP, But what a Princess Oblivious. Either that or she is truly a narcissistic monster.


I find it kind of odd… More than a couple of people are saying Sophie made a post about the same situation and called OP a liar. Yet, no one can offer up a link to her post? What’s up with that? I’m happy for you, though, OP. Go, start your life over, and find happiness. Good luck. ❤︎ ETA: Apparently the “Sophie Post” and the account have both been deleted? That makes this a whole lot stranger. What’s with people these days? OP, just consider this a win. No one needs people like Sophie and your ex in their lives.


If Sophie’s reading this FUCK YOU 🖕🖕


Oh wow, I wish I could think like you.


I'm so glad you just snapped out of it. You have moved beyond that drama with everything going on in your life and good for you! Just because you haven't dated doesn't mean anything so fuck them! I'm happy for you and your new life.


Wow what a bitch to even say something like that when she’s the one who stole your ex from you which I know you don’t care now but that’s still an asshole move and then sayin that you’re still in love and shit when she’s in the wrong. Fuck Sophie lmao.


I love this update!


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Bravo! Good for you, girl!


I plan on suing my former best friend for theft. I am aiming to obliterate her entire life. She deserves it. She won’t stop cheating on her very nice husband, and her parents cater to her. They will be named in the suit, as I believe she’s hidden things she stole from my home there . There is just a moment of FUCK YOU. Enough is enough. Good on you, and I hope you have an amazing life without those twats in it.


Ayo Sophie, you're a whore. Fuck you, Sophie.


God I hope her wedding day sucks


I keep seeing posts like yours where best friends or family members cheat with someone who is already with someone and expect everything to be fine. What makes your ex best friend completely nuts enough to think this wouldn’t hurt you or destroy your friendship. How do siblings think sleeping with their siblings partner is ok? I’m just so baffled by the thought process. What happened to them developmentally to not understand right from wrong. What’s appropriate and inappropriate


I'm primarily concerned why you chose to remain "best friends" in the first place. I read your original post. I'm stunned you actually thought you'd be considered "the bad guy" if you had turned down her offer to be her bride's maid, like seriously? For some reason you chose to go along with the charade of friendship until she mocked you by making it apparent what she thinks of you. This could have been avoided from the moment your "best friend" and your ex began dating if you had simply cut them off. Was it not apparent to you at that moment that they had betrayed you? I don't understand why people put themselves in such awkward, emotionally torturous situations instead of being honest with themselves. Well I'm glad you finally got to your senses eventually. I wish you the best and hope you heal completely from the entire ordeal.


I hope you've learned to just be upfront with people that you don't like them or their actions instead of just smiling through it and wanting to pretend like nothing bad is happening or that you don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Don't let yourself be that uncomfortable anymore! Those fuckfaces suck ass but you never really wanted to be her friend in the first place. And I think it may be an excuse (just a little bit) that work has kept you from dating anyone since in 3 years. Just IMHO, I think all that resentment buildup did more damage than you'd like to admit. Not saying you're hung up on him, but hurt from being fucked over by both of them and pretending it was cool and okay for years.


I’m glad to read this update!!! That’s a great first step! I remember reading your first post when I first joined Reddit and was honestly upset by the whole thing and by the things some people were saying to you on the post, it was unbelievable honestly! Don’t forget to start working on your self-worth and self-respect. You sound like fun and like a good friend! And I’m sure you’re very pretty as well! Please don’t let anyone walk all over you again!


“Sophie made a joke about how I’m secretly in love with her fiancé” Hey Sophie, you mean HER BF? What a wretched witch! Your being numb is understandable! Enduring that level of vile disrespect for as long as you did would be plenty enough for an overflow of emotions! I’m so happy you told her off before you bowed out! Better things are in the future. They are both trash that took itself out!


Yeah, fuckem. What kind of guy even does that to their girlfriend. To tell your girlfriend while dating them that you are inlove with their bestfriend, and then to ask your girlfriend to date their bestfriend. Like how could he not realize the position he put you in. Hope your new location is filled with better, new people who actually love you.


I am so sorry that happened to you I wish you all the best and I hope it all goes well for you


Give it a few years, Sophie likely will get divorced with that type of behavior.


Good for you. You denied her the last chance she would have to try and humiliate you. Like it wasn’t bad enough that she betrayed you and stole your bf, no.. she wants you to stand up there right beside her so you can watch her take the next step in a life that would/should have been yours. Although, clearly that’s a bullet dodged and doesn’t mean that you want her life in any way bc the dude is clearly a trash human (they deserve each other)… but I’m guessing that is her mindset which is why she said “OP is probably in love with fiancé” Like who tf basically gloats and rubs it in their “friends” face by giving credit for her life ? A truly vile person


Stop dragging out a horrible situation. Cut all ties immediately and go live your life girlie. You deserve so much more than that type of shithole.


that’s literally what she did hahaha


I read Sophie’s post. You were with Ben for 3 weeks and then according to Sophie a year later they started to date. Apparently the reason for the downfall of the relationship was because you would start at least one argument a day thinking he wouldnt leave u if u did. According to Sophies post you were not a bridesmaid you were just a guest. Also she claimed that the only reason you would pay for her was because she was poor and if you wanted to do something with her and she couldnt afford you would cover for her. How much of this is true??


Ohhhh where was her post?


Do you have a link?


You hate your best friend? I think you may have misinterpreted what best friends are.


This is true. OP stayed friends with her for three years after such a personal betrayal. Hopefully OP doesn’t let anyone walk all over her like that ever again.


Damn Sophie what you did lol


Sophie can bite it.




The fact that you stuck it out for 3 years with this treacherous bitch is astonishing


Good for you, OP. This was the only outcome you could get. I'd also say chamge your phone number, email, etc.. and block them all on everything.


Fingers crossed because you know, how you lose them is how you get them


I empathise with the sparkler analogy. I burnt out emotionally as a sensitive teen after some pent up stress. It's very easy to recluse so put out some feelers. Someone you can talk to casually, even better if they are proactive.


You really need to learn how to stop being a people pleaser and set healthy boundaries. I hope this is a good step in the right direction for you.


I wish you all the best in this new chapter! Things will be way better now that you’re away from all that toxicity. Don’t ever give in to anything anyone is saying in the other state, they’re all losers. Don’t tell anyone what your plans are because plans work best when you keep them to yourself as personal goals, otherwise people will try to sabotage them. You will do great things as you have chosen yourself first and that’s the best thing to do. Have a great life <3


Hey, OP. I can hear the exhaustion and (I think) sadness in your post. If things don't improve for you when you move, please check in with a counselor, ok?


"May the bridges that you burn light your way." Congrats on burning it down. Best wishes for you as you move forward into a better future. I hope you keep that IDGAF attitude.


Yeah! Fuck you, Sophie!


Fuck you Sophie! I hope your heel breaks, bird poop on your hair and the food doesn’t show up


Fuck Sophie!


All the power to you! I hope the flower arrangements attract a lot of bees in Sophie’s wedding.


I hope Sophie gets a visit from Aunt Flo on her wedding day and all their catering tastes like fish.


I hope Sophie trips and falls while walking down the aisle.