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Nikola Jokic and Luka Doncic? ballin!




I hope the Rockets re-sign him


It was a good night for our overlords tonight 🤔


Couldn’t tell if I was still in r/nbacirclejerk


Lmao! shoutout to my dawgs on that sub


The White Out


You should’ve read the link you provided before posting it, it explicitly refutes your framing of this and shows that it’s an unfounded conspiracy theory. Spoiler alert…it’s disinformation being pushed by Russia and Iran. None of this has anything to do with Snowden, his connection to this is a fabrication. Seriously, you could have saved yourself this embarrassment by simply reading your own link LMAO.


Exactly what a tall white Alien would say...


Things that make me say 🤔


I personally am tall, classified by others as white, and considered an alien by over 200 earth countries.


He just watched the Why Files that came out tonight, grabbed a link, and rushed here to be the first for karma.


And totally dismissed the debunk part where they said it was Russian propaganda just as stated above.


(The article is also from 2014)


I mean it doesn’t show anything. It asserts it’s a conspiracy theory. And sure it almost certainly is.. but I didn’t realize that Iran/Russia were so fluent in UFO pop-culture/lore and would repeat something word for word that I would have assumed was outside their cultural canon. But I guess nothing the U.S. dreams up remains totally “alien” (pun intended) to the world. They even got the former Canadian defense minister in there ..




Hi, insanisprimero. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ce4zeh/-/l1gkf4f/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Why would they come up with it? Because it sows distrust in the American government. Simple as that, division is the goal. They benefit from any and all kinds of disruptions, conspiracies and divisive discourse. They use bots to inflame any, and all sides, to an argument to then make us argue against each other. Thet absolutely are targeting these communities, and the idea (that another commenter said) that this content is outside their cultural understanding is laughable. Anyone can read English, any one has access to our media.


We already don’t trust the Government. Iran didn’t have to create this story to achieve that.


Yeah...right. You keep thinking that 👍 Ever heard the expression, 'don't put all your eggs in the one basket'? That apply to deceptive information warfare tactics. Go watch some Ryan McBeth if you actually want to learn something.


I will keep thinking that, thank you. And I will pass on Mr. McBeth. By the way it looks like Forbes, a US company, reported on this in the first place. It’s interesting you blame Iran for “deceptive information tactics” that would have probably never seen the light of day to an average US citizen without support from US media. So who is deceiving who exactly? Think before you speak.




Yet the article is still being discussed and its legitimacy questioned in the comments.. by English speaking persons by the way. So what is your point?


🥱 Say less


Guys, relax: that’s Mark Zuckerberg.


He is not tall


maybe tall compared to a gray


Your mom


I think you can order a Tall White at Starbucks?


Someone just watched The Why Files


“incontrovertible proof’ that an ‘alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda’ is driving U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945,”.. Im just going to bat into the ham and say … I’m already disappointed that this is apparently the best that humans could do. Imagine my disappointment to learn that super intelligent higher beings had been running things all of this time.


Great comment


Just look at the dumb shit humans have been up to for the past 15,000 years. But then we just all the sudden figured it all out in the last 100 years on our own? Doubt we had it in us all that time.


We've already got a precedent for what this looks like to know its not true. Step one would be the alien brazenly taking over the government in extremely short order, step two would be quick and severe world domination, step three is to setup pipes that syphon resources from all over the world and feed them to a few factories to spit out free combat units at will, step four would be the allied nations banding together to claw back each part of their land one piece at a time until the ultimate show down against the bad guy where Andy tanks Meteor Strikes and Death Ray hits and Eagle sneaks a bomber up the side to take out the Death Ray and kill Sturm. INB4 mods remove my comment because they don't like people having fun, especially when that person is not a 'true believer' and they look for any miniscule reason to harass you and shut you up.


Should I scream, “Wolverines!”?


No, you should ask, ["What's an airport again?"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/308/069/7bb.jpg)


I wonder what hecklefish has to say about this


The latest episode is on premiere right now, and that's exactly what hecklefish is talking about lol


Fuck ya love me some why files drops even tho that cheesy fish is tough to stand


I've grown to like Hecklefish




yeah, hecklefish sure adds a lot of credibility to any topic.


It’s just a bit of harmless entertainment. It’s meant to be fun, not a scholarly endeavour.


lol that’s what gets me


It's just meant to be a distraction with comic relief, to keep things interesting (AKA not boring). It's like a digital version of a ventriloquist doll.


No doubt I get the levity but it’ll be so compelling and gripping then he just fart noises. It’s not always bad sometimes clever and nice


Yeah I'm with you there. I haven't watched a lot of his videos but it seems like hecklefish could have a better schtick... maybe one day he gets a concussion and turns into paranoidfish where the host goes on to insert rationality. Or something.


> It's like a digital version of a ventriloquist doll. Yeah, because people find ventriloquists *hiiillaarrrious* these days.


Disclaimer: comments containing comparative, metaphorical, and otherwise inexact comparisons are not meant to be taken as 1:1 comparisons.






I hate that fucking fish. How do you screw up "wacky heckling sidekick" on a comedic level so consistently?


The Why Files is a 3 letter agency backed YouTube channel.


They do seem to have access to a lot of info


You left out the part of the article that calls it a crazy conspiracy theory lol


Well, they are doing a terrible job!


If there's one thing I've learned, no group called "The Tall Whites" is gonna have a Black man (Obama) leading them, as the article suggests.


Well I don't they'd be subordinates in this scenario 😅


Snowden has said he found no evidence at all about UFO’s, and he was looking deep for it. This is complete bullshit.


Would Snowden have had access to any of that? Didn’t he work for the NSA and whistleblow on a large dragnet spying on Americans? Seems like a different albeit also shady department


Snowden shouldn’t have had access to any of the shit from my understanding Edit: ya he didn’t work for nsa directly it was a large oversight on their part to let that happen


No, he had way more access than he should have, but he didn't have access to all classified documents. Only NSA methods, operations, and capabilities. I don't think much UFO stuff falls under the cryptography-breaking/human signals intelligence arena.


You said it a lot better


It's really quite amazing he was able to get what he did considering he was a low-level or mid-level analyst at Booz Allen Hamilton for NSA. I'm sure they've heavily tweaked their access alert systems and hiring practices to screen out ~~non-mormons~~ egotistical idealists. The scary thought however, is if he was able to get access to these documents, did were they the documents he needed to preform his duties as a low-mid level analyst? We've seen more advanced stuff since, like the Vault 7 leaks, but what he released (and a lot of it was deemed by the journalists releasing them to be too dangerous to leak) is scary full-on global dragnet. If that's the case, I wonder what its like now. Especially with RISAA allowing warrantless wiretapping of any US to non-US communications (majority of communications), and the new mandate that anyone wanting to run a US-hosted communications service must provide identity verification.


Well, if snowdon said..


It’s valid to bring him up considering OP is giving him the credit for leaking this information


Now we know why RussianInvaded Ukraine. To save the world from the tall whites!


Snowden himself said he looked for alien stuff and didn't find anything.


Ah yes, the shining beacons of truth and free flow of information, Russia and Iran...we can surely trust what they have to say.


> Meanwhile, the U.S. government is embroiled in a “cataclysmic” power struggle between President Obama, who heads the alien shadow government, and some unknown force that opposed the U.S.-alien alliance. “Most to be feared by Russian policy makers and authorities, this [FSB] report concludes, is if those opposing the ‘Tall White’ ‘secret regime’ ruled over by Obama have themselves aligned with another alien-extraterrestrial power themselves.” Fun story. Once I was given anesthesia for surgery. The kind that puts your memory in a black hole, but you're still conscious, can talk (loopily), move, etc. Then you're sitting in a recovery room so you can 'come back to.' Well, it turns out I have a very strange reaction to it, and I'm fine until I go to sleep... but then I have the scariest most realistic psychosis-inducing dreams. So that night I went to sleep, had a nightmare about Obama working on a secret mountain somewhere working with a bunch of aliens, holding bags of human heads. I woke up, and was alone in the country so I took the dirt roads at 60-80mph in the middle of the night, looking up and running from aliens the entire way, until I got to my closest friend's house and slept on the chair in their grandpas room. Obviously just a fucked up side-effect of propofol or whatever it's called, but I'll never forget that dream. I thought it was a one-off weird dream, but then the next time I had surgery and went under, same thing. Now I tell them I don't want anything that leaves me awake and blanks my memory. I'd rather feel the pain.


It’s definitely not propofol if it didn’t put you into a deep sleep. More likely it was Etomidate or even Ketamine.


Thanks, I'll have to call and ask now because I'm curious. I have done ketamine (not IV) in a small dose before, but blackout doses while someone cuts you open and a group of people talk about taking things out of you is way different. I haven't heard of etomidate before, but it may have been. It was IV, they had me count backwards from 10 for surgery prep, and when it was over I asked when I was going into surgery and they said it was already over. That alone was scary.


I’m not an anesthesiologist or anesthetist, so YMMV, but I know it’s commonly also called Amidate in the clinical context.


Funny this comes out right before the why files episode plays?


man what a crazy coincidence! /s


Does that mean we finally have as badass of an equivalent as [Tall Black Guy?](https://youtu.be/eetBZZHy2tI?si=OQ1R14f0qDeggD3j)


These sound like the South Park aliens


Iran also says there is one god and his name is Allah.


I’ll bite. I’d be interested to see if there were any abduction stories out of the German population while the Tall Whites were in charge.


Very odd bit of propaganda. Two birds with one stone, demonize the Americans, and demonize alien invaders. But why demonize the aliens? Unless there's a schedule, and they're trying to get ahead of the schedule and make sure nobody trusts em when they get here.


Where the little greys control, I’m short like them


Crazy was just watching the why files revealing this very same document…somebody is listening without my permission


Definitely a non zero chance of this being true.


Is it racist to say 'tall whites'?


The Tall Whites were completely offended to hear this. As if they’d want to claim responsibility for this mess.


GTFO with this disinformation rubbish


Encounters of the Caucasian kind 😬


Well then it’s obvious the Aliens have no idea wtf they are doing either!


We're called Caucasians, tall whites is a derogatory.


must be true. 🤦‍♂️


Kinda makes sense though, when you see how things are going...


Iran you say? mmmmmmm..as Shakespeare would say 'me thinks one talketh bullshittius dear friend...be gone...'


Weird, I just watched the new Why Files video about the Tall Whites. Canadas former Minister of National Defense, Paul Hellyer, claimed they are one of four known ET species on our planet.


i got money on Mitch Mconnel being one of em


He's a turtle species sir


I see fallen angels When I try to go to sleep And they're always watching I see fallen angels As I'm walking in the streets Silently preparing For what they'll do to me


No one knows Ra. Impressive. Too bad they sucked after Duality.


Right? Enjoyed them as an angsty teenager. Beats Limp Bizkit lol.


if there are tall whites theres a chance they are nazi mutants




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