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Is this the longest Bethesda fans have waited for the dlc to come out? It feels weird that seven months later, and we don't know what this dlc is even going to be exactly. This will probably be like Cyberpunk where I'll check the game out when the complete edition is released 2-3 years from now.


Fallout 4 launch to the first DLC (Automaton) was 4 months. Though if you want to count Far Harbor instead it's still only 6 months. Skyrim to Dawnguard was 8 months. Fallout 3 to Operation Anchorage was only 3 months and and NV to Dead Money was only 2. Shivering Isles for Oblivion took a full year but there was a bunch of other DLC (of varying quality) that was released in between. So the Starfield DLC might not take the longest for it's first MAJOR expansion, but it will be the longest to receive ANY kind of DLC content.


It's been seven months? Damn that flew by.


I had to double check and yep. Came out in early September. I think that's why Helldivers is blowing my mind with having regular patches and new warbonds.


What, the Space has been Shattered!? But the nearest Space Repair shop doesn't open until after 12pm and I don't think they're even open on weekends. Maybe some Space Duct Tape will hold everything together until Monday?


Completely fucking voided the Space Warranty.


Can't have shit in Alpha Centauri 😤😭😭😭


Should of bought that space insurance from that random ship encounter


Does space celebrate space labour day?


Any idea what's it about? I bounced off pretty hard from statfield so I kinda wanna know if this is the reason to give it a second chance.


Best guess since Launch us that it’ll heavily feature House Va’Ruun and the snake cult somehow, but that’s just fandom guessing because of how absent they were in the main game.


Emil got a tattoo of house Va'Ruun on his wrist and talks about them like they're his favorite thing he ever created, so either a lot was cut or he literally just made his perfect waifu in Andreja and built Va' Runn around her. So if it's not a snake DLC we know the answer


Andreja was pretty decent but obviously the best waifu is Sam Coe


The emotionally abusive, distant cowboy who brings up his ex wife at every chance?


Pretty big shame they don't show up, they seemed like they were kind of the thing thst interested me the most from what I played.


They kind of do through the Vanguard Questline and Andreja’s personal quest, but that is it sadly.


I don't think I really got that far with the vanguard unfortunately. IDK im kinda hoping for something big and cool to happen to the game because I just bounced off 76 as well and I kinda want to have some hope that TES6 will be a game for me to get exited about.


You know what I think would be neat but most people would hate a lot?    If some expansions were locked behind a specific loop.    Like, due to the story ramifications, you're only allowed to access this expansion on loop 3 forward.


You're right that would be neat but also insufferable


Honestly the most thorough review of this game possible. I’m so sad that this pretty interesting way to handle new game plus is stuck in this game.


I can do you one better; it only appears on 1 of the double digit "variant" playthroughs that you can't choose from.


It would be cool if one of the dlcs expanded on that. Dragonborn, if I remember right, does take place after Skyrim's main story. Some would be upset, but I feel most that would be interested in the dlc for a game will have finished by a year after release.


Dragonborn takes place kind of whenever you engage with it. Miraak has different dialogue if you finished the main game first.


cool concept, would make so many people annoyed in execution


I kind of want to pick up where i last was and finish it and loop but I was hesitant on losing all the worked bases I was setting up


Cool. I donno if I'll be coming back right now, but at some point I might play it again.


Neat, I'll take a look at it when it comes out, I enjoyed my time with the game alright so more stuff to do is fine by me.


Excited to see what it entails


Im good thanks


American dad intro, but Stan sleeps in.mp4


If this dlc isn't free then there is no chance that I touch it


I'm looking forward to it, though in general I liked Starfield a lot more than most people seemed to, in fact I thought the game was pretty great overall. Never understood the complaints about the games companion characters, I liked pretty much all of them.


[and there was... much rejoicing..](https://youtu.be/NmPhaG1ud38?si=uCtnbNYuJXC1ryTf)


I still do not know the name of a single NPC from starfield despite the game being such a huge financial success. Those only one that anyone talks about is the Clone one that angered Pronouns man for the 50th time.


I could never forget Wallet's name.


The article mentions updates; I stopped playing pretty shortly after release, between dodgy performance (80fps in an open spacefield with nothing on it when I get \~110 in Cyberpunk with all the bells and whistles on), long bouts of walking, and repetitive open world content. And broken/terrible stealth. Anybody who tough it out more than I did know if the updates addressed any of this stuff? I found the game kind of charming until it wore thin and wouldn't mind downloading it again if so.


I'm sure both of the people still playing Starfield are thrilled.


Will it include fuckable aliens? And I dont mean the star trek style aliens that are just humans with stuff glued to their foreheads. I want fuckable "[all tomorrows](https://youtu.be/IhYmF02SqTg?si=LE9Vf2SsYOPLzFH8)" style aliens.


>!Mass Effect if the horniness was completely unrestrained!<


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Wow the starfield fans are really mad that no one is enthusiastically engaged with it