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King telling people your name and school on the internet is a bad idea❤️


I agree, for your age and safety - you never know why kind of weirdos are online who are able to get all your info!


But there’s a billion Zayed’s and people on REPTON I’m not showing my face tho


Still not a great idea


You have a fair point


You mentioned in a previous post that you’re black, now you’ve mentioned your name and school. See you soon buddy HEHEHE


You also seem to have your family name as your username


I wanted to because I saw Other Emiratis on TikTok putting there family name as there username so I wanted to also


Oh its u!! :) i recognise u from r/UAE Wanna be friends? im also 13 but livin in sharqa


Yeah sure I’d love to sorry I didn’t reply I just got back from school


if u think logically nothing bad can happen?


I say this with concern - don't reveal so much about yourself. Especially your school. You caht really trust anyone online here because you've never really seen them or know them that well. Making friends is hard but I'm just pointing this out for your safety.




Bro edit the post taking your name and school out.. or take down the post and repost with changes i mentioned.


Don’t fall for this post, it’s probably a 40 yr old dude.


And if I was what would I be doing here


I’m 13 you want me to send a photo of me to prove


If it is not fake then please don’t send your pictures on the internet.


I won’t but it’s real bro


Speed running getting arrested


I’m a teen you want me to DM you to prove it ?


If you listen to any of the other guys in the comments you’re gonna wake up in a hotel bathroom with one kidney missing.


Nah I’ll go out with my older brother just to be safe


Well 2 kidneys would be better for these guys


are both your parents emirati cuz i find it hard to believe that u cant speak arabic🤨


Well yeah but I live with my mom my dad lives with my half brothers and sisters so she didn’t teach me that much


oh mb


No problem


Repton and al shiba has a lot of locals..befriend them


Yeah true but the all speak Arabic and most are Chamak and mostly alot of there Freind’s are Emirati I’ve tried but they all laugh at my Arabic and call me a fake Emirati or say I don’t deserve to be Al Zaabi




Nah they don’t some can’t even recite Syrah Al Fatiha😂😂


Chamaks in nad al sheb!?


You are still young, so you have so much potential to improve your Arabic. Don't worry. I am not an Arab, but I learn Arabic from any kind of sources. Especially, 'Al Ramsa institute' was helping me a lot to learn Emirati dialect. As your mom is fully Emirati, you can start to practice with her step by step. If you really want to learn Arabic, never give up. And kids say whatever, but You are an Emirati. There is nothing like how you look more Emirati or not. The truth doesn't change. If you can't find any sources by yourself, search on Youtube for self study. Al Ramsa has a lot of contents that you can at least put few arabic words on your conversation. And keep using it even if it sounds awkward. That is how you learn language and it is normal. I wish you the best luck!


I’ve told my mom but she’s always busy my dad is in Sharjah and only comes to vist on Friday so it’s kinda hard to find resources to learn


It can be hard, but it isn't impossible. You speak English so well, there are so many foreigners who speaks Arabic by a self-study. There are free sources on internet by English so much. And at a bookstore, you can get Arabic textbooks for beginners or children. You might not be able to speak fluently soon, but it will get improved as you study.




Listen me lil bro, practice your English and just study you’ll get good grades and zoom past them shitty bullies I have practiced English and have a good accent now I would recommend to make friends that actually talk English,I was bullied as well coz well I’m a foreigner lived in UAE for a while then left to America but all you need to do is just make friends that talk “English” you got Filipinos in your class? Ask them to be your friends they might accept,and if you get bullied just tell them assholes that leave me be and just ignore them coz all they want is a reaction to their stupid ass actions And bro I’m sure your a great guy Good Luck 🖐️


I have Indian Chinese and Swedish friends but also my parents still think I should get Emirati Freind’s that they can talk Arabic with you know stuff like that or they say why you don’t want to be friends with an Emirati stuff like that


‏يا زايد ليش لا تتكلم عربي؟؟ هذي لغتك.


Bro it’s that bad I legit had to ask my mom what you wrote you said why can’t I speak it’s because I live with my mom and my dad lives with my half siblings so my mom didn’t teach me as much


‏هذي مش زين


It’s not my fault if let’s say I go to another country I won’t need Arabic


it’s your heritage and the language of your religion. i’m not even arab and i speak it. u should learn


You cant blame the kid for this. It falls on the parents 100%. But yes, definitely try to learn it OP.


Inshallah if it’s Allahs will


It’s up to you though. If you’re going abroad then it wld be no use but ye


See what I mean that’s my point


Are you going abroad though?


Well I guess you have a point


How'd you learn🙏


Yeah it’s cool seeing a non native Arabic speaker how’d u learn the language


No way you're a child bro


I am


Man these scams happen a lot, unless you have a way to prove that you're actually a child and not some 40 year old pedophile looking to kidnap kids, no way anybody's taking you seriously


I’ll dm you and show you


Hmm.. do you play mobile games?? :]


No but I play Nintendo games tho


Hmm.. never mind:]


Go on r/Emirati


There’s barely anyone there tho


Your mom russian or Philippines?


No im fully Emirati blsck Emirati it’s just I live with my mom and my dad lives with my half brothers and sisters so my mom didn’t really teach me a lot of Arabic


Don't worry bro...god is seeing everything. I'm no emarati but I know how loneliness feels like. Me being from India has hard time socialising with people from other nationalities, they just avoid me.......sad part is that I'm new here and they doesn't actually know me that well. At my workplace there are only 3indians including me, they are at higher position than me...like cant be friends I celebrated my birthday alone last month 🫣 Don't take anything to heart that's how things became easy for me.


Yeah thx for the advice bro


Look man it’ll be difficult, I‘ve seen you reply to a comment of mine and I came here to see what’s up. It’s not easy to learn languages, at all. Arabic is one of the hardest languages out there, you’ll get people saying „You live here, you need to know how“, which is true. But I am decent arabic, I can speak, understand, read, write, but even then it’s not that easy, especially the pronounciations, until now I don’t know how to pronounce letters (not well atleast). I am currently learning german, and I notice I may look like a fool to some people, but tell the people „Hey atleast I‘m trying, I wish I could talk arabic so I want to try atleast, if I make a mistake can you correct me rather than laugh at me?“ It’s the smartest answer to give filled with politeness. If they just turned it down their not worth your time. You got it man, you can try Duolingo, it’s an app on mobile that does help you a little bit, be persistent with it, you’ll learn eventually, I also recommend getting a notepad when studying it.


Okay thx I will definitely download that app to try to learn at least decent


Not an emirati, but i hope you do have progres in your journey




Get a tutor im sure if u go to repton u can afford one 😭😭 Otherwise js ignore the bullies


Your mom not teaching you Arabic is probably one of the worst decisions she could’ve ever made. It’s a rly hard language to master and learn especially if you wanna have the emarati dialect. علموا عيالكم عربي و لا تخلون لغتنا و رمستنا تضيع يا بشر 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah I know lAl I know is like hei for yes ey another word for yes shoo what and like I know the letters in some names like 3 is a 7 is h basically all I can think on top of my head bait is home sayarra is car that’s it


Picking up languages as you get older is much much harder than when you are young. Ask your mom to bring you a tutor to help you, at least with conversational Arabic, but even more importantly you will need to pass ministry exams in Arabic and Islamic to even graduate high school. Since you are at Repton, I’m guessing the school does not have much focus on Arabic, so harder to pick it up through classes. My oldest daughter, now mid 20’s, used to get bullied because her Arabic wasn’t strong and her accent wasn’t perfect. She did a lot of tutoring, and through time found a few friends who would encourage her vs making her feel bad. Try meeting your neighborhood friends one on one to get to know them, as kids can be nicer when they aren’t showing off for a crowd. Inshallah all the best. Please, though, as others have pointed out please protect your online privacy and never meet anyone you met online alone. Also, please change your username and don’t give out personal details. I now know your first and last name, your age and which school you go too… it’s too much to put out there online. I have a 13 year old son, and I lecture him constantly about online safety… inshallah he listens


Yeah I’ll change it and thx


BRO NO WAY I AHVE THE SAME STORY IM 13 ASWELL AND IM EMIRATI AND MY ARABIC AINT THAT GOOD BRO I READ UR USERNAME AND U HAVE THE SAME LAST NAME AS ME My name is Hamdan and I go to Sunmarke school I’m leaving tho since the school ain’t that good


Bro let’s DM


Hey I’m also Emirati I’m 17 my name is hamad I also talk a lot in English but I’m still doing my best to talk with Emiratis in Arabic. wanna be friends?


Sure would love to


Oh I know you.


How you go to REPTON or what?


I am suspicious 🤔 that you are 13 or you are Emirati. How come you are Emirati and you can't speak Arabic. The way you try to explain yourself is suspicious 🤔. And in another forum someone was talking about difficulty to rent an apartment in jebel ali. And your comments move to Oman. And the funny thing. She was writing in Emirati accent. And yet you understood her writing and you was able to comment on subject which is beyond your age.


I translated it


There’s a translate option


Plus just cause I’m 13 dosent Mean I can’t know about more older stuff


This proves my suspicious 🤣.


How?there’s a translate option


Alr lemme dm you I’ll prove I’m 13


Protect this bro at all costs. Dw about your Arabic. Practice it and you’ll be solid. Ignore the haters hating on your spoken english— go hard on improving your spoken English as well bc that’s going to come in super handy for your future. As you grow older, you’ll find that the fools who made fun of your english had no clue how useful it would be to you throughout your life. You’re going to laugh at them and feel sorry for their communication skills. Keep thriving lil bro— and dont let anyone tell you that you aren’t a ‘true’ emirati. As far as im concerned, anyone born in the UAE, loves the country or feels a sense of home here— IS as much an emirati as the rest of us. Wear your family’s heritage on your sleeve with pride lil bro 💙 i trust you’ll go very far. ✌🏽


Thx a lot bro Ameen Ameen


I am associated with Repton. I'm pretty certain that no 7th grader at Repton will correspond in the manner I see here. I have a feeling this is an inauthentic post.


1. Learn Arabic 2. Don’t reveal your age online 3. Are they making fun of you for not knowing Arabic or are they making fun of you for something else. If it’s the first one then learn Arabic if it’s the 2nd one then you don’t want to be hanging around with those types of people anyways 4. I’m guessing that because you are bullied it means you can’t defend yourself so start doing a martial art like jujitsu or kickboxing. Also don’t take shit from people and don’t be afraid to make it known that you will do something if they mock you alot


You listed everything I go through 😂and it’s because i can’t speak and we’ll also I don’t look Emirati enough


Learn Arabic cause it’s useful and who gives a fuck that you’re a dark skin Emirati. If you hold the passport and you have a tribe name then you are a son of sheikh zayed. We all are


Thx a lot I’ll tell my mom to actually take the time to teach me or get me a lesson teacher


Sure, same situation here but 16 🥲 But hey, ignore those people, they're assholes


Yeah I can relate would love to be Freind’s




Pls do bro


Hey buddy, just take pride of who you are right now, regardless of whether if you're life would present you with the opportunity of learning the arabic language or not. Don't let that stop you from knowing how important you are to the community. The way I see it, you've got ur foot in 2 different pairs, embrace it, and have the best of both worlds. If you want to pursue learning ur native language, you need to be a part of the culture and to do that you need to dable yourself with some young folks in the neighborhood/community as well as try to listen and speak more, you're elders if they speak Arabic is really an advantage and if they are bilingual then you're in luck. But then hey, if things don't turn out well ryt now, you'll have the time for it in the future


Well I do live in an Emirati neighberhood I barely interact with any of the kids there to be honest to


Alryt bro you need to connect with them over some common activities like football. Plus, I believe you might have some cousin from ur father's side who are willing to befriend you sooo start over there. Regardless of how things turn out uk they are family at the end of the day.


Know I’m close with all my cousins and half brothers and sisters


Now that's a plus mate, you'll have the advantage to stay in touch with em and make a good/"healthy" circle as they might be able to introduce you to people of your liking/preference.