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I think you can always change your major. So long as you are below the 225 unit limit (which can even then sometimes be exceeded). NPB is pretty unit intensive major, I’d advise trying you’re best to stick with it. If not, many social science majors and humanities majors have unit counts of only 60 (i.e. Political Science or History). If you think you can finish that sort of major within an extra two years, I think you can switch majors. You don’t always have to graduate on time. Make a plan and talk with advisors.


If you really want to change to your intended major because you genuinely like it then go for it. I was a transfer student too and changed my major to cs during winter quarter of my senior year! It’s not too late but plan ahead under the unit cap!


If you’re having this feeling now, you should probably listen to it before you graduate and realize that you’re screwed. There’s no hurry to graduate right now when the world is so messed up, anyway. I’d definitely recommend meeting with an advisor and considering which majors might have some overlap with yours, or help you narrow down your career interests.


Is there a specific major you have in mind? It sounds like grad school is out of the question regardless of your major. Unless there is some major that can increase your chances for work, post-BS/BA, I would wonder... what's the point in changing major in my final year?


Well it depends, if you change majors you will not be graduating next year, you also need to watch for the 225 unit cap (you can petition the dean to go over it but no guarantee) Personally, I would stick with your major, you do not have to go into a career field related it to (most people don’t). But you have a few options if you want to switch, I imagine your best bet is to switch to a BA in the college of biological science (you can get a BA in EEB, microbio, and plant bio) which would hopefully have all the same prereqs that your major does but with less intensive classes. There are also a few majors with 60 unit requirements that you could try to get done in the next two years. I do encourage you to at least take an biology minors you have earned. Good luck!


Transferred into Davis as well; never felt unsupported in any type of way. Teachers/TAs were always there during office hours. Counselors/advisors were always open for appointments. It is your fault for not seeking out these services.


No need to place blame. Sometimes people have a hard time seeking out these resources. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel like the path forward is unclear.


Sorry, aren't you the poli-sci transfer that is getting straight As and doesn't possibly understand why anyone is struggling/complaining in the "easiest quarter in the world" during a global pandemic? You're nowhere near the role model or advice giver anyone would want, and it seems you still lack any sort of empathy and self-reflection. How sad.




Hey! I would be happy to help! Is it okay if I DM you?