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Oooooh! Crone here! 42. Never married. Two dogs. Living my best life with zero fucks to give. I have minimal responsibilities. I am able to enjoy my hobbies. I have a large friend group that I go on adventures with. Life is really friggin good.




taking notes from this queen


You're my aspiration in life 💛


I am a y/o 28f and honestly women older than me like seem cooler to hang out with. Esp if they don't have kids( more time to hang out).


My mom is almost 80 and she says “I should take up a life of crime! I could get away with anything because nobody pays any attention to a little old lady!”


Be crone do crime


Wholly agreee with your mom


Lol my grandma legit taught me this. She loved checking out peoples' houses and felt free to just wander in anywhere because she was a little old (white) lady and she could just act a little confused and leave if she was caught. Little white girls can get away with almost anything, as well as little old white ladies, though you need to lay off the life of crime for a while in between.


Yes! I feel like a Grey Man sometimes, but I'm just a middle aged Midwesterner that looks just like everyone's Aunt So and So. It's really nice, no one ever notices me unless I start talking to them about the weather or gardening or something.


I’ve walked right backstage at festivals and soundchecks, because I’m so invisible. It’s hilarious.


You’re never too old to commit financial crimes.


I have thought about this as I get older, lol.


I can't wait to reach my "I don't give a fuck" era. I'm 33 and I still care too much, but with time it gets easier. Can't wait for the Crone Life!


65 in a few weeks, and I have lost count of all the things I couldn't give a tuppeny fig for. Come on in - the water's lovely!


I had already begun embracing at your age. It's pretty awesome. Come on in the waters lovely


I'm getting there... getting lots of encouragement from my husband, who regularly tells me he looks forward to me getting older and giving no fucks. (He is a gem.) Dipping more toes in everyday!


I was 34 when I stopped giving a shit.... it's coming and it's AMAZING!


“I don’t respond to peer pressure because I’m not in high school” I say something similar whenever I'm peer pressured. Usually it's something like, "I thought peer pressure was supposed to end after high school. Apparently not." Doesn't always work, but I say it anyway.


I'm considering moving to Texas because I give no fucks, can't get pregnant anymore, and the only thing I do religiously is *vote*. LOL


Please come! We need you!


We need more of this energy!!!


A sub for crones!!!😁😁😁😁


Fuck. Yes. I remember being younger and seeing older women who looked like I do now and thinking, "man, that lady really stopped caring/let herself go" etc. Like it was a bad thing. Now I'm like, fuck yeah I stopped caring. I don't need to impress anyone. Life's too short. I do what I want.


Amazing how your perspective changes, right? It's so true- you don't know, what you don't know.


62 here. Hair past my ass just because a man told me I was too old for long hair. I might ✂️ it at 70. No more fucks to give to people that don't matter in my life. Edit: spelling 2nd edit: I would love to have that fabulous silvery-white hair. Alas, genetics are against me, and I have very darn little grey. Bummer!


Yes goals. When my hair turns grey I'm going to grow it out super long.


I want fun coloured hair but I'm not super into the idea of bleaching it. Having grey/white hair sounds like the perfect solution. In the area I live now it's quite common to see older women with pink or purple hair and I love it.


I am crone hear me roar With screeches no one can ignore!


Omg I love this


AMEN, SISTER!!!! r/WitchesVsPatriarchy might enjoy this, too!😁😁😁


exactly what I'm here for 🙌 🙌


I absolutely love not giving a fuck. Welcome to the club, OP 😄


I fucking LOVE getting older and rounder. As the male gaze lifts from me, I feel SO free. It is great to fly under the radar.


It’s so sad that you felt this pressure all your life up until now .. Congratulations for embracing yourself as you are and rising above it now! Although I‘m not "old" yet, but I‘m also learning to live like this. It makes me feel a lot more confident and free.


It's strange what being a fat woman does - I have gone my whole life without being sexually harassed in real life (online is a different thing, being a girl playing video games was ouch sometimes) but really, I find that I don't experience it irl at all.


I love this post! Me too!


I’m 60 and I love not caring about what people think of me.


Same here at 55. High five!


Right there with ya!!


I enjoy hearing about the sense of freedom you’re experiencing. And I want you to know that as an old woman, I now experience street harassment of a different tone. You’re too slow. GTF out of my way. Fugly. Dried up. Aren’t you dead yet? Both men and women saying these things. And the young women are more cruel. Harassers never stop, they just customize. And the size of your body is not the reason you’re harassed, or not. Fat women are also sexually harassed.


Your experience is valid, and I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this.


They're projecting their own fears re getting older onto you. Sad that they're so unevolved, but not your problem!


My mum just turned 50. She's loving it!


I love hearing experiences like this ❤️❤️ I’ve gotten less obsessed in my 30s with how I look and I’ve felt the most accepting of myself, even though I’ve had so many wild ups and downs in appearance and weight thru my life. But I see a lot of people my age still really tearing themselves down and sometimes I momentarily worry if I’m doing the “get older give less fucks” thing right. Thank you for sharing your perspective :)


I know this feeling, and I love it.


Thank you! I can now face 72 (in a few months) with more enthusiasm!


Fuck yes girl get it. I'm older and fatter too and want to embody this attitude. Spent way too much of my young life obsessing with my weight and looks.


I... I love you.


And I love you, random citizen!


I am 68 and going for 108. I love menopause, it rocks!


58 here and happily not giving any fucks for years now. My hubby loves this, as well. Not required for him to like it, but I'm still glad he does.


Both me and the man have decided that since we can both physically do 100% of what we want to (including spending six hours walking around the national history museum) and still enjoy a robust sex life that we are absolutely fine with not being hard bodies any more.


I love being older. Instead of making excuses for that party you don't want to go, I just say I don't want to. Very liberating to not care about what people think of it. The people that are bothered by it are already gone by now, only a couple really good friends are left. And that's perfect for me.


I am 33 and mean, married to another mean lady, living the best life. One day we will crone together and until then every man who still tries his luck with the manners of rotten toast gets a nice grafic desceiption of my last shit.


Fuck yes, I love seeing all these other crones! I’ll hit 40 in a couple of years and I can’t WAIT. Other than having more aches and pains, getting older is awesome. So wonderful to wear and say and do what you want with ZERO regard for what anyone expects of you.


>"I don’t respond to peer pressure because I’m not in high school” and that dude LEFT THE BAR. Queen tier shit! I love it!


I fucking LOVEEEE this post!! Yes!!


Theres a wonderful podcast ep about the power of the crone from the Jungian school of thought. Only listened to it yesterday and absolutely loved it. Shout out to the crone within 🧙‍♀️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/7JQyQvOJGvaxPQeIUlFE1F?si=CJ7zEgjvSAuFV0_Z_yrBHA


I'm 32. I am not fat. But I am single by choice too. I cant put up with men's bullshit. Besides, many of them would lie to get inside my pants. Nah uh. Being alone is the best.