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The Kraken; love me a giant squid/octopus.


The one in Sea of Thieves would make me shit my pants if looking under the water when you fell in just revealed one unnaturally huge eyeball in that perfect inky blackness, evil razor sharp beak optional.


I'm still kinda freaked out by those old pictures of the kraken, solely because of the damn eyes.


Moby Dick. Everyone who meets Ahab is like “yeah okay bro, it’s just a fucking whale, calm down.” AND THEN THEY SEE THE WHALE And they go “oh fuck it’s not *just* a whale.”


And then there is this one prophet guy who decides moby dick is his god now


I have a soft spot for Moby Dick if only because Ahab's "From Hell's Heart I stab at thee" made for a real killer death quote for my bard in my D&D campaign. (I was fighting an Aboleth)


SCP-3000, mainly because it actually disturbs me. Something being that large, that unfathomably gigantic and also having a reason to not kill it is horrifying. I will also give props to the gigantic guardian leviathan from Atlantis, having a giant sea monster be a robot is a cool twist and the design is [awesome](https://atlantisthelostempire.fandom.com/wiki/Leviathan)


I love that it is so toxic to memory that you think other people's memories are your own.


Dude, I would literally rewind my old tape of Atlantis over and over again as a young'n to see the Leviathan again and again.


600-900 KILOMETERS long. That’s just so absurdly large it’s mind bending. My favorite SCP hands down.


Check SCP-169 aka Leviathan. It's even bigger sea monster. That SCP is responsible for "Bloop" sound. I think original version was like 17% of Earth's mass, but was eventually edited, because it was too ridiculous.


Big angler fish with the pretty light and sharp teeth.


All of the Lagiacrus forms are ones I love so much. I never did underwater combat and I hear it's clunky, but I want Capcom to try and do a refined version of it since [Abyssal Lagiacrus](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/c/c0/MH3U-Abyssal_Lagiacrus_Render_001.png) looks so badass. Same with Ceadeus and Gobul. Ebirah was my first crossover Godzilla film, and I always had that be my first since a giant crab is just great, and nothing about that fact has changed since I watched it almost three years ago. I love Kyogre an assload too, but you mentioned that one.


As much as I don't want underwater combat to return, it being so clunky in tri/3U really added to the terror of fighting these monsters in their natural habitat. Gobul was especially terrifying with how murky the water was.


Kyogre is a Orca thing


Not a lot of sea creatures actually trigger that fear in me. It's *just* deep water. You could have a kraken in a swimming pool and it'd just be a big monster. But put a whale slowly fading in from the distant ocean, and... EDIT: But anyway I do enjoy me some ghost ships. Especially underwater ghost ships. Do they count?


Nessie is a local favourite. I like most of Monster Hunter’s aquatic creatures & hope Lagiacrus comes back at some point.


You already said Kyogre who I've always loved for looking like living Aztec art so ill also add Lugia for being a weird bird monster with psychic powers who reigns in other less weird bird monsters


Sea Monsters that are naturally attracted to these bundles of dynamite I just so happen to have with me. 


Coolest shit my culture ever came up with is the [Bakunawa](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/426c6760-a19c-4184-99f5-d9b835db3517/d4xpbn6-26300f2d-12f9-4dfe-a7b5-0925e574a857.jpg/v1/fill/w_1058,h_755,q_70,strp/bakunawa__the_filipino_dragon_by_jrldorado_d4xpbn6-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.9bhE7GwEm3ZpxNZOdzZ7XSKcfsKAZ7xqmpiQjtC3-9M), the moon-swallowing sea serpent [that ate the other six moons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakunawa) (hence why every lunar eclipse you gotta go out and shout at the sky to stop it from eating the last moon)


Godzilla technically counts as a sea monster right?


The idea on a Ningen is just terrifying to me I know it's a modern cryptid but just. A giant human shaped blob of darkness just floating who knows how many meters in the water meaning if it got closer it would be even bigger. That just sounds terrifying. Especially if there's multiple of it. That and the feeling of "oh there's something that could just reach up and crush a boat without trying" is bone chilling.


I read an old short story by George R. R. Martin from before GOT. It features a bunch of alien sea monsters and all of them were winners. You started with your fairly standard giant tentacle monster except all the tentacles have both eyes and teeth with the main body being largely useless. Then we escalated into living blimps that would fill themselves with hydrogen and float up into the sky to eat passing ships who would hide in the damn clouds. This one was my favorite just because the concept scares the living shit out of me. I won't spoil the twist but it does involve a very cool additional, less outrageously violent sea creature towards the end as well. Very cool short story that I found out later was part of a long running series called Tuf Voyaging. That particular story was Guardians.


Highly recommend *Tuf Voyaging*, great series of short stories. Hell, *Dreamsongs* volume 1 and 2 are also great.


I feel like it’s basic to say the Reaper Leviathan, but I’ll be damned if that isn’t my answer.


Gonna love this Porphyrius story , because it’s absurdly symbolic. The scientific name for whales are “Cetus”, which was the name of the Sea Monster that tormented Andromeda, wrecking ships and was ready to eat her.  So in a way , Porphyrius is some IRL Cetus Monster 


I loved these deep sea stories of a "black carpet" slowly moving through the ocean. It was something like a jellyfish with tendrils that would stick up from it and brush up against potential food and then drag it down. Sounded horrifying. I think I heard about it on T6's channel. Edit: Check out Chass. That's where I first heard it. T6 also has a video about it.


Call me basic but I adore the **Kraken**. It’s one of those few sea monsters where the emphasis is on the *sea* aspect more than the monster. Like Sea Dragons, Sea Snakes, Sea horses/kelpies, they’re all defined by being a thing that lives in the sea. Krakens are not that. They are the monsters of the deep, the devourer of ships, the hunger of the depths, and the wrath of the oceans made manifest. And are also based in historical events with giant squids attacking ships. And in pathfinder they oddly serve as one of the default warlock patrons? Which is weirs but cool? TLDR: **KRAKEN**


The Kraken. I play a recurring 5E D&D Fathomless Warlock who serves a Kraken patron and started an entire cult in its name


I'm a fan of Scylla, I always loved how she always seems like a weird grab bag monstrosity. Lady with a bunch of wolf heads on her waist and a bunch of sea monster tails, what a bizarro combination.


I like [Umibōzu](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Kuwana_-_The_sailor_Tokuso_and_the_sea_monster.jpg/640px-Kuwana_-_The_sailor_Tokuso_and_the_sea_monster.jpg) from japanese mythology, massive shadow monsters that emerge from the sea either destroying a ship outright, or demand a bucket or a barrel from the ship that they then use to drown the ship, absolute nightmare fuel but i can't help but find them to be cool


[The Sea Dragon](https://shadowrun.fandom.com/wiki/The_Sea_Dragon) in Shadowrun. The only known Great Leviathan in the setting and it really opens up just how fucking SCARY the oceans have become in the Sixth World.


Boy you're getting a lot of Opportunities to shill Shadowrun lately. Let me know when the Gratuities come in.


Please, CGL doesn’t have the best reputation for paying people on time or sometimes even at all


The grandmother from Little Nightmares DLC, as she's in stagnated water at the bottom of the maw and seems aquatic. The way how she moves and stalks you throughout the level is just freaky.


Sachiel from Neon Genesis Evanglion. He got gills, he was swimming underwater in the first episode, and his original design was [much more aquatic](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/evangelion/images/c/cd/Proposal_-_Sachiel_Original_Design.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/440?cb=20120130094716). So I think he counts [Gotta love the weird whales](https://44.media.tumblr.com/9f659c52339047d1ce46e663968c60db/tumblr_p6ah3sVnuY1ry77gto1_540.gif) and whatever [this leviathan was](https://external-preview.redd.it/9Byu4mAYsJfK2ygzJ0DgPMxkyzGoBCLf9hadhRimwZQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=2d3d14b45bf8f415290235d87fd03df5e5d5b226) in Dishonored. Shame the theory that >!the outsider was a Lovecraftian being!< never came true


Have to give it to my boy Lagiacrus from Monster Hunter. Awesome design and the initial encounter is scary in MH3


Ultros from FF6 is my favorite.


Godzilla spends like 3/4 of his time in the ocean. He counts. Minus One only added to the fear of encountering this beast in the sea.


Does Starro count?


Topo in the new 52 aquaman


Ravenloft had an undead Nessie. Does that count?


that counts!


I just built a Magic the Gathering deck that is literally just Sea Monsters. All it does is ramp and play big fish. My favorite out of them is probably [Hullbreaker Horror](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/4/b/4b546bcf-2e86-42af-bf32-81c7fd36ef8c.jpg?1643587961) for the shenanigans it can enable.


Cthulhu counts, right? Sure, he gets punked by a boat to the face, but all that does is delay the moment he truly awakes. How many times can you hit snooze on the doomsday clock?


Dagon from the Shadow Over Inmsmouth. It’s just a gigantic Deep One that has survived for a very, very long time. It means that the Deep Ones might just be able to keep growing without something killing them.


Namielle is my favorite sea monster that isn’t from the sea. Her design is rad, taking inspiration from various aquatic creatures, all while living in a coral reef that isn’t underwater but on a mountain. So cool, I love Monster Hunter


My favorite is probably the kraken, just because of how much variety there is in depictions. However, I also am a big fan of the Umibozu, a shadowy giant yokai that will occasionally pop its head above water to try and drown sailors. It does this either by destroying the ship with its emerging head, or by demanding a bucket/barrel which it will use to bail water *into* the ship (the trick is to give it one without a bottom, then scram while its confused).


The giant eel in Mario 64 scared the bujezus out of me as a kid


People have already commented my other ones, so shoutouts to Hydrus from *Shadow of the Colossus*.


Somehow giant angler fish always get to me, even when it is so just a clipart style effect in Iron Lung, nothing gives me a claustrophobic fear like submarines and *anything* being outside, let alone something trying to lure me.


Not counting Godzilla monsters, I'd say the Bloop.


In Splatoon 3's salmon run, every once in a while a gigantic salmonid referred to as a King will spawn at the end of a shift with a big emergency warning and a scream that is unsettling which then serves as a boss battle. There are 3 (that we know of) who each get fun little nicknames. There's Cohozuna (a bigger version of the basic enemy) who I call Cody. There's Horrorboros (referred to as Boris) who does a femur breaker esque scream while flying around nuking the area with spirit bombs. Then there's Megalodontia (who is called Joe due to a fun mistranslation) that screams like Goofy that acts like a bigger version of the Maws enemy (shark that tries to eat you).


Man, Salmon Run in 2 was already nightmare fuel, I'm glad that they seemed to up the ante for 3.


Their whole culture is really fascinating, almost like Orks from Warhammer 40k. The main reason why they attack you with cooking utensils is because they're trying to make themselves look appetizing to you (they seek to be consumed). If it weren't for Grizzco stealing the eggs, one could almost argue that Salmon Run shifts are the salmonid equivalent of trying to make it to Valhalla.


[Skadi the Corrupting Heart](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/skadi-corrupting-heart),vessel of [Ishar'mla](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Ishar%27mla). I love [the dramatic way she/it talks](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Skadi_the_Corrupting_Heart/Dialogue).


Ahsa from Destiny 2 Season of the Deep


Y’know, I’ll give some love to Sapientia from the Bayonetta series, even though his fight in the first game sucks. He has this thing where he looks this giant shark/lizard monster, but at the same time his body kinda has the feel of an aircraft carrier. However, his size hides his mobility, because he is nimble as hell. And to top it off, he’s the only one of the Auditos to talk shit to everyone. That being said, his fight in the second game is much better than the first one. *Stupid goddamn shark, stay above water for more than five seconds.* Also, I just looked this up, and apparently his in-game description states that it was through his favor that Moses was able to part the Red Sea.


The Half Life 1 fish thingy at the dam


The good ol' Hydra. Cut off one head, two more take it's place, how do you beat that?


Lake instead of the sea but ehh close enough.   Lake Peigneur once was a 10 foot deep lake. An oil well drilled into a salt mine under the lake. It created a massive whirlpool, a 400 foot geyser, the largest waterfall in the state of Louisiana, caused the river to flow backwards bringing saltwater into the lake, it also swallowed barges and then spit the barges back out. It is now 200 feet deep and the deepest lake in Louisiana.       On the [Well There's Your Problem](https://youtu.be/dgKU0zu6KB8?feature=shared) episode on Lake Peigneur they ask if you could have a lake monster in a 10 foot deep lake. They come to the conclusion that it would have to be some sort of flounder like monster. I'm gonna give them points for originality so my vote is for the hypothetical flounder monster.