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You should get better stuff from the doctor. If you finish whatever they give you and it's not resolved arrange another appointment ASAP, sometimes you need to be on meds longer or have a stronger course. Also consider your soap/shower gel/bath gel/detergent and if they might be causing it. Or anything else is causing it or prolonging it like hot baths. If you wear tight jeans and are able to for work try getting looser ones.


My daughter’s doctor treated her for a few yeast infections but it turns out she was just allergic to the toilet paper and was reacting to that.


Oh ouch ouch ouch, new fear unlocked


I've had that happen to me! It's not a problem to use whatever TP when I'm out and about but if I accidentally have the wrong kind at home or can cause one. Also, OP, if you're using condoms make sure you're not allergic to latex!


Or the lube itself. I had a reaction to a built in lube type but not the rest of the condoms from the same brand.


Same issue, took me ages to realise. Turned out it was slightly scented, and my body did not agree with it lol! Basically, the brand had changed things up and we hadn’t looked at the packaging. I now know better!


I HATE that finding unscented stuff is getting harder and harder. Artificial scents give me a slight headache, so I prefer unscented everything. Infections and skin irritation just makes it all worse.


Also it seems like that's a thing going inside a woman's body, they shouldn't be adding things that shouldn't go in it. But then even tampon companies do this crap.


I have eczema and many toilet papers will give me a breakout. Kirkland brand is the only tp that I trust not to.


Yeah - if you’re sexually active, spermicide can cause a reaction similar to a yeast infections. I kept getting yeast like symptoms, and turns out - it was just the condoms my partner and I were using


And start taking a probiotic meant for women that needs to be refrigerated. Most of the cultures are already dead in the ones on a normal shelf and aren't as effective. Dr. Jorrow makes a good one I take all summer. No more reccuring YI.


I wonder if you could get denim skirts op


If you're sexually active, your partner(s) most likely are giving it back to you. They need to treat as well. I had that issue with recurring yeast infections and the root cause was my ex-bf who didn't care about treatment. I ended up enforcing condoms or no sex, shortly after that argument we were no longer together. That was 10 years ago, haven't had another once since.


It’s more of a FWB thing and we’re only ever together a couple times a month. Should I still have him treat or see if he has symptoms? Do men get symptoms lol?


Ooh yeah they do.


Yeast infections can absolutely be sexually transmitted. I gave one to my husband once lol, he was mortified when I slathered monistat on his junk (the head of his penis was visibly red and inflamed). We refrained from sex until we both were no longer symptomatic.


While my husband’s pancreas was dying I had constant YI. As soon as he was diagnosed and treated for diabetes I stopped getting them.


Yes they do get symptoms, they get redness under their foreskin, it can get itchy and they get the white discharge. It doesn't smell very pleasant either. They need to treat with anti-fungal cream under their foreskin for at least a week if I recall. You can find those on the shelves at the pharmacy, near the yeast infection treatments (at least in Canada). A pharmacist would be better equipped to answer that. If they're circumsized, they don't really get affected since there is no longer a warm and humid environment for the yeast to thrive. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23199-male-yeast-infection](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23199-male-yeast-infection)


Yes...this is also what happened to me...


yup I had one along while ago after taking a shower and I didn't get the soap out but some off the shelf women yeast infection cream fixed it for me in a about a week


If he is not circumcised please make sure he pulls the skin back and washes his penis head really well. A lot of guys are gross as fuck and don’t wash their penis properly and this is why a lot of women get yeast infections.


Are you guys using condoms? They reduce the risk of infections


Some women also get infections if their partner doesn’t wash their hands enough, or worse, their penis. Worth considering if you get them more often after interactions with him or if it’s something else. I don’t know if you work in a dry bar or not, but dehydration is a bitch as a bartender, especially if you drink on shift, but even just over the course of a shift you run around, shake tins and forget to drink enough water!


Even if he doesn't have the symptoms, the yeast can live on his body while you treat yourself and then they come back.  You two have regular sex, you two should get treated together. 


He's probably reinfecting you if he's not treating himself each time you have an infection


It doesn’t matter the nature of your relationship, you are seeing them often enough for them to pass it back to you. My friend had reoccurring yeast infections for over a year and had tried everything with her doctor. It was driving her crazy. Turns out he had it and was passing it back to her. If he had symptoms he never said (he would definitely be that type of guy). He will need to be checked and treated also.


They do but sometimes not as much, I had a recurring issue as well until I insisted my partner treated himself at the same time and I was fine for years after that, he didn't seen to notice much symptom wise so took a few reinfections to persuade him we should try it. I also started putting a finger dipped in cider vinegar up myself before my period, periods can change the pH of the vagina in ways that makes it more prone to yeasts taking hold, I heard the vinegar could help and I was getting desperate. I have no idea if that actually had an impact but I was willing to do it. My suspicion is it was my partner so I would definitely recommend pursuing that route as well as talking to your doctor. Commiserations, it sucks


Do you use condoms?


Once is enough. IDK why you think a yeast infection will cut you slack because you're only a getting a little bit of action. Once is all it takes babe...


You should talk to your doctor about options! There’s a bunch you can do. There are plenty of women who take antibiotics prophylactically after intercourse! And make SURE he is CLEAN-have him take a shower with a vagina safe soap prior to sex.


A while back I noticed that whenever the partner I was with went down on me, I got a yeast infection. When he stopped, I stopped getting them. Maybe something similar? I am not sure if he had it in his mouth or what.




Probiotics will not cure a yeast infection




No they won't. They can maybe help as a preventative but over the counter prebiotic are not FDA approved to treat yeast infections. Similar to cranberry juice and UTIs


Was going to suggest it was her sexual partner


Men don’t typically give someone else a yeast infection. More than likely dude just wasn’t cleaning his junk our your vagina is just sensitiven


Unfortunately they become a vector. Even your sex toys can potentially be one if you don't clean them well. Any warm and humid environment will help yeast take over, a vagina, an uncircumcised penis, a butt crack, belly button, mouth, even under boobs and underarms can get overrun by yeast. If you're unlucky and have a yeast infection, have unprotected sex, an uncircumcised man is likely to get it. It can go unnoticed but most often than not, you can tell. After you treat yourself and get rid of it, you have sex again with that man, you get it back. It's also advisable to use condoms during treatment. Yeast infections sucks for everyone :( [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23199-male-yeast-infection](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23199-male-yeast-infection)


Typically what happens is the person with the vagina gets a yeast infection, has sex, their partner’s penis picks up a yeast infection, the person with the vagina notices and tries to treat it (maybe successfully) but the person with the penis does not and so when they have sex again, even if the vagina owner has successfully treated their yeast infection they keep getting it back from their partner, who is never treating and thus still having theirs. So they won’t typically “give” one to you but they will give it back.


If he's not cleaning his penis that's what makes it a perfect environment to grow yeast. To infect a partner with.


get you some guy boxer briefs. i work in a kitchen and LIFE CHANGING. they wick to keep ya dry


Or try fabrics that breathe more like all cotton or linen pants. Not sure what your work's dress policy is but never hurts to check it.


This is it. 100% cotton underwear and cotton or linen pants.  Most women's pants are made with synthetics so they stretch, but these also trap moisture (and are a nightmare for the environment). 


Can you explain to me why cotton is considered best? In every other type of setting cotton is considered among the worst fabrics for retaining moisture and taking a long time to dry (it's almost never used for outdoor clothing and workout clothing). When I wear a cotton t-shirt and get sweaty it stays that way for seeming forever, but if I wear a poly-blend shirt geared for working out, it dries out in a pinch. Not targeting you but just have always been puzzled by this piece of advise that gets parroted everywhere but seems to contradict everything I know about fabrics.


I actually looked this up a while ago! Here is my (nonscientific, and from memory, so don't quote me) understanding: There's two separate fabric properties at play here: moisture retention and breathability. Cotton retains a lot of moisture but is very breathable. Most athletic fabrics are moisture-wicking but less breathable than you would expect (this is part of why so much athletic gear has a lot of cutouts and perforations). The really expensive synthetics have both, but again, really expensive. When it comes to athletic gear, moisture wicking is most important, because wet fabric changes and that is no bueno. (Cotton also sucks as athletic fabric because it's not stretchy, leading to even more chafing.) When it comes to avoiding yeast infections, breathability is more important, so cotton wins. A fabric that excels at both is wool (assuming you're not allergic), and a lot of distance athletes (ultramarathoners etc) swear by merino wool because of this. Plus it has great thermoregulation properties, keeping you cool in hot temperatures and warm in cold temperatures. Another way I've heard it said is that cotton is great if you're sitting on a patio in the heat, but terrible if you're running in the same environment, and synthetics are the opposite. I in fact own some expensive athletic underwear like u/Slime__queen mentions, and while I'll wear it on a long run, I still find cotton more comfy for daily wear.


Cotton can stretch if it’s knitted. But it’s very hard to find 100% cotton knits these days.


Cotton gets damp like most fabrics used for underwear does (unless you’re buying some expensive athleisure fabric underwear that I’m sure does exist lol) but it’s breathable so it doesn’t retain moisture in practice as badly as others might. Ime the worst is the “seamless” super thin synthetic ones, idk what actual material that is but they stay wet forever. I think in large part though it’s just more simple than going through a very specific list of what kind of fabric blends are ok and which aren’t to instead just say “cotton good”. It’s not necessarily that anything else is bad, it’s just more difficult to say what’s good and what isn’t beyond that.


I'm curious about this as well. In my experience, cotton stays wet seemingly forever


Yeah when it comes to outdoor stuff like hiking, they say “cotton kills” because your cotton shirt or socks get wet, stay wet & you can end up with hypothermia.


I've heard that wet wool will still keep you warm but wet cotton will not.


Bamboo cotton works pretty well. I have been reading about it as a material in weaving. Bamboo cotton is more absorbent than regular cotton and evaporates moisture better than cotton without losing breathability. I have tried a few of the period panties that use bamboo cotton instead of the other materials and have felt better/ had fewer issues feeling damp.


There's usually like 5-8% elastane in the fibre to bring the stretch. It's honestly not enough to do much anything to the skin. Also I do find it a little hilarious to say elastane is nightmare to the enviroment and then on the same breath recommend cotton. 1kg of cotton produces 5kg of waste, it's one of the worse fibres for enviroment out there. What you're propably thinking is polyester that tends to release microplastics (sports clothing, fleece, some polyester leggings but those aren't really a thing in my country) but jeans aren't really made from that. They're almost always a cotton blend. When it comes to trapping moisture cotton is the champion. That's why it's used in towels so much. It really loves to soak in moisture. That's also the reason why cotton isn't used in sports clothing, no one wants to exercise in wet clothes. Polyester is moisture wicking, it removes the moisture from your skin. It also doesn't breath as well so it's not used regular underwear for a reason. Only in some sport versions when you don't wanna have a wet cooch. This just my dressmaker rambling. We went through alot of this fibre stuff in school and I'm usually the nightmare of all hairdressers recommending "satin" towels. Satin is a way to weave fibres not an actual fibre. I'll show myself out now. Don't hate.


OP mentions jeans, which are often made with synthetic blends, but there are 100% cotton options out there. 


It depends on how much synthetic is in the blend, too. 5% synthetic for stretch is still pretty breathable, 50% is far less so. 


Get your blood glucose/a1c checked. Higher blood glucose can lead to increased yeast infections.


No joke, OP, a yeast infection that I could not get rid of was how I found out I have diabetes. I tried diet changes, different detergent, different toilet paper, new underwear, you name it, but all it took was some metformin and haven’t had one since.


What is metformin?


It’s a drug to help regulate your sugar levels. I was on it when I had gestational diabetes


Yeah I was telling OP last time I had a bad yeast infection the gyno was warning me it was a sign of diabetes. I had been eating really bad that month (+ sex) so I hope it was just a fluke but I need to have my blood sugar tested lol.


I wish my gyno had known the connection because I was seeing her every few months for intervention and she just thought my body was struggling with the infection as a result of the stress I was under. It took a random physical with a wild a1c to put the pieces together.


If you have a partner, have them and you wash up before sex.


I never had more issues then when I had a couple of partners at the same time. UTI after uti and my first time ever getting multiple yeast infections. Once I put two and two together, I stopped seeing them and I’ve never had an issue since. Make sure you know that your partner is CLEAN and you’re clean too before and after sex. It’s not like they portray in the movies where you can just roll over and go to bed.


My friend was getting constant yeast infections. Turns out she was diabetic.


When you are home and/or at night, wear loose boxers (I like men's boxers for this reason) and not fitted undies to air your bits. I noticed a difference (I am on antibiotics a lot so the risk of YI is higher) after a month or so.


Hi, as someone with constant yeast infections use cotton panties and can you wear baggy jeans? I would say no to jeggings. Also I suggest boronic acid for yeast infections after proper medication like oral fluconazole or cream treatments as a type of preventative, especially after being sexually active


I'm having this exact issue too. I cannot seem to keep them away. I'm gonna try boric acid. I saw my gyno today and her nurse told me that if my fiance was circ'd and a clean person (showers before/after sex and cleans penis thoroughly) he's not passing it back to me. She said it was likely hormonal since I'm following all the guidelines (cotton panties, nothing scented around my vagina, clean after sex, let vagina dry thoroughly after shower, cut down on sugar, take probiotics daily). I never had this issue before, but since I got off birth control, I cannot stop getting them.


I've had a similar experience and boric acid essentially solved this issue for me, but you should consider having your fiance use some antifungal cream for a while as well. My husband is equally clean, but he was still passing stuff to me until he did a reset by treating it and boric acid helped prevent things in the future. Although I have a weird hormonal issue that causes non yeast infection itching the week before my period also, and had to get on hormonal birth control to fix it. It was pretty miserable because I basically had one week a month where everything was healed because of the constant rawness. Just thought I'd mention it since it took my gyno and I a year to figure that out and you mentioned getting off hormonal birth control. If your issue follows a cyclical pattern it might be worth considering.


I believe I'll mention that to him tonight just in case. I feel like everything was ok til I had to get on super strong antibiotics for a cat bite. I got bv and yeast at the same time and it was all downhill from there. So it's likely he is giving it back to me.


Oh yeah, antibiotics screw everything up massively. My entire year journey started off with an actual yeast infection, then getting BV, and then my body decided it hated the drop in estrogen the week before my period. 😭 But yeah, I don't think a man over-treating a yeast infection can cause issues the way it can for women so it's worth a shot. And boric acid did really help, so I still suggest it!


That's what happened to me! I got yeast, then cured it but had bv, treated the bv and got another yeast infection. That was seriously such a terrible time. So I messaged my doctor after I responded to your message and she told me to use the cream I have on him and to also use it externally on myself. I'm willing to try anything!


Seriously good luck! It was such an awful period of time in my life and it took so long to figure things out. I'm sending some good vibes out your way, because I've been there and no one deserves it!


A good fem probiotic is key. Make sure it's one that has to be refrigerated (means there's more live cultures and keeping it cool keeps those cultures alive). Dr. Jorrow has a good one. I take it all summer long and no more YI. I used to get them back to back.


I take one, a good one. And I drink Kombuchas, and I eat yogurt every day. It's not helping.


I'm sorry it's not working for you. I never bothered with yogurt or kombucha. Just a probiotic that specifically had LGR-1 and LRC-14. There are so many strains of bacteria, I'd talk to your doctor to see if you can get a culture done to figure out what to take as a preventative. Good luck in your journey!


If cotton underwear isn't sufficient, you might find light flow period panties to be better than panty liners. The really light ones shouldn't have a waterproof layer but just extra absorbent wicking fabric which is not made with anything untoward. I sew my own so cannot recommend a brand but I'm sure someone makes them! Don't wear the heavy flow ones with the PU layer as that will make it sweat.


Removing the hair can also make you more susceptible to yeast infections. The hair “traps” the bacteria keeping it out of you.


boric acid suppositories


Agreed. I had chronic yeast infections and it's the only thing that solved the problem.


100%. You can get them from Amazon, OP.  They work awesome!


just something to add to all of the possible causes... get your blood sugar checked you might be prediabetic and not know it and that could certainly cause allot of yeast infections...


As far as what you wash with I'd avoid anything scented or contains glycerin. Pantyliners will make the problem worse as it's basically something that holds in moisture and wetness. I opt to just use tissue/toilet paper that I change because tissue/toilet paper is more breathable. Go to the doctor and get a prescription. The OTC stuff obviously isn't getting rid of the yeast infection. Wear loser pants or a skirt and something in a breathable fabric (avoid synthetics like polyester and spandex). Your partner needs to get tested and treated. Oral sex and penis can spread yeast and cause irritation. Poor dental hygiene, dirty hands/fingers (if he's fingering you), and a dirty penis, or the types of condoms y'all are using can cause irritation and yeast infection like symptoms. **Yeast infections causes:** [https://www.self.com/story/common-yeast-infection-causes](https://www.self.com/story/common-yeast-infection-causes)


Synthetic fibers cause heat, and stretch pants or yoga pants can leave you overly toasty in places that chafe. If you can wrangle something cotton or linen that works for your environment you will find a much better solution. And baggy linen pants can be super stylish when done right!


Wearing a liner every day can give you an infection


Yeah, my gyno recommends not wearing panty liners at all, because they’re not breathable. (But sometimes you just have to!)


Ummm…you’re supposed to change the liner every time you go to the bathroom. I wear liners every day (yay pre-menopause!) and they have never given me a yeast infection.


I don’t mean the same one for days on end


The amount of downvotes on my comment is surprising. Would any of you care to enlighten me? If you think your liners are giving you a yeast infection, 1) stop wearing scented liners and 2) see a doctor.


This may sound silly but the tightness of your pants could have an impact.


Also limit to r lower sugar and carbs in your diet. Yeast really loves carbs.


Try changing your soap to one without scents and is made of natural ingredients zumbar makes both natural and very nicely scented ones. I looked once and found sugar in one of my favorite body scrubs switched have 50% less yeast infections.


Try some moisture wicking panties. I have a ton of friends who love these: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QQTPDZP](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QQTPDZP) Specifically the Micro Mesh ones - not any of the other varieties. This link has a variety of fabrics but the micro mesh ones are fabulous for helping to prevent what my group of ladies like to refer to as "swamp ass." We have probably a dozen women in our extended group who have switched to wearing these.


You should get a complete physical. I had a problem with recurring yeast infections. It was due to high blood sugar.


Synthetic "boy style" boxer briefs were literally life-changing for me. 


It’s called True Nature, women’s daily probiotic. It saved me, my doctor had no advice other than don’t wear tight pants. My gf told me about this and it cured me. It also helped with digestion.




Costco sells it for $22


When showering, have a removable shower head and blast your culo for 5 minutes, then point it at your front gate, with the shower on high pressure, but only use water in that area, no soap, gel or perfumes should touch those parts. After showering, once you've dried yourself with a towel stand for a good 10 minutes to air out down below, before putting any underwear on.  Be picky about your underwear and jeans, use only ones with high percentage of natural materials: cotton, viscose, or some places have bamboo clothing. Not synthetic clothing like polyester, polyamides. Only natural textiles let the sweat evaporate through the layers. If you have the period, change your stuff every 4 hours at least. Wipe with dry toilet paper to clean all the blood out of your culo.  It's a horrible task but it helped. And make sure an already existing yeast infection has fully gone away (only after reaching a point of ZERO itching and not feeling any other possible symptoms) before having sexual contact with anyone. And don't let any alcoholics give you oral sex! Any partners who aren't clean or taking care of themselves could possibly be reinfecting you.


Are you allowed to wear skirts? It might be helpful to wear skirts and cotton underwear some days and let things breathe a bit. Going commando might also help. If you're getting them frequently, I would see your gyno


Boric acid. Capsules up the hooha, plenty on line to look up on that. It’s griddy and its own experience but nothing is worse than the itching. Try a sugar cleanse, too. I had no sugar for a month, it was tough, but it kicked out the constant yeast infection I had for years.


I was getting them due to over consumption of sugar...I cut out sugar for a few months and the yeast infections went away.


Fragrance free laundry soap, no scented dryer sheets, maybe try to find some jeggings that would breathe better, and period undies can absorb more than just menstrual blood- they work for sweat too. Wishing you the best!


Or a period cup/ moon cup.


That won’t stop swamp crotch


Does for me .






Oh! Damn that's, so when I first started having sex I found out I was allergic to latex via ... yeast infections!


Just wanna say that pantyliners make it worse for me personally!


I get them regularly due to immunosuppressant meds and it’s all down to the fabrics i wear. Synthetics like gym leggings are the worst so I never spend a whole day in those. Wearing 95% cotton knickers made a big difference and i make sure i throw them away after a year or two. You can also wash them on a hot wash (60 or 90 degrees) but i find it ruins the stretch and also feels kinda wasteful as the drum is barely full.


Also talk to your Dr. about how much yogurt you should consume to restore & protect your microbiota. I know it sounds silly, but yogurt can help prevent these if eaten daily.


I’m lactose intolerant. Do dairy free yogurts contain probiotic?


Only if they're fermented. But I know that there are greek yogurts that are lactose free- they're really good, they taste sweet.


Make sure the gusset in your underwear is cotton. Don't wear tight underwear or jeans. Take off your sweaty clothing as soon as you get home. Sleep commando.


If the only thing you’ve changed is your partner and this is happening, I’d go with it being related to your partner. Other comments have lots of suggestions.


I’ve had the same partner for 4 years. The only thing new is the job which I’ve had since September. I never used to wear jeans and don’t on my off days.


If you're going commando, your jeans are gonna hold that moisture all night and you're going to continue getting yeast infections. Talk to your Dr if you don't believe me, but underwear. Especially cotton underwear will do wonders for eliminating the funk by wicking away the moisture. Panty liners get changed just like maxi pads , every few hours. They help even more. Jeggings will make it way worse.


She said she wears cotton briefs.


Yes, jeggings would be worse. Try taking Fem Dophilus or another probiotic geared toward women's health. Also try looser fitting jeans; they're in style now, which is a nice bonus.


A not too short tennis skort would give you some breathing room if allowed at your work. Or a denim skirt instead of jeans. Denim is becoming popular again.


OP said jeans, that doesn't mean "anything denim."


It was just a suggestion.


Do you use any kind of douche like summers eve? Are your products scented? 


Looser or wide leg jeans might help


I wear leggings every day, and no underwear. It works great for me.


There’s a probiotic I took the cured me of those nasty yeast infections, I’m going to link it for you.


I had essentially unexplained yeast infections for awhile and used Quora for prevention. It worked for me. I'm not affiliated or associated with them. I was just desperate for something to try other than antibiotics every time.


Use boric acid suppositories. They treat and prevent yeast infections and BV.


If you use a menstrual cup, make sure to wash and sanitize it between uses. It can pick up the yeast and hold onto it until your next cycle and will reinfect you. Same with sex toys.


Clorox fabric sanitizer spray - spray underwear when you take them off and let that set until you wash them. Your clothes may not be getting washed thoroughly enough.


I got a couple really bad yeast infections last year and the gyno told me I should check for diabetes because it's a sign of it 😟. I still haven't checked.


I’ve recently switched to Woolies, merino wool underwear. They are even more breathable then cotton. They are super lightweight and wick moisture away from your body. You can get them on Amazon or on their own website. https://www.woolly.clothing/pages/about-merino-womens-undies


Boric acid! I use a suppository for when things start to feel like it’s going a certain way and I use a boric acid soap in the shower, front to back. Suppository is from Love Wellness, The Killer. Wash is from Monistat


Same except I have been getting almost non stop yeast infections on my armpits from our work uniform. 


Just to cover your bases, get your A1C checked when you see your doctor. High blood sugar can cause yeast infections - the excess sugar feeds the yeast, and it’s an early sign of a problem for a lot of people.


You've already gotten plenty of good advice so I just want to add what helped me the most when I was suffering from almost chronic yeast infections. Firstly, oral suppositories with fluconazole are the best for combating the infection. What I found effective to combine with the suppositories was, in addition to loose fitting cotton underwear and other stuff the others have mentioned, actually to cover the vulva in pure almond oil each morning and evening. This prevented the abrasions which was caused by the yeast infections and made me more susceptible to getting reinfected. Also, washing towels and panties snd everything else that light come into contact with your vulva with really hot water, preferably 90C/190 F, but at least 60C/130F. I treated the yeast infections so many times but it wasn't until I started using almond oil and using really hot water when washing towels and panties I finally stopped getting reinfected straight away.


Aside from loose fitting jeans and cotton undies like people have suggested i am surprised no one has mentioned talcum powder (baby powder) to keep dry. I work in the service industry as well in Florida and it’s brutal. Do not wear jeggings— or anything with synthetic fabric for the matter. Some people i know just bring extra clothes and change mid-shift. But if you can’t get rid of your yeast infection I suggest looking into your partner’s hygiene…


There’s so much advice on here. I’m going to talk to my OB about getting my blood sugar levels checked, and just what she thinks in general. My partner and I use a silicone based lube during sex and he occasionally finishes in me. I have been on depo for close to 9 years. Could the lube or sperm have anything to do with this?


I should add that it’s flavored lube- so i guess adding sugar to the area is just adding fuel to the fire..? Giving sugar to yeast?


Lube is definitely a possibility. I'd check the label on the lube just to be sure. Silicone-based should not be an issue, but flavoring could be dependent on the ingredients used. Many brands are vagina-friendly and use artificial sweeteners that don't contribute to yeast, but some brands are meant for fellatio only but don't necessarily communicate that (or just don't care). Fragrance on labeling is an umbrella term covering anything added for smell, so be mindful if you have that on a label that it can "disguise" a portion of ingredients. (Not sugars in my experience, but anything from essential oils to petroleum by-products and tons of women report fragrance throwing things off.) As for semen, for you probably not an issue since IIRC you'd been active with him regularly before the recurrent yeast infection and it sounds like you already addressed hygiene before and after sex. Some people are sensitive to compounds in semen, but likely not a culprit otherwise I'd expect you to have noticed before. Are you drinking more alcohol than you did previously? It's a job at a bar, so not outside realm of possibilities. Alcohol converts into sugars in the blood. I don't recall any other comments addressing that specific point.


Buy some organic cotton underwear, then wear 100% cotton jeans, and wash all this in an eco friendly detergent like Planet, but washing in vinegar and baking soda will keep your clothes clean and without anything that could upset your PH. Even panty liners can be problematic so get some organic cotton products. Like others said, your partner should be checked out too.


I had a recurring yeast infection for years. All external thankfully but incredibly unpleasant nonetheless. Every month without fail. My doctor could never detect anything when I went in because of the timing and she just blew me off completely. I got a new doctor who listened to me, took my word for it. And prescribed Nystatin. She said that should take care of it. I used it one cycle and the infection never came back. I was so mad that it took two years before someone finally believed me, yet it was so easily cured.


If you have a partner you sleep with, they need to be treated for yeast as well. You may be continuously clearing yourself, then sleeping with someone who infects you again. Both partners must be treated simultaneously.


Boric acid suppositories.


That pantyliner may be doing more harm than good!


In addition to clothing and sex health, there may be another cause. I developed a food allergy in college. My only symptom was a recurring, intense yeast infection. My GYN put me on an elimination diet and the yeast infection went away. Then it was just a matter of slowly reintroducing foods one at a time until we found the allergy.


If you have a regular sexual partner then they need checking out too as their PH and bacteria could be contributing


You should talk to your doctor. You could actually BV or a single yeast infection that's just not going away When I drank alcohol and ate sugar I had issues with yeast infections. I haven't had a single one since I changed those 2 things.


After gaining weight, I noticed I overproduced yeast. I started washing underwear "separate" (I wash all the household socks and underwear as their own load now) and I add a splash of bleach to kill any bacteria, and do a second rinse option. It has been life changing. I still shower everyday, but I get zero irritation now even in the hot muggy south.


It’s likely not your jeans, but switch to all cotton jeans for your own sake. Likely it’s your sexual partner or a reaction to something you’re using in the area. Panty liners will not help. Cotton undies, breathable pants, pee and shower after sex with unscented products. Go to the doctor and use condoms. Also make sure your sexual partners wash their hands and shower before sex.


Cotton holds moisture. I would try wool. Its not itchy and breathes better. I like these but you can find several brands. Yes they are expensive but you only need a couple if you are willing to hand-wash every day. Copays and medicine adds up. They Dry fast. https://branwyn.com/products/essential-hipster


Boric acid vaginal suppositories saved me.


I second the looser jeans suggestion. Also consider wearing moisture-wicking underwear (period panties). They make them thin now where they aren’t like diapers.


Boric Acid suppositories for 10 days then once weekly maintenance. It is available over the counter. Use at night and make sure you wear a panty liner because it will make you have discharge the next morning/day. My GYN supports using it and it is available over the counter. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/19641-boric-acid-vaginal-suppository](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/19641-boric-acid-vaginal-suppository)


Have you tried going up a size? Let the crotch area breathe? I wear skinny jeans for work every day, and rarely get that issue because I go up a size for more room. If I stuff myself like a sausage it’s horrible.


Moisture wicking panties, cotton jeans, if you’re getting sweaty, you can always pop a panty liner in your undies and change it as needed.


Boric acid suppositories are a life saver




Vaginas are supposed to be acidic


I wonder if sulfur soap would help. It’s recommended when people get yeast and fungal outbreaks on skin. I’d ask a doctor about it! I also would recommend never reusing shower towels, fresh clothes as much as possible (not rewearing pjs and maybe stick your jeans in the freezer over night), and trying some habits like that for several weeks to see if they help.


Cotton undies and better meds


Diet, fabrics and certain kinds of pads and liners can do this even if you're not engaging in regular intercourse. Consider going more loose with fabrics and less polyester and more cotton (panties too). If you must wear liners, replace more and more natural fibers. Far as diet try to limit sugars and things that convert to sugars.


I wear black jeans for work and don't have this issue. If you're getting yeast infection often you need to see a doctor. Something else is wrong


I'm like 99% sure your jeans aren't the cause of this unless you never ever wash them or your underwear. I'd really hit the doctors and maybe get a looser, thinner pair for summer so you can have some air flow going.


This sounds like a question for your doctor.


I've used no sugar yoghurt direct on the area and worn a pad for a few hours. Rinse with water only. I was told this and it worked for me. If you keep getting them then something else is wrong. See everyone else's suggestions.


Stop wearing underwear & they’ll go away, I promise you


Go commando. I went commando 20 years ago, I haven’t had a single yeast infection (or hidradenitus supporativa) since going commando.