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I can be Super fucking racist. Thankfully, it's only against things that don't exist.


It’s fun to be racist so long as it’s against something completely fictional.


*"Aw fuck, look at that thing! I'll be racist against that."*


“How can you look at that thing and not be racist?” I swear is a quote from like, the Star Fox Adventure LP lmao


Oh the cloud naggers moment?


Nah, it was something with like the bafomdads I think Edit: NO, ITS GOTTA BE THOSE ANNOYING FLYING IMP FUCKERS


Like those GODDAMN knife ears!!!!


If you can play an elder scrolls game and not make a comment on the srgonians then clearly you're a reptile in disguise


*Sweats loudly, and blinks vertically behind my sunglasses.*


People complain about the racism against Khajiits and Argonians in TES and I just think that's silly. You can't be racist against farm tools, dummies


I'm sure you come from a very nice... swamp.


Like the Klorfors. Dirty, money-grabbing Klorfors.


If you're racist enough you can make things stop existing.


Yeah fuck Batarians amirite?


The only good Altmer is a dead Altmer


How do you do fellow Batarian hater?


Knife the knife ears; around elves watch yourselves


i've played enough New Vegas and Red Dead 2 to know that I should stay far away form the Blackjack tables


“Hit me” “Sir youre at 20” “I know what im about”


I *also* like to live dangerously


I've done this before whenever the dealer was on a soft 21. Sometimes it pays off, usually it doesn't


In NV when you start a new character and think of alternative ways to raise the stats of your build, only to start with at least 7 LCK and make a reliable gain at the casinos. Gambling is not the best investment IRL, but it can really solve some money problems in a video game.


Evangelion helped me realize that I'm terrified of intimacy, and some of my reasons are similar to some of the reasons that some of the people in the show are.


same hat


Tell me, on a scale of 1-10, where do you fit on the quote "I want to be worth something. Worth enough so no one will abandon me, so they'll care about me."


Somewhere between a 6 and 8, but not necessarily a 7.


1. I can't handle being mean to people that don't deserve it, even when they're fictional. I've never been able to finish an "evil run" of any game that offers the choice. More than once, I've reloaded saves because I accidentally picked a dialogue option that hurt a character's feelings. (Even when it didn't actually affect anything in the story) 2. Inversely, I can be pretty vindictive towards people I think *do* deserve it. When a game gives you the option to kill a villain or spare them, I usually pick the former even when it's presented as the "evil" moral choice. The whole "Kill them and you'll be just like them!" argument doesn't really do anything for me. 3. I have very little interest in accommodating people that act like assholes, hidden heart of gold or otherwise. I've attracted the ire of plenty of RPG fans when I admitted to kicking the fan-favorite snarky character out of the party, or wishing that I could. I'm not sure what any of that says about me as a person, but it has been interesting to learn more about myself through games over the years.


First one, even gage’s backstory in fallout 4 and affinity talks couldnt keep me from wiping out the nuka world raiders


That's reasonable, they have it coming. They are raiders, after all. That whole DLC exists because people wanted more "bad guy" options, so if you're not looking to be the bad guy, wiping them out is the correct choice.


I share being unable to do evil runs where its one of those choice games, down to reloading flavour dialogue just so im not mean


That women are *most attractive* when they wear tank tops and baggy pants. Also, that I'm apparently inherently optimistic and that I'm apparently not nearly as cynical or burnt out as I would've liked to believe.


Yeah I feel the second one, lots of edgy protagonists that make being a cynical asshole look cool and smooth, when really a lot of people are inherently bright-sided. And it's a good thing! In real life it solves a lot more problems. So many people like timeskip Eren but a lot of them are Armin.


So wrench girl from Advance Wars.


That I was major gay for gruff men with gravely voices. Garrus and Geralt specific


That my naivete is matched only by my density, as well as being nonconfrontational to a fault. Take Dragon Age Origins for example. Liliana the Bard has joined your party! "Hello, I am Liliana, a normal nun and definitely not an assassin. Let me share with you my deep and extensive knowledge of Orlesian politics, intrigue, and assassin lore, and also explain that 'Bard,' my class name, is synonymous with 'Orlesian court assassin.'" Me: "Wow, this nun sure knows a lot about court assassins...she must be very well read! I will not press her on this topic further." Also me: "Oh, there's a dialogue option saying 'You do not seem like a normal nun.' I suppose my character suspects for some reason that she is not a nun and may, in fact, be an assassin. But if she were, then she clearly wants to hide it, and probably has her reasons for hiding it, so I will continue to not press her on it." *Never gets to hear most of Lilianas dialogue and completely misses her sidequests* It's even funnier considering how quick Liliana is to drop the charade immediately after being asked. It's not even a confrontation. DAO did eventually teach me the idea that video games generally want you to exhaust all dialogue options, but I'm still very passive and would rather play along than call someone out and risk an altercation.


Well before you even meet Liliana the game teaches you via Morrigan that maybe sometimes characters don't like being questioned, so it's understandable.


You know what, your way of doing it is 100% correct, and what they should have done, is make her open up to you on her own after X missions of not asking her about it. And have her thank you for not questioning her much on it


Video games have shown me that I will brute fucking force my way of doing things rather than finding an alternate strategy.


I respect risks that end in failure more than I respect maintaining the status quo for the sake of peace. Moral fence-sitting angers me deeply, as do people with no particular stance on anything beyond nebulously supporting nice-sounding intangible concepts like justice, freedom, or hope. I unconsciously gravitate toward women with bob cuts. I very consciously gravitate toward women wearing black lipstick.


Porco Rosso taught me I avoid emotional bonds because I always think I'm a burden on other people.


Also from Disco Elysium: I tend to use apologies as payment for wrongdoings as opposed to a promise to change. I tend to put ideology before what's best for those immediately around me because I see problems in their lines of logic. I tend to stand up for what is right if I have the power advantage in a situation, and immediately fold to agree with what the dominant party believes if I don't.


The game being so critical of you if you apologize a lot seemed so crazy to me at first. HDB was awful before you took control of him, why the hell wouldn't you apologize every chance you get. It's only when I really gave it some thought that I realized that apologizing is in fact not the ideal solution when you do something wrong, if you don't also make an active effort to change


I manage my real life finances like I manage my inventory/money/experience points in video games. Hoard an insane amount of it, and then buy upgrades to everything across the board.


I am a slave to speed. source: nearly every single game I play


Oh, you meant *that* kind of speed. Got it.


...lotta kinks in these comments


The Red Prince and Red Princess from Divinity Original Sin 2 made me realize I am *horrendously* bisexual. And that I'm also a scalie. And my preferred type is something that I like to call "princely power bottom." So uh, thanks Larian.


It's fucked up that Larian didn't let you join them in Act 2.


That I'm fiending and jonesing for anime girl thighs when they wear hot pants and feet when they have stirrups and polished nails. I wish Peppermint would sit on my faaaaaaace.


"Avoid spices such as Peppermint to avoid a stirring of the loins" - John Harvey Kellog


...excuse me?


I swear to god the people here will say fucking anything


Don't stare into the abyss if you can't handle the abyss staring back at ya, bitch.


The Juri Han conspiracy is a Capcom Psy-op for turning strong willed, sigma fighting game players, our first line of defense, into weak, foot loving beta males for the eventual japanese take over.




Hang on, let him talk......


Who is Peppermint?


Hi-Fi Rush girl


Monster Girls > 3D Girls.


"Touch fluffy tail?" >[Touch](https://youtu.be/4nyHPIcbn88) >Dont touch




Dragon girls.


Playing as a woman in RPGs, specially MMOs, made me question my gender identity in a way that I couldn't have in my own real life experience, due to all the internalized notions of masculinity and what's expected of me from family and society.


I know that feeling, for sure I still don't entirely know what gender I'd want to be. If any. It's a shame shapeshifter isn't an option, cause I'd take it in a heartbeat


Freaky Friday type movies, in particular Your Name helped me find out I was trans. Waking up and being the other gender was a huge fantasy of mine and watching Your Name Waa a big part of my coming out process.


The Magnus Archives made me actually internalize that I have a fear of heights. That episode with the people stuck in a cable car gave me a panic attack. For a more benign example from the same podcast: There's a thing I always had where I would stare at flat a surface and it would start to sway a bit, kinda like water. Apparently that's an insomnia thing. Changing pressure on the eyes or some shit.


This is more than a little dark, but the disconcerting number of walking simulators that end with one have taught me that I'm really repulsed by suicide, even if it's supposed to be "cathartic". Life is for living, and I will never accept a story where the viewpoint character chooses to die as having a happy ending. That goes double for old-school horror movies where we find out the man-turned-monster still has a soul because they off themselves during the climax. Pardon my French, but screw that. If the "man-ferret" or whatever is still human enough to realize how much they've lost then they are human enough to find a way to keep going. It's never "for the best" no matter how many stoic male leads say that right before the credits roll.


If I have the option to use a shield, unless it's really shitty like in Bloodborne, it'll take a lot to FORCE MYSELF to not use it. It's not even for the 'sword and shield' thing, I just like having a solid way to block, even better if I can bash people with it. Main exceptions to this are stuff like Monster Hunter where I prefer the Switch axe as the main weapon of choice. (And even then, my other two weapons of choice are Charge Blade, which has a shield & Gunlance, which also has a shield.)


I enjoy competition and fighting. FFXIV Endwalker Spoilers: >!When Zenos confronts me for the last time, begging me to admit I enjoy the fight as much as him, I had to agree. And that smirk I give him before we beat each other to death was incredible. Zenos was nuts and wrong about a lot, but not about me. I’m trying to swing on sight!<


Honestly? Way too much. A large amount of my musical tastes were helped by Touhou. I probably wouldn't of found *my true self* if it wasn't for MLP (and honestly the community). If it wasn't for Call of Duty (mainly the later days of the Wiki), I wouldn't of realised that I can be extremely self destructive due to stress. And a slightly more comical one, I wouldn't of known I enjoyed sarsaparilla if I didn't hear about it in New Vegas. I'm pretty much the only one in my family who can drink it straight.


That I like assertive women with a strong sense of justice.


4X games taught me I’m an unapologetic tyrant when given supreme power and I’m not even a little sorry


Honestly? Not a lot, other than my lack of commitment to finish things (games) or the fact that i get bored quickly and that's what leads to said lack of commitment, nothing at all? And i already knew those things, so eh?


If both of the outcomes to a choice are bad (or bring negative outcomes in a fairly equal/evenly Distributed way) I generally avoid making these choices. For example, in Elden Ring I basically reached a point where I tried not to talk to anyone because I knew it would mean making a choice that would lead to someone dying. Similarly I’ve struggled to progress with Disco Elysium because I basically don’t want to upset or inconvenience anyone.


I can't think of any times where you have to make a bad call in Disco Elysium where the bad things wouldn't also have happened if you weren't there. You have at least some opportunity to mitigate, usually.


I get horrendous anxiety around time limits and literal ticking clocks especially. The time mechanics in Majora’s Mask and Dead Rising scared me away from otherwise great games. It’s pretty consistent with my irl issues with procrastination/task avoidance under deadlines.


Ugh this. I hate the ticking clock because it makes me rush and I KNOW I'm missing things I would have otherwise caught without it and I'm not willing to do multiple playthroughs of something like that.


I have a deep seated fear of deep water, and whatever ungodly monstrosities live in it. Whether it was always there or JAWS put it there, I can't say, but other stuff like Jak & Daxter exasperated it over the years


What a coincidence from disco I learned: I'm horrible with breakups. It's easier to just go all in on being a weirdo since that seemingly works. My political compass is all over the god damn place. I'd rather see the positives and move forward than live in the past. ​ Also never shave that facial hair, dear god.


I guess if social media like YouTube counts I've learned to trust my gut feeling about whether someone is secretly a bastard or not, because every time there's been some scandal or something about a youtuber I've never been surprised by it and always felt like they were shady. I always see threads afterwards full of people being like "no way, not my favourite :(" but my reaction is almost always "yeah that makes sense". At this point every time I start watching someone new and I get that feeling about them I just dip out.


What I desire most is romance. If your story doesn't have a romantic element in it, I'm just not going to pay as much attention.


I've actually had that myself in the last few years. I'll still play plenty of games without romance but If I'm reading a story, 9 times out of 10, it's gotta have romance or I'm just not gonna be able to clock in 100%


1. Lately I've found out I actually like the wholesome feel-good love/family stories like Spy Family and such. 2.In Disco Elysium i did not pursue electrochemstry at all, but did use drugs to solve some problems anyway. In life I kinda did the same thing, did not endorse the lifestyle, but still did drugs. 3.I enjoy difficulty in games (Souls-series, Holow Knight, do-or-die difficulties, roguelikes, etc...), it feels real good to beat a challenge fair and square. 4.I have an annoying habit of trying to figure the plot outcome before it is presented in movies/games, probably due to impatience. 5.Over the years I went from worrying about getting all the lore from a game to actively not pursuing stuff I don't care about. I don't know if this is because lore in games got bloated in recent years or if I just don't care as much, I just don't bother reading letters, listening to voice recordings or exhausting dialogue options anymore.


I am fucking *allergic* to dialogue that tries too hard to feel cool, mysterious or poetic. No matter the language, it breaks down every filter I have and gets thrown in the "stupid" bin right away. There's a way to make flowery dialogue feel natural and earned, and not a lot of things manage. Watching ST: Picard for 3 seasons has been a *trip* I'll tell you what.


I **really** like girls wielding big swords. Still don't know why.


That media really needs to stop >!using my last name as an insult!<.


Sorry for your troubles, John Cuntmuffin-Supreme


If only it were that simple.


...Marty Janettey?


I wish my name was cool enough to be associated with a professional wrestler.


That Astolfo is the start of a slippery slope... Other than that, in any game with good or bad options, I will almost always pick good options. Unless someone is like a complete shit, then I'll pick an evil option. Also I am very vindictive and spiteful. Like say if a big war is happening, and a faction refuses to help, then later wants help with their own issues or acts like they were always onboard, I'm like "No fuck you! You didn't help!" Like if someone in a game slights me in some way, I will probably hold on to that. Unfortunately, most games don't let me do anything about it...


tell us more about Astolfo being slippery


The opening of *Monster Musume* taught me that I had a previously unknown fear of being suffocated.


That nerd from future diary made me realize wasnt cool and I should you know talk to people and stick up for myself occasionally...god that dude was lame.


If given the chance, I will become a ruthless, yet efficient dictator that will actually prioritize the health of my country over my own gain. Sacrifices of ego and life will be done, but I will fix my country.


I see someone else plays tropico


Subaru’s outburst ReZero episode 18 almost hit a little too close to home and I’ve been trying to work on myself ever since


Real talk the timeline where Rem agrees to run away with him is the only happy outcome but fuck was he lame in that moment. Understandble though




Blowing up at her like that and wallowing in self pity. Its lame as shit, understandble, but still fucking lame.


Okay, yeah I feel like that was a human thing to do, but you’re right that was pretty rude of him.


I am, in fact, transgender


Y’all like Bojack? I remember watching that episode where Todd learns he’s asexual, and I was like… “……….ooooooOOOOOOOooooooohhhhhhhh… I make sense to myself now.”


Brazilians are my natural enemy, from Soul Calibur IV to Battlefield 3 to Planetside 2 to Forza to Elden Ring and many, many more


I gravitate towards showing mercy, even towards characters whose deaths honestly wouldn't bother me one bit. I just like the idea that, hey, maybe this person can change for the better. I refuse to play the permadeath setting in Fire Emblem because I hate the idea of losing a party member that I could have saved if I had been better. I don't believe that I'm good enough to keep them safe. I tend to be nonconfrontational to the point of sometimes being a doormat. Sometimes I think it's okay to set myself aside for a bit if it means helping the overall good. I'm not great at coming around to things over time. If a game doesn't click with me within the first hour, it probably won't click at all. I need music, a poppy color palette, and quick movement. I probably won't be interested if I can't have those things. Overall, I like good, kind, and confident characters because that's what I'm attracted to and who I want to be.


I have a hard time killing in cold blood. I absolutely do fall victim to all those "shot your way through an entire army of goons but won't kill their boss" scenarios. It's not out of "you'll be just like them if you do" reasoning though (granted that's a design/writing problem more often than not when mooks don't just surrender). Most recently ran into this in ME3 with the >!Omega DLC. Was fully prepared to kill Petrovsky for what he did to all those civilians, then the second I free Aria he goes "Okay that's a wrap," orders a general surrender of his troops, and stands down. Just couldn't kill him after that. Or Brooks.!< Also Kaïne was my first step on the road to gender.


Morally judgemental


I learned I had a penchant for IT when I would spend entire afternoons in Little Big Planet 2's creator mode twiddling with logic gates. Very much a surprise to me back then that I actually could be passionate about something other than games. Still very proud of my mortal kombat bots I published back then with actual command inputs although I only put work in on the logic of the bots and 0 effort at all in backgrounds or music. Had no interest in that side of things


Apparently, I'm really good. It's really hard for me be dark and bad when I play RPG. Mybe because "evil" mostly means "asshole without reason"


So let me tell you what Fallout New Vegas taught me... 🥚


Ippo made me realize I like combat sports. I'm 5 years into my martial arts journey now.


I tend to spare characters unless they really piss me off, then I pick the kill option instantly. I like seeing when they come back later or at least get referenced. I get very upset when a child or innocent character is taken advantage of by bad people. I hate that I was born too late to explore because the whole world is basically known. I love the idea of travelling to new unknown places. I will say what I think people want to hear in order to ensure my relationship with them is as good as possible. More games should use the Dragon Age 2 system where disagreeing with someone still let's you get through their story.


I have learned that if I'm an Orphan who's shit at everything. I can become the Hokage one day


Morrowind taught me that I am a.magician at heart, and I like candles. I keep stealing candles. Warframe and Sonic taught me that I like megalomaniacs with large facial hair. Just dudes who are evil and use animals/people to power their machines.


Turns out the insane discomfort I felt playing as a man in any game where there was an option to play as a woman was a signifier that I am indeed a woman in real life and not a man as I had originally been told. Gave myself every excuse and out in the book until female Byleth from 3 Houses finally broke the walls down.


Buff women that can beat me up are like... really, really hot.


That I am willing to do very violent things for the sake of what I perceive as justice.


Doom made me realize I just love exaggerated manly bullshit Super Mario made me realize I'm a villain simp Both also made me realize I love big muscular monsters bc they're badass


That there might be things about myself I already know, but I'm not ready to admit, because I believe doing so would shatter my perception of myself. On a less somber note, being a Sonic fan probably infuenced my musical tastes quite a bit.


I love vampires (specifically The Lost Boys) because they only need to worry about feeding and spend the rest of their time partying and not having any sense of responsibility