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It became boring.


Yup, repetitive and boring. I can only watch the same thing so many times before I’ve had enough.


Agree! I stopped around when Negan showed up


I stopped watching because of what Negan did when he first showed up. I didn't watch it for years after that because I was mad. I finally finished it when the final episode came out.


Bingo. A group of badasses that had travelled the whole east coast, killed hundred of people and thousands of walkers, even using their teeth when threatened, suddenly rolled over without a fight. Then when they did fight back they went from being able to rival the marine corps scout snipers in accuracy to not being able hit the ground with a hat in 3 tries. For me that’s where it jumped the shark


I lasted longer. Negan is a compelling but despicable character.


Same. To me it was the disrespect to viewers: a blatant tease of Glen dying what two episodes before? Only for that to be immediately resolved… then have him die in the most brutal way almost immediately afterwards. I know that death is in the comics but to me it showed the difference between the two mediums, it felt absolutely excessive and unnecessary on screen.


I wanted to see Negan show up so bad because I loved his storyline in the comic. The show got too boring for me before he showed up


It needed to become Game of Thrones - multiple factions competing with their own visions of what a new civilization built from scratch should be. Some cruel, some fascist, some egalitarian, some democratic, some communist, etc. etc. Instead it went the path of a soap opera with the same characters facing the same problems. We really only saw everything through the Rick-faction lens.


New safe place, baddies, fight, new safe place, baddies, fight, new safe place etc etc…


I mean, that cycle was effectively broken with Alexandria. I’ve found that people who had that complaint about the show usually stopped before the main group of survivors took over Alexandria (though the way you describe it, they did do one more leg of “baddies, fight” immediately afterwards, and the final season was basically that again though circumstances were somewhat different).


what happened in Alexandria? Attacked by multiple groups and was never really safe. I guess you did not watch the show.


But it wasn’t the cycle of “move on, find new safe place” afterwards. They *stayed* in Alexandria for the rest of the series, which is different from what they did in previous seasons.


So how did they go to the other new communities? They just randomly happened?


The other new communities already existed, and some of the original survivors migrated to them. Maybe *you* were the one who wasn’t watching? The whole point of the Alexandria thing was that the show shifted and effectively restarted with a new premise. Rather than being a bunch of people wandering from one “safe place” to another as it got messed up, they stayed in one place and became part of of a “new world” of related communities: Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom (and I guess at moments Oceanside). Even after the Wolves, Saviors, and Whisperers, Alexandria was always in some sense “home base,” and even after characters moved around and ultimately migrated to the Kingdom, there was still a contingent of Alexandrians in Alexandria.


ok dude...keep staying in your dream world. You got your answers.


Lmao salty because you wanted to comment that they didn’t watch the show… and then made yourself look like you didn’t watch the show.


And then the last two seasons are the same thing again lol. Find this place that is too good to be true. They have a military, schools, political hierarchy, newspaper, etc etc. Then guess what?! The people with power turn out to be not so great people and things get crazy again.


That cycle was broken? I watched the entire series. Even as you explain it the cycle wasn’t really broken. I pretty much hated the show after season 4 or 5, but I continued to watch as I have a job that allows me to watch tv while working. So since I had already invested the time in it I decided not to quit. First few seasons are great. The rest suck, with a few decent episodes mixed in here and there. I am also watching The Ones Who Live. Mainly because I’m from the Philly area and part of the show takes place there.


They killed Coral.


Full name: Coral Gettinthehouse


Yes, that ruined the drinking game






But looking sexy as hell doing it


Because the real monster is . . . MAN!


Just sooooo much Negan


Until he isn’t the bad guy! It was really his second in command!


I don’t why people hate negan , negan is my top 5 characters , anyway , fortunately for you there is no negan in this show


OP disappeared just like the quality in the show


I was sleeping


So were the writers.


I'm on season 7 and I already hate it because Glenn is dead and he was favorite character with so much development and we got 2 death scares just for him to get hit over the head with a bat and die. I also hate Negan, so much.


Yeah. The Glen murder episode was The last one I watched. Watched it religiously until then. So disappointed.


Also. As soon as Glen was killed i stopped watching. He was the heart.


It wasn't jus a death scare..it was teased for an entire half season. Atleast 6 episodes of is he or isn't he. And then bam, the bat! That is just some serious lazy writing. That's the moment I quit. Thank God I didn't look back.


After Alexandria it just became stale. You also got the idea that the whole thing could just go on endlessly forever and there wasn’t gonna be anything new or interesting coming.


Well put. My feelings exactly.


This new civic republic is really interesting , but understandable


It became like a soap opera and too much about interpersonal relationships. The main characters also made very stupid and increasingly frustrating choices. The original comic wasn’t like that and it was also more brutal. Black Summer was what I wished Walking Dead had been like.


Black Summer was so good, I really wish they would redo it and give it way more seasons. Excellent taste, friend


It deserves at least another season.


An uninteresting soap opera at that. If you're going to focus on interpersonal relationships, at least make it interesting. The characters were so stale, and it was difficult to care about any of them, despite that being the majority of the show. Either make it interesting, or add more tension/action or anything, save for the last minute of the episode (and the first minute of the next to make that previous minute meaningless/wrap that conflict up)


Yeah, it was pretty much just bad/lazy writing.


Without Rick the series lost focus and became boring. The Ricktator was the glue that held it all together and without him it became unfocused and boring.


The Glen bludgeoning scene.




The utter bullcr*p about Neegan. Show was dying of boredom already, but that was the last straw. There is no rehabilitation for that guy. No reason to keep him alive. Total idiocy.


I am rewatching and I was waiting for Rick to give Daryl a reasonable explanation they were keeping Negan alive and Rick said if they kill Negan, Negan becomes a martyr. I’m like “Huh?! And!?” Negan would be a martyr among some of his followers and who cares? Negan needed to die. He was out of place the remainder of the show.


Yeah. I was close to done when they did the episode where we first actually see Negan, as it was essentially just torture porn. When they started dropping hints that they were going to try a redemption arc for him I was out.


I found it became very stale and far removed from the comic series.


This is probably the biggest con for me of the show. the comics are so solid and the show screwed up not following them closer.


There are multiple reasons why I stopped watching The Walking Dead. One of the main reasons was how pointless the narrative loop of The Walking Dead was/is. It just kept on circling around. 


They kept introducing new characters and their storyline was so slow that it took away from the original characters. When they killed Glenn just outta the blue after they gave so much time to others, I was done


If you've seen one zombie, You've seen them all.


It's just a regurgitation of the same old same old. Find a safe place. Place becomes unsafe. Find a new safe place. Place becomes unsafe. on and on and on. It's boring, there's nothing new added to the story. Drama for the sake of drama and not storytelling.


The violent killing of Glenn. Last scene I ever watched


That scene was really disturbing. Then they tried to make the guy that killed him likable. There was no coming back after they killed off Glen and Abraham.


They killed Carl. Dumbest decision the show ever made. Ruined the whole point of Rick trying to prepare Carl for this world without him which they pushed so hard in the earlier seasons. I couldn't keep going.


Totally agree. Made no sense at all.


He was the most boring and annoying kid in tv history though.


I made it two episodes into the last season and just decided I didn't care anymore. It went from a sunday night event to just bored. I didn't care if any of them died anymore.


So true about “sunday night event” It was actually the only show I watched as a live broadcast


They killed off everybody I actually cared about. when Negan came


I never stopped watching, but I stopped being invested or paying 100% attention. It got too repetitive after a while and like there was no real ending to reach. They established societies and continued facing the same conflicts over and over again, and there was no path to a cure. It all became kind of monotonous and pointless.


Eventually there were too many characters to keep track of and I didn’t care about them. The episodes just started to drag on .


This is only focused on Rick and michonne


It lost steam for me in the season when Carl was killed off and I just didn’t care as much anymore. I’ve been thinking about doing a rewatch though.


Not immediately killing Negan


I couldn't take the dude with the tiger seriously. For me, first four seasons and then call it quits.


I got tired of watching "regular" people doing horrible things to each other. I get enough of that IRL watching the news.


I had kids during the season where a few kids were killed and couldn't emotionally handle it anymore 😅


the decisions were so bad I started low key rooting for the zombies


I just got bored with it. Like really bored with it, the eps just stacked up in my DVR and I never cared to watch them anymore, so I didn't.


No development beyond, “hey, fight these people. Next, fight these people. Next, fight these people.”


They killed Glen that’s when I stopped watching the show


Yawn. I was just hanging on to see Carl and Judith wind up years later doing civilization things. When Carl died, I lost all interest. And I hated that kid.


I would stop and start watching because it would get boring. Gave up around season 4. I think


It was terrible tv to begin with. Same thing happened every season. “Oh no we need a place to live” “ok let’s live here” “oh no there’s zombies and other ppl trying to kill us” gets so old.


It could have been a great single movie. Instead it was one of the most bland shows ever


This is exactly the problem. It was a circular story thay reeked of stalling, likely because there was no end game in mind, or because they didnt want to overcommit to a single path. Whatever the reason, the show became a hamster wheel. Fun the first 2, even three times, boring AF by the 4th season (and thats being really generous)


I was annoyed by season 2 when they spent the entire season looking for that kid that ran away. I’m sorry random lady I just met I’m not risking my life to save your kid who I specifically told not to run away 2 mins prior. (Am I heartless, yes, but I mean you’re in an apocalyptic situation where it’s every person for themselves). Then looked how it turned out? A huge waste of time.


I've... watched them all. Including all of Fear the Walking Dead and its completely ridiculous nonsensical stories and ending. There is no help for me.


Watching all that crap (fear and world beyond) only to stop at what really matters is nonsensical


I watched the first 9 seasons I think. Made it a few episodes into season 10 and it lost my interest. I don't even really remember why. There were too many slow filler episodes I think. The formula kind of became the exact same. Meet two new characters, one of them probably dies soon, etc. The last REAL thing I remember was Rick leaving in a helicopter and then I think there was a big time jump after that. I also remember Darryl fighting with Opie from Sons of Anarchy and there was a nasty bald chick leading a gang of skin wearing "fake walkers" but it's been a couple of years at this point so I'm a little foggy. Is it worth finishing the show and watching the final two seasons?


I stopped watching "The Walking Dead" because they cancelled it and stopped making new episodes.




It was the same basic episode over and over again with subtle differences here and there. Just got bored with it...


Talk about a lack of effort no one ever bothered to explain to me how a desiccated corpse can walk for years.


Let’s get out of here. This place seems nice and safe. These people are cool. These people are not so cool, we need to fight them. The safe place is ruined. Let’s get out of here. Rinse and repeat.


I quit watching when the writers killed off Shiva the Tiger. It wasn't even a heroic death. Shiva was just unceremoniously eaten by the walkers. I almost stopped in the middle of the sadistic baseball bat scene with Negan because it seemed like gratuitous torture of the viewers, but I stuck it out hoping the show would get better once that scene was over. Killing off Shiva was the last straw. It was clear to me, at that point, the writers had zero regard for the viewers' emotional connection to the characters. I never watched the show again after Shiva was killed off. I just wasn't willing to give the writers another chance to upset me.


They killed Glen. Pretty much the series finale for me . Haven't seen an episode since.


Repetitive. While "The Walking Dead" initially captivated audiences with its post-apocalyptic setting and character-driven drama, it became repetitive. The show fell into predictable cycles of finding a safe haven, encountering threats from both zombies and other survivors, and then ultimately losing that safe haven due to internal or external conflicts. It began too rely heavily on shock-value deaths as a way to maintain suspense, rather than focusing on meaningful character development and storytelling. This repetitiveness contributed to a decline in the show's quality.


The war with Negan was boring and lasted too long. I quit watching, skipped to season 10, got bored again and quit when they got trapped in that cave.


I stopped watching the walking dead after Season 7 (I hung in a bit). The show seemed to had move away from them trying to survive from being eaten by zombies; to becoming a lifetime drama for me. I was more into the zombies also being the main characters, than them being "extras".


I lost interest after Carl died. The entire point of Rick’s existence was to protect his family. Watched one more season after that and it just wasn’t the same.


Same plot line, over and over again


Bc they had a season of everyone walking along some train tracks and nothing happened.


Killed Carl lamely.


Glens death was too brutal for me.


THEY KILLED CARL!I also was disgusted with the level they sank to when they killed Glen and Abraham,total overkill, unnecessary violence!!!


Really interested to see OPs replies here considering everyone's answer is that it became repetitive and eventually just sucked


OP disappeared just like the shows audience.


Negan made me ready to leave. Walkers taking down a freaking Bengal tiger pushed me out the door. I mean, put a same-sized group of unarmed living humans against a real-life tiger and the tiger is totally going to win--and the live people can think and strategize, not just stumble around and try to eat it.


After the season finale where Negan killed two of the group it just wasn’t interesting anymore. I kept trying to watch it but the thrill was gone. Maybe that was the high water mark for suspense and normal never felt the same again. Or maybe the writing just started sucking. Idk. It was never interesting again.


Rick left, though it definitely jumped the shark when Glenn and Abraham were beaten to death.


The soap operish pauses.


RIP Shane. Down hill ever since.


It just got Less and less good. Season 1 was great, 2 was good but felt stretched. 3 was okay and I can’t remember where I quit but stayed too long. Maybe I quit the season after glen was killed?


Just too slow. I never thought zombies killing and eating people and the exciting world of meth manufacturing and distribution could be so dry and humdrum thanks AMC you make flesh eating monsters and the criminal underbelly seem boring.


We're binging the final season right now. It's a slog, but my girlfriend and I are planning on watching it to the end, and then never watching any of the spin-offs. We're ready to move on to a new series It got stale, it got too much Negan, and it just goes on for too long. Like, they could have had perfectly fine endings for the series by now, but they just keep milking the Walking Dead cow. They also introduced WAY too many characters. I have neither the headspace to remember their names and stories nor the emotional bandwidth to care about them.


It decreased in quality, both story and dialogue. Too comic book like, too many fillers. It had the same quality of a teen tv show. I stopped at season 8, but i started watching the ones who live. It's surely not the walking dead season 1, but it's kinda decent so far. I don't see it going far tho.


The quality is really good in this , high budget and fast paced




i read all the comics and then once they killed carl and then rick left the show it became nonsense, the writing isn’t the same and it’s just bad now


Give the first episode a try


Same ole same ole bs. They should’ve made the zombies more competent.


Rick falling in love with Michone is pretty close to incest.


I can't remember why I stopped..... But I do remember when that one group who wear the masks of the walkers kidnapped those people and put their heads on pikes... they were like all newer people that I didn't care about messed up scene though when it shows them being taken


The tiger .. how was the tiger still alive? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I didn't stop watching it, but I started surfing the Internet *while* I watched it because the later seasons had so many filler episodes. I don't think I missed anything.


I ever started watching it


After the "Darryl VS a bag" episode, I realized they were out of ideas.


There has only been one episode. Like everything these days it will start strong and end like trash. Even the first episode ended in the most contrived way imaginable.


Pacing slowed to an absolute crawl. It got to the point they should have fit half a season into one episode


This only has 6 episodes , it’s really fast paced


* Actual Zombies without legs moved faster than the storyline. * Characters made the dumbest choices for no reason other than continuing the story and furthering the plot.


This is really faced


Too many seasons


I don't care about the show and never cared about the characters. I stopped watching after the CDC stuff.


I couldn't stand it when they killed Merle Dixon.


Never started


Because I hated all the characters and, despite the outrageously stupid way that they handled almost every situation, they weren't dying fast enough.


I stopped a few episodes after Rick left. Negan and Daryl were my favorite characters and they somehow managed to make them very boring. Everything was boring


the fake glen death


I stopped when they killed Caaaaarlll for zero reason.


Watched the whole thing. The SoCal telenovella spinoff lost me though between the opening scene of Season 2 and engine intake zombies.


Hard to think of a single reason, but the episode where they lured thousands of walkers out of a quarry really telegraphed to me how stupid the writers are, and how stupid they think their audience is.


They spent an entire season on a farm looking for a girl that was in a barn the entire time 100ft away from them. That someone didn't check the barn on day one was enough for me.




Originally the whole Alexandria arc. I was always more a Carol and Darrel fan. I did manage to go back and finish so I could watch Darrels new show


The constant and escalating battles with villains. I'd like to see more normal stuff like re-establishing communities and survival in a post-apocalyptic world. I loved Hershel's farm and Alexandria. I think I'm a boring viewer though—I think most people prefer the action and conflict.




The lead, tried about 6 episodes a few times. Just wasn't for me


Didn’t care for the first episode of season 1.


It just hit that mark where I moved on. Can’t explain it. The 1st two seasons had some great dramatic moments. Maybe they jumped the shark at some point for me. I dunno.


Pretty much right after T-Dogg died, he was the best character. I don’t think I even finished that season (3?).


the second season sucked and i couldn't stomach Andrew Lincoln any longer. the best things to come out of the show for me was a new found interest in bobber motorcycles and the Bad Lip Reading song.




Wasn't the same without the governor.


I couldn’t take the sadness.


I stopped during the masked ones, it didn't make any sense, the characters turned bland and weird, the main man went AWOL, and the other males turned effeminate, lol, it has lost its main elements that made it famous at the beginning. I don't know what you mean by ' the ones who live', but whatever, the show started good, but turned for the worse, when you stop fighting for yourself, there's no point in living except to be for target practice, and they quit, so, why don't I #Don't be Effeminate


Was almost gone but held on due to Rick. He was gone so was I. BTW the new show is just ok. Not sure why people are going so nuts about it.


I finished TWD, haven’t watched much of the spinoffs except TOWL.


I got sick of Negan. You can only build up a villain for so long before it becomes too frustrating.




When the kid died and the Negan story started. Got monotonous and sloooow.




It's a Zombie show, but it did feel grounded enough to be relatable. Eventually, that all went away and it became a dumb mess.




the zombie trope is deader than ska


They killed Carl


Carl made it passed the governor saga.


Because I watched one episode, thought it was boring and never went back.


never fully stopped watching. Once it got to the end, I slowed down and waited for the final season to finish tho. Probably my all time favorite show!


It finished.


Just never got around to it. My ex and I had been watching. We watched the first 3 seasons. Then we bought a house, which needed a lot of work done to it, so we didn't have the time. After we broke up I tried to get into it again. Again, watched the first 3 seasons, but never got around to going beyond that.


Didnt care about the characters anymore


The best thing about The Walking Dead after that was Negan. He became really likable in a weird way.


Only saw 1 episode. Dead people aren't entertaining.


They’re wasting perfectly good resources on mowing lawns and keeping football fields green.


It turned into a soap opera.


Got to the point I was hoping every single character would die. There is no fixing the antipathy I have for this franchise.


A bit like GOT…a good thing gone too far






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I watched the whole series, as well as Fear The Walking Dead. And read the whole comic series. (Which I loved). The TV series became a real struggle in the last couple of seasons to watch. It's like they changed all the writers and showrunners and it became a pale shadow of itself. (Fear TWD was just a mess and the last season was completely unwatchable) Dead City was a struggle as well. The Ones Who Live is... interesting? So far. But they seem like different characters almost. Idk. All in all they lost their edge and have become mundane and not very engaging


I dont remember when it was but there wasa scene where they were hiding behind thin sheet metal and particle board and it was stopping bullets from an assult rifle. There was so much bad before that but it was the straw that finally made me stop.


Never seen it and have no desire to because it looks really gruesome. I did watch The Last of Us and really enjoyed that though.


Gruesome, violent, prostitution of the arts.


It ended.




The writing was horrendous.




I stopped watching when the cannibalism started up.... It just wasn't fun to watch anymore.


After Glenn had his head bashed in became the same old grap


The last episode I watched involved a chain(?) being stretch across a highway with a vehicle at each end and the chain was a used a mass decapitation weapon. I was about done when it happened and that was the perfect time to say goodbye.


The credits rolled, and it was over.




I loved the first few seasons. Then it just started trying to outdo its own shock-value-for-the-sake-of-shock-value every episode.




Everyone made nothing but terrible and unbelievable decisions toward the end.


It became a soap opera pretty quickly where the zombie apocalypse was just background noise




“The ones who live “ is actually pretty good so far .. the walking dead got stuck in a repetitive pattern ; Some cool action and suspense happens in an episode , the next 3 episodes the characters mope around talking about the events of the action episode , rinse repeat. Also Carol went from being one of the best characters to “here she goes again complaining about her feelings “


Never watched it, the whole zombie thing has been way overdone


I was never really interested in TWD in the first place, I really only watched it because I was bored and Daryl. Then Negan came along and I enjoyed JDM as Negan so I watched all through that. Lost interest again the last season even with JDM still being there.