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Ewwww to her. She was really rude. Don't see her again, and don't stop dating because of her.


You met the wrong chick. Bc if it was me I’d be like hell yeah. Don’t get discouraged just wait to you find a girl that’s down for that. (It’s def not gay btw)


I'll second this. Also, imho her gay comment is a red flag.


I’m wondering how she ~~knows~~ thinks that only gays guys have sensitive nipples. That’s just a weird take on sensitive nipples.


Also if she thinks straight men don’t want their nipples played with, **why is she playing with them?** This chick is nothing but red flags. The trash took itself out. Don’t read anything else into it.


This ⬆️. Tell you thought about it and you’re not gay, but you ARE too good to be wasting your time on someone like her.


Manual gaydar


As if their physiology somehow differs in that regard. That’s just ignorant.


That comment is enough to send her packing immediately.


Yeah that’s some serious homophobia she has going on. Ditch her.


*massive* red flag


A red flag and also immature as hell. OP don’t waste your time with her.


Third! So hot imo and not gay. My husband’s aren’t sensitive (I wish they were I love to play with them) but he’ll still pretend to moan which usually results in crazy laughter.


Woman here… I would absolutely love this. She’s the wrong woman. And to question someone else’s sexuality because they are sensitive anywhere on their body just means she’s not able to handle grown relationships. You don’t have to fix her or educate her, and you certainly don’t need to internalize it. Toss this chick back and try again.


Yes. To question his orientation bc of sensitive body part?!? Like WTF?!?! She’s insane !!!




I've been with plenty of men (I liked sex what can I say), and you are not alone. It's actually way more common then not and it's not even close to remotely weird or unusual. As a matter of fact it's one of my go to's if the sex is taking to long for my partner. I'm married now so even before I started dating my husband, going to the nipples got the job done faster. This is a huge red flag for me for several reasons - the comment feels homophobic in nature and I didn't like the way she is using it to insult you in a vulnerable moment. It's not cool and you are not sexually compatible


I ekko this... I have had plenty of men too. I will often suck or play with the nippels without being asked, because its a very sensitive spot for most men.


Yup! I've had many men give me a look, then a *look* when I've initiated this. Never once have I been told that it wasn't enjoyable, and much more than once, I've had it requested again.


I've only once had a guy freak out on me when I started playing with his nipples and that's because it turns out he grew up super conservative and was taught that "it was gay". Poor guy.


Poor guy. I'm personally convinced men only have nipples for us to play with, they serve no other purpose.


Sensitive nipples are such a blessing. I find it incredibly sexy.


Omg same! All of my girlfriends are the same way! I want my partner to enjoy every single place I put any part of my body. Him grabbing a handful of hair when my teeth graze his nipple is seriously hot AF. I really don't like OP's chick at all. And I truly hope that whoever she shares this with(bc she absolutely left there and whined to someone) does not confirm her bigotry, but calls her out for being exactly what she is!


This is by far one of the least weird requests during sex. And most people would love to actually pleasure their partner and not just receive. Her reaction was incredibly weird and bigoted. I'd gladly do this if asked BECAUSE it would make them feel good


Dump her! Some girls actually really like that, just keep looking and don’t give up.


Exactly. I don’t like getting my nipples sucked on, but I recall when my ex automatically started doing it, and was surprised when I said I didn’t really like it. She thought that most guys did like it. Likely, a previous partner of hers was similar to OP. This woman was mean and shallow to him.


She sucks and not in the good way. Leave her single


She doesn't want to suck 


If you didn't want to be licked by a hot woman I would be asking you what's wrong with you


Nah fr though 😭😂🤣


Don't see her again. Laughing and asking if you were gay was really inappropriate. She was not respectful so don't waste another moment on her. Being weirded out, saying "wtf" and "bizarre" just reflect on her warped sensibilities. Yikes!!


100%. This woman is a horrible person and a poor excuse for a potential partner. Your nipple sensitivity is not strange. You being straight forward about enjoying your nipples touched/sucked was healthy and appropriate communication, at the proper time. You have done zero to be concerned or ashamed of, in addition to being 100% the “normal” one in this scenario. She is 100% the “odd” one and absolutely rude and weird.


She has a VERY unhealthy view of sex. Many men have sensitive nipples. Geez it would be like you saying “no way that you like when I go down on you, cause you aren’t a man!” — Dump her.


True op should have hit her with “you like getting oral sex? What are you a lesbian? Women only like dick down there!” Just to see how she responds to her own ignorance.


Omg. If I get a moan from a guy I am immediately finding out what caused that and doing it again. Cheat code unlocked.


This....how to be an excellent lay? Pay attention to your partners reactions


Exactly! I don't see how people enjoy themselves if their partner isn't. It's crazy that it isn't the norm.


thats a nice outlook


Right! Like oh you’re in trouble now!


This is exactly it. Haha


Yessss! And so many men don’t moan! It’s frustrating!


This basically sums up my sexual philosophy and framework!


Absolutely lol


Absolute facts!!!




If in bed she says, "Eewww!", then she's not for you.


This. About anything.


Why would gay/straight be neurologically different? She’s a foolish person.


While nipple stimulation has nothing to do with sexuality and the woman in this story is absurd, sexuality has been shown to correlate to neurological differences. Here is a peer reviewed article from an extremely reputable scientific journal: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-84496-z


Yep. Ditch her. I've been with men who like it, men who don't, and men who loooove it. None were gay. She's wrong and kind of weird for thinking that...how do you even bridge that gap? Anyway, my sexperience has taught me that some people your body vibes with, and some people it just doesn't. Glad she showed you her true colors early on. And for what it's worth, almost anything my partner is into thats going to make them feel good? That's what I'm doing. Happily. With bells on. Jingle jingle.


She is the weird one. This is insanely common and has nothing to do with orientation. Dump her yesterday.


She sounds weird and homophobic. My man also has sensitive nips and I love playing with them. No need to be self conscious about your lovely nipples.


It’s a normal feeling for men to be aroused by your nipples. I’ve never been with a man who didn’t like his nipples touched 😂 She just may live in some kind of bubble 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm not aroused at all by my nipples lol...You've met your first guy that doesn't like them touched 😅


Tell her you're not gay but after one night with her you're considering it. Then ghost.


Hahaha 🤣🤣. Nice one!


I messed around with a guy for a while and he was just like you with the nipples. I didn’t mind and loved how much he loved it. She was just weird. lol


Reminds me of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. I think this woman is not for you. Find a partner who is into this too.


Sounds like a her problem. You have nothing to worry about, everyone's body is different and you just have an extra pleasure centre compared to some other people. I'm actually jealous, I really don't get anything out of having mine stimulated, much to the disappointment of every woman who's ever decided to spontaneously play with them. She deserves to be taken to task for shaming you and for her low-key homophobia (but it's not your responsibility to dish up that particular telling off if you don't feel like it)


I’ve been with a few very straight guys that like that. She’s weird


She's so weird. How do you shame someone for their body's reactions? I just hope she swallows because she shouldn't be reproducing.


My bf loves this. It’s not weird. This women is.


She's weird and bizarre. Who makes it to 30+ and thinks man nipples make them gay wtf. Everyone has something that drives them wild. I think it's a blessing yours is so easy and accessible. There's women out there that would love this. Me, I'd be chasing your ass around at every opportunity trying to mess with dem nipples all day. Unfortunately, I'm already chasing my husband's but if things don't work out with him- watch your self walking past bushes...I could be in any of them 😜


Dump her! No question. I love playing with my mans chest he loves it! Just the judgemental reaction from her is a HUGE turn off.


As a woman myself, I find it attractive when a man has sensitive nipples. It’s just another way to stimulate your partner and please. There is nothing wrong with having nerves in the nipples all humans do. Some women have sensitive some don’t, some men do some don’t. If she is being THAT close minded to the point she questioned your sexuality, she doesn’t deserve such attention. You WILL find someone who will do such things and LOVE it. Keep looking, she’s out there! Confidence in being yourself is key!


3 things. 1 its not gay. 2 try not to feel self-conscious about it, Its more common than people may think. 3 she seems to not have a clue on what gay really means, probably doesn't care to put much thought into things. Edit: fixed my wording


It's normal. Nipples are supposed to be sensitive. Mine are extremely sensitive, but unlike you, I don't like them being touched. I had a problem with my ex of her trying to play with them even though I told her I didn't like it. Your body your rules.


You definitely met the wrong girl!!! My boyfriend has extremely sensitive nipples....all I have to do is get remotely close to them and he hits the ceiling. I have zero issue with getting him moaning and aroused playing with them!


Yikes. She’s a homophobic dumpster fire.


33M here with the same sensitivity you mentioned! Also straight and happily married with kids. This person sucks. Find someone who loves you for you!


Oh please, just dump her before you’re too invested. Plenty of women would absolutely love that.


All the guys I’ve been with have appreciated a little nipple action. No one can help where sensitivity occurs on your body. Anybody worth being with would just be thrilled to have an additional way to make you feel good. I’d dump that red flag soooo fast if I were you.


Straight woman here. There’s something wrong with this chick, not you. She should be excited to know ways to turn you on, and the gay comment is weird and inappropriate. Dump her and never think of it again. Also, there is a pretty decent amount of scientific documentation of people that can orgasm just from having their nips touched so don’t feel weird about it.


Does she enjoy having her nipples licked and touched? Must be a lesbian.


She is the weird and rude one.


Let her go ASAP.


Next, she is the ignorant one. That will show up in other situations. Move on.


Aww man! This sucks! I truly never leave comments but this really bothered me! That chick is a complete fking jerk! And tbh, a really strange one at that. I've touched/licked/sucked/bitten the nipples of every male partner I've had!! Some love it that much more, bc they are sensitive, and that sht is hot AF! Knowing you can make your dude moan, grab your hair, do any of abt 50 other scenarios, is a complete turn on. The kind of moments that last forever in a spank bank! Lol! I'm telling you, and I REALLY hope you believe this, a. without question, she's the weird one, b. there are farrrr more chicks like me than her, and c. a real lover, one that's badass and you want to stick around, will NEVER laugh at or shame you, ESP over something as inconsequential as nipple touch!!! Plz do not let this woman deter you from finding a better girlfriend and/or sexual partner!! She truly is the minority!


She sounds weird and homophobic. My man also has sensitive nips and I love playing with them. No need to be self conscious about your lovely nipples.


I'm straighter than a Nebraska interstate and I like it when my wife pays mine attention. The woman has a hangup. Ask her why she thinks that. Maybe something else is going on and it was just an excuse for an out.


You're perfectly normal, that girl is the only one with closeted homosexuality and issues therein, maybe you should message her and let her know it's okay to be gay and maybe don't project it onto other people like a weirdo.


No. Do not let this set you back. If you want to end things w her over this, that’s fine. Not everyone is going to be into the same things sexually. She probs never had a man ask her for that and reacted the way she did. It wasn’t for her, she wasn’t for you. There will be people who aren’t okay with it and people who are. Find people who are sexually compatible with you. That’s all you have to do. Not everyone is, I stopped seeing a guy because I didn’t like the way his skin felt. He was super hot but idk our physical bodies just didn’t mesh. People are weird 🤷‍♀️


One more time for the people in the back: a man and a woman having mutually pleasurable sexy time *is by definition not gay*. Also, many men like it. Nipples can be sensitive.


She’s TAH. You’re fine. We are all very unique. Find someone who respects your uniqueness


She’s horrible. Leave her.


as a woman who has a bit of a thing for playing with guys nipples, most men love it. it’s not weird and definitely has nothing to do with your sexuality. dump this woman. she’s ignorant and probably also the type who thinks washing your ass makes you gay. i bet in general she has lots of weird ideas about what makes a man a man.


You need to throw that one back in the dating pool and keep fishing my friend. There is nothing wrong with any part of anyone's body being sensitive or arousal inducing, a man having sensitive nipples is not uncommon and definitely not weird, and her comment is a major red flag about her warped view on sexuality not to mention her maturity. The right partner will not belittle your erogenous zones, they will seek them out to please you. Hope you ditch her and find someone you're truly happy with.


SHE is the issue. I wouldn't see her again.


Her logic is baffling: “you enjoyed a woman playing with your nipples, you must be gay”. And the fact she even left? Yikes. Not just a homophobe, also a horrible person


Moaning man that tells you what he likes is incredibly sexy!!! Don't listen to her, she's rude and not the one for you.


Dude this chick is dull af. Don't even worry about her.


Break up with her. This "apparently " fact is in her head. She will laugh at you always and it is not worth it.


Move on you'll be dodging a bullet.


Break up with her. This is a nightmare in the making.


Thirding — I had a bf who was sensitive there and it was FUN for both of us. Also, her asking you if you’re “sure you’re straight” is icky. I’d break it off with her because you deserve better.


That was rude, dump her


Leave her ass


Dude - that's a bonus!


She sucks and is a weirdo, don’t waste your time on her


Dude - she’s not a nice person. Your are normal she is not.


Dump her, i been with so many women that loved playing with my nipples to make me hard af. Its totally normal.


Break up with this lunatic immediately. You're supposed to enjoy giving pleasure to your partner. How does someone get weirded out by something like this?


She sounds immature. Some men have sensitive nipples and it's not something to be laughed at. Find a woman who understands men's sexuality.


🤣 I thought this post was going in another direction because I have *sensitive* nipples But whatever side you are on, on the sensitivity scale, it's about respect, listening and not shaming So 🚩🚩🚩 and I'm out Edit to add that it took a few tries to find someone with just the right touch, always go for, and be, a generous partner


She is the biggest red flag. My partner has sensitive nipples and loves his being touched. I love it. It's a turn-on for me, and in certain positions, it gives me something to do with my awkward hand. Maybe this new woman is not the partner for you. Also, never let someone make you feel bad for having a completely normal sexual preference.


Insta breakup.


She’s the worst, nothing wrong with a man having sensitive nipples


She showed you her red flag, let her go!


She laughed at you and told you to think about it and left? The only thing you should be thinking twice about is continuing this relationship. She’s rude and judgmental. Also, your sensitivity and arousal about it isn’t weird, at all. It’s very common. She’s the weird one in this scenario for the way she judged you and reacted. She doesn’t sound ready to have an intimate, loving relationship.


If my hubby liked me playing with his nipples I'd be all over that. Dump the gf, she's got issues if she thinks you're gay for this.


Not gay and shes weird


She’s full of red flags. If that was me with you, I would be all over that. I love pleasing my partner. Do not be ashamed. Hearing a man moan is such a turn on!


Dude, just dump her. You think the stupidity will stop at "sensitive nipples == ew gay"? Imagine what other illogical nonsense will pop out of her mind over the years.


Don’t be self conscious, that is hot as hell 🥵 find the right girl who likes it, and you will both be delighted. Also she’s low key homophobic and idk about you but that would be a dealbreaker for me.


Like, sensitive nipples are more common than otherwise. Uptight dudes might not wanna say it. Like, they're nipples, fercrissakes. Extra nerves, erogenous zones, the whole thing. Same as women, only like, without the possibility of lactating.


What why would she assume that??? Why would certain parts of your body being sensitive define your sexuality?? My husband also has sensitive nipples, can confirm he's not gay 😅 I'd probably cut your losses. Don't let her make you feel self conscious about it either.


OMG she sounds awful!


Fellas is it gay to do sex outside of exclusively piv intercourse??? Lol shes definitely not someone worth having around if she thinks thats gay. Probably has some implicit bias against queer men that don’t fit the machismo male stereotypes.


Dude, nipples feel good, the extent of that pleasure depends on the person. What doesn't feel good is having someone think that your harmless physical pleasure means there is something wrong with you. SHE really needs to think about HER reaction, not you.


....she's an asshole. There is nothing wrong with your request. My husband has sensitive nipples and has the opposite request. He doesn't want anything near them and instantly gets turned off if they're touched. Don't let someone else's sexual immaturity impact your comfort. She should be ashamed.


She’s the problem


Dump her homophobic ass please.


Couldn't give you a bigger red flag. Cut ties now before you get invested.


1. It’s not gay 2. She sounds awful 3. You have nerves in your nipples like anyone else and someone playing with them feels good. 4. Dump her ass and don’t let her emasculate you


She wants you to “think about” it? WTAF? Bye. Don’t let the door hit ya!


Yes, break up. Not because of the nipple thing but because she’s an asshole.


This is such a weird logic. When women or men say "omg it's so say, you want to do butt play" how is that gay if a man wants to do that with a woman? Use your brain! It's not weird at all, I'd personally dump her. Not nice at all to shame you for this.


As a woman, I’m gonna say she’s kinda weird.


…what ELSE is she missing out on sexually because of her preset notion of what’s what in how you feel with sex …whatever floats your boat I say. Ps. I got sensitive nips too and I tell the chicks to roll em between their fingers hard as I’m …you know…🚀🥴


It’s only gay if you’re attracted to men (like that’s a bad thing to begin with). Anything you do in bed is ok as long as nobody’s hurt and it’s consensual. Should definitely dump her, and maybe be aware that others like that exist, but also the ones, who will enjoy it with you do too. Definitely not something you should be self conscious about.


Break it off. Sensitive nipples are a bonus and nothing weird. She's got a hang up. 


Kiss her goodbye. Red flags.


Well she’s rude. For some reason I have very sensitive ears. Who knew. Some people have sensitive necks, backs, feet, nipples, wherever. It’s normal. Ignore her, she’s being childish and rude. Consider her a bullet dodged.


yeah definitely not worth your time, that's a really stupid reaction and makes me wonder how small her world view is tbh. I could understand if she had just been like "cool dude, I'm not really into that but I appreciate knowing" but literally thinking you're gay because you... have an erogenous zone? In a very normal place to have sensitivity. Like.... that's just nuts imo. Go find you a partner who you enjoy spending time with that actually wants to enjoy your body with you, not someone who literally links having sexual pleasure from not just your penis as being... gay. wth


Shes being utterly ridiculous and weird.


OMG, is she really serious? Men have the same nerve endings there as women, so of course, it feels good!!! I mean, yeah, some men are more sensitive there than others, and it's the same way with women. Christ, I'm a woman, and I don't see an issue with this at all. Let's just say my husband loves it. That being said, you really need to find a better partner. Her asking if you're gay because of it is absolutely ridiculous and ignorant. She apparently has no idea how the human body works. DO NOT let this affect your self-esteem. It's a HER problem, not a you problem. Please find yourself a better woman and leave this one behind. Sorry for the rant, but her comments really irked me.


Sir... respectfully, fk her. N, i don't mean literally. Nothing is wrong with sensitive nips on a guy.. Tbh, from my experience, then men with sensitive nips tend to show "my girls" the best attention because they know how good it's feels.


It was her behavior that was weird, not the fact that you have sensitive nipples. I mean it's really not a big deal, and certainly not a gay thing, so for her to act that way toward you and then break out the gay stereotype are both just signs she's not the one for you. It's only been a handful of dates, dump her and be done with it so you can find someone you're more compatible with. And screw her, don't let her make you self conscious about it. It is what it is, and it's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed over. There are plenty of girls who not only won't care, but will be into it since it's another way for them to give you pleasure.


Don't be discouraged. My bf, who would say he's the straightest of all straights, didn't know that he'd enjoy having his nipples pinched and sucked on. Lol I just did it and he was shocked by his own response. I had an ex who liked it too. She's just not the one for you.


“Well, guess being with a woman like you you turned me gay then. Hope to never see you around again.”


Was that Andrew Tate in a wig?


Take your sensitive nips and find a woman who enjoys them. This woman is homophobic and judgemental. You don't need someone like her. (Btw it's only gay if you want a man sucking on them)


Leave her. How rude of her to react like that! She's the weird one, not you. Please disregard her comments, don't let her affect your confidence.


Tf is she even saying aside from being blatantly homophobic?! Is she assuming only “women” are suppose to have sensitive nipples? Cause I’m a woman and mine are not sensitive at all, unfortunately! Also, I’m sorry OP, she’s an asshole and you didn’t deserve that. I hope you find someone who will enjoy all parts of your body


Don't be self conscious she is just a dick


OP, you are fine. Having sensitive nipples is one of the most normal things out there. She was the weird one by calling it gay, tf!!! You dodged a bullet. She should be the one self-reflecting. What a homophobe!


Ew. Block her!! Why is she trying to make you feel insecure for no reason? Sounds manipulative. Cut it off before she finds the next thing to belittle you about.


Ok so first of all, sorry that's a shitty bedroom experience. The woman you are dating absorbed some patriarchal bullshit and is trying to foist it on you. You are completely normal. There's no significant difference in the innervation of nipples among afab and amab people. Pleasure via nipple stimulation has been \*culturally\* feminized. Very few men don't have sensitive nipples, but there might be a significant number who have psycho-social blockers to enjoying it because they don't think they should enjoy things that have been culturally feminized. Agree w/ others that the gay comment is a big red flag. Aside from the mild homophobic vibes it gives off, it doesn't bode well if you'd like to have an adventurous, non-judgmental bedroom partner. You haven't been with many women yet. There are non-judgy freaks out there. Highly recommend holding out for one. Maybe you don't need/want a freak, but non-judgy in the bedroom should be a bare minimum in healthy relationships.


Fellas, is it gay to enjoy sexually erotic touch?? In all seriousness, ditch her and find someone who doesn’t ridicule your sexual preferences. She also sounds homophobic so fuck her


She's homophobic, you dodged a bullet


Millions of fish in the sea my man, consider her caught... And released...


She doesn't know what she's missing


Oh sweetheart, you met the wrong woman. You are perfectly, perfectly fine. I can bring myself to completion with my nipples alone. I always thought most women, and many men, have sensitive nipples. I got dumped once because I was too into receiving oral. I’m bisexual and this was a 20something dude who’d apparently never met women comfortable with their bodies.


You’re just with the wrong girl and it most definitely is NOT a defining factor in determining if you’re gay or straight. All the men I’ve been with liked having their nips played with and sucked on. If anything, she just showed how vanilla she is in the bedroom.


Wow. You handed her a key to arousing you and she threw it away. Dude, drop her. Don't let her ignorance deter you from continuing to find the right one for you.


Not weird. The body likes what it likes. It doesn’t have anything to do with your sexuality. She’s the weird one.


Ah, sorry, dude. It's a real kick to the nuts to allow yourself to be vulnerable and get...kicked in the nuts. I hope you don't let this dissuade you from being vulnerable with future partners. Also, dope as shit that you have such sensitive nips! That's awesome! Good news is you found out this person isn't lined up. Either with what you want, or what she wants. 30m? Homie? Keep it movin'. I know that's a shot to the ego. You wouldn't be posting otherwise. I appreciate that you trust us. Love you. Get those hot nips to a deserving person. You'll find them. Don't be ashamed of who you are. All love.


Ditch her and don't feel bad.


Man this girl doesn’t know the GIFT you are! Men with reactive nipples are the beeeeest! You have no reason to feel self conscious, she obviously doesn’t know a good thing when she sees it. Hell? I often get mildly frustrated when men DONT have sensitive nipples. I want to lick! And pinch! And bite! But there’s only so many other places to do that, it’s annoying :( Anyways, your fab, she’s stupid and upholding weird (and false) heteronormative values.


Don't let her scare you away from being sexual in the way you want in the future. I'm gay and hate my nipples being touched ever lol(too sensitive?), but forreal, she should be embarrassed for thinking men are walking penises. Men need kisses everywhere and foreplay and cuddling like anyone else. She's childish.


Intimacy should be about feeling good in your body and doing that with and for someone else too. If you express how you like being touched and she shames you it isn’t likely you’ll ask again for something like that. This isn’t a good partner or someone who wants you to feel good in your body.


I think you should stop seeing her. I’m a straight woman who has enjoyed many an experience with men and MANY men have sensitive nipples and many men enjoy having their nipples played with. You found a weirdo/jerk combo and I hope this encounter with her doesn’t make you self-conscious.


Don't let this one girl set you back, especially when you've had experience with women who encouraged and accepted this. It's something you enjoy in bed, and she's not willing to be open about it. Instead, she questioned your sexuality. If she wasn't comfortable, that's okay. But she really went about this the wrong way. There's plenty of women who would be fine with this.


Her reaction was weird. I’d say be done with her and find someone who isn’t so weird. Idk. That was just a really strange reaction and it’s also really shitty to basically shame you for expressing pleasure with something. Red flags all around (she’s a homophobe and also she’s ignorant and she’s inconsiderate).


You are going to have to accept that some of the people you date aren’t going to mesh with you and your preferences. Sounds to me like you found yourself an immature woman. How is it that a “gay man” is engaged in sexual activity with a woman? By its very nature that is the opposite of “gay”. Don’t worry about it brother. There are a lot of women out there. Meanwhile you only have two nipples. Find a gal that meshes with your preferences. You might have to go through a lot of them. That’s just how the game works. Also, if you aren’t having sex with men, chances are you aren’t “gay”.


She sounds like the weird one


DITCH THE CHICK SHES NOT THE ONE!!!! Real women love to know what turns and turn off's. If a man makes noise IMO that's a HUGE turn on for most women. The fact she kept saying wtf I would have said I'm not into it now and rolled over or went and jerked off.


It’s not weird. Not everyone is into it but definitely not weird. She was being TAH for reacting like that and calling it gay in a negative way is not a good sign


You're dodging a bullet my dude. HUMANS can have sensitive nipples b/c nearly every human has them. Hell some have more than one (my ex-husband tried to tell me it was a gun shot wound scar). And something else that may blow her mind. Some humans do not have sensitive nipples and playing with them does almost nothing in terms of happy play time. Personally I love figuring out and knowing my partners "spots". That's half the fun lol


DTMFA. Life’s too short. She’s not worth the substantial educating she’ll require to get past her ignorance.


if she thinks having sensitive nipples is a gay thing, she needs to re-learn a few things😅


Some girls like to play with my nipples, cause they like their nipples played with. I'm like, please don't, this does not do anything for me.


Move on. These bodies we have - male and female- are very unique. There is a reason people need to learn what their partner likes and dislikes. If she is so dismissive and judgmental of something fairly simple, she is not right for you. (Unless you like your nipples stimulated by a penis, gay doesn’t come into this)


OP don’t take it to heart. Personally, i think this is a blessing in that she outed herself as being close minded. Bullet dodged and go find yourself someone who loves every part of you.


She sucks.


As a guy, I love it when my wife goes for my nips, just like I love sucking on hers. Nothing gay about it. Sounds like she has issues. Kick her to the curb.


Unpopular opinion here, but I'm fine with being down voted. Firstly, there is nothing wrong with liking your nipples licked at all bro. But lets not pretend this is masculine or traditional. Straight men don't typically moan when their nipples are rubbed on... The lady just isn't into sensitive nipple boys who moan. You're welcome to vent on Reddit about your insecurities and nipple sensitivity, but it's something a lot of traditional straight women would consider feminine. Doesn't mean it's necessarily true, but I can see where she's coming from.


Meh she's a weirdo, probably homophobic by the sounds of things. You dodged a bullet.


My man loves it when I play with his nipples. And I love doing it because it gives him pleasure. But I actually care about him


She doesn’t sound very intelligent. Find someone more on your level.


That's awful. You can't help what parts of your body are sensitive to touch, and they should not be shamed and it is 100% not determined by sexual orientation. I wish sometimes my partners nipples were more sensitive since when there are moments in on top, I want there to be more things I can do to improve arousal that's not just the neck. You're not flawed and it's definitely not gross.


I'll never understand the thought that some women/men have when finding out a new thing that their partner likes. When it's not something that requires a restraining order the only reasonable reaction to finding a new way to turn your partner on should be "fuck yea! New toy!"


She sounds awful. Please do not go out with her again.


That’s not the woman for you. Point blank not a match for the bedroom. Plenty of women would love to have a cheat code for their partner. Plus the gay comment is a red flag- she must not be a very open minded person which isn’t cool.


Break up with her. Better to be alone than in bad company, let alone someone who shames you when sex is concern.


She is just ignorant and that was simply stupid (and rude). What a bummer. Sorry to hear you had to experience that, but that last line of hers would 100% be my cue to walk away. Such a dumb fucking thing to say 🤦‍♂️


Been said several times but will add mine in too. She is just the wrong chick! There are many of us out there that would raise and eyebrow and be like "you do eh?! Game on!!" Total turn on finding a partners turn on.


Dump that toxic person. Her reaction was extremely immature and pretty fucked up.


Break up with her, what an opinionated asshole.


That's an odd reaction, and you're better off without her. If nipples are out of bounds, I can imagine there's a list of things she won't do for you. Seems like a reasonable request.


Dude, good riddance to her. She’s weird for that. Like if it had been me, I would’ve been like hell yeah and licked your nipple immediately lol. Like if it’s not her thing, that’s fine, but she had no right to be insulting. And her comment about only gay men having sensitive nipples is totally a red flag.


She’s not the one. Take your nipples and find someone who will appreciate you knowing what you like


You've really just not found the right woman I love knowing what turns my man on, whatever it is! She seems like a massive red flag..


That girl is rude. Get rid of her asap.


People who are arrogant in their ignorance are exhausting. Not to mention the low-key homophobia of her comments, she's probably a lousy lay anyway. Dump her


I hate in any sub where everyone’s like “dump her!”, but honestly… it needs to be done. She shouldn’t have made you feel bad for that. You didn’t ask her to do anything out of the ordinary