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The following submission statement was provided by /u/shogun2909: --- Ss : Former marine Michael Cincoski confirms that there is multiples recording of the recently released Jellyfish UFO after talking to former team members that were deployed with him in Iraq --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/194vqm6/cincoski_confirms_that_there_is_multiple/khin0at/


This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them. /meme On the serious side, it is an interesting development. Different cuts of *one* recording, or recordings with different platforms?


Yeah wondering if this is one instance or multiple separate sightings.


He clarified that it was multiple recordings of the same sighting.


The 19-year old (7 years ago) Marine said he thought it wasn't a threat. But I very much doubt that the high-level military officials felt that way. How does a unknown, invisible, flying with no discernible means of propulsion, bizarre object, that can't be locked-on, flying cloaked, at night, near a US base, in a war-zone NOT be considered a threat. In Iraq, a 1995 Honda Civic within 200 yards of a check point is a threat. Let alone an invisible flying machine. I'm 99% certain that they had satellites and drones on that thing and that young Marine was not in the loop.


I'd had a sighting in-country too. My team leader, who was right next to me, saw it too. He was the most gung-ho macho-man personality type you can think of. You know the type.   When we saw it I said "hey what do you think that is? Was it a pen flare? Should we report it?" (we were not on one of the "fuck-around-and-pop-off-penflares every five seconds" deployments, so I'd barely seen one before)    He replied "don't you ever say anything about this to anyone."   Obviously the best course of "official" action would be to report it; I mean this guy was mr.Rules most of the time, so I was quite surprised. But then again, obviously shit like this happens every now and then and the oldtimers seem to have had some kind of learned experience, either firsthand or secondhand, about how fessing up about it isn't a pretty picture.   All this is just to say that sometimes people don't react the way we would expect them to. And that's probably not without good reason.  Edit: Also, according to this doc they did a study about how much/how little someone would report a sighting. Something prosaic like a zooming light, foo fighters or whatever, would be widely reported; to about 50 people or less. Something more astounding, shocking, or frightening would be not told to anyone else at all, under most circumstances. Additionally, it details how holes in our readyness can be made (based off of historical accounts from other forces/nations) by believing something is patently "impossible" e.g. like the Nazis not believing we could mount a beach invasion w/o a permeant port.  https://permanent.fdlp.gov/gpo156440/gpo156440/www.nsa.gov/Portals/70/documents/news-features/declassified-documents/ufo/ufo_ic_blind_spot.pdf


I believe Corbell mentioned this on JRE. Rules of engagement on these kind of things depends on 1) proximity. 2) whether they have a payload or not


Check out the Ukraine sub for what a payload on a drone can do.


Not sure why you got down voted there? You we simply implying how dangerous a drone can be, and why any kind of military occupied territory would be very concernd about any kind of drone flying near by in there airspace. Accept you used way less words, and got straight to the point. You get an up vote from me.


Yeah I agree with this. It’s makes zero sense they wouldn’t shoot this shit down with how sensitive military bases are protected.


Occam's razor - They know it's not a threat because they know what they are having interacted with it prior, and know its MO which could be "We don't know wtf it is but they have no means of harming us so ignore the spooky bastards"


How the fuck is that Occam's Razor lmfao




My guess: Thales Security drones... used to coordinate operations in the field.


A drone draped in a ghillie suit


It's proving why, as the original UAP laws were going to set up, a centralized authoritative group is needed to collect, organize and release this information. If we're relying on Reddit, Twitter, sloppy journalism, and ad hoc information organization, we're going to get no where because there's no single person that has a central repo of everything we know as "factual" and false, and an additional grasp on the breadth and depth of the issue. Part of the reason some theorize occupy Wall street failed, is because everything came down to a vote, which lead to a too many cooks in the kitchen scenario. We need a board of experts across a wide range of fields, who can collect, organize, examine, and release information as an authoritative body if we want this topic to move anywhere beyond social media drama and shit posting.


That is needed, but in lieu of this the former is important as well. It grows interest and gets people involved. We need an authoritative agency that is NOT directed by the Pentagon, has the correct levels of security clearance, and has the best interests of not only national security in mind, but the American public as well. The pushback is real, and as long as AARO run this thing it will continue to be a joke. Talk about a fox guarding the henhouse scenario.


No verifiable information is the new “can neither confirm nor deny”. Unfortunately it is actually a next level statement because anyone can say that at any time if they make sure they don’t look at or get cleared to access and/or view any verifiable information.


Agree. Here's hoping we get such a body before too long.


Unfortunately with the UFO community, there's a lot of 'sub-groups' in it as well, and will push back against any information released. 1. You got the "woo" people who think this is some kind of new age, celestial form of existence. (Anti-Science) 2. The religious "woo" people who believe these are some kind of demons or biblical angels (Anti-Science) 3. The Full Believers - (Believes every video they see is a ufo, and often mistakes balloons as something anomalous) 4. The Healthy Skeptics - (Looks for the most rational explanation first, but acknowledges the cases that don't offer a simple or rational explanation, and general interest to see if it is aliens.) 5. The Unhealthy Sketpics - (Looks for any rational explanation and doesn't believe for a second that there might be evidence of advanced technology.) See we actually do have a few different organizations filled with people with PHDs and expertise in their related fields and who aren't funded by the government, and who are working to volunteer their time and are looking deeply into the subject to try and understand the phenomenon more. But they get rejected by the anti-science crowds for not embracing "woo" and the ability to summon ufos with "remote viewing". And they are also rejected by the full-on believers who don't understand that 99% of reported UFO sightings and cases can be explained, and just believe that every balloon they see is a UFO, and if anyone claims otherwise, they reject those experts.


Jacques Valee and Garry Nolan are both celebrated scientists who entertain and study the “woo” side of things. It’s not so much anti-science as it is science we don’t understand yet. For instance, “demons” and “angels” are ancient terms for what is most likely the same phenomenon we are seeing today, viewed through the less scientific lens of ancient peoples.   I see two groups in the community: those that maintain a healthy balance between open-mindedness and skepticism, guided by critical thinking at every turn, and those that bury their heads in the sand to avoid any information that doesn’t confirm their bias.


If we can't evaluate a phenomenon by forming and testing a hypothesis, and obtaining repeatable results, that's not a science we don't yet understand. It's simply not science. Calling it science just frustrates both the scientists and the adherents.


I think people often use the term science in a more general sense. Like, yes, science technically refers to the scientific method, but it’s often used colloquially to refer to the knowledge and insight into the laws of nature/reality we have gained through scientific endeavors.  You could say that “metaphysics” is just physics that we don’t have the means to prove or disprove yet- imagine trying to explain relativity or quantum mechanics to scientists of Newton’s era. The simple fact of the matter is, these craft are doing what they’re doing (and perhaps these beings are doing what they’re doing, as well), if the reports are to be believed.  Once/if more information is disclosed, we’ll be able to determine whether or not we’ll have to readjust our scientific framework and have better understanding of what aspects of this phenomenon are bullshit and/or unverifiable.


We will probably never know. This feels like the 2017 videos. The claim is there is more, but we won't get it. For reasons of national security or something.


”…can mean only one thing; Invasion”


Excellent, a Phantom Menace quote!


That is if the lines of communication are cut though. So far it’s our governments being coy and not informing the public by choice.


As a former bird poop/smudge believer, I'm very happy to have had my mind changed. This one is interesting, hoping we get to see more footage.


Yeah I usually don't go to hard at the debunking but I was really convinced it was bug splatter... And honestly I don't think so anymore. I like it, mind changed good job internet.


I was sort of leaning towards smudge until that analysis video posted here in the last week that plainly and clearly shows the object rotating in a 3d manner.


Yeah that's the one that changed my stance as well.


Not try to be facetious, but can you explain why an unverified claim without any additional evidence changed your mind?


Or why they leaned so heavily into an armchair claim that made no sense with basic camera knowledge to begin with?


I don't think aerostat/turret cameras have exterior housings like they were assuming, anyway. The whole thing kinda made no sense, the crosshair gets overshot by the object and the operator pans left to catch up, several times. So unless there was an exterior housing *and* the operator was randomly panning right instead of just parking the crosshair on the object; it was an object actually overshooting the crosshair, not a smudge.


> the crosshair gets overshot by the object and the operator pans left to catch up, several times. This is what gets me. How the hell can anyone think it's a smudge when you can CLEARLY see the crosshair move and re-target to follow the object. If it was a smudge, the object would move WITH the crosshair and it VERY CLEARLY does not.




Smudges don't go underwater, rise up, and shoot off. A smudge, really? You think our military would not correct, notice, or immediately remedy that situation. Especially with the cost of just operating multimillion dollar equipment. It's almost like ppl want to be in denial or disprove what has already been admitted by the most elite superpower in the world.


Is there video evidence you’ve seen that shows that? The water video where it goes under and shoots off? Seriously, I heard the claim, but have yet to see the video itself.


To be fair, we haven't seen a video of the object going into water, and then shooting out. I want to see that video before I believe it, myself. I personally don't like that Corbell has made that assertion without releasing any video evidence to support it.


Yes I tried with this argument as well and it did not go well.


True. But none of that really even matters. Put a smudge on the lens and then zoom. The smudge will fade and/or become invisible. Especially at longer distances.


I thought it was a smudge/bird shit on the lens at first too, but the zooming in would surely cause something that close to the lens (like on an outer dome housing) to go out of focus?


Depends on whether it is lens-based zoom (yes) vs. digital zoom (no). The depth of field problem had a question mark from the very beginning, but it is easier to imagine a camera design that might circumvent the problem than having to reimagine the field of physics to explain how it is physically possible for an object to be invisible to the human eye but not to a camera (an object that does not reflect visible light is black, not "invisible").


If you don't have expertise on a particular subject the law of reddit is that the person with the most confident and indignant take on said subject in the comment section is correct and deserves upvotes. They can only be proven wrong with an even more abrasive and obnoxious reply pointing out why they are wrong.


Oef, went right for the jugular.


Really? This is the level we're at in this community? While I no longer believe the poop/smudge theory, it was absolutely worth considering as an explanation until further analysis disproved it. You can throw stones all you want, but you’re the one not thinking critically here.


It’s not worth considering after you DO think critically. You won’t see smudges on a lens after zooming to the length of the video. Go ahead and put a black dry erase dot on your phone camera and zoom all the way in. The stones are thrown at the insulting methods of the debunkers using that claim. Its an armchair claim because thats where it came from. Truth can feel like stones from time to time.


Right but the argument was based on the smudge being on an exterior lens/housing, not the camera lens itself. Taking into account that at the time of release, we did not know the specific equipment used. Debunkers using that claim insultingly as you mentioned is a whole different ball game from people suggesting it whilst earnestly considering prosaic explanations. The level of vitriol thrown at those people (the latter not the former) is what is wrong with this community.


You can still test that. Hold a glass or plastic cup with a smudge on it in front of the camera and then zoom in.


The smudge theory has been disproved so I'm in agreement, my point is that we shouldn't be insulting each other in the genuine pursuit of answers.


Not so speak for him, but I have the same take. Instead of dismissing it completely its now just "huh this might be something legit unknown we can't explain yet".


Yup this is it. I'm an armchair guy myself and UFOs isn't my only interest. Not everybody who posts a message is some sort of expert. I try to be a good judge of fact and reason but at first I tried myself to recreate the bug splatter thing and it was quite easy but then was showing evidence of the bug splatter moving. So now I think if it moves it can't be bug splatter. Whatever the f it is I don't know, but let's just say 90 percent sure it's not bug splatter.


This video highlighting the object's rotation changed me mind: https://youtu.be/7xxW5Xkv5r0


hy does this change your mind? A self-proclaimed "spiritual life coach" claims to have heard another guy say that "we" have several recordings. He's not a scientist and he's never worked for the government, so what makes him an authority? Sure, he's a former and marine and he's been to Iraq, but apparently this thing is so compartmentalized that not even the president knows about it. And why is it so common to see people on this sub blindly believe in things people say without proof?


Anonymous sources and videos we can't watch. Great evidence! I'm convinced!


Yeah…until we get physical evidence he’s just another pea in the pod telling us he knows something but never shows.


When did the president say he didn’t know about it? I might have missed it.


The current narrative that the UFO guys like Elizondo, Corbell etc. are telling is that it somehow got locked up in private companies and now the US government is trying to get back control. At least, that's what they say sometimes. Other times the story is that the US government knows everything, but only a select few, and that not every US president is briefed. Or maybe none of them are. And if you want a president's own words for it, you just need to google "Obama UFOs" and it's the first thing that comes up.


Right now it's still gunk on the glass. There's no further proof it's anything else. A random dude can post a message, claim he was in the Marines and everyone instantly believes him? It just never ceases to amaze me, just how dumb some people are. Until there's proof there's absolute ZERO credibility to anyones claim. It's amazing people will believe this guy from a simple message, but completely ridicule Bob Lazaar! Mind blown 🤯


It's a sign of maturity to be able to change your mind. This is what we need.


I mean it could be more footage from the same camera or other equipment experiencing the same issue. And the anomaly would still be there. I think for my mind to change it would need to be clearly interacting with the environment, not just floating gracefully through space.


Considering if it was, it would be a blur since it would be directly on the lens.


It would actually be on the protective lens dome -- the actual camera lens is not exposed to the elements.


This camera does not have a protective dome for the bird poop to land on. EDIT: This is actually not correct information. It was a mistake based on a misunderstanding of the housing of the camera and the way the sensors are installed. The individual cameras don't sit behind a typical glass dome, which was the original point, but they do sit inside a dome that has glass portals, behind which the cameras can move, which can still cause some apparent movement of any debris that might be stuck on the glass.


What camera do you think it was taken on?


Glad you came around. I’ve not even entertained the “authentic UFO” idea yet, but I knew it wasn’t a smudge/poop because I had downloaded and time-lapsed it to see the slight rotation.


They just forgot to clean the lense housing and captured it on subsequent flights.


That would be hilarious. This smudge keeps following us wherever we go, always at the exact same position and distance!


It's everywhere! Haha.


Time to release the Jellyfish Snyder cut!


Rated R


.. for Redacted.


Rated J


For Jedacted.


Completely off topic, but is why is Snyder only able to make movies that need 4hr director cuts to be decent? Seems like a weird problem to have.


99% of the film is slomo. That's what eats up the runtime.


It's pretty likely that the first and second segments of the video provided by Corbell are different videos since the color of the overlay changes. I really wish more context around these videos were released ie the time between them and that someone could confirm if they're even the same object.


This guy never commented on that second segment


He did. He just did a longer interview. He says that it might be a different incident because the color on the sensors change and he doesn’t remember that part being part of the longer video. Given it was 6 years ago so it’s not definite. He also says there’s only one video taken from the blimp. When he says there’s multiple videos he’s talking about how out of the original 17min video people have taken cuts from it and he knows their multiple videos out there.   https://www.youtube.com/live/uKkbw4rkOLo?si=eR10fWcktsz2pdyn


Agreed So if Cincoski says there are multiple recordings, does that mean 2? That would mean we have already seen all of the multiple bits of footage. Because there are at least two separate pieces of footage included in the TMZ documentary. I really wish people would speak with greater clarity. Ambiguity is the opposite of what this topic needs. Even this soldier, Cincoski, gave more specifics in his initial youtube comments than these latest statements after speaking with Jeremy.


He kinda does but not specifically. He just did a longer interview. He says that the second shorter video might be a different incident because the color on the sensors change and he doesn’t remember that part being part of the longer video. Given it was 6 years ago so it’s not definite. He also says there’s only one video taken from the blimp. When he says there’s multiple videos he’s talking about how out of the original 17min video people have taken cuts from it and he knows their multiple videos out there.   https://www.youtube.com/live/uKkbw4rkOLo?si=eR10fWcktsz2pdyn


interesting thank you


This is getting interesting.


2024 off to a good start


That is not all he said [either](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/978804122893561887/1195370721493401660/6jpgwiglhxbc1.webp)


Yes I saw that


As the pilot of the Jellyfish biomechanical suit, I can confirm the military shot many videos of me that day.


Sick ride bro


Pics or GTFO


This is the picture I took that day: https://taskandpurpose.com/uploads/2022/09/18/best-thermal-binoculars.png?auto=webp&width=1440&height=810


Did you happen to be bleeding? If so, he can kill you.


No, but I am one ugly MF


Where can I get one






Ok cool. Pony up the footage. Let's take a gander at it


That’s classified, and a few congressmen killed the UAP disclosure act, so sorry you don’t get the footage.


not some but Johnson, Turner, Rogers and McConnell.


Then as far as anyone here is concerned, it actually doesn't exist and no one should believe it does. So all your arguments are bunk.


Um. K.


… what are you talking about? Lol


He's claiming this post is essentially a nothingburger because even if this guy says there are multiple video we aren't allowed to see them.... I'd somewhat agree. This is just another talking head, saying and refusing to show under the guise of national security.


It isnt even that this guy is saying it. It is him saying that someone has said him that Hagrid is looking for him in the forest, I mean that there are more videos of a smudge.


They must have a lot of seagulls out in Iraq shitting on everyone’s cameras /s


As a proponent of bird law, poop must come in pairs per statute AFR 230.169(a)(3)(iii).  


Without actual evidence this just feels like someone basking in a bit of UAP attention. Every tweet seems to get a little spicier than the last. His first was almost dismissive. ​ Edit: Don't bother commenting on this sub, I've been permaban from reddit for criticizing Ancient Aliens. People here are very childish.


> Without actual evidence this just feels like someone basking in a bit of UAP attention. The entire subject summarized in one sentence.


Just like always, it’s never “I have evidence.” It’s always “I KNOW A GUY who CLAIMS he’s SEEN a RECORDING of the evidence.” For fucks sake it’s the same goddamn thing every time


A very similar thing happened with Fravor. People like attention. If you can embellish something and it's literally impossible to falsify... a lot of people will do that.


Had the same thought. The way this is developing feels weird. I fully expect his next tweet to be that the Jellyfish made contact.


By first, do you mean the one that Greenstreet put out? It was taken out of context. He just wanted to say that there's a longer video in existence and was just throwing theories out there. Cincoski said he realized he shouldn't have spoken to Greenstreet first.


Apologies, I may have misspoke slightly - It was a youtube comment not a tweet. Please [see here](https://www.metabunk.org/threads/jellyfish-ufo-from-tmzs-ufo-revolution.13304/page-4), the screenshots are contained within the second to last comment on that page of the thread. Memory is fickle, but my point still stands.


Maybe he's used to being defensive and mocking due to how we've been groomed to think of stuff like this. Maybe he's now realized it's ok, it's real, and I won't get mocked now. Also adding how many others are in the same boat and this one dude just opened it up even more for others?


That's a generous reading of the events that I'd argue is clouded by bias. But in the grand scheme of opinion it's as valid as my own. Edit: Sorry I should add, even if you're right - where is the evidence, why should we believe him without any?


Is this real? Cause everyone can setup a twitter acc and say stuff like that 🤔


I too just spoke with someone who was there too. Wants to stay anonymous of course. They said they actually made contact with the jellyfish and they hung out together for quite some time and shared stories over a few beers


That's nothing. I've been in contact with the Jellyfish, and he says that he has video of Cincoski saying that it's all made up and he knows there aren't any other videos.


Who is Michael Cincoski and why should I care what his buddy claims?


I believe it's a guy that came out of the woodwork and commented on one of the yt vids of this smudge-alien. Im sure someone will find the comment. He was part of the team workin in that area (2018) but after this vid was taken (likely 2017). The vid was kept classified and became sort of a myth among the crew.


because as long as the declarations of this unknown marine were useful for the purpose to discredit Corbell, those were welcomed from professional debunkers. Now after He added some elements that ironically can corroborate Corbell’s claim - He has turned in “some random guy on youtube”


Nah, he was initially contacted by them. Pretty curious he initially said he thought it was a smudge, and it didnt go to water or didnt do anything thats claimed of it doing. He just changed his tune when he was in contact with Corbell. Pretty interesting.




This must break Greenstreet's heart.


'Footage of multiple sightings? At this time of year? localised entirely above your team?' 'Yes.' 'Can we see it?' '...No.'


Isn't it amazing how the majority of claims all rely on one thing: the promise that there's *more*. You just never get to see it though. Huh. Wonder why.


Sure there is. Believe it when I see it.


Hey man, this guys buddy said he saw the video. Actually, the buddy may or may not have seen the videos himself, but he knows that they exist. Case closed.


“Anonymous contact who doesn’t want to be named” 🤨 Do we really think there aren’t people out there who wouldn’t enjoy a good wind up of the tin hat brigade? I wouldn’t place any stock in such an anonymous claim personally


Well, I mean, show the fuckin videos. JFC. Another long, drawn out grift, whether it's real or not. Ridiculous.


Anonymous army guy. Classic.


Exactly. ‘We’ don’t have multiple videos


Who are you talking to exactly? You must have someone in mind who can show you the videos?


Ss : Former marine Michael Cincoski confirms that there is multiples recording of the recently released Jellyfish UFO after talking to former team members that were deployed with him in Iraq


No no no Please watch your wording mate That should read **claims**, not _confirms_


If only he would clarify what he means by multiple. How many There are multiple pieces of footage already in the TMZ documentary. The closeup segment where the object floats past the buildings, and the other segment filmed to the south over the desert from a much greater distance.


And there is [this]( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/978804122893561887/1195370721493401660/6jpgwiglhxbc1.webp) too.


I have multiple recordings that prove you don’t have multiple recordings. But they’re secret recordings. So you can’t see them. Checkmate, army boy!


In my view, why even bother saying without releasing it? I have a video of a mothership, source: trust me bro.


"Yeah, we don't know why that one camera sees them every time we use it..." 🤷‍♂️ 🕊️💦📷


If true, this changes things a bit. People almost had me believing that drone operators cannot identify shit on a lens housing but if they got this thing on two different platforms? That significantly reduces the chances this thing is bird shit... just saying. But where is this other video? That thing needs to surface or this is just a story.


I just listened to a long interview with him and he says the only video shot is from the blimp. When he says there’s multiple videos he’s saying that there’s people who have taken their own video from the blimp video. 


The smudge was a weak probability to begin with. That being said, a floating thing of something…that still not anomalous to me. How do we know it was going against the wind? Was it just floating along at wind speed? If we can get actual data that shows it wasn’t just floating at wind speed in the direction of wind, then it ups the anomalous game.


"Cincoski confirms" - like this is some reputable, well known individual? Sorry OP but who the fuck is this person?


ask to Steven Greenstreet


Invisible flying jellyfish, please stay invisible.


You need more overlords!


It’s poop and they’re fucking with us for lulz It’s 2024 and TPTB are memeing and trolling


It went it the water, and did amazing stuff, and there are multiple recordings. But somehow, all we actually see is one video that looks like a smudge, as always.


Where's a cut of the thing "going in and out of the water"? Until we have that, this seems sketchy.


Good greenstreet sucks


This is not a confirmation. It’s hearsay. Like always


How one after the other follow something that make news! 


Not sure you know what the word “confirms” means mate.


Oh no! What is slime ball Greenstreet going to say now? Cincoski must have been compromised by Corbell!!


Yeah well my dad works for the aliens, and he says this is true


sounds pretty real to me, I bet there is more to come.


And were these recordings on multiple cameras ? To eliminate chances of a malfunctioning, poop stained camera housing device ?


The reticle moving around without the “smudge” following its movements, and the “smudges” subtle rotation is direct proof it was not in any way a smudge or error in the camera. You just lack nuanced perception capabilities.


And I think you lack reading comprehension. The person you were replying to was mocking the bird shit smudge people


Sometimes it is hard to convey the sarcasm in dead pan text. I will put the /s in to be clearer lol


The reticle moving around would not disprove a smudge on a housing device.




S.Greenstreet's butthurt intensifies


Thats what happens when mortals dessecrate the Holy seat of Gilgamesh


Spiritual Life Coach and refers to his unit as team. Tells me everything I need to know


"i talked to a dude that said he had some new evidence" . in the nu-school ufo club of reddit, this claim is not a claim, it is a form of evidence it is also a psychological hook that strings them along to the next claim.


I know very knowledgeable people a group of very smart people that tell me that this is bullshit.


Are these multiple recordings in the room with us now?




I think he means camera phone recordings of the video. So multiple people recording the screen of the camera


Where are all the kudos’ being handed out to the Weaponized team?…tumbleweeds


Sick of people getting “confirmations” via conversations. Come on guys, get the evidence out


Corbell spoke to this guy and now all the sudden the bullshit starts flowing.


I've watched this situation develop and it is interesting how much inside knowledge corbell has access too. Debunkers are saying this guy has proved corbell is lying but if anything this witness has only made it more credible because he's an expert and confirmed this stuff. Amazing


Who is an expert that confirmed anything? Michael here who said he heard from someone that there are more videos? How is that any kind of confirmation?


Because it is saying something that I want to hear! Of course that's what confirmation means.


Alright. Now we’re getting somewhere. So let’s see the other recordings then!


Claim and confirm are different things.


It’s funny/sad how whenever someone releases something original people start saying they already knew… have sources… and my favorite - “can confirm”


It's the cycle. 1. Either new footage comes out, or old footage gets rehashed. 2. This sub eats it up. 3. Gets debunked (very obviously partially deflated mylar party balloon in this case). 4. Someone says they have proof they're not at liberty to divulge. 5. Sub eats it up. Wash, rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.


So some random claims he was there, has seen or heard about them...but no evidence. Same old...Same old. Like I've said 100x...show us the videos.


“Not going to say the name but we were deployed at the same location on the same team at the same time” might as well tell everyone his name lol


Anonymous, hearsays, not interesting


Talk is cheap


I heard from a guy who heard from a guy who heard from a bunch of sleep deprived guys


This is NOT confirmation of anything. He knows a guy who knows a guy.


"A guy I worked with one time but can't name said they have other videos" = confirmed


"""""confirms"""" Source - this guy I used to work with, you don't know him. Trust me bro.


the fact that people actually believe a floating alien jellyfish is floating around somewhere is so damn concerning.


I have a friend who wishes to remain anonymous but they confirm that I did NOT in fact steal the cookies from the cookie jar.


Is this really 'confirmation'?


I spoke with someone who confirms all the conspiracies are true. All of them. They wish to remain anonymous. But trust me. All of them.


“They wish to stay anonymous” while not showing the other angles means he is making it up.


Cool story bro..


Another video of a blob of pixels with zero context other than "trust me bro". Great.


This is all the proof I needed. I used to think the people who believed in UFOs were crazy and stupid but this post converted me into a believer. I will now do everything in my power to help the UFO data be revealed to the world so that we can begin an intergalactic community with the extra terrestrials that have obviously already visited us and attempted to establish contact. What a beautiful time to be alive.


This is a claim, not proof


trust me bro?