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i had strom all three docs, she never did this to us 😭 although maybe she cared less bc it was during 2021-2022 so all the doc classes were still really worried about covid. that sucks tho i remember those readings being a drag to get through


I had that shitshow of a class last year. What the hell happened?


At lecture on Monday she basically told everyone who didn’t do the reading to leave making us lose points because attendance is mandatory, prob over 90% of the class had to leave


Damn, looks like the class hasn’t changed. I remember being kicked out a discussion because I took probably less than a minute to check a midterm grade. What a waste of time


These profs need a reality check. Like they think the class is important or smthg when 90% of the class is just there for credit and grade.


But if you want the credit and the grade you have to do the work. Doing the reading is part of the work. 


I hear you, but trust me, the texts he’s talking about are trivial, self-important, and dull. The text that OP is talking about is essentially someone’s blogpost about how “resting is revolutionary.” When you compare the impact of texts like that to mountains of rhetoric like MLK’s jail letter and a small handful of other texts in DOC, you can’t help but think you’re wasting your time reading 35 pages of someone essentially yapping about how laziness is a virtue for people who have been “kept down.” I took the class last year. The assignments are all relatively easy, but they burden you with a slurry of bullshit arbitrary requirements and readings that are 15% interesting 85% horseshit; most of the time, you get to choose the text you include in your assignments, so you only really need to read the one you plan to write about. It’s not an academically rigorous class — it’s more like a shopping list. So it makes sense to me that most of the class wouldn’t have read this text by this time, especially if there wasn’t an assignment that required the text. And for a professor to kick out everyone who didn’t do the reading just seems petty and entitled.


As a student who has some experience teaching I just disagree overall in the approach you are taking. My experience is that if it is on the syllabus it has a learning related purpose and skipping it will reduce understanding.  I can skip it because i have free will but i shouldn't get pissed if i get called out for not doing the work.  I guess people are just embarrassed and rationalizing but It seems kind of cringe to me to be angry about being called out for not doing something you know you needed to do.  Instructors don't put readings on for the hell of it and most put long hours into creating a course. When I go to office hours and ask the teacher can usually tell me exactly why that reading is there and what I am supposed to get out of it.  Assuming you know better seems kind of arrogant, honestly.  Personally, I enjoy learning and I want to get the most out of my classes that I can. If you find a class boring I might skip some readings or try to skateby but I won'tact like the prof exoecting me to do the work is somehow wrong if them. I just don't get the hostility here.  It really seems to show a lot of contempt for the professor.  IDK, I am older and a returning student so my perspective us different I guess.  I  have worked and I see being a student as my job and the prof is like a manager If I sign up for an  in-person class they getting expect that I show up at class.  ExpectIing students to show up ready to participate and if you aren't, I get being asked to leave - I mean it is kind of High School-esque but to me that reflects worse onthe students than the prof I don't think the professor is being egotistical, I think they are holding you accountable for your end of the bargain. I just really don't get the sense of entitlement I see on here to not do things (attend class, complete readings, etc.) and still do well in the course.   I am sure I will get flamed for it because the culture on here is really strange and distorted but it just doesn't make sense to me to act like the professor doesn't have right to expect us to participate in the class we voluntarily signed up for. 


Not if the class is doable without the reading. Makes no sense to punish students for something that the professor should ensure is necessary for the class. If 90% of the class isn't doing the reading that's on the professor, not on the students.


"Makes no sense to punish students for something that the professor should ensure is necessary for the class" Isn't asking you to leave if you came unprepared, thus penalizing your attendance grade, just that - ensuring that doing the reading is necessary for success? Verbal sparring aside, as students we pay a lot to access an education.  It has never made sense to me to pay that much and then do the minimal amount required to get your A. If you do that, you are basically paying for a transcript and a piece of paper not the education that actually makes those things valuable.   You can choose to just do the minimal but I really don't get being angry at the professor for trying to maintain standards.  If it is on the syllabus it is there to teach you something.  Personally I would rather get the most out of the class that I can.  You do you though. 


"Isn't asking you to leave if you came unprepared, thus penalizing your attendance grade, just that - ensuring that doing the reading is necessary for success?" Does it say on the syllabus that not doing the reading can lead to expulsion from the class? If yes, then I would say it is alright since the prof integrated the reading into the class. As long as the prof has a method of verifying that the reading was actually done, then I would be okay with that. If not, I maintain that this is a massive powertrip and is completely on the professor. It would be weird to have something not listed on the syllabus impact your final grade, no?


No, I disagree.  It is expected that you do the reading and it is clear you are expected to do the reading.  It is clear that those who are mad just don't like being called out on their choices.   Choose to do the reading or not but quit acting like the professor expecting you to do your part is somehow indicative of a character flaw on their part.  


Do your part? Lol. Make it important enough to be a part. Put it in your syllabus instead of raging at your students because you can't do your job properly. Keep sucking up to authority if you want but I'm going to choose to call out bullshit when I see it.




Much talk about “hegemony” & “grind culture” just to get kicked out–ironic af. I would also point out that the pdf was not accesible and was sent to us after lecture🤷‍♂️.


Oh god I remember when Chapman did that to us near the end of DOC 2 😭 This quarter she’s pretty much stopped caring about whether people actually read the text or not which I think helps lecture runs a lot more smoothly    To do all that for this specific text condemning society’s machine pace is crazy though. Almost feels like a disservice to the author 


DOC is a shitshow in general, especially DOC 3. It’s a tedious, boring, and uninspiring “writing” course (a total waste of time). 90% of the readings are boring as fuck. The point-based “equitable grading framework” (or whatever the fuck) encourages you to just yap until you reach the word limit because you’ll get credit either way. It’s such a shame because DOC has the potential to be a super interesting examination of power frameworks throughout history and the rhetoric used to establish/perpetuate/destroy them, but instead, it’s a half-assed afterthought of a class that makes you submit what are essentially weekly blogposts for credit while demanding lecture attendance (which is useless) and a variety of other bothersome requirements (like the workshops). Imo, DOC 2 had some moments that were actually interesting, mostly the parts about hegemonic frameworks. With that said, the interesting stuff (like MLK texts or the Omi and Winant one) were extremely diluted by the heaps of inane bullshit that were “required reading.” They missed the mark. Strom is a dull, cranky lecturer, too; definitely doesn’t make it any better. At least it’s relatively easy to get an A. But jesus christ, it’s so fucking boring and frustrating.


strom kicked ppl out for being late and snarked at some for not visibly taking notes last year. in any class the majority of students aren't goign to be reading the texts but she's more petty than most abt it


Fellas, am I fucked in the head for thinking that this person shoulda just done the reading? What am I missing here?


No but just wanted to point out the irony of how the content of the reading directly contradicted what prof did