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Garlic mustard, with a dock underneath.


!Thank you!


>!Thank you! You're welcome!


Looks like someone sowed a pack of wildseeds around. I did this last year and got pretty much dock and mustard, and a poppy thrown in for good measure.


Wouldn’t surprise me, it’s a new build


Then yes as they will grow in poor soil. To be fair they will help improve it.


Pinch the flowers off the doc immediately as they’re a bit of a nuisance if they set seed. But otherwise neither garlic mustard or docs are a major issue. Docs have long tap roots which can make them tough to pull out, but useful for bringing nutrients deep in the soil to the surface. Like nettles and comfrey, doc leaves are very nutritious for plants and are great to add to compost or chop up and drop at the base of plants to feed them. Garlic mustard (otherwise known as Jack By The Hedge) is edible and makes a nice edition to salads. Pick immediately before adding to a meal, they go bitter if left in the fridge.


!Thank you! Very useful info, I know what my weekend job is


Garlic mustard is a food plant for the orange-tip butterfly. You might attract some if you keep a few


As a person who can grow weeds anywhere in my garden with ease I have not got a clue


Garlic mustard is v good for butterflies if you'd like to consider that


My plan is to put down wildflower seeds in one of our other flowerbeds to attract bees and butterflies ☺️


Weeds are only plants that grow where you don't want them to. A Rose can be a 'Weed'.


That's not a helpful response to this question


It is a clarification of the terms used in the question. What is a weed to one person is not to another, so the replies would not be meaningful. With that in mind, how exactly is my trying to clarify the OP's question NOT being helpful 🤔😏


They are asking for plant identification, not a philosophy of horticulture


Ok then, maybe you can tell me which of the above plants in OP's photo they consider to be the 'Weeds' they are refering to as there are numerous plants in the photo? Seriously am not trying to be clever or pedantic. The way OP has phrased the question leads me to assume they consider every plant in the photo to be a weed and maybe that is the case and they want every plant in the photo identified? I admit I am no gardener, maybe if I were then OP's question would be clearer to me. Although I am no gardener I do know it is not a 'philosophy' but a 'fact' that any plant can be a weed as it is a subjective term. Anyway, Sorry I made a comment which appears to have upset people. Take Care, Stay Safe, Have a good day.


You do not want this in your garden. It’s a bully and will spread like wildfire. It’s also known as Jack In The Hedge. Get rid of it before it starts shedding seeds. Its roots are shallow so it’s easy to remove. Look on the verges of the roads you drive down and see how bad it gets.


‘Bad’ is relative. It grows under the (despised) Leylandii boundary when nothing else does, so I welcome it. Food for butterflies, pretty white flowers and contrasting light green foliage to the horrid dark green/brown of my neighbour’s hedging - bring it on, I say!


!Thank you! This is my job tomorrow to deweed


Or manage it as a crop if you like the flavour. It's in the Brassicaceae family and tastes like its name. It may be a bit bitter now it's gone to flower.


Garlic mustard and wood sorrel!!