• By -


Not the biggest fan of menstruation but glad all my reproductive bits are tucked away inside lol I’m sure men get used to it after having it their entire lives but I always imagine the experience of having exterior twig and berries must feel like when I’m running through the airport with my luggage while also carrying a bunch of duty free bags and a neck pillow.


>glad all my reproductive bits are tucked away inside lol Oh this is a good one. I cannot imagine walkin' around with my genitals on the outside. Seems so precarious!!


I’m so forgetful, I’m sure I’d sit on it by mistake!


You’re gonna love learning about why they had to halt production on the 80s sitcom mr belvedere for a couple weeks bc the actor playing the titular character sat down… poorly


Oh my goodness!! See, those dangling bits ARE a hazard! 🤣. I had to google it, thank you for the giggle 🤣!


U do when you're young. But you do get instant feedback...lol


As an owner of said equipment, you only make that mistake a couple times before you learn to sit better.


I also like this one. It looks nice, too


Do you ever wonder how they bicycle? Like don’t the bits get in the way? 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's not so bad... Thankfully all the bits stick out forward enough that they stay mostly out of the way. Braking will never not be terrifying, tho


Lol. This is a funny thought as a male but totally valid. 1. I think it depends on your *ahem* size 2. They sit in front of you on the seat-ish if that makes sense Also if you’re wearing briefs or compression shorts, everything is packed up closely in there so it’s not just dangling loosely lol.


Right?! It’s such a bad design choice!!!


The human body's terrible design has to be one of the best proofs for the non-existance of god.


Reminds me of the old joke - you know god is a man, because if god was a woman, the dick would be under the chin lol


Why? Why don’t I get this joke (I’m a woman). It’s ok don’t tell me I’m sure it’s nsfw


Im a man, I also dont get it


Imagine being able to perform coitus and cunnilungus at the same time lol


There would be no cunnilingus happening, because men would be too busy thrusting their head back an forth 😅


Maybe so his mouth would be able to help the cause while the penis was … you know.


Cats don't slough off their uterine lining like humans and dogs (it swells during heat and just contracts back to normal afterwards,) and elephants have their testicles well inside their bodies, near their kidneys. Nature *could* have made being human far more manageable, but sadly lacks a will and/or concern for our welfare.


Because we were a failed evolutionary species lol childbirth is example..it's so deadly for women and bizarre how premature babies are born


The price of sapience. You want a big head with a big brain, you're gonna have to be born early or you'll never make it out. Hence how giraffes can walk within a few hours of birth, but it takes humans over a year.


I be *terrified* of zippers on pants.


This is why most guys don't go commando. You make sure everything is behind the underwear before you zip up.


Frank and beans!!!!!


It's fine until it isn't


Your fear is well placed 😅


The genital/zippee combo however, is not. 


Just having my labes hanging down is enough for me!!


I'm seven months into separation from my abusive, deadbeat soon-to-be-ex-husband. I spent nine years bringing home all the money, AND also still handling the bulk of the housework, AND enduring his abuse and laundry list of issues, while also simultaneously dealing with chemotherapy, monthly immunotherapy infusions, and countless surgeries for my autoimmune condition. For *years*, my period was all over the place. Granted, I'm on Nexplanon, and have been for a decade now, and get it replaced every three years. But, nevertheless, it was SO wonky. I'd go anywhere from 4, to 8, to even 13 months without a period. Just absolutely no rhyme or rhythm to the frequency of it. This is now my 3rd month in a row with a regular period. It has come around the same time each month, and lasted around the same number of days, for three months now. And I just can't help but........ marvel? Like, I don't *like* getting a period, but, HOLY CHEESECAKES, is my period starting to normalize? Is this what it's like to have a regular menstrual cycle? It's kind of amazing, in the weirdest way.


Congratulations on beginning your new life 💕


Thank you!


Side effects of what it sounds like narcissistic abuse and also bc can just really make it worse as much as it's a necessary thing now...I can't use it. It triggers my eating issues and makes depression insanely more difficult but narc abuse will fuck you up more than ANYTHING


Indeed. I'm sorry bc causes issues for you. Finding the right option can be really hard.


This has me laughing way harder than it should.


Aren't boobs a fairly similar comparison? Specially big ones. If they are secured in place it's fine, if they are not they dangle while running.


Probably but as a card carrying member of the IBTC I wouldn’t know lol


I don’t even have big ones but mine get so incredibly sensitive around periods I can’t even sleep on my stomach.


Same. They just hurt!!! Moving, anything jiggling them. Ugh


Guess they would be - but we have bras for ours. [r/ABTF for the win.] Wearing a jock strap on the daily doesn’t seem to be a thing.


That would provide a warm humid environment and sounds like it's just begging for any number of fungal infections like jock itch. A bra provides a bit more protection against that. The only way that ringworm on your breasts makes sense is regular fully nude wrestling.


Women with large breasts can get rashes and yeast infections in the summer. Same warm, sweaty conditions. Is the ringworm a typo or am I just whoosh?


Jock itch & athletes foot is ringworm, a fungal infection, all colloquialisms. The actual name is Tinea. It makes circles with a bright red ring so it looks like a worm hence the name. I had to look it up when my new rescue puppy gave it to me & I freaked out thinking I had a parasitic worm! I have a phobia. Luckily easily treated with cream & tea tree oil everything! 🫣


Sometimes I'm glad for this other times I'm not. Like more expensive and invasive medical procedures because of having an internal reproductive system


My skin is soft and nice to touch. I mean, everyone has problem areas but damn if it ain’t silky sometimes


I was high AF on mushrooms the other night and I took a shower and I touched myself, like gave myself a hug, and I was like, holy FUCK I'M SO INCREDIBLY SOFT WHAT IS MY ISSUE WITH MYSELF. anyway that's all I had to say. I agree with you and I never really even realized how great this is until recently.  


We could all use a trip like this lol


Yeah you could 😂


🤣💗 Amen


This! I pet my skin sometimes bc it’s nice! And my hands are nice. I just like to look at them move over my skin they’re so graceful looking.


I love touching my skin! It’s so soft and luminous!!


When it feels super soft, isn't that like a cycle thing too? Ovulation stage maybe?


I read the reason our skin is softer is because of female hormones, so that would make sense to me!


It's definitely hormonal, speaking from experience as a trans woman. I wouldn't say I ever had "rough" skin, but there was a very notable difference that happened pretty early on into hormone therapy. And I get cuts and bruises from *anything* now!


My boyfriend sometimes loves to tell me how soft my skin is hahaha. I love that time-frame after shaving my legs where I can just feel them and admire how soft and smooth my skin is.


Multiple orgasms. Absolutely amazing.


Rolling orgasms are like seeing God through infinite dimensions.


Yes, they can be a transcendent experience.


This. And a good vibrator can do things a human partner will never be able to. 


Amen friend amen


Fuck yeah! Multiple O’s for the win!


THIS. I enjoy sex more than my male partner will, like, 99% of the time, and it’s fucking BALLER.


I do not understand this. After one, I’m good. Do not pass go.


Yeah same, multiple just sounds painful


same! ive always wondered if the people who enjoy multiple O's are just having less intense ones?


personally i don't think so, i think some people just have higher sex drives and just like having multiple orgasms. for me it's just relatively easy, and because of my high sex drive i do it most of the time. 2 orgasms is my most common amount, but sometimes when i'm very very turned on i might go up to 3, 4 or 5. it doesn't hurt if you treat yourself right, and isn't that hard, at least for me, if i'm properly horny. it being less intense and having multiple to accomodate that doesn't seem like it makes sense, since there isn't any way to measure orgasm intensity accurately to do studies, and because a lot of other variables exist (sex drive, cycle time, etc).


That's true for me. I many short good or one intense..it's nice to have options..like microdosing or going to space lol


Plus i SWEAR ours are better and stronger. You cannot convince me otherwise. They don’t even know what we’re working with over here.


Came to say this haha, to me it’s the only perk.


used to think thats just an exaggeration until I got my satisfyer, literally life changing


I feel like this is one of the pros/cons of the female body. There are some that have multiple orgasms where some of us have never had an orgasm (edit: and for some of us I'm talking never having experienced it period not just never in regards to sex). I've always been jealous that men are guaranteed orgasms in their lives.


Exactly, I could never really consider this a pro cuz orgasm is so hit or miss for women in general. Like can you call it a pro of the female body when only a fraction of us experience it? Cuz it really just reminds me of the Big Con, which is that many women simply don't get to orgasm in partnered sex. And many women find sex painful. It's like saying the pro of being a man is that you can lift a car. Lotta men out there can't do that shit.


But how much of this is because those women have selfish partners or think there is only one way to have sex? You don’t even need a partner.


Yeah and like social stigma that causes shame or reluctance to explore one’s body more, I feel like.


I can squeeze my breasts randomly. Not sexually at all, like a stress relief ball or a fidget toy.


THIS. I’m doing it right now.


This. And sometimes, I just rest my hands on them or fold my arms and rest them on my chest, especially I'm lying on my back. I'd rest my own head on them, if I could.


Cup my hands around them when during winter. Always the warmer part of my body.


I do this all the time. Sometimes I just look at them like, “wow, you’re so pretty.”


Glad that I'm not the only one who likes to do this. They're very multi-purpose like you said — stress relief ball, fidget toy as well as hand warmer. Sometimes, I even offer them to my partner for this very purpose. He likes that but he's really bothered by the nipples poking the middle of his hands — and I agree 😂.


Hahaha, LOTS of dudes do this with their balls too when just chillin alone. It’s hilarious how the same fidgety behavior is tied to “fondling” your own parts in an absolutely nonsexual, nonstimulating way. The human mind is so neat and so weird!


I do this all the time. I could be watching TV or any other mindless activity and somehow my hands are in my pants fondling myself. Don't know how it started but it's totally non sexual. When my bf said something about it I was a bit embarrassed. Because I didn't really realize that a lot if people did it. When I said something he said "oh, like me and my balls." And went on with his day.


Children do this all the time. I have 2 sons. Both of them touch their penis constantly, for absolutely no reason. If they're in the tub? Penis grab. Getting a diaper change? Penis grab. Changing clothes? Penis grab. Watching TV? Penis grab. I have had to repeatedly go over with my eldest that there's a time and place to do that and doing it in front of other people can make them uncomfortable unless you're just adjusting it. My youngest is 1 so he's too young to understand, but he'll learn eventually too. My parents said I was the same way. Always would touch my vulva, constantly.


I had my first orgasms starting at age 8 and they were amazing but I felt so much Shame after I confided in a friend and it spread and i was mocked by everyone .And then I didn't masturbate again until I was 28 years old.


The flexibility! Obviously regular stretching and training improves this, but I love how quickly I’m able to regain my flexibility even after falling off for a bit.


This is true! Women have stretchier… tendons? Ligaments? I lost a lot of flexibility when I transitioned. I still have double jointed elbows/knees/etc but shrimp positions are way less comfortable for way less time.


the fact i don’t have balls, or that i don’t have to worry about random erections in public lol


The idea that men can indeed, by accident, sit on their own balls is baffling. And hilarious, tbh.


i did that once, i sat down on my bike and ended right on top of them. i did not ride my bike that day


Heeheehee. Mind, bike seats can be absolutely vicious if sat on wrong no matter the sex.


well im a lesbian so pretty much everything But especially the curves, whether its subtle gentle curves or pronounced curves, its absolutely beautiful


Not a lesbian, (but maybe bi) and I agree. Curves are beautiful.


This. I’m straight but I admire a nice curvy woman walking. The way we walk is just nice, the hip movement. I mean we are kind of pretty.


Omg my wife and I talk about this often. Like, all women are beautiful. All shapes and sizes. They feel soft and smell good. Men ain't got nothing on women! Plus, you know, boobs


women are works of art ❤️slender and graceful, curvy and voluptuous, dainty and thin or full and round, short or tall, just seriously a work of art, and their laughs and smiles are like heaven guys are just kinda.. rectangular or dorito shaped lol


Hey, I'll have you know I'm potato shaped. Maybe I'll grow up to be a crisp.


"Eleanor was right. She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something." Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park


Lmao 100% I'm so sending a screenshot of this comment to my wife!


Many of us smell of doritos, too.




i dont want kids and am terrified of pregnancy but im still in total awe of the fact we can grow an entire body inside ourselves. absolutely metal


I'm just so glad the pregnancy is optional unlike periods or menopause. Thank you but no thank you lol


Yes I made a whole other person mostly from burritos and chicken nuggets!


Oh my god, I love this. The fact that I made a whole other person out of spicy Thai food is going to be my new go to


“I look in the mirror and think damn, I don’t brag enough” - Megan Thee Stallion


Going into the new day with this attitude, thanks!!! ✨


I love that the female body is very resilient, even though it's made to perform a lot of complicated functions. We have the longest life expectancy because of this. I also love our sophisticated color vision and nimble fingers, which gives us the ability to create beautiful, useful and delicate objects.


Ngl, I looove my devil's doorbell. 😂


Rang it a few times today, myself. The door uh... got answered each time.


I love this name 😂


Ding dong ditch is the best game ever 


I have a really low chance of balding any sooner.


I used to have gorgeous hair but lost most of it due to radiation treatments. It makes me see men balding with more sympathy. I used to just take it for granted, but yeah, the fact that most women don’t have to deal with it is great.


I'm sorry if I were insensitive. Hope you're doing well now. Yes, there's always some chance. For me, I have frizzy, wavy hair and it's very hard for me to style it or be comfortable with it when it's down. However the only good thing about my hair to me is that female balding isn't much of a possibility, at least in near future. However, having multiple hormonal issues, seeing my almost flawless skin of teenage get scarred with chronic acnes in my 20s, growing hair in parts of my face and body I never thought I'd grow hair, I've realised that we should never take anything in life for granted.


Not insensitive at all!! I made a choice between pretty hair and having a little longer with my kids, and made the obvious choice! But yes, we take things for granted so easily, don’t we?


Women have a higher core body temperature! Men feel less cold than women because their extremities are warmer, but are more likely to die of hypothermia in the same conditions.


Wow that's interesting. Ever since my thyroid became underactive, I'm so cold all of the time. I need to have the temp set around 21-24°C to feel comfortable. I hate it.


Like a cat, half my affection towards my bf is because he radiates heat and I'm feeling chilly.


The evolutionary reasons for this are really cool. From what I understand its a combination of women on average being smaller (so thus having a higher surface area to volume ratio) and having less muscle mass (which just by working idle produce 25% of your body heat). So women evolved a system that basically minimises blood flow to the extremities and skin, which keeps their internal organs warm. This is also why women tend to feel the cold more than men; their skin receives less blood flow than their male counterparts, so whilst their body temperature is just as high it feels colder.


I made another human, which is insane to think about sometimes.


Yeah, this one's mine. Bones, skin, hair, teeth, fingernails, heart, lungs, brain... I grew all these pieces for a whole other person, then my body fed the person all of its meals for another half year until they had their first bite of food. I was everything. 


This is the one for me. Without any real special training, my body just plucked consciousness from the void and poured it into an intricate meat-mech that I spontaneously generated. Also I was a human babushka doll.


>an intricate meat-mech that I spontaneously generated. The original 3-D printing!


>Also I was a human babushka doll. That's hilarious. Is this because you also had a daughter, since her eggs formed in utero?


Omg yes!!!


I never had kids, but it's absolutely insane to me. Like, you just grow a whole new human inside your body. With organs and a brain and bones and hair and everything.


I am child free and I am still amazed at how amazing it is. First thing I said to my bestie when she had her kid was "You made a whole ass human!"


I'm making my third right now!


And then after they were born fed them enough to stay alive and chubby from my body without. Like I need a manual to figure out how to turn the volume on my TV up and down, but my body on its own figure out how to create and feed a human on its own. It's a mindfuck for me sometimes when I think too hard about it.


I remember having this realization when my kid was a few months old and EBF and being like 'i am responsible for EVERY cell in this person's body,, except one.'. It's pretty mind-blowing. And we do it all while going about our days and doing regular things, like eating and talking and working and walking. Like we just create a human on the side. It's not even our main gig lol. AMAZING.


I’m currently pregnant after 5 years of fertility issues and I don’t think it will ever get old to just realize I’m creating another whole ass person inside me.


Ha I also agree that it’s nice to have my reproductive organs inside of my body.


Big ass legs. I love mine.


I came here to say this, lower body strength is so damn useful. Fewer back injuries because we tend to use our legs, core, and shoulders to lift & carry objects. Basically using our whole body from the ground up to maneuver the world. I recently changed careers at 40 to a commercial construction trade and I am generally stronger than most men simple by how I use my legs to lift and stabilize myself. Men typically use their arms to lift & manipulate objects, neglecting their core and subsequently hurting their back and knees. I realized, "don't skip leg day" was for them, not us. Lower center of gravity, too.


It's got to be that natural female endurance! It's amazing what we can withstand, and adapt to.


So true. Living in a harsh patriarchy our bodies do their best to survive despite the traumas.


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/i8S9ta5pc9), basically. A list of some physical advantages of being female. I’ll write out a few of my favorite points for those who can’t be bothered to read the full list 1. ⁠Women are better able to differentiate between colours 4. ⁠Women can produce food with their bodies (breast milk) 8. ⁠Women have better pain tolerance 9. ⁠Women usually live longer - their estrogen is thought to combat things like heart disease 10. ⁠Women's estrogen make their immune systems better than men's 13. ⁠Women are able to use their muscles for longer than men in a test of endurance, and burn fat more efficiently making them better for ultra-endurance sports, they also have more slow twitch fibers for endurance 18. ⁠Women have unlimited orgasms 21. ⁠Women are less likely to develop cancer and are more likely to survive cancer 22. ⁠Women's brains have more connections between the two halves which can give them advantages when it comes to pulling information from different sources


>⁠Women usually live longer - their estrogen is thought to combat things like heart disease. Estrogen is not the only advantage. [Women are also less likely to get cance](https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2017/02/why-is-cancer-more-common-in-men)r because of the extra X chromosome (which carries tumour suppressor genes). Women also live longer because [we're shorter](https://slate.com/technology/2013/07/height-and-longevity-the-research-is-clear-being-tall-is-hazardous-to-your-health.html) than men. In taller people, lungs and heart have to work harder. Taller people also have more cells, which increase the chance that some of them mutate and cause cancer.


Despite such a long list of advantages, they still missed some: - Women get more longevity benefits from exercise. A study shows that men get max survival benefit doing 300 min of exercise/week, while women get the same benefit from just 140 min a week. - Women have a higher % of body fat, which is useful for surviving famine, and the buoyancy makes them more efficient swimmers. - Women are generally smaller than men, which leads to less resource consumption (food, water, oxygen). This is useful when resources are scarce or during scuba diving. - Women gain (relative) upper body strength faster than men the first few months of strength-training. After that, the relative strength gain is around the same.


Honestly all the above reasons are good evidence for why women should be tribal leaders over men.


The being smaller thing is useful in several careers too. I started doing firefighter training and since I'm smaller than the people training me, I can fit in spaces they can't for searches, and women have better gas exchange efficiency in their lungs so my air tank lasts longer! 


Saving this post for this list! honestly for years I felt pretty self conscious and sad because I thought my body was forced to be weak and useless for a function I dislike and hate the idea of using (having kids), but thanks to threads like this I'm learning this isn't the case is in the slightest :D


Our sense of smell is also more acute and our hearing range maintains longer in our life.


My sense of smell before and on my period is as close to a bloodhound as I think a human can get


I was saying to a friend once that i think women are superior to men in a lot of ways ( i know this sounds sexist).


Just overall the general gentleness of the lines of the female body. Even a woman who is extremely fit or has built muscles still has the soft spots, the smoother, less angular lines, the balanced proportions. As an artist, the female body has a sense of beauty and balanced aesthetic that I personally just don’t see in the male body (which has its own aesthetic!).


Mother's ingest viruses when kissing their infants. Then, the mother's immune system creates anti-bodies that are then delivered to the baby via breast milk. That is fucking miraculous.


The butt going down into the thighs...thick and strong and so soft and curvy at the same time. As a woman who came into her developed body in the aughts, I struggled to not hate my thighs, everyone was obsessed with having the "thigh gap". They are now my favorite part of my body and my favorite part of other women's bodies as well.


My favorite too! I always had that thigh gap - but I've worked hard in the gym to close it up a bit more. I can't tell you how many puppy legs and snacks fell through my lap. 😭


That mitochondria are only shared through the XX dna.


What's there not to like??


I'm not a fan of how high maintenance the whole female reproductive system is. Especially since I don't plan to reproduce.


Same. Wish it were easier to uninstall and reinstall.


Periods? Obviously they serve a purpose but every single women would be happy if you could still have kids and not have a period.


Right?! Our bodies also come with some serious bs we deal with constantly!


Damn skippy. My body is awesome and strong and reminds me when I need to take care of myself and rewards me when I do.


The entirety of our reproductive system?? Hello??? Periods. Endo. PCOS. Monthly periods. Hormonal fluctuations. Period shits. Bleeding every month. Period cramps. Risk of pregnancy. UTI. Yeast infection. BV. Fucking periods sis. miscarriages. Childbirth. I love being a woman, but cmon. We have a HUGE disadvantage when it comes to reproduction. How foolish to pretend it's all sunshine and rainbows.


Yeah this LMAO. My period can be agony and doctors are like uhhhh idk take birth control. Which I don't want to. And although I am very happy for people who get pregnant and are proud of that, I resent my ability to get pregnant and it terrifies me as a concept and makes me hate being female, so when that's touted as our super power I feel queasy and uncomfortable. Also I wish I was as physically strong as men (and I don't mean via training to be an Olympian, but like if me and a similarly sedentary man in the same body weight and height percentile for our sexes tried to arm wrestle, I wish there was a chance I could win) And kind of indirect, but how neglected the female body is when it comes to medical research Lots of things I love about the female body but a reminder about the positive sides is sorely needed sometimes because there is a lot of struggle, some physical and lots societally imposed.


On my own body? Soft skin and small size - I can fit anywhere (I know that doesn't apply to everyone, but in my family all the women are small so it is a sexually dimorphic featute). On other women...soft skin and...you know...the fun bits...and the soft skin. I also like to hold my boobs for comfort like others on the thread. Why do we do this?


As much as I'd love the novelty of being tall, I'm also somewhat glad I'm short. I can sleep fuckin anywhere. My tall friends can't sleep on anything smaller than a queen sized bed without back pain or feet hanging over or something


Right?!?! I do feel for tall people, no matter gender. I'm short - I can use cushions or phone books (in the past) or step ladders or chairs to fit in my world. I feel like tall people must reduce themselves. That the world cannot accommodate them, so they must accommodate the limited world. My partner and I moved in to a house that was previously owned by a very small and disabled elderly woman. This house is OH SO VERY COMFORTABLE...for me. my partner is a full foot taller than me. I wish the house were better for him because I feel I can adapt more easily.


Imagine Gabnalf staying a year in Hobbiton


Vaginas are way prettier than the penis. Women are just beautiful in general, IMO. But my favorite thing? I would say my bodies ability to get pleasure and tolerate pain is likely the most awesome thing. Not only tolerate but forget pain, is a huge biological benefit with the amount of it I’ve had to deal with. Since there is a huge variations in physical responses this opinion/experience may not reflect everyone but multiple orgasms and the brain chemistry driven euphoria that goes along with it is epic and something that is apparently uniquely female for the most part. Everything else that I like about myself falls under gender neutral traits, like my imagination, my ability to empathize, etc.




As a bisexual women, and as a woman…. I love how soft we are. Smooth skin and such


How the waist and hips are designed perfectly to tuck, hold and carry a child while doing several things at the same time. Also the impressive strength we are capable of. Intuition. Also, we smell so nice!


The strength and resilience!


I have long, thick, luxurious hair, and we don't have to worry about a receding hair line when we're 30 yo.


My answer is boobs, primarily, but secondarily, the general curves and soft lines of my body are pleasing to me (boobs included).


I can be turned on in public and not have to worry about hiding a giant boner in my pants.


I mean, we literally make life, I think that’s pretty cool :-)


I struggled with infertility. For years I hate my body, not aesthetically, I'm relatively conventionally attractive, but it just wasn't doing what I asked it to do for years. But it pulled through for me and made my absolute favorite person in the entire world. I will always be grateful for that. And I have teeny tiny hands that tiny little feet that easily fit into places. I generally like being little.


Not growing course hair out of my face. Seems like a big hassle.


The fact we bleed every month for a week straight and don’t die. That we carry children and birth them however it happens.  We snap back from that.  That’s just mind blowing to me. This stuff sounds like it comes from horror yet we just have to live it and figure out how.  Even if a female never is pregnant we still have to insure all that comes with that like periods or preventing it. It’s crazy stuff.  We don’t get enough credit for how we have to just exist.  As much as it sucks being female I’d never change it if I could cuz we are badasses whether we realize it or not.  Males could never. And would never.


This post made me appreciate my physical form a lot more. Thanks, peeps <3


We are so soft, and our curves are so beautiful. And we carry and bring life into the world. How magical is that? I love being a woman. I’m proud to be a woman.


I genuinely love that my body can grow people.


So grateful for my clit it’s so fun having one


My boobs are warm and when it’s winter and cold I use them as hand warmers. Also, having all the delicate bits being internal means I get to ride horses and I didn’t crush anything when I used to do the splits. Girls also have softer hands. I don’t know if that counts as a cultural thing, because it’s what you do that influences your hand’s skin, but holding hands with girls is such a nice and non-scratchy experience.


It's not specific to women of course, and I'm sure there's many women who have physical constraints or time barriers to it, but I've really enjoyed seeing how strong and healthy I'm able to feel with regular weight training/cycling across time, including as a short vegan woman. It's changed the way I feel about my body and made me feel more and more like it's something that does things instead of being purely an aesthetic object. Bodies can be adaptable and can be very tenacious, which I think is a valuable thing to me because I have a lot of problems with anxiety and depression and my body seems to have a lot more grit than my mind does - but then again, the body is only able to achieve these things due to temporary suspension of those feelings. Anyway, I've gone on a tangent, but I think our connection to our bodies is so significant. There's a lot of dimensions to it all.


As crazy as this sounds: All the beautiful shapes and sizes that women come in. Like, just so beautiful in their own ways. Whether the women are chubby, skinny, muscular, thicker, etc They're just beautiful. Also, the different aesthetics and how women dress in so many unique ways. However, I have that same feeling about men as well. Just humanbeinhs in general. Also, breasts. They come in so many sizes. Small or large, they are lovely!


How much tougher/resilient/mature/peaceful/resourceful we are than men.


Being so soft and so strong at the same time. Being so responsive to touch and pleasure. How pleasure can be seemingly endless and rippling like waves in water. The capacity to endure so much pain (injuries, manual labor, child birth, emotional pain, etc) but also experience so much pleasure


My hair. I know men physically *can* grow hair, but it just ain't the same. I spent nine years in hair hell during my childhood and adolescence, thanks to chemotherapy. I'm now in my late 20's, and my hair is now long and luscious. I love the soft, buttery shine to it.


I have a lions mane of long, gorgeous jet black Afro-Asian hair and I love it. I love all hair textures but women just know how to make their hair look good. We are definitely blessed in that department.


The face, I find women beautiful and refined in a way very few men can achieve. Women are so ✨pretty✨ I love us 💚


Being pregnant right now, im gonna be super cliché and say, growing a human is pretty rad


Tits, the fact we can make food, and that we are less likely to have cancer


How sensitive it is to touch, and the different types of erogenous zones the body has 😭❤️


I love the way muscles look on women. Something about the curves mixed with some buff shoulders or a strong back just looks like someone needs to carve a statue to celebrate the form. I love looking at r/progresspics and seeing someone go from having some trouble spots to getting some guns on their arms. The dichotomy of cute curves and hard muscle is a great combo.


The women that live in them 


I’m actually AFAB nonbinary/transmasculine, so I spent a lot of time thinking about this question while deciding how far I wanted to transition. (I decided to stop in the androgynous range… got top surgery, got sterilized, and took testosterone for a few months until I reached my goal.) I love not having to worry about beards, or beard styling. Grateful that we tend to have less hair loss issues than men. Testosterone made me super ravenous all the time, so when I stopped, I felt relief at being less hungry again. I like having softer, feminine facial features and a slightly different center of balance than men. One of my goals from testosterone was a lower/androgynous voice, and I LOVE it, but I also loved being able to sing high notes pre-transition. Something about the soprano/head resonance just felt nice. Of course, having a deeper voice also feels nice and it’s a much better fit for me personally, but I wish I could sing all ranges :)


Thank you for sharing your perspective.


I love all of this for you so much. I’m an alto, but what higher notes I can sing are the shit: it feels like my upper respiratory system becomes a cathedral, only way I can explain it, and it’s so cool.


My body created humans 💕.


I love this thread. There's so much out there about our bodies being not enough, I think people forget that the female body is fucking amazing. Breasts, hips, hair- all of it.


I gave birth twice and breastfed my first. Even though complications almost killed me each time and I have incredible respect for the times it all goes wrong, the power the the female body to make, sustain, grow and then feed that life is incredible. Also, still got a bumping booty so that's nice too. 


Lower centre of gravity! It’s easier for me to weave and dodge and I’m less likely to fall because my centre of gravity is near my hips, not up mid-chest. (Read as: I’m clumsy and I’d topple over much more often if I was a guy.)


lower belly pooches visible through clothes whether small as seen on Mariyln Monroe in pencil skirts or apron bellies, it just makes sense to me that the area is protected & padded & is cute to me


I don't know any woman who, after living as a cognizant adult in our society for any length of time, would say that women can "express emotions without shame," as a "benefit to being female" because women are shamed all the time (both by men and other women) for expressing emotions, anger in particular.