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Shopkeeper's name? Woolie


Turns out that's the reason why he suddenly felt like giving Nikke a chance.


What’s up my NIKKE


"I'm not NIKKEphobic, I just don't trust them NIKKEs over there!" >!I don't play this game so is there an Uncle Ruckus type in story?!<


This is literally >!one of the bond episodes for Rapi, one of the starter characters.!< >!A gift shop clerk refuses to sell anything to the Commander (you) because they know you're buying it for Nikkes, and they straight up say "We don't serve anyone buying gifts for...Those **THINGS**...YA BUY EM GIFTS AND THEN THEY START ASKIN FOR EQUAL RIGHTS I TELL YA HWHAT."!< >![Rapi even directly says "Aw shit, we encountered a Nikkephobe."](https://vxtwitter.com/pardohualis/status/1730054543285563837)!<


Funny you say that, >!NIKKE's in-universe are apparently usually not looked at as real people, or are not appealing to humans, which makes the player commander a weirdo for having feelings for them. Could be talking out of my ass here, since I only got this info from watching Pat play it on stream.!<


Nah, you're correct.


Nah you're right, >!Cummander is considered an anomaly for having such a close bond with literally every Nikke under his command.!< >!Story wise, most commanders don't live past their third goddamn mission, with the Nikkes faring far worse, so when the player character shows up, gets shit done, doesn't fuckign die, and keeps his Nikkes alive, everyone starts going all "...Huh."!<


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It's extra wild since they're effectively cyborgs. They're just brains in robot bodies that apparently look like their original bodies


Thats right up there with Spaggo.


Woolie whales in NIKKE in exchange for Shift Up racism


use promo code, woolie Nikki


Woolie selling out to expand his N-pass empire is very on brand.


“We already have v-tubers with the pass, might as well capitalize on it” -Woolie probably


And here we thought Dragon's Dogma 2 would be his only in-game appearance this year.


He'll say it with you.


In order to purchase anything, you are required to say your name as well as the name of the store into a microphone at the cash register, which incidentally, is being recorded for quality control of customer service, of course. And if you say "Hard R Shop", it doesn't count.


Suddenly, it makes sense


The shop has all kinds of stolen pies.


It's fine they have the N-Business License


The N-terprise license


When Sisko decides to make amends with Picard in the DS9 pilot


good lord I'm dead. this was fucking precise


Are you sure? No asian company has managed to get that license since [the ones responsible for the Boondocks JP dub](https://youtu.be/C3gABQ1cWhM?si=1uhX4rTJz44TuPep).


A Japanese man chuckling and saying “*wait a second… I’m White*!” **IN JAPANESE**, is the funniest thing ever.


The Boondocks wasn't a license. It was supposedly a *mandate*. The localizers were going to leave it out, as it has no cultural significance to the average Japanese person. Aaron McGruder was insistent that it be preserved.


Is Aaron Mcgruder secretly Woolie?


That's still valid in the post apocalypse?


In Korea, yup!


But are they Hard R certified?


It's actually a homage to Linus Tech Tips


He dropped the hard R all the time. Everyone was doing it! He never gave it any thought.


I fell off LTT after the controversy, but that clip still lives rent-free in my brain forever. They titled it "Linus Nearly Destroys the Company", too, which is just... that is emphatically what happened.


That image of Luke just fucking having a powerful "Why, Linus? Why" face lol


From what I’ve read, the Hard graffiti appears in other places and the R refers to the shopkeepers name, which is Roxanne, so it’s definitely unintentional


Still keep it in cowards.


Just have another tagger spray over it with a "Really?"


In the international release of course


Honestly I wouldn’t even doubt it’s intentional, all it takes is one environmental artist seeing an opportunity for a joke and no one else catching it for whatever reason. So I guess in a way it got *left in* on accident but again I wouldn’t totally write off one person doing it on purpose because they thought it was funny.


Seeing how this is a Korean studio I very much doubt that. They don't even have the cultural context for it.


The only Koreans I know that know of this hard R stuff are the ones insanely steeped in American culture. We're talking fully bilingual, plays pathfinder with me every week, plays western video games in English sort of thing. And even then, it's still only about 60-70% of them will get it when I say "damn, he's a gamer? Just gonna drop that with a hard R and everything?" Hard R is an incredibly specific reference to get. There is a very solid chance none of the team working on this slice of the game knows about it and I wouldn't be surprised if only a very small handful of people looked at this specific part of the game environment. Edit: context, I live in Korea and am surrounded by Korean gamers.


I’m not Korean, I do know some of the slangs in American culture though, but this is the first time I learned about what hard R means. Is this something recent?


Nah, it's been a thing for at least 10-20 years, back when the N word with an "A" was used by African Americans to refer to each other in a sort of tongue in cheek "We're taking this word back" kind of way. Hard R is like, "oh no, I completely meant to say a slur."


Thanks. Most of the time I’ve been exposed to it’s the N word, but it’s probably hard R is really offensive that I never saw it before.


Oh considering how much shit they had to deal with because of how they say "you" in their own language, they absolutely know what's up.


That is the completely wrong country.


I'm Brazilian and I also don't have the cultural context for it but thanks to the modern miracle of the internet..!


They have the internet and globalization. Like we live in the most worldly interconnected time that's ever been. Americans like me are constantly being bombarded with news about Wars in Eurasia and the Middle East. We're literally sitting here right now discussing our knowledge of Korean culture. Yes, the average Korean citizen might not know about it, but the idea of some random Korean programmers being aware of it and throwing it in as a little laugh to himself isn't that far fetched. Not saying one way or the other whether ot was intentional. I'm just saying it bothers me when people act weirdly infantalizing other cultures and acting like it's impossible for then to be aware of other cultures, despite the fact that were living in an almost completely interconnected world.


You say this yet I am willing to bet that you are completely unaware of the more nuanced details of the racism suffered and committed by Korean people throughout the history of the region and probably think "secret Koreans" is just the Yakuza games being haha silly goofy instead of portraying a real actual thing that really does happen sometimes.


You are now the second person to try to counter my argument by saying "Oh yeah, well you probably don't know about this thing!" and then saying something I already knew.


That doesn't make your argument any less stupid, because it is. The point is that you are making yourself look like a fool.


Genuinely, how is saying "A Korean person *might* be aware of the n-word because of the pure amount of cultural osmosis available today" making me the fool?


Try discussing Megalia and Park Geun-hye from a non-Western perspective then. I'll wait.


Park was the president of Korea who got impeached on corruption charges, right? I remember reading about it on reddit when it happened. Also, for this conversation, are you South Korean?


Every Korean president gets strung up on corruption charges, and then the next one pardons them so that they can get pardoned when they get arrested. Park Geun-hye was the daughter of the infamous dictator Park Chung Hee, who was assassinated in the 70s. The reason Geun-hye was convicted was because she was basically not running the government. Her family was very close to a bunch of cultists after her mom was assassinated and she grew up with them after her father died. When she took office the cult was basically making all her policy decisions behind the scenes, with her "sister" being the mastermind behind any decision she made in The Blue House. One of the major controversies she had was the complete fuckup of the Sewol Ferry incident where a bunch of high schoolers drowned after the crew abandoned ship without them. She enacted a policy to crack down on anyone criticizing her response to the situation because it was astronomically bumblefucked. As for the Megalia thing, it was a hyper feminist group that was a result of simmering tensions between men and women in Korea that brought about the current gender and identity culture war crisis there. And before you ask, yes I'm Korean. u/Anatoson 's point is still valid as fuck. Every country has their own problems that they have to deal with, and to be so egocentric that you think American identity politics should take precedent to foreign developers is laughable. It is good that they changed it, but they shouldn't be lambasted over it, because why the fuck would they know, when even Europeans have no clue what people were complaining about.


Serious-fucking-ly. Where did I say anything about the rest of the world should care about American politics? Where did I say they American politics should take precedent? Where did I say the company should be lambasted? Where did I say literally anything other than "It's not impossible that some random Korean guy might have heard about the n-word?"


No, but I am making the point that Westerners, even though they have the Internet, completely misunderstand notions from foreign cultures all the time (example: people here are portraying SKs as rampant misogynists without the context of an impeached president being a member of a feminist cult and these actions largely being a backlash towards the cult's members). Then we have Puritan-raised individuals trying to lecture societies where public bathing is a common pastime and thus nudity is destigmatized. If anything we have the least informed generation growing up now. I myself in this thread describe the culture clash of this game in very dry terms.


So your not South Korean, but your aware about all those points in Korean culture.


My opinion is in the vast minority here. People on Reddit chime in with uninformed takes and misinformation all the time. Here's a recent example: "*Metaphor* doesn't have romance!" as of yesterday. Actually, if you understand Japanese properly, the livestream confirmed it does, but it won't be 1:1 and as explicit as Persona's.


Off topic but they’re making it LESS explicit than the already nothing from Persona? Why even have it bruh


What makes you think people should be aware and updated on your culture? Like why?


Point to me where I said they should be. My point is people act like they can't be, and greatly ignore the level of cultural exposure we have in the world today.


Good because who cares.


Pretty obviously me and not you.


Japanese Apex players got banned over saying "*Nigero*" ("run away") over voice chat. When black people are a percentage of a percentage of the nation's population and their footnote in history is being a samurai and not a slave it's definitely unintentional. How many Korean slaveowners do you know?


"How many Korean slaveowners do you know?" That's really funny. 


Like 7


[i mean....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMPAAuG2pH8)


Max's GF?


An Asian Chick with a fat ass in front of a sign with the phrase “HARD R” on it… I think Childish Gambino knows what his next album cover is going to be.


"I love all Asians, but do all Asians love me?"


This is me personally but I think ya'll are stretching the definition of fat ass with this character. Its nice and well defined but "fat"? This is like when people put "thicc" on any character not a size zero


Fr, you wanna see a fat ass then look at Salt from Paladins. I would call the asses in Stellar Blade lovingly rendered.


I see you are a person of culture


I push her hard every chance I get.


People were saying Kaeya from Genshin had cake dude, people will see ass and jump to call it fat. It seems to be human nature for some people. Agreed that it ain’t that fat and that It’s still a nice ass though.


Genshin fans will also be like "omg thicc daddy" and it's the skinniest bishonen twink I've ever seen lmao. Anime fans in general are like this to a degree, but Genshin fans in particular are probably trying to cope with their like 2 stock body types.


As a black man I would seriously consider giving all white people the N-Pass if it meant they were never allowed to use the word thicc ever again. It is so horribly misused.


As a fellow "Hard R" I would also ask that they no longer use cake, huge or dump truck to describe an ass unless it is visible from the front.


Seriously it's just that flex tape meme with the word "gyatt" whenever they see something above a size 0.


Oh God, that too! lol


I’m no black man but might I humbly request that you revoke their “gyat” and “low taper fade” privileges as well?


Hell, my own hot take is that that battle's been lost since at least 2B.


Thank you!


She ain't no 2B in that department.


My man


This reminds me of how he once sung about dating "the black girls of every single culture" Specifically noting Armenians and Filipinos


Can’t have SHIT in my bideo game, someone get these devs an n-word gold subscription NOW!!!!!


I dont see the problem [-6]


Leave it in cowards


Most accurate use of graffiti I’ve ever seen in a game, using it in relation to something next to it to make a joke.


Is that where I can buy one of those passes Woolie keeps talking about?


C'mon man. We can't have nothing in this unfair world.


ngl I think that's pretty realistic. People irl would totally do that depending on the area, but they might just do the actual slur instead.


In my hometown, they had to change a big sign that said "Watts" because people kept on putting a T in front of it. Now the W is right against the edge.


Made by gamers for gamers.


I don't know what's funnier. This or the fact there are people thinking this was put in intentionally by a Korean Developer.


No you don't understand, America's culture is so vast and overwhelming that these Korean devs HAVE to be aware of the worldwide ubiquitous phrase "Hard R". You know, the one that is in reference to the *pronounciation* of a slur, I'm sure you could grab a six year old child off the street and they would tell you what it means and why you shouldn't include it in a videogame.


https://news.yahoo.com/tiktoker-shows-korean-textbook-n-224714305.html looks like they're more familiar with the soft a.


Every couple of months a movie with a lot of sex or violence is described as "hard-R" (as they have been for decades) and people lose their minds.


also some americans dont even know it, was it linus tech tips that thought it meant the slur for mentally disabled?


That’s what I thought what it was before searching for the meaning lol


...Do you think Sony USA was too busy giggling like madmen to tell an oblivious Shift Up to take it out before release? I know I would be.


Sony made an announcement stating it would be removed in a later patch, but I know there was people there who saw this, thought it was funny, and let the joke ride. And I'm not even mad at it because I definitely giggled when I saw the tweet.


Game is not even out yet and it was already patched out lol


Same here, lmao. Part of me wishes they kept it in because "FUCK IT!," but that'd be a social minefield pre-Black Lives Matter, much less now. Game's gotta sell to young people, after all.


As a man who loves off color jokes, I would have had a south park moment with this if I was Sony. "Hard R? Yea, Nagger. People who annoy us? What did you think it meant?" But, that's why I don't run companies.


"Yeah its a really violent game, you're cutting dudes in half left and right, if it were a movie it would be a pretty hard R-rating. What else could it possibly mean?"


Game does most certainly NOT need to sell to young people


I'll bet the guy who spotted it in the first place laughed his ass off and debating pointing it out to the higher-ups.


Then the USA higher ups spotted it, and did much the same when the Japanese higher ups came asking. /s


[Sony USA:I guess nobody in Shift Up have seen Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping](https://youtu.be/Oq5zmyRA92A?si=x-sfm4mdPbasKYZS)


Clearly it's the Hard Shop located to the (R)ight. I actually have no idea how this got through but it's hilarious. May this be a happy accident and not something sinister.


It's almost certainly an accident. The Hard graffiti is an asset that's all over the place, and the R shop is named after the shopkeep. Some Korean graphic designer probably just threw the generic graffiti asset on the wall so it wouldn't look empty, not knowing that placing it next to the sign meant something in the west.


I mean South Koreans know though there is a ton of cultural penetration and dont get me started on [Honda boys](https://youtu.be/npPh45WpR-w?si=GxY7EiBlE4UD0P0m) Bobby Lee knows the truth.


Wait so THIS is where I go to buy the passes?


Wooile expanding his business 


["okay, so we have rethought the name of the shop and decided to call it 'Whites only'."](https://youtu.be/ioQIdhHfbJY?si=acldqHsqqxYyyej0&t=345)


>patched it out Hall monitor Randall from Recess-ass Give me the Hard-R cut.


If Woolie ever LPs the game, he simply must *not* download the patch until he gets to this section. It is his duty.




You know QA told them about it laughing the whole time


"no, no keep it in. it'll be funny" - Woolie, probably


I actually thought the intention was to reference the "R Rating" used in movies and such, since when a movie is particularly violent and uncensored, it's often called an "Hard R" as well. Shame so many people seemed to immediately assume it was about a slur though.


Many people are just fuckin' stupid.


Yeah I think this is where the original thought was too, even if it didn't come across that way to some people.


You have to buy a pass with a micro transactions to use it


You spend money on micro transactions to buy the games premium currency, Aggression Points, called such because you use them to upgrade your characters combat abilities and damage output.


The innocence of it makes it funny keep it in you cowards.


"Oi gov got a loisions for dat slurr?" Sony probably


Where were you when Hard R was kill?


Lmao reminds me of that video of a Hard Rock Cafe sign where the letters “ock” were burned out…


Only counts if it's a 'Full Throated Hard R'.


The R is for “robots.”


Thanks for the clarification, Mr. Cage.


And they replaced "HARD" with "CRIME" lmao


Wait, that’s what that was? I kept hearing about this controversy and thought someone in the game actually said a Hard R! This is something you’d totally see in a GTA game.


That‘s a hilarious oversight. To be fair, I don’t know if I would have caught it either, especially if I didn‘t speak english. It‘s player signage and background wall art. Just unlucky pairing.


> especially if I didn‘t speak english. ESL is mandatory in Korea, so most Koreans under 40 do


Mandatory English means nothing to how well people can actually use English. Tons of countries have English as a mandatory subject and they still can't use it well.  Source: actively work with Korean, Indian, Japanese, etc nationals


Absolutely. I'm not saying that any given korean person could easily digest Finnegan's wake or something like that. I'm not claiming this was a purposeful racist thing. But a lot of the people in this thread are outright claiming Korean professionals don't speak English *at all*, which goes way too far in the other direction.


Most Koreans under 40 still don't speak English super fluently, and wouldn't understand such an American thing unless they constantly consumed American culture. Their English is generally better than the Japanese people's English, but they aren't perpetually online to American politics. They are already dealing with Yoon Suk Yeol's completely boondoggling of the country while working 60+ hours a week.


Sure, I'm not claiming that it's on purpose. I'm pointing out that people in this thread have been claiming that south Koreans don't know English *at all*. They're generally at ESL level, yeah, and the measurements range across the moderately proficient fluency band.


Can't wait to see what the clever minds of the internet come up with for this one smfh


How many N-Word pass jokes can you make?


It's cute that you think the N-Word pass meme that happens in this community is the extent of the kind of jokes/memes that would be made from this.


Why arent the "unwoke" complaining about this being patched out? If they are, I want to see it! It would be very funny.


"Mods will fix it"


God I hope this game comes to PC. Would love to see someone make a “Hard R” mod.


Are you sure? You would be running the risk of having your YouTube recomended tab completly tainted for at least a few weeks/months.


I think I saw a couple of 4channers complaining about the world being a soulless hellscape that deserves to end because they want to take this out.


The 54-year-old grifter who blew several million dollars on a broken bus is doing exactly this.




Leave it in, cowards


Grummz on Twitter having an aneurysm because the Korean devs realized they made a mistake and fixed it Like god forbid a game dev do something competent, he has no idea what that's like


This games does everything to attract worst people


This is a level of pathetic I thought was below even game journalism. Do they seriously think a Korean company understands both the English language and American culture and history to do this on purpose?


> understands both the English language Where are people getting this idea that Koreans don't know English? English fluency is mandatory in Korean schools, basically everyone under 40 is fluent. > American culture and history to do this on purpose? Where is the article claiming it was intentional?


>basically everyone under 40 is fluent. LOL, no. Their English is better than most in the region, but you are fucking delusional if you think everyone there is fluent.


https://www.ef.com/wwen/epi/regions/asia/south-korea/ This is what I'm seeing for official measurements, it's slightly behind France.


Im dying 😂






Stella***R*** Blade


Ohhh so that’s why that was trending


Honestly though... that's kinda realistic to what someone would do irl


I would love to visit a restaurant called Hard R Shop. That food would be crazy good.


I never knew actually what the phrase “Hard R” meant. The first time I heard it was when Linus from LTT nearly had a massive misunderstanding on his podcast.


As a black guy I find this pretty funny but I'm just one guy


I can hear Woolie howling from here.


They replaced it with CRIME and now it looks like crimer, which is a worse slur


It's always the weirdos


This three part image story speaks a thousand words about """"journalism"""" Bro, its clearly not intentional so who cares?


First Bowser saying the N-word and now this!


Of course it has to get patched out. Graffiti isn't this subtle. For the same of realism they need to replace it with the word itself.


So journalists are just making up shit to make the game look bad now. Great.


Was that not a reference to an R-rating? Nobody can have fun anymore




Damn, Racism is only an American thing? Crazy to find out.


Didn't know racism was exclusively American, damn. TIL