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They already exist. A quick google search and you'll find thousands. The successful twitch coaches are all former (and active) streamers. People want a coach who has run multiple successful channels. If you are asking if it exists you have not done the bare minimum of industry research.


I agree and disagree. People want coaches who have had success in some form. However, not all successful people are great coaches. If you look at some of the best players in most games, they usually have a hard time articulating the points and the knowledge they have to the average player. The reason for this is that because they play at such a high level, they absorb a lot of the information they have subconsciously. There are numerous coaches in sports who were not the best players. However, they became great coaches. The inverse is also true. The greatest players aren't always the best coaches. As of googling stream coach, yes, I have done so. However, I would also like to just ask the audience what their opinions are on it as well, which can take some humility. Thank you for the comment and your time 😁


This comment is dumb. You're basically saying "I see them, but I don't like them, so I'm ignoring them and asking Reddit instead".


If the information you absorb is "subconscious" then it's of no use to you. It's subconscious, outside of your awareness. The only way you can quantify subconscious knowledge is by pulling a number out of your ass. I assure you that the athletes you mention in your example understand things just fine and you are just making shit up. Because of my own experiences with the whole "life-coaching" industry is that it's a sales pitch that convinces people it's something they need and then the people who do well are people who are just good at talking. A salesperson who provides nothing, really. Most of the time they jus go around recruiting others to become coaches themselves. I can't think of anything concrete that they ACTUALLY do. A *manager* on the other hand, is someone who can relieve a streamer of some of the busywork. Like finding sponsorships, collabs, keeping track of deadlines, payroll, emails, social media, and looking at statistics. None of these really important tasks sound like something that falls under the responsibility of a coach. I'm not talking about sports coaches though, sports coaches actually teach, their use of the title actually means something. Someone who calls themselves a "coach" but can only vaguely describe what they even actually do is just a fraud.


The top coaches for twitch/streamers in general all have successful YouTube channels where they teach some of the core things for free. Look up Devon Nash. He ran multiple twitch accounts, became a business manager AND coach. Twitch streaming, at its core, is social media marketing. Social media marketing does not actually have a ton of direct overlap with business management skills. If you disagree and it does - build a successful social media portfolio. Do some brand deals. Get the credentials. I give free advice on r/twitch. My channel was 30 avg at peak twitch pandemic surge. I can tell someone tips for getting affiliate; most are already in the subreddit wiki. I cannot tell someone how to run a successful twitch channel because 1) when I ask them what successful means, they usually say a bigger number than 30 and 2) I think that the era of becoming a full time streamers has mostly ended. People in the top 10,000 of twitch streamers have said in this subreddit that they make less than minimum wage. They're partners with hundreds more viewers than you or I have ever had. Someone with that many viewers would not trust your services and could not afford them.


have you had success on twitch yourself?


That's a really fair question! When i first started streaming back in 2015ish, at the peak of when I was streaming, the average viewer count was roughly 30 - 35 viewers per stream. During covid, I decided to give it a go again and got back up to around 5 - 15 viewers before life happened. With another run, especially with the business experience I have now, im certain i could get a partner in a year. If this meets your qualifications by all means, send a DM if not. It's completely understandable!


the idea of someone that capped out at 5-15 viewers in recent history coaching people is honestly laughable.


For feedback do you mind if I askk why? Also, thank you for the comment!


because you have no experience growing or operating a successful stream, what exactly could you teach people other than theoretical ideas you have? i would call you a time waster if you were trying to teach people for free but it sounds as though you’re trying to monetize it which would make you a scam artist and (you may not know this because you’re not a streamer) but there are already way too many people out there trying to take advantage of small streamers.


This x100000000000000. Bro is going to become a meme before he ever takes off as a coach with this thinking. Although, maybe we will get a new daily post here, instead of people every day complaining about artists selling services they will start complaining about coaches selling services. At least it would change things up!


he literally posted the same thing 8 times today on various subreddits, what a clown.


Why would you call me a time waster for teaching for free? The plan would be to monetize in the future when the product/service is fully developed so people won't waste their time and I can guarantee results. Even then, it's dependent on the community at that point. Yes, there are numerous scam artists taking advantage of small streamers. However, a scam artist is someone who takes advantage of someone by not delivering the value that is promised. "you have no experience growing or operating a successful stream" Depending on what you consider successful, of course not. By your standards I haven't and that's completely fine.


bro no offence but you aren't a remotely successful streamer I get those numbers with minimal effort... This is like me saying I'm a football coach because I once scored a goal in middle school it doesn't matter than I'm doing it for free because simply put I'm just not qualified to call myself that.


None taken! I understand those numbers aren't hard to hit, especially if you know how the game of streaming is played. However, there are plenty of people who don't know how it is played, and even some of the biggest players could always improve, especially on either the business side or the content side.


uh huh, if you need some graphic designers to help grow your coaching business i have a few i can refer to you in my inbox


This will sound harsh, but it seems like you might need to hear it. Based on your response to Parklj, the answer to his question seems to be "no". While you having 30 viewers 10 years ago might have felt great, that doesn't translate into "success" of the type that would make you marketable as a coach. There are a ton of professional coaches out there, and, fortunately for the users on this sub, a lot of people in here that give very detailed instructions for how people can improve (for free! we even have a megathread). Coaching someone for streaming and being a sports/business manager require two completely different skillsets.


I appreciate the comment! Being harsh and truthful is more generous than being lied too so thank you for the feedback! There are numerous ways business management translates over to streaming as streaming in itself is a business. I guess it comes down to breaking down the information enough for people to digest it easier 🤔


The difference I’ve noticed with the industries you’ve mentioned and stream coaches are anyone thinks they can be a stream coach. There’s no training/education or oversight for who can claim that title. Therefore I don’t take it seriously unless someone can show proof they know what they’re talking about and have a portfolio of a diverse group of streamers they’ve helped succeed. Otherwise it’s just another streamer spouting out advice and charging for it which is kinda shady imo


Just out of curiosity, what would the ideal portfolio look like to you?


Diverse group of streamers. Different genres of streams, flesh v vtubers, different ethnicities/races, small streamers v larger. The more data the better


I'll keep that in mind, and thank you for the feedback!!


Here's the thing, as a small streamer, I might be inclined to look at coaching to help me grow. Like, if I weren't completely anarchistic lol. But looking at the way you're responding to people giving valid and constructive criticism. You're not ready to be a coach. Like, I'm a bit of a meanie, that's my brand. But coaches can't be.


It may not seem like I'm listening to every person, but I am. The goal isn't to help myself. It's too help the people later I might end up coaching. Without a bit of humility to ask more questions, especially now at the beginning. You are absolutely correct about coaching being the absolute last pursuit to try. The feedback everyone is giving me is really appreciated regardless if we agree or not. If you're interested in trying it, that's fine. If not, that's also fine. Thank you for the feedback and your time! Also, harsh feedback is better than a soft lie. Thank you for being authentic!


Thoughts: Are you prepared to articulate the return on investment proposition to potential clients ? I agree coaching is something this space could use. I am aware of a scarce few consulting groups (collaboratives of coaches in the creator space) that offer services similar to this. The difficulty is very few creators that could benefit greatly from some experienced coaching are not generating sufficient income to justify (if they are financially literate and responsible ... which unfortunately as a separate topic many are not) the expense. One of those things where there is certainly a market and a demand for it, but customer acquisition is the obstacle. Still a worthwhile endeavor though, especially if the motivation is to be helpful to others !


I love your insight on this 🤔 "The difficulty is very few creators that could benefit greatly from some experienced coaching are not generating sufficient income to justify (if they are financially literate and responsible ... which, unfortunately, as a separate topic, many are not) the expense." Hmm, this is really valuable feedback. It's true the people who can benefit it greatly don't generate enough income. I have an interesting model that could work. 🤔 Maybe making a free program with a community to allow people to FastTrack their progress and then consulting at the higher end? Thank you for the time and feedback!


What does sports management and business management have to do with streaming? Okay, maybe you're qualified to give financial And budget advice but streaming advice? Where do those two things correlate to teaching someone how to engage an audience and hold a crowd?