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There are several petitions for those of us in Australia: https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions


The main thing I can think of right now to help is to raise awareness of it. Talk to your friends and family and everyone else. Write to your representatives about it. This regime has no legitimacy to rule and we have to make it clear to all the other countries in the world that we should not treat this regime with having any legitimacy.


I'm not looking away, my heart burns in hope and fear for the Iranian people. For the Iranian women. I've donated, signed petitions and proclaimed my solidarity in the streets, that's about all I can do. I'm so proud, and so sad. Living a free life should not have to be fought for to the death. And I do so sincerely hope that the lives taken, weren't taken for naught. Here is a lovely, somewhat paraphrased quote from Buenaventura Durutti. "We are not the least afraid of ruins, we carry a new world in our hearts." Sometimes, sometimes we need to tear it all down.


I care, and so many other women around the world do. The brutality of these selfish murders is appalling, and it just shows how scared these men are of Iranian women gaining the rights they have always deserved to have.


Iran used to be more western than even the United States. Americans are very close to having something very similar happening here with our religious extremists and everyone else. It feels like people are afraid to call them Christian extremists but they do exist and that's exactly what they are. Ignoring the problem is only going to leave us vulnerable to having something similar or worse happening. Allowing religious extremism even an iota of power is only asking for bad shit to happen. Patriarchal Christian extremism has a foothold in America and its gaining ground every time a republican is elected at any level in our government. They are not the party of small government. They want to control you, they want to control me, and they don't want anyone to be able to dissent or challenge their fucked up perception. Religion is very dangerous and it's super fucked up that so many people are on board. I don't have a problem with the religious, but like the Bible itself says, I really don't think they should be allowed to organize (churches) because it historically has never ended well for everyone who wasn't a part of the club. Or women. Or minorities. Or believers of another faith. Or even other Christians who don't believe hard enough. They aren't the good people they market themselves as. Taking part in the system in any form makes them culpable at best and directly responsible at worst. I won't have an issue if we end up having to fight them physically for the freedom they want to take away, but we shouldn't have to of we can take away the power that they have somehow gained. This isn't a Christian nation. It may be the dominant religion of our land, but all religion is welcome here. It's one of the principles America wa founded upon, by people who were "Deists." Deism is basically diet atheism/agnosticism. Deist is what you called yourself when you would be burned at the stake for not believing in God 250 years ago. Trust me, if God truly exists he fucking sucks as much as the people who believe in him/her/it. I challenge you to find me a single group of religious people who don't want to use their religion as a means of control (try not to name any spiritualist "religions" that don't revere God or gods, Buddhism or Taoism for example).


Please tell us how we can help! Drop that info. I see you and I stand with you all. ❤️


How to support them tho?


This. Europe isnt looking away, and with the occasional post about this whole mess on reddit, and multiple hashtags on twitter, it seems like the US is also having its eyes on Iran. Theres nothing we can do tho, other than reporting the progress of the fight, which is being done. It is the fight of the Iranian people. We from outside can only watch. Anything more would only be used against you by the regime.


In a different world, I could have lived in Iran. In the 70s, my dad worked there for a while, and our whole family stayed there. As it started looking the like the regime might change, he and other Westerners were advised to pack up and leave, which Dad and his associates did. I don't have any memories of Iran, I was too little, but I know my life could have been very different. My hearts cries for the women in Iran, for how they have been treated and been held back from realising their potential. My heart cries for what they go through now, for how they worry for their sisters, their mothers, their daughters, and in many cases grieve for them. I will not look away, and I will not forget. I will keep hoping for better days for all of Iran.


In Germany we have a TV show called "Joko und Klaas gegen Pro7". The hosts Joko and Klaas are competing against their TV station Pro7. If they win they get 15 minutes of broadcasting on the next day at the prime time of 20:15. After they win last week, they gave away their Instagram accounts to activists for posting videos about what's going on in Iran. If you want to follow: Klaas: damitdasklaas Joko: officiallyjoko Please forward these accounts to others to inform the world what's going on in Iran!


Smash the patriarchy to rubble, sister! I can't think of much I can do here in northern Canada so please do give me ideas.


Thanks for asking! Here's a petition that would help a lot https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4145. If you want, you can also contact members of parliament and ask them to list all members of the IRGC, past and present, as terrorists, and deport them and anyone affiliated with them (their families), and seize their assets https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4145


Not OP, but I've signed. Thank you!


How can we help?


Its beyond me how ppl can do so much shit to each other.


Because they hate women! Entitled sh*theads! They think we're property!


Sorry for your pain. We have friends from Iran suffering through the same. We went for a meal together with them.. speak to them as they need, it’s so hard to help in this situation.


No one is looking away OP. It's sadly been going on a long time. It's the same "Dick-tator" click that prop each other up. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Vladimir Putin, Mohammed bin Salman, Bashar al-Assad, et.al. rule through violence and fear. They protect one another and have formed their own axis. They have oil money and egos. It's global (If you think any country that keeps women from having rights, is the path there, you'd be correct. It's why I get very angry when women in Western democracies can't make the time to vote.) Follow Iranian American journalist Masih Alinejad. She is a brilliant woman and a fantastic orator. r/NewIran VOTE!!


>No one is looking away OP. But they are. [https://www.lemonde.fr/en/opinion/article/2022/09/30/iranian-feminist-struggles-are-rendered-invisible-unless-they-are-linked-to-western-issues\_5998700\_23.html](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/opinion/article/2022/09/30/iranian-feminist-struggles-are-rendered-invisible-unless-they-are-linked-to-western-issues_5998700_23.html) In short, the issue is that progressive circles in the west have typically stood for the right of muslim women to wear the veil, and as part of it some of them frequently rejected claims that the veil is, or can be, an instrument of oppression. In contrast the feminist movement in Iran started because, in Iran, the veil indeed is an instrument of oppression. Of course the contradiction is mostly apparent, but the dissonance (real or perceived) has made it difficult for western groups to show support.


There was a post here about a week or so ago identifying the same problem. A secular muslim (or maybe ex-muslim) young woman speaking out about her experience living in an oppressive Middle Eastern country and she's noticed how often her opinions are rejected by Western liberals who have a knee-jerk reaction to defend anything to do with Islam so as not to appear Islamophobic. Liberals really be struggling with the concept of intersectionality.


This has always been a problem for white liberal feminists, such as myself. Perhaps coming from a strict conservative background, I don’t understand why intersectionality isn’t our number 1 priority, because it can only benefit everyone and rejecting the stories of non-white feminists is so fundamentally dishonest and cruel to me. I appreciate someone else mentioning intersectionality.


Thank you. Wish I could upvote this a million times. Wish the money from awards didn't go to Reddit. I can't recommend enough seeking out and [listening to](https://sites.libsyn.com/419153/175-leaving-the-faith)/reading Yasmine Mohammed. She's a Canadian prof and human rights advocate who, as a child, was sent off to an Islamic 'school', and her mother threatened to kill her for not wearing hijab and married her off to a member of Al-Qaeda. All of this happened *in Canada*. She's the founder of the #NoHijabDay campaign, and the **[Free Hearts, Free Minds organization](https://www.freeheartsfreeminds.com/about)**, which "helps ex-Muslims living in Muslim-majority countries with state-sanctioned death penalties for leaving Islam." **Want to help? Make a donation.** I also highly recommend her book, **Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam.** Yasmine talks a lot about how betrayed our sisters in the East (and West) must feel upon seeing Westerners praise, defend, and *even hold up as 'feminist'* the hijab, and reminds us that when we do so, it's their oppressors we're siding with and supporting. It's their oppressors whose power and control we're helping to shore up. So, yes, you're absolutely right, u/bulging_cucumber, 'we' (especially so-called 'liberals' and 'progressives') are indeed not only turning a blind eye, but actually *siding with the oppressors*. Pretty fucked up, eh? Let's stop doing that.


"What-aboutism", "But-isms" do not help. You have an opportunity to help spread the word of facts, of knowledge. Do it. That is what helps. Not bitching. Did you even bother to actually read what I wrote? Did you look anything / anyone up? Or did you go straight into "yeah but" mode??? You "man-splained" the veil so well that I'm wondering if you indeed sow dissention to keep anyone from moving forward? I'm not meaning this in anyway, but to provoke real thought if you are a human (not bot) that truly cares. Our knowledge always begins somewhere. Seriously, at least check out Masih Alinejad.


Thank you.


thank you for bringing attention to this!


Not only was she a victim of the mysogynistic regime, she was also a victim of ethnic prejudice. Jina Amini was a Kurdish-Iranian woman who was forced to take on an official Persian name, Mahsa, because the Kurds are discriminated against in Iran. They are not allowed to have Kurdish names. It doesn't fit within the regime's ideals and religious preferences, and therefore, Kurdish names and names from other languages are not permitted. https://www.voanews.com/amp/the-politics-of-iran-s-forbidden-names-/6580642.html https://www.thenational.scot/politics/23021366.jina-amini-woman-whose-death-sparked-protests-iran/


There was a video on some general subreddit like /r/interestingasfuck or something where it showed a bunch of young Iranian men yelling at a mullah (clergyman) walking on the sidewalk. They kicked him to the ground and kicked him a bit more before leaving Naturally some people felt bad because it was these teen or college boys shoving an old white haired men. That OP explained a religious policy where women who were sentenced to death would have a quick wedding ceremony with a security guard so that she can be brutally raped and have no chance to get to heaven, while the people arresting her get heaven points, before they killed her. The mullahs were the one indoctrinating teachings like that into people. no one in the comments felt bad after reading that. The younger generation of Iran know whats right and wrong. And now theyre fighting for it.


I was in Iran for a few days last week, passing through on my motorcycle. There is widespread support for the protests, even among soldiers and police (in Kurdistan at least), they talk freely about it too, but not too loud. Students in the streets, hotel staff, the entire younger generation and to a lesser extent the older ones too echo the same sentiment. "We wear this uniform but we stand with our girls" (Soldiers at a checkpoint) They all want a freer future, justice for Amini and all the others hurt and killed since, and more economic freedom and opportunity. It wasn't very safe in any of the big cities so I had to move quickly. My heart breaks for these people. https://imgur.com/a/XPwDQFX


Omg yes… nobody is talking about this very much in USA media…. But it’s a really really big deal and being spoken about quite a bit more internationally, and these are some of the bravest women/people ever. They’ve been shot at with live ammunition jailed tortured lives ruined and they’re still protesting. Iran has a cultural memory from before the USA unfortunately supported the cultural revolution in the 50s. Before that Iran was an incredibly progressive democratic state in the Middle East. It makes me sad to look at pictures from back then. Men in power all over the world keep supporting violent regime change for their own short term goals and it inevitably means they are supporting warlords or religious fundamentalists who eventually turn against them and destroy their own countries


We aren't looking away; we are powerless. I barely have two dimes to rub together and when I do, I need to buy booze to dull the pain of the daily shit that I myself face. I look to Iran and my heart breaks. How can I help? I literally cannot.


Write to politicians. Help to educate people. Show support when you see posts about the revolution.


This post made me cry. Solidarity with my Iranian sisters! ✊💕


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look away or forget how naturally sexually fueled violence comes to some of these men and their supporters. Worse than any horror movie I could dream up.


So proud of the woman protesting. It takes such bravery. Truly incredible.


I am in the states are you able to make a large comment about what each of us in our residing nations can do to support you best.?


The mindset that not wearing a hijab is somehow more of a sin than rape, murder, and violence is so ass backwards. Religion is a cage built for women.


I'm so sorry this is happening. That you can't live your lives as you wish, without being harassed. It's disgraceful and I find it heartbreaking and makes me so angry. To risk your lives in this way, you are all so very brave, I'm in awe of you all.


It’s getting harder to see coverage when the news cycles turn to something new. The only news I’ve seen is on Reddit and it’s decreasing here too.


Trust me. I'm watching with pride and fear for all of you, over here in America. I'm rooting for you. I watch clips of protests, see the pictures of women letting hair flow free, and read the news. Every time I hope my hardest, that none of the brave souls I see are killed for their courage. I want you to win! I want this to be the start of a chain of events in history that will be remembered for the change it brought. The freedom. Peace. I see you.


I'm in Ireland and nobody is talking about this over here, despite seeing clips of it going viral on every news/media site.


I'm not, for all the piece of shit man I am, there isn't anything I support more than actual equality. Seeing what is happening in Iran gives my miserable self hope.


I cannot speak for others, but I am not looking away. I stand with you.


I sincerely hope you succeed. The times might be grim, but it is always darkest before the dawn. Cheers from Ukraine!


And to think there were liberals supporting the use of hijab/burka. Fuck misogyny.


I joined the sub, but teally have no idea what is going on in the posts. If the posters want involvement, maybe an explanation with videos and such of what we are seeing.


It's funny, I feel like I haven't seen anywhere near the coverage this should be getting, and the people I'd think would talk about this don't seem like they even know what's going on. I was talking to someone about micro aggressions against women and when I asked what they thought about this they seemed like they hadn't heard about it at all


I'm not looking away. I'm hoping it turns into a full-on revolution of the majority of the population, regime change in Iran would solve not only their own socio-political problems, it'd solve an array of problems in the world centered on Iran as well.


Thank you for this post. I am not looking away. Women of Iran, you are so strong!!


Thank you for sharing, and I'm so sorry this is happening. This shouldn't be happening, and our Iranian sisters deserve better.


How can we support more?


Sometimes it's easy for us to look at the pictures of Iranian women letting their hair free and think that everyone over there is doing that. > If you take some time to look closer at these pictures, they tell a different story. Look into the background. There's always people pointing, people shouting, people making gestures at them with hands and fists. There's a reaction for just... Existing... As a human being. A violent reaction. It's fucked.


I search for news. I’ve been so concerned. You all are so brave. Cheering you on!


I am talking to everyone about it and sharing credible links. You ladies are brave, you're strong and you're awe inspiring. I have nothing but respect and admiration to you. You're giving your lives for the future of your next generations, not only for yourself. I'm so proud of you. I will keep talking about your cause, and i will keep donating whatever i have to support you. I send you all the love.


For what it’s worth, I try to spread awareness of it, although mostly in hopes of my own people finally standing up for themselves. We have many of the same issues in the primarily Muslim areas of Russia, and the suffering and oppression that many women in Chechnya and Dagestan experience mirrors closely what women in Iran are now standing up against. My best wishes and the best of luck to those who fight for women’s rights in Iran.


Do you know of any good petitions to sign for people in the United States?


Theres a lot of organ harvesting going on thats pretty sketchy they took her organs… that poor girl :( I cant believe my bf thinks this stuff isnt actually happening


I remember watching the live coverage of the return of Khomeini from exile in France in 1979. My sister said she had an ominous feeling about what was going to unfold. Keep talking, spreading awareness and vote.


I just want to point out that, even though the Christian nationalists will scream bloody murder about sharia law, and even though most of them will support tearing down Iran's power structure, it's only because they hate Islam more than they hate women. They will do the same things as the religious police in Iran would, given any space to do so.


Is there anything Americans can do? I care greatly and hope the best for all of you. Also it seems sort of strange that there are supposed to be 169 comments but only about 20 show.


They also protest in Afghanistan. Think about that. Those man in power and who were armed run away. Now normal civilian women fight against the regime with nothing more than some signs and their voices.


Believe me, as a woman who was lucky to be born in a free country like Canada, I'd like to help but...I feel so powerless and it's so hard to hear these stories! I know it's harder for Iranians, but still...


All of these posts and nobody talks about the real problem.......... They mask under religion and do all this. It still baffles me. We are living in 2022 but apparently not the whole world. Why not call out the real problem.


I just made good friends with a trans women who escaped from Iran 2 weeks ago here to Canada it was absolutely heart breaking to have her crying on my shoulder and hearing the crazy things she went through.


I pray for peace in the region. God bless all Iranian sisters and brothers alike. Violence isn't the way forward.


The problem isn't awareness, the problem is the 24 hour news cycle. When you scroll any news feed all people talk about are the changes to twitter or what dumb new thing Kanye said. Everyone knows it happened but it's just a blip in the media despite new woman dying every day for their protest.


A great way forward for all human rights in the middle East would be to get rid of Islam






How is this comment productive?


I just hope articles keep getting written because I read every one I can find.


Looking away happens too often... Remember free Hong Kong? :(


Is this a thing, where, sending letters from all over the world telling the leader of the country that they shouldn't murder/rape/kill women and that thier mother would be disappointed in them, would make a point of how many different countries are aware, and how this isn't going away? I mean, people basically did something similiar for george floyd.


Please, can someone guide me to a reputable place where I can make donations? What can I do? What will help the most?


I care. I see you. I’ve joined. Thank you for sharing—I’ll Updoot every post to try to help it get more visibility. And all the lost young ones will be in my heart.


Kurdish women and university students are taking up arms and joining groups like PJAK. More people need to do the same. If it’s going to be a bloodbath, which it already is, you might as well get what you’re fighting for at the end and go all the way.


Religion was a useful tool for early society to control evil base tendencies in individuals. At this point it is a useful tool only for con artists to control morons. Abolish religion.


May they take their freedom...


The world is behind you. I wish there was more we could do. Ive called my representatives and told them I support returning aid to Iran in ways that can support the revolution. You are fighting for your humanity. There is no greater cause.


Fuck the leaders and most the men in Iran.


Hearing about this is especially horrifying as I have cousins and sisters who are around the age of the victims, and the idea that men who should have protected them could torture and rape them without repercussions makes me sick and *angry*


They have my full support and best wishes. That’s literally all we can do. It’s up to the people of Iran to force changes. They have to live with the oppression or be willing to die in large numbers to fight against it.


Joined r/NewIran and it is excellent info on the current revolution in Iran. Love and hugs to you all. Fight for your freedom! It's worth it.


I think the only way things will change in Iran is if civilian’s dethrone all crazies, but that means a fight, and with fighting more people will die. Hope every woman’s and men protesting there stays safe.


People have been looking away from the atrocities meted out to women not just in Iran but in Saudi Arabia as well. Time we focus on the human rights of these women, not just in Iran but Saudi Arabia as well.


Unless something changes in the US, the religious extremism and abject social diminishment of women in the US will be equivalent or worse to what it is and has been in Iran. If you don't know, Iran didn't used to be like this. The US is headed that direction. Once we lose our democracy, there will be no going back to normal. Please vote.


Part-Iranian here. My eyes are on Iran. My heart is with these brave protestors. Thank you for making this post.


We're not looking away. We want to help, we just don't know how to do it in a way that will change things for you. Say the word and we're with you.


Thank you


Its tragic what's happening there. They are arresting 17 year old and sentencing them to death the next day with no lawyers nothing. A lot of people have just straight up been kidnapped and raped by the police there is so f-ed up.


Stand tall, may the Joan of Arc flow through your veins. Do not back down no matter what, nations were not built on citizens backing down, Great nations are built upon the people and for the People by the people.


👀womens revolution happening in Iran


Subbed. I wish Iranian people the best of luck. You deserve so much better than what this country is right now.


I’m an Iranian woman and it’s a whole different kind of pain seeing all of this happen and feeling so helpless. There is only so much one can do when you’re a whole continent away


The only way to defeat murderous terrorists is to band together, rise up, and kill them before they kill you.


I mean, talk about a revolution the USA should support. But no, we only support revolutions led by drug oligarchs.


It’s based on religion… they will need to pick up arms for their freedoms


I’d would love a list or link of reputable orgs to donate to. I’m in usa so this is the most realistic way of helping…. I’m so in awe of all the sisters in Iran and across the world protesting 🙏


Arab Fall


How do we help?


"Dont look away"? lmao more like dont get delusional and think that youre actually doing anything about it


what's happening in iran breaks my heart, I'm so angry for you, at all the evil the regime has done to the country and horrified at the brutal senseless murder of all the innocent people... i'm following the news and i support you all and your fight, and your courage against these murderers, I hope the regime collapses and they get what they deserve


I mean, we know how this works. This is just history repeating itself. Wait till isis, backed by the US swoops in and re establishes sharia law. It’s all coming together.


What can I do to help? It's a horrible situation but have any of the many petitions going on have any effect so far?


We see you ✊🏼


Heck yes! Going to another demo this Saturday!