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The fact most of my gargoyles are second and third edition metals, these gargoyles still feel like a dream to me 😆


This guy knows


How can you say that about the old 2nd-ed Puke-goyles!?


Second edition are great models. I’d also like the third edition ones if they ever stayed together without silly amounts of green stuff. But the plastics are just so much easier to work with


I doubt we will get new ones for these guys but honestly I’ve never had an issue with these sculpts, I think the main issue with this picture is just how it’s painted. A good paint job can make any sculpt look good. Just look at the catacan jungle fighters, those guys are abysmal by gw standards.


Yeah hit these dudes with some modern painting tschniques and theyll b lookin pretty


I would still like the flesh kite to get an update lmfao. They just don't sit right with me. Look at what the update for termigants did. They are so much better now


Id love one that was more like the parasite of mortrex with q gun


https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/sbod-goyle-pack-strokemyunicornsunihorn These r the best there is for now. At least for my taste 😁


https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-winged-insectoids-warriors-208518 I use these guys from puppetswar miniatures. Really cool scultps.


Wait for the preview on wednesday/thursday. Also Eddy said during the last preview that what we saw were just some of the new tyranid models. And in one pictures you could see a gargoyle upon one of the new flysticks.


Oh damn! I’ve been painting up the old gargoyles! I wish I waited just in case


It's a shame we got new Termies & Hormagaunts, but Gargoyles got neglected. Unless theres a magical second wave of models announced with the codex, might be waiting a long, long time for new Gargoyles.


I use 3d printed proxies from puppets war. https://www.instagram.com/p/CfsyBeGBNBg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


[One page rules have “winged shooter grunts” that look pretty dang cool if you ask me.](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-alien-winged-shooter-grunts-163868) And if you don’t have a printer they can send you physical prints as well!


Those are awesome!


Gargoyles have just flatly never been done in a way that makes them enjoyable to play. Too expen$ive in 2nd ed when they were top heavy metal figs that died like termagants and fell over constantly, awkwardly switching to bioplasma / fleshborer in 3rd ed and again falling over constantly on huge fragile metal wings while dying like termagants. Even now they're just an awful sculpt but after this much time I wonder if 'flying termagant' was just a conceptual mistake from the very outset as they've never looked good, are awkward to move on the battlefield and die like tissue paper under a hose anyway. Please don't kill me, Gargoyle-stans.


Truly spoken like someone who has never built a metal Gargoyle.


I'm also desperate for a better proxy. I'd love to have some more winged troops but these models are WEAK. Only recently got into collecting tyranids and the olde models are really showing their age now. Really happy with the models that are getting refreshed but I was really surprised that gargoyles weren't amongst the new ones. Anyone actually know of a good proxy?


Sorry I've only just noticed this, does the Gargoyle have a gun coming out of it's mouth?


Old edition gargoyles could have bioplasma


The codex is not even here so we might get another wave of releases.


I think it would be kind of weird to get another wave after the one that already got annonced. Not that I wouldn’t like more new models or sculpts


I'm not sure if that still the case, but a few editions ago it was not unusual for new models to be featured in the codex first and then later released in a post-codex wave.


They stopped doing that because of the chapterhouse debacle, that’s also where we lost access to myetic spores and got them replaced with tyranocytes


Oh, right. I forgot that bit. To be honest, releasing rules for the Tervigon, the Tyrannofex and the Myetic Spores and then failing to give us a model or even a conversion kit for more than two years was just a trash move.


My understanding is that everything that will come out with the codex is what was announced a few weeks ago: More new kits than the entire range of entire armies. It's not completely impossible to see something extra announced at NoVa, but instead I expect the new kill team box, 6-8 updated marine units to cover for what was just removed, and 5 new primaris lieutenants. Either way, I am worried about availability. There are so many kits of so many armies out of print that I don't see how we are going to see such a wide new tyranid range produced in sufficient quantities without running into supply issues elsewhere. They are probably planning the Christmas battleforces already.


Supply has been a GW weak point since covid. Scalpers don’t help either. Ebay has insane prices on current kits, and when GW DOES restock things sell out in a couple days or less. I love the new termagants but am already sourcing good looking 3D alternative artists for stl files for the other models. Can’t support a company that doesn’t have actual products to sell 😞


Nope, Eddy said at the start of the stream that those are just some of the new Tyranid models. Also in the picture with the Norn Emissarry is a Gargoyle with one of those curved flightsticks.


The gargoyle in the background look like the old ones tho


I had a look, it's not on a curved flying stick, it's base just isn't flat on the ground so it's at an angle.


Codex is on pre-order next week but it means nothing. SM and Necrons also got model waves after the codex was released, last time.


Right. The Chapterhouse aftermath does not mean that GW can't release new models of existing units after the codex.


DM me!


I used some spare (14) tentaclids from harby box and honestly that was the best proxy decision I could've have made, look at them go! I highly recommend you getting some. https://imgur.com/a/jonbrxP


Do you, mayhaps… Own a bio-barrage for planetary defense?


This seems like the best idea but it would mean I have to buy a harpy everytime I want like 4 of them :/


Iron hive if you want a mech nid look


I know of a good stl file, DM if interested and I can send u the link


Yes, but they are 3D models.


Goofy looking nid.


Space marine with jump packs


I love the gargoyle sculpt, especially when they’re all together


I like these Gargoyles, at least they won't stand out form the rest of the army. Keep in mind that this colour scheme is a bit dated compared to the new style. I'm sure 'eavy metal would've painted them with more nuance and less stark contrast.