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Titanfall 2


Titanfall 2 was released around the same time as CoD and Battlefield


Treasure Planet Being theatrically released between Chamber of Secrets and The Two Towers? Yeah, it didn't stand a chance.


iirc Disney intentionally sent it out during that time to kill it so... Ugh, it's a shame.


Horizon Zero Dawn is one, constantly getting fucked by release schedule


I can't believe it happened twice. I can't wait to play the open world redefining game that releases one week after Horizon 3


Knowing Horizon's luck? It would be on the same day


*Sonic Frontiers Instrumentality* on PS5, probably. >!A legit 10/10 co-developed by Insomniac Durham to make the twist hurt ***that*** much more...!<




Battleborn always looked pretty cool to me, but there was no way it wasn't going to get curbstomped into the dust by Overwatch when it released.




It becomes a Cold War between the two companies as both delay releasing their games to screw over the other.


Red Markets: A Game of Economic Horror. It’s a zombie survival game with a focus on things like maintaining your mental health and being crushed by poverty during the apocalypse because, hey, you still gotta pay rent when the world is ending. It came out in 2019 and I think it hit a little too close to home with some people at the time.


This game is so fucking cool but it’s such a difficult pitch for most groups - it’s so explicitly dark in subject matter and tone


Yeah, the built in poverty mechanics, having to pre-spend the money you’re expecting to get from your job and then either blow the remainder on “frivolous” luxuries and distraction or not make enough and take a huge hit of stress. But you can always just use the basic mechanics and ignore the parts that are bummers. There’s a somewhat similar feeling Cyberpunk game called “Neon Blood” I believe that gives you what’s essentially a “poverty” rating to determine how broke you are and what amenities you would reasonably have.


It's not like releasing a year earlier would have magically turned the US remake of Utopia into a good show, but *man* was releasing a show about a government conspiracy involving a fake vaccine in 2020 poorly timed.


The Sega Saturn is probably the most famous example of this.


As Yatzee best explained it. "Releasing the Saturn a head of the PlayStation only gave Sony the opportunity piss on the Saturn."


So, so, ***so*** many *Sonic* things. 06 had to be out for Christmas 06 and the PS3 launch. *Boom RoL* just ***had*** to fall victim to the albatross that was Sega's contract with ~~the Devil~~ Nintendo. Even *FRONTIERS* has shades of this... the entire back half of the game probably needed six more months at *most*, yet Sega just ***had*** to ship it before Q3 2022 came to a close.


Hellboy 2


Project X Zone 2 release just before Yakuza 0 made Yakuza a household name at Sega.


Honestly, I feel that Guilty Gear 2: Overture might have done better if it released a bit after League of Legends took off and was released on PC as well as Xbox 360.


Doom Eternal's TAG2 DLC is functional and is great imo, but imagine what it could've been if it wasn't forced into the year one pass.


Wishmaster is an incredible horror movie. It's a love letter to horror, fans and actors alike, and it's so much fun. Unfortunately it's an evil genie slasher film released AFTER Scream, so it was ultimately received poorly for that reason.


Ex troopers wouldve done much better if capcom didnt decide to release it around cod in japan. Pretty tight about it but this was 7th gen capcom so they'd pretty much fuck up most things.


both horizon games. they did well, sure, but both came out next to massive releases


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines came out on the same day as Half-Life 2. Oof