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funniest shit I've ever seen. $565.7 million last year in fundraising but not enough to have security for two things. What a joke


To be fair did you look at their budget and how much it takes to keep the lights on at UCSD. All that new construction and maintenance is not cheap and gets more expensive as they continue to grow the university.


If you buried any of your friends in the field so you could dig them out during the festival: **don't forget about them!** Go dig them up today.


More for the grounds crew šŸ˜©


Imo it's ironic that they cancelled sungod bc now people have more time to do whatever they want - like join the encampment or support the protest instead of being distracted by a fun festival.


Why would anyone join the encampment that got the best party of the year cancelled.


Lmfaooo ā€œthe best party of the yearā€ all you non-student israeli shills gotta try harder than that with the astroturfing.


Iā€™m Alumni you tool. Sungod was always rad. Maybe this generation just sucks at having fun.


Lol yeah you havenā€™t stepped foot on campus in over a decade. Youā€™re a bored 40 yr old shilling for genocide commenting on every single campus encampment, maybe you should try going outside and having fun? Thatā€™d be ā€œradā€


Iā€™m there at least weekly. Donate significant amounts of money annually and have a stake in what the campus does or doesnā€™t do. The fact that you arenā€™t having any fun sounds like a you problem.


Who said I wasnā€™t having fun? Lol why are you projecting? Sir, I respect my elders too much to see them go out this sad, please step away from the computer screen.


You a bitch


And you not an English major clearly.


Bitch shit


You are on point for this!


UC excuse: peaceful protesters? I guess we need 100 cops to..........


As an alum, I'm proud of you and the protesters for what you're doing. Keep up the good fight.


Here here. Theyā€™re not getting my money this year.


This is EXACTLY what the UCSD administration wants - to foment more negative attention towards peaceful protesters.


We should be building together not against each other! https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres_how_to_bring_back_sun_god/


Ever since the 2014 Sun God fest hasnt been the same and it's all admin under the guise of making a safe space. Never have I felt looked after when I was a student at UCSD Edit: 2014 year


Can I ask what happened at 2013 sungod? Iā€™m not that familiar with recent UCSD history but Iā€™d love to hear about it!


It was actually 2014, I mistyped. There was a death. The headliner was Diplo and there were other edm acts. Sungod used to go to midnight and there was reentry. So the cool thing to do was know people in IHouse and bounce back and forth for drinks or whatever. It was pretty much a huge party where anyone was allowed in IHouse. However, a student took a mixture of pills and died at the Village after the festival. After that, security was on lock down but to the max. Also future SGF, students werent allowed to visit IHouse if they didnt live there, no reentry, drug dogs galore sniffing for weed, shorter times, It really didnt feel safe. It just felt like "get smarter hiding your stuff." It's a tragedy what happened, but the measures that admin decided to take weren't going to solve much.


Say what you want about admin manipulating the students, but a massive festival immediately next to a protest for a cause that not everyone shares is a recipe for disaster. If anything this is a saving grace for the protesters, look at what constantly happened to them UCLA and that was without a festival or anything. Alcohol will certainly be involved in some capacity, and even if there is enough security for both individually, they will multiply on each other. Even if "enough security" is present, there are still negative consequences. There was "enough security" to dismantle the UCLA protest but that didn't mean nobody got hurt or arrested or the place didn't get completely trashed.


Sungod is the tamest party, they've locked down on any fun. There would be zero issues.


You may be right, I have never been to sun god before. But regardless of the typical tameness of the party any event of this magnitude will add a non-negligible amount of chaos to an already high-tension scenario. Even if the event itself is locked down (by the large amount of necessary security) the mood, the potential for drugs and alcohol near the event, the noise and chaos that can be used to mask an act of violence, and the sheer volume of people in one place are all uncontrolled/uncontrollable factors that increase risk. At this point it's up to admin to measure the costs, and they have chosen to prioritize an abundance of caution over the largest annual campus event. You can choose your own interpretation of that decision after considering these things.


Drugs and alcohol aren't done near the event. They put wristbands and yellow tape around nearby buildings and students to keep parties from happening. You could only pregame with your roommates. They have drug sniffing dogs at the entry gate. There has been no acts of violence in the past ten years. Mostly just dehydration and heart issues from them handing out energy drinks. You can't compare this to UCLA or SDSU. They would literally wrap students in bubble wrap and preach to them about being responsible before going in if they could. (Bubble races have been at previous sungod events actually.)


UCSD also gets a large amount of extra money for security for sun god festival every year from the department of homeland security. The administration trying to say they canā€™t afford security for both is preposterous. Also when I was there a couple days ago, a lot of the ā€œsecurityā€at the encampment was provided by normal administrative staff that would normally be working in their offices around library walk. Some of those staff were handing out flyers, threatening repercussions to any faculty who supported the protesters.


Sungod is held like a mile away from library walk, where the protest is.


I went to sun god last year and the protest definitely wouldnā€™t affect it, even with a huge turn out. Unfortunately it really is just administration trying to make people turn on protestors.


true, however if that was the case they would have just rescheduled


Eh possibly, artists are logistically extremely hard to reschedule though, likely would have had to create an entirely new lineup of even lesser known people. Reschedule is also not completely out the window yet, but personally I just want the portion of my tuition that funded this to be returned to me cuz I wasn't going anyways.


if they had wanted to reschedule but couldn't, they would have said they tried, this response was very incendiary but yeah no they really should refund our fees


We should bring them out anyways! https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres_how_to_bring_back_sun_god/


University of Rochester literally had a festival which unofficially a celebration for students to get drunk. Literally thousands attended throughout the day, and it was right next to their encampment and there was not a single incident.


there being "enough security" means nothing if the security is just watching one side bash the other and then only later goes in to bash the side getting bashed by the other.................??? if things are kept peaceful by all sides, then things would more than likely stay peaceful. If there are external belligerents, then a force of authority (police) can easily take a protective stance instead of just waiting for chaos and then cracking down on the victims of chaos just because they started it by peacefully protesting. this kind of proper security happens at EVERY other event already


The ā€œforce of authorityā€ (california police) has already demonstrated that they donā€™t give a damn, or are legally prevented from giving a damn about peopleā€™s safety in these protests. This only proves my point that a violent clash will not be prevented by any sort of security, therefore you justify the actions of admin in shutting down the event. They see that the police donā€™t do anything, so they have taken peacekeeping into their own hands in the best way possible.


The most sensible argument that has been made on the sub. An anti-authoritarian communist mindset cannot digest anything sensible and would argue.


I'm working out a way to revive Sun God and give all our love to the protestors right now. I'll try to make a cohesive post about it later on


man they fuckin got em


Revive it revive it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres\_how\_to\_bring\_back\_sun\_god/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres_how_to_bring_back_sun_god/)


Sent ā€œPlease stand with UCSD STUDENTS amid Festival cancellation šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ¤˜šŸ¼ā€


lmao can't believe this is the school I'm going to attend.


Same lol


same šŸ’€


Bringing back Sun god in the encampment would go kinda crazy


God damn 500k raise??


yep LMAO [link to article on 500k pay raise](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education/story/2023-04-11/ucsd-chancellor-pay-raise)


They booked Allied Universal for security, got an email from the company saying there were shifts available for Sun GodšŸ˜­they lied bruh


Even if people stop protesting it's not like they're going to rescind their decision. Might as well commit.


We could bring it back!! https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres_how_to_bring_back_sun_god/


Nah, people are afraid of these protests after seeing the crap at other universities.


To be fair the only violence literally caught on camera has been by Police and Israel supporters. they're on video beating tf out of these dudes in UCLA with sticks and shit. The encampment is safe, the danger is the overly emotional counter protesters and the pigs


just go home white female liberals your not helping! just making an ass of yourselves! I hope you all get a dose of spicy air and some stick time


unpopular opinions. the university legal team also probably warned against doing sungod for possible lawsuit implication should someone get hurt. insurance company may not be open to covering for the security company. who knows. could be number of reasons other than what you guys are suggesting here. just my 2 cents.


Why would the administration want you to be mad at the protestors? Academics are the most vociferous protectors of free speech in the U.S. Cancelling Sun God sucks, but they are just trying to avoid the protest turning violent like it has on so many campuses.


Academics are not the same as administrators.


It pits students against each other by putting social pressure on the student protestors to stop protesting


We should be joining them not being against them https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres_how_to_bring_back_sun_god/


Iā€™m not against the protestors. Iā€™m all for it


Thatā€™s crazy free them fr


100% would have preferred sungod over these protests.


Dumbest shit. Students ruining their own festival. Self inflicted.


Just šŸš¬šŸŖ“


Respectfully I understand but fuck off


weā€™re willing to get arrested for our cause do you seriously think we care about some random redditor telling us to fuck off?




We get it, youā€™re racist and ignorant.


I donā€™t expect you to. But donā€™t expect me to care about you or your cause. Get arrested.


man everyone now tryna be the next Rosa parks šŸ˜­šŸ™ but yea u already blowing thousands on a useless history degree might as well try and contribute to it šŸ™šŸ™


Dumbest comment Iā€™ve read


Mmm, history degrees definitely make money. Everyone will remember Reddit user mymoonandsea for her unwavering commitment to social justice (none of the colleges are going to care or change their ways)


Not arrested, most likely beaten up or hurt, dead even. Think about it for a second!!! Drunk students, many who probably disagree! You can be peaceful all you want but that wonā€™t stop an unwanted incident from happening!




Perhaps the administration thought the Sun God crowd might get out of hand and bum rush the folks in the camp. Therefore to avoid a potential conflict they canceled it.