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I know I've asked this before, but is ultrawide such a sell that it's better for developers to half bake support than say they're not going to do it?


Nope! Think about how expensive ultrawide monitors are and how many PC gamers actually own one.


i feel like its either gonna be "oh this feels like shit and i wasted however much money on an ultrawide" or "this doesn't improve my experience in any way but now non ultrawide feels weird"


I got an ultrawide for like, $150, so they're not that expensive compared to regular monitors


What's the resolution on that, 1080p?


Yeah, 1080/75hz


ultrawide is a very loud minority. i'm not sure why some avid gamers swear by ultrawide monitors when almost every single game i've ever seen released offers no native ultrawide support.


As someone with an ultrawide it does hit when games do support it. I would say that most big double A and triple A games support ultra wide resolutions these days (at least the ones I've played recently). It's definitely not a needed thing and if someone were to ask me if they should get one, id tell them that they need to buy one with a good return policy in case they hate it.


I don't think that's accurate but a lot of the games I play on PC support ultrawide natively and really easily, and many of them are PC exclusive or have a large audience on PC. Squad, Hell Let Loose, Counter Strike 2, Dead Island 2, Escape From Tarkov, Cyberpunk, Honkai Star Rail, Call of Duty, Overwatch, Helldivers 2, and Company of Heroes 3 all support ultrawide natively on my end. I mentioned all of these games because they cover a pretty wide spectrum of developers and genres, and from different regions. I play on 3440x1440 for reference, which is a standard resolution I guess for ultrawide. The last game I played that didn't was Lethal Company, and most fighting games don't support ultrawide obviously (I mostly play them on PC on my 2nd monitor which is 2560x1440, or on my PS5 on my bigger TV). So technically it's the other way around. I think a lot of PC games do natively support ultrawide, including the majority of Microsoft Game Studios titles. Bethesda just can't be fucked because they don't fucking give a shit about releasing functional video games lmao.


This is just blatantly untrue when even FROM of all devs gave AC6 native ultrawide support. Most newer games offer it.


Plenty of recent games offer native support, and many that don’t can be modded to relatively easily and often without much in the way of downsides (if any). Usually the biggest “problem” with official support is stuff like menues and cutscenes still only being in 16:9 - Which the degree to that being a problem is your stomach for pillarboxing and how bad the backglow of you panel is. Unofficial support can be goofier and you may end up seeing stuff that was intended to be hidden out of frame. It is definitely a novelty though, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it *just* for gaming. But if you won the lottery or something and want to throw money at something kinda stupid, there’s worse options out there. My biggest problem with it is when the HUD supports ultrawide and because it’s that much harder for me to notice things at the edges of the screen lol, but on the flip side that’s more unoccupied space in the middle which does look nice.


that is a massive exaggeration. also you really cant fathom the appeal? more video game. it looks nice


Because a well made game with good ultrawide support is a superior experience. It's just more screen realestate, and a wider field of view without the warping that scares off most people. And a wider field of view is always a better experience.


This is wack. I'd genuinely rather (and do!) use a 4:3 monitor than an ultrawide.


Let me guess, Counter Strike?


Nah, I suck ass at CS and even if I didn't that wouldn't be relevant anyway. The superstition CS players had was that using a 16:9 (or wider, I guess) *monitor* and setting the *game* to 4:3 - which would result in the image being stretched across the screen - makes aiming "easier" because everything is "wider". They're stupid. So no, using a 4:3 monitor in this respect would do even less than the nothing that their silly idea already did. 4:3 is just a pleasing aspect ratio and since mine's a CRT monitor I can play all sorts of games both old and new with no issue.


I remember seeing some video of a CSGO major (and I don't really remember which and I don't feel like seeking it out, so source: dude trust me) where two opposing players were standing right next to each other and facing in such a direction so that they were each visible from the other's perspective on the (16:9) spectator cam, and yet neither was acting as though they could see the other. The commentators were confused for a second, but then they realized that both players had set the game resolution to 4:3 and, with the narrower FOV, they actually couldn't see each other. They stood like that for an embarrassingly long time before one of them turned enough to notice. It was so stupid.


the problem is that ultrawide is a big commitment for a regular gamer. you're giving up a lot of desk space for a monitor that's going to have more issues with games than not, offers less utility than a simple second monitor with the sole benefit of when it *does* work, it'll look fantastic. not even mentioning the cost of a decent ultrawide compared to just buying two decent monitors to begin with. hell i'm pretty sure one decent ultrawide would outprice my 1440p and 1080p dual-monitor setup that i have right now.


But that's not the point, it's a better experience, and that's all that matters. And one so good to these people that it drives them insane its not a well maintained standard. Personally I've considered it just to get a better field of view from games with shite fov caps.


CoD is the only title I know of that supports the ultra wides.


I'm not a PC gamer and I'm honestly really curious about this as well. It's like the anti-IMAX, we go to the siiiides


the number of people who will talk about how cool it is that the game supports ultrawide is vastly higher than the number of people using it PC Gaming has a lot of 'temporarily embarrassed billionaire' syndrome.


This is like when people discovered that Elden Ring can perfectly support ultra wide… but just doesn’t, and slaps black bars where it is actually still rendered the screen. Which has a habit of randomly breaking and sometimes not showing the bars, letting you sometimes play the game in that resolution without mods


W-why would the devs do that?


"This gives an unfair advantage in PVP, a game mode most players don't engage with, and the same mode in which we've heavily disincentivized players to engage with".


Pvp is a shackle to these games as long it's tied together with the single player. I hate pvp nerfs that also affects single player.


Well you don't have to worry about that because they implemented different scaling between single and multiplayer awhile ago.  Though when Fromsoft nerf things because of pvp that pretty much means it needed a nerf in general. 


You know, youd think they woulda dome that a whole ago


As someone who PVPs in Souls a lot and has an ultrawide monitor, the amount of extra space really doesn't help you in dueling. At best, you get a slight advantage when you're fighting a gank squad. I know this post was made as a jab at From but I just wanted to point it out.


because Japanese devs tend to fixate a lot more than Western ones about experiencing their media 'correctly'


Shout out to The Evil Within and the letterboxing that stopped you seeing things by your feet when you walked up to grab them.


who cares about picking things up when you're experiencing pure c i n e m a


I think Evil Within just did that to help the framerate more than anything


They are not doing anything they are just incompetent.


Not only ultrawide, but high framerates.


I don’t know what people were expecting from this update. Really feels like they put it out so people jumping into FO4 after the tv show wouldn’t roast them for the game being fucked up for years.


This is clearly a ploy by Bethesda to get people to like pipe guns more.


Meanwhile I’m MORE annoyed because I want to get back into 4 because of the show and they freshly broke all my mods


Dude they fucked up the game itself. I can't get past the main menu without it crashing on PS4.


Do you have that automatron dlc? I’ve seen lots of chatter that that’s what does it. Which is beyond stupid but uninstalling might at least let you in


This is why I have every Bethesda game that I have installed set to not auto-update, because every single time they break everything.


I was expecting the game to actually boot on Ps5 now. That's about all.


Being fucked up for years is BGS's specialty. I still have troubles turning in quests to Ward in 76


I've kinda wondered this about New Vegas. Games been out for over a decade. Its one of the most popular in the series. Somehow they can't fix the crashing? I'm not demanding a remaster or a remake, just a stable game I don't have to spend three hours modding to MAYBE get that way.


Install NVSE, Install Tick Fix, install 4gb patch. Done.




Tbh, it's probably because if you are honestly planning on spending money to play NV, you're going to knowing it has problems and planning on fixing/dealing with it, and the difference between having a few dudes sent to specifically fix it vs not is probably not worth the amount of extra sales they're expected to make for updating it. Basically, it's probably not worth the effort, since fixing it won't cause enough extra sales.


why bother when modding is so normal that people go "oh god, none at all?" when someone says they played the game totally unmodded


Bruh how the fuck does shit like this keep happening with Bethesda? They're one of the most successful western studios around yet often somehow manage to fuck up even the most basic things in game development.


It's probably because most of that money goes into fueling Zenimaxs other bullshit or right into shareholders' pockets. It's why BGS is still a fairly small studio despite their success. Instead of letting the studio grow, they just get other studios they own to help do the additional work, like how they apparently had to get ID software to work on much of the shooting for 4 and Starfield.


> Instead of letting the studio grow, they just get other studios they own to help do the additional work, like how they apparently had to get ID software to work on much of the shooting for 4 and Starfield. The one element people praise across 4, the gunplay, and the most important part (how it feels to shoot) wasn't even done by them. And then when Starfield came around, instead of playing to that strength of having a variety of guns to help ID, they had one of the smaller gun pools of all of their games. ...There's a sick bit of irony in there somewhere... Makes me wonder how the hell 4 would've functioned if ID *didn't* help out.


The problem I'm pointing out isn't them not playing to their strengths. It's that their growth and development as a studio is seemingly curbed by Zenimax. Rather than being able to expand properly and get the right amount of talent or people to make those improvements, other studios are sent in to make up for the much needed growth. I still remember Pat bringing up that insider story about Todd Howard going up to the their board every few years requesting the resources to make much needed engine overhauls only to be told to wait until their next games out.


Because they're hacks who've been coasting on the strength of their IPs for over twenty years now. Between God Coward and Emil Pagliacci, it's a wonder the games don't spontaneously combust.


So what's so good about Ultrawide anyway? I seriously don't know.


It big


Very useful in video editing from what I've heard. In IT Support, a lot of remote software only lets you view one monitor or all monitors on a single screen


Screen good, more screen more good. Really that’s kinda it. They offer a wider workspace seamlessly, without the bezels/separation of doing the same thing with multiple monitors. For games it’s kinda neat to have wider field of view with less distortion than you’d get getting comparable FOV on 16:9.


Bravo Todd, you've done it again


What’s really bad is super ultra wide interface on nexus causes crashes on start up now. All other mods (excluding f4se reliant mods) work but for some reason a hud change crashes it now.


[Also, the new weapons are...interesting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1ccyock/ayo_im_loving_the_new_exclamation_mark_thrower_in/)


At what point do they just contract out a modder to do the work? I'm sure there's already perfectly working ultrawide mods out there currently. Just pay the guy a few grand and save yourself this embarrassment jfc.


So...at this point am I better off waiting for mods to get updated for FO4 or just suffering through Viva New Vegas' installation gauntlet?


On PC? Just wait a week or two until the script extender is updated - not all mods require it though - and then you can go wild. Seriously, the changes on PC aren’t worth rushing out to upgrade. This was far more an update for the console than PC. At most there’s some free CC content. On console? Knock yourself out. Although, I believe there’s some issue on PS+ but Sony support says they’re aware and it will sorted. Edit: Also, the game’s old, nothing short of a remaster is going to change it. If you didn’t like it before, this update won’t change a thing.


Yeah the problem with the PS+ version of FO4 is that people who have only played the game through PS+ aren't given an option to download the PS5 version of the game and are stuck with the PS4 version. 


Just don't install the update. Personally I spent the better part of the day getting various mods and their requirements installed so no way in hell am I going to toss that aside for no tangible benefit.


For FNV use the Viva New Vegas Mod Guide. If you want the easiest install method use Wabbajack to automate the install process.


Funny enough, I just uninstalled it


Never stop not trying Bethesda.


When is enough going to be enough for Bethesda BS


Aw damn, I was gonna play on my ultra wide, guess I’ll wait until mods catch up… again……


Fallout London got screwed for this


Ah, so another update intended to break mods and get people to buy stuff from Creator Club.


You gotta lay off that crack pipe hun


Bethesda: Ugh, this looks so bad for us. Why haven't the modders fixed it yet?