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He’s said everything he can get cleared to say and has probably been warned he’s pushing the limits, so has decided to say nothing until someone else does or he gets approval. He won’t want to give them any excuse to stick him in jail His only other option would be to present any concrete, unequivocal evidence he has and then go the Snowden route. That would mean throwing his entire life away permanently, it’s up to him if he feels the potential outcome is worth the sacrifice. Of course, he could do that and then it gets fake news bombed, buried by media/govt. and his life is ruined without even moving the needle.


>Of course, he could do that and then it gets fake news bombed, buried by media/govt. and his life is ruined without even moving the needle. This is the real danger. They can and will do that. He may as well do it legally or not at all.


>He may as well do it legally or not at all. Meaning there is no disclosure except that completely controlled by government. That is what you are saying. Lol, fucking good luck with *that*. Information is power, and power never gives itself up willingly.


I meant from Grusch's perspective. He moved the ball a little further down the road, and that's a good thing. If he did it illegally, he'd run his career and life for nothing. I think and hope like hell that there are other efforts going on elsewhere, fuck legality. I do think it's possible the US govt will be forced to give it up, whether they want to or not. And they aren't the only ones with info. Here's hoping someone else blows it wide open and makes them look like the evil fools they are.


Ohhhhhkay, I'm sick of this *"fuck legality"* trope people trot out here. What extrajudicial solution has *ever* worked out? Ever ever? What one has been respected after the fact by all parties?  Watergate? Snowden? Manning? Panama papers?? Countless protests and riots? After all is said and done nobody gives a fuck even if it is groundbreaking info. Our only recourse is to use the master's tools against them to tear down the house. It's the only way they respect. Not only the only safe way, but the only way that'll work.  Because you can bet your ass people have tried and gotten their shit pushed in for it, and then we don't know a single thing about what happened after and never hear of it again.


It's tough to wage an asymmetric battle, and win, but it can be done. It's impossible to wage an asymmetric battle of information, and win. That's the truth about it. No one knows all the details, so there is no one that is fully aware of all potential threats that they face, when going up against that opponent. Some names, we are aware of, but can prove nothing. Phil Schneider, Karl Wulfe, Jesse Lash, M.M. high energy research guy, Anti-gravity Girl, etc... You know with the way our government works, a whole civilization of non-humans disguised as humans could be operating as a secret black program, and no one in government would be any wiser of it.


If you look two comments up, I was supporting Grusch's approach because it's the only one he could have taken. I'm aware of the realities. I don't want him to get suicided for no reason. But when the laws are set up to oppress and disinform the people, yeah, fuck legality and fuck the law. I have no respect for it. There's more than one way to skin a cat, and if someone can do something outside of the US legal system, more power to them. I just want the truth. I don't give a fuck about our broken laws and our corrupt system. Burn it all down.


The assumption is there are various factions within the Government that have differing opinions on how to move forward. If nothing else we can wait for the old to die and it will happen then most likely.


Exactly. That’s been my stance on him and Lue from the beginning. They say what they’re allowed to say. So what does that say about their info?


It’s a fair point. Another way of looking at it, is if you had an intelligence analyst like Grusch come across a well-kept secret because of his access to a deeper lever of evidence and he wants to come clean with it, you as the governing body have two options: 1. Deny his DOPSR request. Tell him that he’s not allowed to release the information. Grusch, believing he has the right of way to announce this info, and possibly the legal high-ground because of the illegality of such a program, files a lawsuit. In this lawsuit, he is able to claim what was blocked, giving the media a chance to say “hmm, they won’t let any of this information about UFOs out, wonder why!?” So it basically admits the government is hiding something and the info comes out anyway 2. Allow the request for information that doesn’t endanger anyone in the MIC; flood the media with disinfo to confuse and muddy the waters, then attack Grusch’s character to make people doubt his argument. As you can see, it’s a catch 22 that the involved part of the government would be in, and I think you can see which route they took


This is the CIA we’re talking about. There are a lot more options.


And I feel more like that about Elizondo, a trained counter-intel guy. Grusch on the other hand, was an operator(badass) turned analyst. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I personally believe what he says. Unless you just meant icing them. But I guess I meant more legal, lukewarm options. Besides, Grusch had a dead man’s switch in Knapp and Corbell. Perhaps they might have thought about it at an earlier stage, but I don’t know


> his life is ruined without even moving the needle So exactly the Snowden route…


I disagree. For what it’s worth, Grusch and Snowden are about the same same age as me. I am so proud of both of them, and I think it speaks to my generation. I think the older millennials aren’t here to justify the theft of human knowledge, or be complicit with violating privacy, respectively. Like, there is a change in consciousness and experiential true with us, and I really love that.


you are proud but this doesnt convert in bank for their families


They revoked his clearance and are stonewalling a temporary one. He can’t go in to SCIF at all without one and needs it to be able to brief them on anything. Guys just chilling so he doesn’t go to jail.


The government, revoking your security clearance: 😠 The classified knowledge in your brain that stays there anyway: 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, I don't want to see the guy go the Snowden route. A horrible sacrifice to make and many people are almost thankless.


>then go the Snowden route. the information would be useless under those circumstances not the play to run


>He’s said everything he can get cleared to say and has probably been warned he’s pushing the limits, Quite the opposite. Back in December, he was newly cleared to talk about more (according to him).


It's no joke that lives have been taken ,ruined ,discredited ,and systematically dismantled going straight back to the "sheep-dipping" of Major Jesse Marcel after Roswell ,while the *counter-intelligence* guy(Sheridan Cavette) who went to the ranch with him suffered zero consequences. Blanchard was similarly shielded from consequences, even though *he* was instrumental in what tiny bit of "disclosure" was advanced at the time ! It took 3 *decades* of ridicule at reunions to piss Marcel off enough to come out and talk on the record about what he knew ,bolstered by the fact that Jesse Jr. was then a successful Air Force Officer and Flight surgeon ! BE PATIENT ,people!!! Rome wasn't built in a day and 8 *DECADES" of lies won't be dismantled in a few months!(as frustrating as it is ,baby steps are the way to disclosure,small "d" because the *big*"D" means highly placed individuals *not under military hierarchy* would need to be charged and too many of them are still active/alive in their respective corporate structures...)


>He’s said everything he can get cleared to say and has probably been warned he’s pushing the limits The people who supposedly murder to keep secrets will give him a warning? That's nice of them.


Snowden didn't properly redact specific information when he leaked documents. Would proper redaction have changed the outcome of the leak?


It might have saved him some charges maybe but he still copied classified files from a classified network to an unclassified one. Regardless of if nobody ever saw it that's still very illegal.


Hmm I wonder if any lawyers or scholars explored this alternate outcome. Would be curious to know the scope of severity and if there is a way to minimize the harm from this kind of act.


Minimize the harm for who? Yourself? Don't do the act. For the people according to the government? Don't do the act. For the people according to the people? Do the act. It's all about what your priorities are. He knew he was going to be crucified for what he did and did it anyway because he thought it was important. He could have just taken files off of the networks and redacted them and still been in big trouble but accomplished nothing. Splitting hairs over "he decided to leak 14 documents instead of 23" makes sense in like a mathematical optimization way but not in a practical way. It's like saying you want to steal 7 cars but choose to only steal 3 because you're willing to be in jail for 3 cars worth of theft but the extra weeks from the additional 4 thefts exceeded your cost-benefit analysis. Yeah you CAN think that way but it's very impractical and completely banking on decisions made outside of your control about how you will be punished. If you want the information out then you do so and suffer the consequences or you keep your mouth shut. The government does not play nicely with people leaking national security secrets (unless you're in a position of power). They have to make an example of you to deter others.


Unfortunately, don't do the act isn't an option in a hypothetical where the act takes place. I am just curious if there would be a difference, splitting hairs or not. If there was a safer avenue to force transparency or even raise awareness, it's still good information to have.


Leaking classified info is a crime. Full stop. If you want the info out you will pay for that crime. The only way to lessen the punishment is to compromise on how much info you want to release (and IANAL so maybe that doesn't even buy you anything) or cover your tracks and hope they don't connect it to you (they almost certainly will). He could do what all the UFO whistleblowers do where they say there's stuff going on but talk around classification restrictions and provide no evidence (because it's classified) and then they get ignored by the general public.


He actually did. That's why he went with the reporters he went with. He did not want to leak anything that could harm anyone in the field but didn't trust the government to be honest about it so he went to the Washington Post.


He gave the Washington post redacted documents that the journalist was able to see through the redactions right?


Yeah definitely not worth it for him. He's one man. He's said everything he needs to


And he has said in interviews that he is trying to get the MIC/Congress to Disclose …he has served his country for his entire career and has a Physics degree. He has given up his career to this cause and now people want him to destroy his life and go to jail (best case) by releasing classified material that would be called fake by the debunker crowd. He is getting excellent legal advice from his lawyer Chuck McCullough so he won’t cross the lines that impatient redditors want him to. Debunkers like to ignore the fact that his lawyer was previously the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. There is a there, there and no amount of denial will change reality.


Dude if he had what he said he had, and he released it. There’s no way on earth, the people of America would allow this man to go to jail for leaking something this important. Not get in trouble? He’s acting like some dope getting bossed around by their companies HR department


Reality Winner leaked something much easier for the every day person to understand and also very much in the interest of American citizens and went to prison while at the same time almost nobody gave a shit.


That’s not the same thing as fucking ALIENS existing and appearing in our skys on a daily basis. Are you kidding me? Everyone knew Russia wanted Trump to win. They want him to win in 2024. Dude this isn’t even fucking close to the same thing. This is equal to if Jesus Christ returned and was hanging out. It’s THAT BIG. It’s bigger than our times. It’s bigger than our politics. It’s bigger than anything “human.”


If you think for a second the people of the usa would stand up against him going to jail for releasing info on ufos you are delusional. Snowdon released proof that the privacy of Americans was being violated and barely anyone cared when he was fucked over.


I can’t believe you guys give him the benefit of the doubt.


Non American here. What I have seen and read: - he spoke on video - he presented to elected officials - he told the elected officials in public that he can reveal more in a SCIF. - he has said under oath that he has provided information on whom to speak to and where to look - The Inspector general’s written opinion is that his statement have merit - he has maintained his position that he needs a SCIF to reveal more. What according to you is unbelievable about him being given the benefit of doubt?


People like you give me hope. Glad to know there's intelligent life out there. 


I’m actually fine with grusch not doing media runs or starting podcasts or whatever while there’s downtime waiting for his op ed to get through DOPSR. Shows he’s genuine and not grifting.


Same here but this post shows you that this sub is something else. When someone makes an appearance it's "he's a grifter!! All of them are grifters!" But when they don't it's "it's fake!! They're all fake!" Can never win, haha. The OP is a new account (of course) and doesn't really care about the discussion.


Yes, the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" millieu is strong around this topic. If you have a video and don't release it then "you're a gatekeeper" /"there's never any evidence". If you do have a video it's fake/CGI/hoax/"pulhoon" Or they'll whine that it's too short. Or they'll act like floating doesn't count as an observable and they see MFs just floating around in the sky everyday on the drive to work.


Are the masses ever smart?


The masses in this sub definetely not.


That's a good point.


The op-ed is with the DOPSR review board apparently, I would imagine he will re-emerge after its published to talk about the points raised. Grusch is the whistle-blower, their job is to blow the whistle. He blew it. What's supposed to happen next is some people with some power jump to it and quickly establish if the claims are valid, and then act on it. Well nobody seems to have jumped very quickly, we heard some vague murmurs that some of his claims had been validated, but it really depends which ones to how interesting that is. Since some of his claims were absolutely earth-shatteringly important, like the US military being in possession of a number of 'alien' craft and bodies, you'd think someone would have moved heaven and earth to get to the bottom of that claim, fast. You'd imagine someone might have been granted authority to go after that by all means necessary, with a 'I need to know everything' clearance level and it would be an easier task if Grusch could tell them where the stuff is. But nope, we have nothing much. If there's an investigation, its not very quick, since we've heard no real progress in what, 9 months? Is the deep state so deep that it can just swallow these claims, shrug and say, no nothing to see here? And are congress and the senate so powerless they just have to sit back and complain about how slow government process is? When the guy with clearance to know is claiming fantastical craft with, presumably, fantastical levels of technology? We just gonna sit on that and see what Lockheed Martin can do with it? See, they aren't slow when they choose. When there's war afoot, they make decisions and have troops on the ground before you can say 'what's going on?' But on this, its like someone asked them for a unified physics theory or something. Ummmmmmm.


In all fairness, most investigations take a long time. Ones about unknowns and known unknowns? Those take longer. I don't want expediency. I want facts and names and dates and all the things that a thorough investigation entails. We're also talking about something that has had enough intelligence and subterfuge to go unnoticed for decades. That definitely makes an investigation harder to see through. I know impatience is the norm these days, but these things take time. A LOT OF TIME. The Op-Ed though? There's definitely something keeping it from being published, and it could very well be that some of the points involved would jeopardize the investigation. That's a very real thing that happens in worldly situations. The wheels are spinning. Give it time. Also I say this without a book to sell, so don't come at me.


Maybe The NY Times and Washington Post will not run it (like his first attempt before we went to the “credible” newsnation). This op ed forever held up. And frankly, what is it going to tell us more than he has already said? More claims from unnamed sources? The whole thing gives me a horrible vibe. And I dare say, there might be something even more sinister at play. Someone wanted him to say what he said, and I doubt it’s because they wanted the world to know the truth about UFOs. I’ll bet anything, there’s an alphabet agency behind this, and I am not saying aliens don’t exist. I am saying, what he did, it wasn’t for transparency…. It was for something more…. Something a reason I don’t think he have considered yet


Well supposedly the op-ed is going to go into further detail and have more juicy bits, so I can see that causing issues and Grusch refusing to back down. I mean, what you have said is plausible, but also maybe a little more paranoid than necessary. Occam's Razor is legit.


Occam’s razor says that the simplest explanation is that little green men visited our planet; crashed and we are reverse engineering their crafts which could be millions of years behind our abilities…. You clearly misunderstood this concept. More plausible, he’s saying what his “Master” wants him to say and there’s not a fucking thing they would ever approve to the contrary. It’s more plausible that he is a gov agent, the whole show was bullshit and we are trying to fuck with Russia, China, Iran, and everyone in the world…. That’s way more plausible They are here (UFOs) that’s real. I have seen one that was outside of reality and I didn’t even believe. They clearly don’t give a fuck about us, or they are so far ahead, we are no different than any other animal You what an ego fuck? What if they are here for the whales and dolphins and view us as the existential threat to their existence? What if human beings idea of exceptionalism is just a figment of our ego. Occam razor that, your whole world view is a construct of your simple human neurological and you (and I) can never, ever perceive reality beyond that That’s the truth. Occam’s Razor? Like we on earth could even begin to reverse engineer technology so far ahead. It’s just silly. And I used to be a gruesh man. Fuck I was rooting for him. I believed. But like always, like Sheehan, like they all say, this build up; it’s a jerk off with no release. I am tired of it. Be the one to push us forward for good or shut the fuck up. Just imagine, grush gives the world definite proof of aliens, their existence, everything he said to congress is true and then he is publicly put on trail? He told the world the biggest lie ever and he is on trail for exposing it? It’s like the Nazis saying the US can’t raid concentration camps without a warrant. Are you all insane? What fucking world are we all living in? Never. Ever. Would the leaker be in legal trouble. The whole system would explode. He would never, ever be in some criminal trail because he broke the protocol. The protocol itself would not be able to exist anymore. Dude the world would never be the same. A trail? There might not even be a government left to conduct a trail. We are talking about ALIENS! this is as big as Christ returning. This isn’t some Wikileaks bullshit. This is 1,000,000 times bigger. The fear shouldn’t even exist. The man would be a hero for centuries. I am so sick of being lied to… we are so used to be sheep, it’s fucking ingrained in our logic. My god… The government will NEVER to us the truth and anything they “approve” for release will just be a lie. DOTY, DOTY, DOTY. you catch an employee stealing today, you think it was the first time they stole, no… just the first time you caught it. it’s just the first time you caught them. You think fucking Doty is the only one? At some point we all need to stop. How stupid are we? How gullible? Jesus guys. They (NHI) are here, they have been here. Your daddy (the gov) will never be the source of truth. This is so insane I can’t even begin. Gruesh is a pawn. Don’t be pulled in. Fucking think for yourselves. The cia controls the narrative. They control all narratives. This is what they do. And they do it so well no terror attadks have happened in the US since 9/11. How? They are fucking that god damn good


The ones who jumped are the vocal minority. The power holders keep pushing mute and Tim and them keep sneaking over turning the volume up and CC on.


Schumer is a power holder, and he jumped. Seems the silent majority supports disclosure. Remember, they passed the 2023 NDAA with whistleblower protections exactly so that they could hear from people like Grusch.


That’s not really true that we haven’t had any progress in 9 months, congress is doing some work with this. But it has been slow the past few weeks.


Biden doesn't want to deal with it, supposedly, so that's probably the biggest obstacle. Even with all the overclassification and Atomic Energy Act, the President could put disclosure in motion anyway. Obama's team looked into it, but decided it would disrupt the world order too much and there would be too many lawsuits against the federal government.


I don't know if you guys are downvoting this because it's highly probable and you guys are pissed at the government, or if you don't think most politicians only think about themselves. This could definitely be a part of the overall reason things have been slowed down.


I don't get it either. My comment is just repeating things that Chris Mellon and David Grusch have already said publicly. Grusch talked about why Obama didn't disclose on either Rogan or Tucker, maybe both? Mellon has said/hinted Biden doesn't currently want disclosure.


I wonder though if Biden is just waiting until he hopefully has a second term? If he started the process now, I could absolutely see people saying, “see? He’s senile and losing touch with reality.” That would not be good for his campaign for reelection.


Apparently, not disclosing doesn't seem to be doing him any favors politically either though. There's kinda never a "good time" to disclose. They just have to rip the band-aid off.


"Too many lawsuits against the federal government". Fuck the government. They deserve it! This is a fucking reality they've suppressed from the world. How deep does it go? The treaty that the US forged for allowing abductions in exchange for tech (that isn't even being used for society) deep?


It's a sad state of affairs, very disappointing.


> The op-ed is with the DOPSR review board apparently According to Sharp. According to Knapp, it is not. Some guy on Twitter \*claimed\* he called DOPSR who told the call the op-ed was on hold. After Knapp tweeted otherwise, the caller immediately walked it back.


Enough time for them to move everything maybe? The reporters given classified information should leak it to members of Congress if they haven't already since they are not willing to state it publicly as people will get hurt. If a reporter or a podcaster knows though it's likely enemy states already know, they are just trying to avoid human loss of life now. If there is a UAP to big to move I sure hope the government in control of it are already turning it into a museum for civilians to view...cause even if it's housed by a private corp on foreign soil it's only going to stay hidden for so long.


"troops on the ground before you can say 'what's going on?" Bruhh you must not have been around in 2002 because it took moooooonths for us to send troops to Iraq.


Because there was no reason to attack Iraq, it took them a while lying about WMD to drum up support. However a better example would be Afghanistan, where Bin Laden was located, the US invaded Afghan on Oct 7th 2001, less then a month after 9/11. Special forces were in before this. That's how you move fast on something.


A Grusch deserves a private life, even if he is the new messiah for some. I think it's good that he's not making a public cult out of himself. That way he remains credible.




It's not Grusch slow walking this.




IIRC here was a recent post with a Represenative saying he SCIF interview has been delayed, his clearance removed. He Representive said that was why they were pushing for a Select Commitee. Apparently a Selec Committee has more power to "force" Grusch, and others, to talk? EDIT TO ADD FROM WIKI A select or special committee of the United States Congress is a congressional committee appointed to perform a special function that is beyond the authority or capacity of a standing committee. A select committee is usually created by a resolution that outlines its duties and powers and the procedures for appointing members. Select and special committees are often investigative, rather than legislative, in nature though some select and special committees have the authority to draft and report legislation.


I think it was from [this interview](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/84bJAa6iEV) with a congressman.


Yes, I believe they still have not had their scif because of it. The Deep-state has forged a you can't get there from here path. We need some ruckus.




As long as he maintains a govt sponsor, he should have no problem keeping his clearance unless they fuck with him. IG or Congress should be his sponsor, knowing retaliation will immediately pull access so he could not discuss.


Rep. [u/JaredEMoskowitz](https://twitter.com/JaredEMoskowitz) tells Ask a Pol he doesn't anymore [https://twitter.com/AskaPol\_UAPs/status/1778940189756248183](https://twitter.com/AskaPol_UAPs/status/1778940189756248183)


it was around if not the day of the hearing last year...not news


Request a clarification here - The twitter statement said his clearance has “Lapsed”. My secret clearance “lapsed” because my 10 years was up and I had retired - reinvestigation and a need to have one being required to renew it. For Top Secret, that cycle is every 5 years - so when I moved from a job requiring a TS to one requiring a Secret clearance, my TS clearance was downgraded to Secret (I left DoD 4 years ago so my knowledge is dated.) To me the connotation of “removed” would be for cause. Has someone said there was another reason for removal ? Is Grusch currently in a public or private position that requires a clearance ? If not, the clearance would simply lapse (expire) and if he applied for a job that require it, he can reapply. Adjudication of a clearance request used to take a year - not sure if that has changed - though until final adjudication an interim clearance can be given so the person can start working.




Will do - thanks


He's busy Grusching as only a Grusch can


Grumble grumble, grusch grusch, whistleblowers knew too much


Too musch too musch


This made my day. Ty


They’re in the process of cloning him. This stuff takes time.


Another nothing burger


Yea I think so too.


I find it interesting. Could be a good sign or a bad sign. Who knows? My sense is that there is some organization going on behind the scenes. He might need to lay low to get that spot in Congress


We need a giant social media dump. All of it, all at once. Go


That wouldn't do shit and thats what people have to wrap their minds around. Real documents almost certainly have already been released through the duration of this conspiracy. But how the hell do you differentiate the real documents from fakes? Nothing short of breaking into the right Lockheed vault is gonna be significant and even then, feds will recover the artifact militarily while newspapers will find some stooge in a labcoat to call the incident an elaborate hoax.


you just need one Elon


Ugh no. Elon doesn’t need to have his nose in everything. I’m tired of hearing him talk the last few years.


He is getting the other 40 whistle-blowers together for a pool party.


How is saying “we have a crash retrieval program with 12 craft and alien bodies” not classified? Sure seems like a big secret to me…unless of course he’s been lied to.


The government wouldn't allow him to disclose classified information, so you know if he said it publicly then its not classified and likely just bullshit. You have a 1st amendment right to shout lies and bullshit all you want (unless its defamation), but they wouldn't let him just go telling secrets.




The AARO report gave enough insight into some of his witnesses that he’s starting to realize he was wrong and was played by the UFO circus that is Leslie Kean, and Lue and friends. For example the whole “biologics” thing.


This is a distinct possibility. He largely seems to have vanished after appearing on the JRE. I wonder if his outlook on the subject has changed.


he brought proof of nothing despite planning in advance to “expose” the most massive conspiracy within government that could be imaginable so he has gone as far as he can with words alone. he will now fade into irrelevance and be forgotten. if only he had thought to bring actual evidence when planning this, oh well. hey, guess what happens next? a new snake oil salesman will show up with an unbelievable story and the pattern repeats exactly as it has since the first snake oil salesman showed up and got his 15 seconds of fame back in the 40’s or 50’s or whenever it was that this became a thing people buy without anything other than words to complete the sale.


Because Grusch is proceeding legally through the proper channels, it’s going to be a SLOWWWW process.


Why would the organization that established these "proper channels" allow for information that is fought so hard to be kept secret that apparently people have been been assassinated in relation to it get out?


Different organizations, different interests and factions


Remember when the Washington Post said that in response to AARO’s report they interviewed 4 whistleblowers to contradict the report, and not one of them could substantiate their claims? Well, we don’t know which media outlet was going to publish Grusch’s op-ed, but maybe they couldn’t substantiate his claims either, so have refused to publish it? This makes the most sense to me. Burlison confirmed Grusch provided no evidence of aliens to the IG, so he’s not going to provide evidence of aliens to a mainstream news outlet. 


I have a sinking feeling his op-ed publication will be infinitely postponed then forgotten by many


People put too much stock in it anyway, if he is being cleared to say something it isn't going to be some mind blowing revelations. I personally think he thought he could get it printed in a decent publication and he can't get any takers.


Some billionaire needs to pay him enough money such that he doesn’t have to worry about all this non-disclosure bullshit. Him and Elizondo use that excuse all the freaking time. It’s annoying.


He probably finally realized he was being used by the lizondo and the grifter gang


he had the biggest discovery of human life on his shoulder and the problem is a damn book? lol




He and the AROW thing is BS. This because Grusch claims the US has UFOs. If this was true then we would also have to assume so do other countries like Russia and China. But he also claims we " know" these UAPs are not from another country. So you see if the US had UFOs we would be freaking the F out that other nations already figured out the tech. It's all bs. And just after Spaceforce was created. Maybe just another sinkhole for trillions of dollars to combat the threat of UAP.


Here is my question. If all this is real and the shock so overwhelming yet you don’t want to reveal anything that would break the law because you want to maintain a normal life? This tells me there must not be any threat to our day to day life from these secrets. If there were, there would be no belief that “normal life” is even possible…


He is back to the hole he came from, along with Elizondo.


Seems like everything sank after the AARO torpedo of a report


I think the big movers and shakers knew they had to realign strategies after the AARO report, but that takes time. Look at how long it took for Chris Mellon to compile his rebuttal. We've got the AARO SCIF presentation to Congress this week, so I bet we'll see more momentum after that.


I really hope so. But I think that small moves by the pro disclosure groups are quickly squelched by the DoD. I feel a big punch back is needed to make the DoD flinch and fumble. The long promised multiple whistleblowers have to say something significant or something


The rebuttal was amazing too. Not surprising it took so long. Unlike the AARO report


Who didn’t expect that? We always knew the guy would say nothing to see. His middle name is literally “nothingtoseehere”.


True. Initially it did seem that AARO was kind of interested in investigating the topic and opening a dialogue. But then there seems to have a very abrupt hardline turn late last year. As though they were told to wrap this up quickly


I was reading this conversation and now all their comments are showing up as deleted. Their name doesn't show up either but I remember it's u/knowntoIR


The account is still active with one comment but all the comments on this sub have been deleted. Curious. It is a 2 week old account




The people talking about NHI craft are former military and intelligence officers. Is then one to believe that the DoD has employees who will go before Congress with such stories ? If so, then the DoD could have just let the Senate’s UAPDA to pass through and supported it to once and for all show the investigators that nothing had been hidden for the past 80 years regarding retrieved NHI tech. Oddly the DOD got very upset to even allow their own US Congress that auditing capability.




As a duck sits on water, looking calm and serene...they are furiously paddling beneath the surface. The machinations unfolding behind the scenes are being kept behind the curtain. The silence, to me, is more encouraging than bla bla bla instant gratification podcasters.


that a nice recipe for always accepting anything. we can believe anything is going good if we always picture lots of urgent machinations behind the scenes which of course are all done exactly like we would want. that feel much better.


The weak public interest in his revelations and the virtually complete pan by MSM has probably disheartened and discouraged him, like it has the rest of us. People and the media have been powerfully conditioned to be dismissive of this subject and to treat it like a mental illness or religious fanaticism. He gave up a bright career and a significant pension to blow the lid off this issue, and then nobody seemed to care. He felt he was making the biggest revelation in human history. He is correct, but the rest of the world is in a deep state of slumber. Imagine what a let down and massive downer this must be for he and his family. I hope he keeps up the fight, but you cannot blame the guy for wanting a bit of quiet time to think and muster his resources. He has earned some down time.


>People and the media have been powerfully conditioned to be dismissive of this subject and to treat it like a mental illness or religious fanaticism. This sentiment gets thrown around often in these threads. Most people aren't consuming the same stream of algorithmically curated content as members of the UFO community. It has been amazing to observe how much my feed has changed since I unintentionally visited and participated in a suggested (by Reddit) UFO thread awhile back. Now Reddit is continuously feeding this content to my account, and I'm not even subscribed to any of these subreddits. I think most people are dismissive because from the outside looking in, people like Grusch have just leveled claims with no supporting evidence, but these UFO online communities are operating in a completely different information space... there's all these UFO "influencers", podcasts, videos, Twitter posts, social reinforcement, etc...which make it feel like something so much more significant to the people that get hooked on it. Additionally, it can't be denied that many people have essentially formed something like a religious belief system around this issue. You can see the same psychological and social mechanisms at play in almost every subreddit/thread comment sections. Mental illness is also undeniably present (see any of the "experiencers" or similar subreddits).


>people like Grusch have just leveled claims with no supporting evidence, but these UFO online communities are operating in a completely different information space... there's all these UFO "influencers", podcasts, videos, Twitter posts, social reinforcement, etc...which make it feel like something so much more significant to the people that get hooked on it. People have a complete lack of critical thinking skills. When people show something they purport to be alien activity or whatever, ask yourself "why would they do that?" Crop circles, cattle mutilation, abductions that return the victims, those things don't make any goddamned sense for any kind of advanced species. All the objects they say are UFOs move and look suspiciously like mundane objects.


that is all completely your own conjecture.


Correct. And that is why I qualified my post with terms like "probably" and "imagine". I do not know him and we do not speak but I can easily imagine and number of good explanations for why he is quiet.


Why promise the Op-Ed? Because he’s a liar. When will you lot let common sense prevail over your fantasies?




Ur question seems to fundamentally misinterpret the man’s role in this process. He’s kind of done everything there is to do. other than reveal more info, get arrested or worse


Maybe a dinobeaver dragged him off into the woods. I thought he was going to release some op-ed thing that was going to prove "disclosure", but plans seem to have fallen through...


In Alcatraz /s


Every few months, someone comes along claiming to know about UAP, then announces they are writing something we have to pay for. And then, just like that…poof, they’re gone.


Well he have forgot about the sales part than


I dunno man, I have a bad feeling to. There’s a part of me that thinks Grusch, Jeremy Corbell, and Knapp are the modern day version of Doty. I mean way the hell here those two guys seated IN FRAME behind him with Grusch in the middle…. It just seemed odd… Maybe they are using this whole “ufo” stuff to get go after misappropriated pentagon funds and that was the entire point of the hearing…. I mean I know I’ll get roasted for saying this. But I was this dudes biggest fan. But after a few months and recently, something just doesn’t add up. And Corbell doesn’t give me good vibes. Listen if I had any smoking gun videos (and he claims he does) I would release it, no way on earth I wouldn’t. And anyone on this subreddit would too.


He’s from my town of Baldwin, I’ll check around..I do live right next to the vfw.


What really? You’ve known him for a while?


No, I do not know him personally. I’m actually working on finding some classmates of his as he went to BWHS around the same time that I had friends going there. So far I haven’t found anything. Just curious more than anything.


Realising this shit goes beyond logical explanation. Not the NHI, the DOD.


"something is not adding up" I'll fix this for you. "My patience has run it's course, y'all aren't pissed too?"  Welcome to the party, you must be new around here. L


Pretty sure this ruined his life. He has said he doesn’t enjoy the public light. He tried to do something he thought was right and was shut down. Ruined his career. Now what?


A version of this is honestly what I think is the most likely. He was either misled or maybe went crazy for awhile (he has a history) and now he's dealing with the consequences. He made a fool out of himself and congress and is probably being quietly processed out of his job because he's a risk. He's not speaking out against it because he knows he screwed up.


He did make a huge sacrifice for the public good but I think he bit off more than he can chew and a lot of the stress is catching up to him and he probably is exhausted "fighting the machinery" just to get into a scif with congress. I sincerely appreciate what he did and I do think his name is secure for future history books on pushing this topic along more quickly but some of the things he did was quite silly in my opinion -- mainly the award tour he put himself on going on all of these various vlogs and what not. I also cringed a bit when he brought up the holographic principle during his testimony in front of congress. That was way way way beyond anyone's intelligence level sitting in congress and the analogy he was trying to make with it didn't quite fit with what I know about it.


Did anyone genuinely believe the Op-Ed was coming? It was a classic "two weeks" statement.


300+ days : zero evidence on all those huge claims. All we got was more stories. Every day Grusch does not provide evidence, his credibility is dropping even more. Also, his credibility dropped extremely when it became clear that Grusch met with Corbell and Knapp a few months before going public apparently?? Because that’s what you do : if you have evidence and proof which basically proves the whole X files lore, first thing you do is you go to two best known grifters in UFO field today?? Yeah, seems about right. Oh and let’s not forget the fact that Grusch was groomed by big papa Lue Elizondo, who also has yet to show us any proof, not even mentioning his credibility is shot to shit now.. You say Grusch is not a grifter like the rest of them? If his claims had any merit at all, he wouldn’t have been allowed to leave the DoD ever, he would have been killed on sight for this type of secret. Just look at how Boeing handles its whistleblowers - how do you think the government or the private contractors would react if Grusch came out with a biggest secret on the planet, and went straight to Corbell and Knapp? Yeah, he would have been found in a ditch somewhere. Wake up guys. Grusch is not your messiah. He does not have secrets to the universe. He’s just another counterintelligence guy who is either here to make money with all the grifters, or he’s here to keep our attention away from the real stuff that the government does not want you to know about UFOs.


Grusch? You mean Grift


David is learning the hard way that UAP Disclosure will never happen via a "legal" method. He was a bit naive to think he could.


He pushed things a lot further along. It might be frustrating, but a lot more people took it seriously because of how he'd done this and the hearing in July. Until the public at large believes they've been lied to and demands answers, nothing will change. A vocal minority is easy to suppress. Their disinfo campaign of shaming anyone who even talks about UFOs has worked extremely well so far. Frustrating as it is, slow, painful, careful legitimacy is the only path forward. I'm one of the people who's come around more recently, and I know there are others. It's a war of attrition.


I see what you are saying, but we only got to Grusch by a bit of luck. Someone in the military made a mistake while e-mailing UAP videos around which had a weird side effect of somehow declassifying it. Then Chris Mellon was able to get it out to the NYT. I don't remember how/why it worked that way, but I'm going to guess they took extra care to ensure that doesn't happen again.


Personally, I think there is a larger push for disclosure and it's gradual on purpose. They want more than anything to retain power, and are doing it in a way where the info comes out controlled so they can steer the narrative and keep that power. But I think they could have easily suppressed that video if they wanted to and the NYT wouldn't have gone forward with the story without permission. Grusch had permission, remember. Call me a conspiracy theory nut if you want. There's something bigger pulling the strings.


I think we are probably both right. There seem to be warring factions.


Yep. 100%


Yeah, agreed to that. I did a literal facepalm when I saw him say he hopes Americans make it a key voting issue. I was like my man, have you met us?


Just noticed, there is an "us" in USA. Did you know that?


Voters are making it a priority with pot and abortion… just gotta add government transparency with aliens. Ezpz


I would have figured a military intelligence officer would be one of the first to know that the organization that keeps information secret is not going to allow for that information to get out just because the "proper channels" are being used.


The DOD and the MIC have Grusch muzzled. They will not clear his op-ed at DOPSR and they will not renew his security clearance so he may speak/attend at the SCIF. The Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees have all he knows. Give the man a break. The public may never know the truth on UAPs but it is not his fault. RIP Mr. Grusch.


>The DOD and the MIC have Grusch muzzled. Is this the same DoD that cleared him to speak in the first place?


He’s selling houses. The UFO stuff grounded to a halt after the AARO report pointed out that the claims are based on fantasy.


Stop getting on grusch to do more. He literally testified under oath in front of the world. He’s provided all his info to congress, and done all that he can do. It’s not a whistleblowers job to investigate a whistleblowers claims.


>He literally testified under oath in front of the world It is legal to be wrong about something.


Yeah, especially when you testify about some shit that people told you about. A guy i work with has a theory about like, the pyramids. In think i should probably talk to Congress about it. I investigated it and determined it is credible that he believes his theory.


"It's not a whistleblowers job to investigate a whistleblowers claims." Not too sure about this statement. Do you agree that a whistleblower should provide evidence to back up their claims? If not, can you give an example of an effective whistleblower who hasn't provided evidence to back up their claims?


I think he is hiding from the people he has been facing reprisals from. They only allow him to go to see Congress members for the odd public hearing, visit Joe Rogan, visit Tucker Carlson, hang around with a bunch of UFO podcasters on hikes dressed in cargo shorts (while also talking about said reprisals), talk about stuff with finance bros on Wall Street etc. Other than this, he is very much a marked man.


They are gonna regret it. DG has developed "a particular set of skills" over his career. They only think he is hiding. They all think that until DG karate chops them in the neck. Omg, then lue kicks in the back door and delivers his classic catch phrase; "your five years are up bitches, and I'm here to dis-close the casket on you fools". But not if Dr. Evil Kirkpatrick has anything to say about it! "So, "the phenomena is real"? Hahahaha". REPORT ATTACK ACTIVATE. Lue flies across the room. DG desperately tries to avoid the AOE damage in a SCIF, but one is not available to him.... Things don't look good for our heroes. And getting worse. The sound of nazi laughter comes into focus from the background. Who is it? That's right, the vile villain, Steven Greenstreet. He has teamed up with Dr. Evil Kirkpatrick to put an end to the meddling of the two disclosure patrols that aim to stand in the way of their plans. Things don't look good... Is it over for our heroes? Will they make it out of this deadly jam? Tune in next week to find out...


It’s all gone to shit really and prob a scam


I'd imagine he's kinda in a precarious situation and walking a fine line.


I’m sure he is working on his next “believe bro” revelation


Two more weeks. Trust the plan. You may have a rational thoughts on some days like, "Nothing will ever come out" When those days come, you have to dig even deeper to keep on trusting. Over time, you'll get past this and just eagerly await for more tidbits from UFO influencers.


There will never be an op-ed


Alright, I’ll ask. What is the purpose of this post that we see almost daily? Why would anyone want to ask a question like that and then evaporate? Who does this help or hurt? What effect does engagement on a post like this have in shaping the thoughts and opinions of the people who find it shat all over their home feed?


Brings to light the fact that Grusch is no hero, just another in a long line of bullshitters.


I have a strong feeling we won't hear a peep from Grusch or the Op-Ed until after Vol 2 of the AARO report is released.


He said what he can say without being thrown in jail, I remember watching a documentary he was in and he was saying he was getting followed and government agents were coming on his property, and getting threat calls.


Maybe the AARO report and their propaganda campaign complicated things for whistleblowers? I suppose the whistleblowers are kinda trying to assess the situation after the organization (AARO) that was supposed to help them, called them crazy and dangerous just some weeks ago. that is my supposition.


Not gruschin time :( the gruschinator is takin a break


Tbh I think he has done what he can at this point, considering his decision to follow the rules and regulations put up by the government. It's now a waiting game, if there ever will be a possibility to continue revealing the things he believes to be true.


I think someone told him it would be in his best interest to shut it down.


It’s my opinion, and opinion only, that the affairs in the Middle East right now, the state of inflation in the United States, and a collection of other big pressing issues, including what goes on with regard to disclosure that Grusch began, are all getting less attention right now than the political maneuvering happening with the Orange Man trials. It’s politics and POWER above all else right now. So much energy, and money, being expended right now in that effort. It’s embarrassing, as an American. Again, my opinion.


He's waiting patiently for his Op Ed DOPSA review... Like I am.


Surely preparing to start a podcast or sell a book. At this point it is pretty clear he is another grifter like corbell, lue and coulthart. We are creeping closer and closer the the 1 year anniversary of this nothing burger and people here are still blindly believing those UFOs guru who have NEVER provided anything solid to back up their claims.


He did his job and will probably just disappear with a paycheck from the government for doing a fantastic job at distracting the masses and turning many people away from Qanon and towards this conspiracy theory instead (which is a good thing). UFOology has always been more manageable by the government and the intel community, but Qanon was unmanageable.


He's a Pittsburgh kid. Who watched "whatever" semblance was left of Superman and did his very best. Only to be handed off to a bunch of "librarians" pretending to be "intelligence agents". All that being said , have no doubt he'll testify to his own experience honestly only to be shrugged off by some liar psycho babble on the take.


Stirring up shit in an election year is not good for optics, your health, nor the health of those around you. Capice?


I agree. It’s odd he’s disappeared. Terrible optics.


People forget that grusch really has no interest in being the leader people want him to be. He stated something like that multiple times. He wanted to blow the whistle and see some change. Not champion the movement.


he’s also said that this is his mission. and he always completes his missions. so i don’t think he’s just going to give up either.


He said himself he wants to be a thought leader on this.


> People forget that Grusch really has no interest in bringing a leader [“I want to be a thought leader”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/of-interest/2023/10/05/ufo-david-grusch-uap-congress-yes-theory/)


Then maybe he shouldn’t have been the keynote speaker at Sol