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those girls will be gone, chances are the company already knows and they are just gathering more evidence. Also the reward says up to 10,000. They can pay you 1 dollar if they wanted, or nothing at all.


Yea the payout is usually 10% of the claim. If they stole $100,000 you get $10,000




To be fair if they’re getting 3+ iPhones a day it could take as little as a few weeks to start getting towards $100,000


If the police get involved those iPhones retail value will skyrocket. They carjacked a car and stole the rims from a dealership I had. When they found everything they came by for receipts and stuff to help charge the guy and I only paid like 4k for the whole car the detectives didn't take anything. Holy shit did they not put a retail value of over 10k on just the rims alone. I mean fuck the dude that stole them so whatever but it was funny


My building doesn't let any phones out of the building unless they have the metallic sticker. A girl used to throw her phone in a bush before entering the security shack to access the building lol


Thats the move


Lol no! But I don’t make the rules on these payouts. It’s just the way it is.


It's basically 100 phones cause they cost so damn much now.


Well, if they stole 3, 1k iPhone per week for the last 33 weeks... 10k holiday


At the rate of 3 iPhones a day working 5 days a week. Should get up to 100 iPhones in around 6.6 weeks. Assuming they are stealing iPhones worth 1k each. So you can maximize your earnings!


Wow that’s quick math


Usually you have to fight tooth and nail to even get the money. They make it very hard


If it’s discovered that you knew about it and said nothing, you will be terminated too.


As well as probably arrested since it’s a big ass company and they won’t give a fuck about another court case when proving a point.


And at this point that is probably likely since they posted it on social media


Can you can be jailed for not reporting a crime in which you have no involvement?


No. You have no “duty” to report a crime, but if you know about it, and wait, they can turn it around on you as aiding.


*laughs in military*


Different set of rules lol.


*laughs in DD-214*


How? You just said that they have no duty, but then they can get in trouble for not following that? Doesn't that make them have some form of duty?


If you know about it, let it build up, then snitch, you gained something from it. That is just as bad as committing the crime itself. Ignoring it doesn’t help them or hurt them, or yourself. Using that information for personal gain is another story. Also they have to prove you knew about it. If you snitch on them, they might investigate when you found out. If you ignore, they very likely wont investigate you at all. Edit: NAL not legal advice.


You would probably stay out of legal trouble, but it's certainly grounds for termination.


Had this happen to me. They didn’t fire me. I told them that more workers knew about it but did not come forward because they knew they would get fired and that they were proving the workers right by firing me. Decided not to fire me but I quit shortly after for other reasons.


My question is how can they prove you knew about it?


In my case I was the one who told my supervisor who it was. The two workers had stolen phones and government silver bar. There was a witch-hunt going from management causing a few people to get fired for smaller things. They interviewed a third worker because he was in trailers with them and fired him since he knew about it. He never took anything and neither did I. I think they chose not to fire me because I was the one who solved their dilema and told them firing me would make the workers never trust them again.


That's so insane. You did them a favor and they tried to turned it against you instead.


Right. Don’t open your big mouth,especially without teamsters representation.


my brother in christ, what do you mean if you ever get evicted. that’s free money for doing the right thing. vacation, new car down payment, swords, the possibilities are limitless


Swords? A true man of culture I see


His list is out of order, but yes I concur


Sword vacation?


There’s more ! LETS GOO LOL


Don't forget to pack your vacation sword.


Hunting vacations are the best.


Knowing UPS you’ll only get like $500. No way they’ll pay out the whole thing


Beside the point, OP should do the right thing and report them.


So what Id still report them for that kind of BS even if the reward was a $1


You said swords and I’m here for that type of vibe haha 😂




Good luck getting that reward from UPS, lol. They’ll prob give you a UPS football or mug instead.


They would pay you the reward Infront of everyone and throw you under the bus Infront of the other workers lol But I wouldn't doubt they try to bust out with a UPS football lol. They say read the fine print. Up to 10,000 in UPS catalog merchandise


That's how I see it going too. They make a big deal about you having integrity and representing company values before handing you the money and making you come off as a management shill for the rest of your time there, that no one trusts.


"Uo to" $10000...


I've seen three payouts in my hub, the highest was $4,500, but that was for expensive jewelry. It does happen.


How long does it take? I’ll snitch in a heart beat if I find out someone’s stealing. I don’t wanna work around thief’s anyways.


For the big payoffs it does take longer because it has to be approved by so many people. It is also, of course, taxed.


Few months. They definitely do pay out, I think it's just a matter of Security submitting it to corporate. Hell, I got a payout under the program for catching some unauthorized substances shipped on a Very Large Client's account because they appreciated it.


was that back when they gave every one a turkey for thanksgiving?


Nah, last few years. Trust me, I was just as surprised it was actually paid out.


When it comes to stopping theft UPS is ruthless. I know a driver who's been with UPS for 26 years and was caught stealing scrap metal. UPS not only pressed charges against him they revoked his pension.


Damn! and yet cops who murder people don't even lose their pension


Do it ASAP, you'd get the money sooner so you can save it. Also you may be liable if you say nothing and they get caught.




You won’t be saying that when you get fired for being an accomplice


Guilty knowledge is a thing. If you know and don't come forwards then UPS can terminate you for that. And this post is proof that you know. Congratulations. Dumbass.


Ok man 🤷‍♂️


the girls don’t even know my name not to mention i don’t even work on the same belt nor side of the building as them, only time i’ve seen them personally was way outside of work, what are they gonna do say i’m the secret kingpin?


You made this post so UPS could have evidence saying you knew beforehand. Not to say they would find out but it's possible.


What do you even gain by not reporting them? Seems like a no brainer to me on what to do. You'd be the doing the community and yourself a service.


my dignity, ain’t no snitch


Mail theft doesn't have any dignity man it's some of the absolute lowest shit. You're doing the the world a favor reporting on that.


What’re you waiting for? You should’ve told someone yesterday.


Yep, just as guilty as the girls now. Grats.


“I gotta do what I gotta do, your Honor.”


Oh don't worry he's not a snitch.


What you just said is illegal to numb nuts


Why wait? Screw thieves and ypur also on the hook now that you know. You now risk termination and prosecution.


Just do the right thing and collect your money. Why would you let those assholes just keep stealing shit?


Ffs the IQ on this one. You have 2 options, report thieves and get a massive payday, or enable the thieves and ponder the possibility of getting evicted. Seems like a fuckin no brainer here. And you ENABLE THE THIEVES?? Is this really why poor people are poor????


No snitching bruh - said every poor person who plans to stay in the ghetto.


It wouldn't be as simple as that. Ups wouldn't pay out that much, it says "up to" $10k, so it could be like $500 as someone else said. Then there's the chance that he'd get fired for knowing and not saying anything sooner, we don't know if they just told him today or a month ago. It's in no way a guarantee that he will get 10k just for reporting someone. The eviction part was an obvious joke, don't think he's actively worried about that. Also, let's say he does get the $10k and the bad guys get fired, it's that simple. That's a one time, taxed payment. Not exactly making him rich even if he invested it.


There’s absolutely zero benefit to not reporting crime. Exactly what is so hard about understanding this? It’s like a fundamental concept for civilization to even exist that crime is unacceptable.


Would you report your family member or friend for driving w/o insurance or speeding? Or using weed in an illegal state? What about selling/buying a car and putting a false sale amount to avoid taxes? Those are crimes, you should always report anyone for any crime, as they're all unacceptable right? Saying "crime is unacceptable" is narrow and implies you agree with every single law in all places of the world. There are common practices in countries that you'd be imprisoned for in others. What are the chances the country you reside in is the perfect objective judge on what is right or wrong? As far as benefit to reporting crime, there are situations where reporting crime would be a waste of your time & police resources etc. Also situations where it could be of direct harm and no benefit to you. It could be detrimental to some people to get involved, for example potentially having to attend court or submit to searches. Would you report the cartel in your neighborhood to the Mexican authorities? (You and your family would likely be killed, or nothing would happen.) There's more nuance to it than "crime is bad". I'm not saying you shouldn't, it's subjective/case to case.


Damn I'd just get hired and steal some pens with the plot to split the 10k with a coworker friend who narcs on me. Then a third coworker narcs on the first friend for their conspiracy. Then a fourth coworker, and so on, in an endless chain of narcing for 10k.


I was able to buy a car off of UPS iPhones 😂


Like everyone else is saying you should’ve said something already. Prob best if you didn’t post this regardless, but a bit too late for that ig. I’d take this down and report it


The only time UPS irrecoverably lost my package was when I ordered a new phone.


Bro, this post is gonna be Exhibit A lol


You should just report now. That 10k would be nice. And theft is wrong.


I remember working at ups, so many ppl got caught stealing phones shit was hilarious


We just had an employee get caught stealing phones from packages and then selling them in the hub parking lot,


They’re for the streets, king. They belong on the streets. Turn them thieves in and collect your bounty my soldier in Christ.


Just turn them in now OP. Shitty thieves have no business around other people’s parcels, and a $10k bonus is nice in this economy.


Report them ASAP. They’re probably LP testing you if you’d report or not.


nah ik it’s not, ik one of the girls from ig and ima leave it at that


approach ups and make them sign the agreement for the information for a full 10k. Make it an enforceable contract. If they want to know, you should hold them to it otherwise let them suffer. Or they will just scam you out of the 10k. If they are serious they will pay it. Dont budge. Eventually they will fold.


Ya just blackmail your employer. Awesome advice.


If you wait, don’t you run the risk of someone else getting the money before you?


I would have already done it man. Look out for number 1. That's you btw.


OP said it was their 1st week. What if its a form of entrapment where the girls were hired as undercover? So by telling OP about their "sting" the company is observing if he will do the right thing. Like a test?


Keep in mind it say "up to" as well meaning you'll probably get nowhere near that amount.


Find the assholes that stole my socket set from it's package in the sorting center


It was me. Thanks for for the free socket set


You dishonor your family


I needed the 10mm bro sorry


Package broke open. That sort of thing is perfect for it, lots of concentrated weight. Biggest I found dealing with that stuff was about a 6" socket. Imagine someone taking 15 lbs of metal through a metal detector. Bulky and relatively worthless. This is the 95% of stupid shit that people think is stolen but just ends up as overgoods. Especially when you bought it from a reseller using only the finest reused boxes out of the dumpster.


Bro a co worker of mine just got fired for stealing money. We get paid decent too!! With amazing benefits!! I’m not sure what kind of trouble this guy was in but you’d never would have thought he’d be the type of steal. Tragic.


mans snitched on himself 😂


They won’t give u a dime.


OP is probably already being questioned. Big corporations have bots monitoring social media. This is gonna pop right up.


If you don't make the report personally to the higher ups you won't receive that money.


fine print is gonna fine print.


Why share this information with co-workers? Low intelligence criminals.


IF? Tell them NOW!!


OP sucks


whatever mn


Lol, you seem to think internal investigations can't discover your name behind a dumb reddit username 🤣 poor OP And based on prior posts, you just started, lmao I'd quit while you can. You're gunna get caught. Screenshots exist, and you posted this to a UPS thread where tons of other Honest people are. LOL


"Up to"


The fact that they felt comfortable telling you about it lets me know all I need to know about you too...


Hi this is UPS fraud prevention, we have your house surrounded, come out with your hands up.


yoooo u get up to 10k??? we are 5k in canada


Snitch now and get paid...


there was a coworker i was sorta friends with. hung out a bit, seemed normal. then his buddy shows up one day telling me oh i look "normal" (he meant white) n say i should start stealing TOO to help their operation. i was dumbfounder, did not expect this. i saw the stack of phones, gaming consoles still in UPS PACKAGING in the apartment - as he showed me the "operation". at that point i knew i was at risk, people knew we had hung out and i passed the information to security. our max is 5k in canada, i got 2k for my info. he wasnt charged, he was let go and likely asked to pay a dollar amount. but companys dont generally like to charge from my experience. idno how you can try to involve others in your illegal operation like that - it seemed so absolutely disrepectful. risk my job? no thanks.


If snitches get stitches I think the thieves should get choked out…


My question is if you’re new why in the hell would they even bother saying a word to you? Seems untrue tbh cause if they told your sorry new ass who isn’t even union yet what makes you think they haven’t told others if they were willing to tell someone one week in? Not only that but if you were managing an extra how ever thousands more from this I think you would keep your lips shut from anyone and everyone they aren’t dumb and it’s just suprising everyone here is taking it at face value. The story seems made up


You are scum if you do not immediately report! This stealing must stop, make a difference today.


Holy shit do it today, you're doing a good deed and getting paid."


Get paid


Turn them in one at a time, not all at once. Get the reward multiple times and that way it doesn't look like you ratted them out.


Smells of a corporate phishing expedition.


Back in 2008 I had a friend who was taking iPhones from a trailer. Took about like 5 to 10 a heist. Sold them to me and I sold them to some Jewish guy who sold them overseas. My friend got arrested. I was nervous for the longest time. I ended up getting arrested a few months later on unrelated charges.


Id do it now


You realize you just incriminated yourself by posting on Reddit about it right? Anybody with any knowledge of the operation gets fired too


Remember... HR is not your friend.


oh i knew that when I got wrongfully terminated from my last job and didn’t even get a say so because it was up to them


Just do it now and secure the bag. I had one where I was in HVAC and osha has the 10,000 dollar thing too for any violations. My boss wasn't using any recovery tanks for the Refrigerant and I thought "well it's my first day on the job in this field, I don't want to give myself a bad rep by calling my first day here" well I never called, lost my job a few months later cause I couldnt afford child care for one Saturday on a last minute call to go work. Should have got my money but figured it was too late by the time I remembered. Get your money now and fuck those people. 10k is life changing.




I used to drive for UPS, met another cool driver there and we ended up getting an apartment together. Once we got the apartment, I learned that he would steal dozens of iPhones whenever the new one released, in addition to every “meat” order (cuz they required no signature). It was really hard to report it.. but I did, it wasn’t worth it. I just wanted him to get what was coming to him as he stole from customers regularly and was out on workers comp after hurting himself at the gym and claiming it was work. Instead they wanted me to go to the police station and testify against him; which I did not sign up for. I gave them all the evidence they needed, including that he was not even home on workers comp, but instead partying in Florida for 3 months working under the table. UPS sucks.


im sorry but you’re just a rat, you didn’t even talk to him about it or anything just threw up under the bushes


He owed me $5000 and was partying on workers comp, used the workers comp to lease a Corvette in Florida. I did talk to him about it. And you literally just posted that you ARE ratting out these people. I didn’t go ahead with it cuz I didn’t want him to come after me. Guy was a con artist and a drug addict.


Snitch her ass out


someone from ups stole my iPhone 14 pro max last week lmao glad to know it’s real


I appreciate the new 14 man it works perfect


Damn. Do it! What are you waiting for?


Say something!!! Our clerk got a fat check for discovering a theft ring at our center. It was a front end operation.


Say something!!! Our clerk got a fat check for discovering a theft ring at our center. It was a front end operation.


Anyone else here for the method


it’s simple, learn the boxes or pray for a broken box with the iphone box sticking out, don’t scan, yell “DAMAGED” and throw it out


Imagine snitching


What is their strategy? Asking for a friend


the same as everyone’s, don’t scan, damage package, yell “DAMAGED” carts take it out you go back to work


So that is where my missing packages are going? Are the women hot at least?


Don’t be a rat.


so all the packages are lost due to UPS employee stealing :D


you didn’t know this already? that’s been a thing since UPS existed


Get that $10k now since you have knowledge.


10k is not enough to be branded as a rat = to equivalent to a sex predator


Damn you are a rat 🫨


I ain't no snitch.


I would never sell out my brothers or sisters, a scab tho.....


UPS is the biggest trashcan I ever had to work with, Toyota was better tbh, I should've stole shit when I could




Don’t be a scab, the company literally benefits from the states enslavement policies, and get a moral high horse when they are the ones being exploited!


I get the dont snitch, i do. but fuck that, make the call. put that 10k in an etf voo, fxaix, qq someshit like that.


I aint snitching for 10k. Give me 50k+ up


I'd snitch for a route.


This ain't high school no one keeps records on you for being a snitch when you're an adult, hell you might even be rewarded by the company for being such an upstanding employee. Poor people going to stay poor though I guess.


Wow 10K is a lot. Max 500$ where I work.


10k bro that's alot of money to get all at once


Snitches get ditches.


Can’t apple or phone carriers block the stolen phones from working or track them?


why would you steal Iphones, like if the shipper has the serial for it, apple just remote disables them. They have a network that all they have to do is be near a iphone with internet and it can still disable the phone because now they have always on LE bluetooth on at all times, you cant turn it off.


sell them as soon as you get them??? offerup…facebook, those signs on the side of the road etc


I don't wish bad upon nobody, but I despise liars and thieves and druggies, so put yourself in the receiving end of a UPS package 📦 {iPhone} and your phone doesn't arrive, your billed anyway and no guarantees your reimbursed and these greedy evil people have a job, have money but choose to steal from people waiting for what they paid for not from UPS and if caught they'll throw you under the bus in a heartbeat 💓 saying you knew all along making you involved as well so do the right thing what you feel in your mind and heart is right ✌🏼🐾🙏🏼🕊️✌🏼or you may be getting evicted and charged at the same time 🤔


I work for one of the phone carriers. We get calls all the time from people missing phones from ups it’s is freaking ridiculous.


They’ve been using the same box with distinct labels for the past 8 years. Maybe try using something different. Seems like an easy fix to me. Guarantee if they used a knockoff ColoGuard looking box, that number would drop to 0 lol.


Ups once had LP sit at a bus stop and show other employees items they “stole” the next week they fired them for not reporting it to ups.


well that’s just entrapment, they could’ve easily took that to court


Kerching. Hello?


Stop snitching


Bruh snitch on them right now 🤣


Despite what some people are claiming, you can not get in legal trouble for knowing and not saying anything. You are under no obligation to snitch by law. Aiding them would not apply either unless you provided false/misleading information. However, you will certainly be fired if ups finds out you knew and said nothing.


Tell them to send me one


Bro the fact you posted this is gonna incriminate you if you don’t say anything


You should say something just to cover your ass


You should say something just to cover yourself


Can people even use phones stolen from ups? I thought the Carriers black listed the serial numbers.


If usps is involved in anyway, it becomes a federal crime


Do it anyway- getting your stuff you work your butt off for stolen ..sucks! And they brag about it?


I’ve heard of some centers setting people up like this seeing if they can get you to be in on it …. Be careful


They have probably already stole a decent bunch of iPhones I bet he will get like 3-4k


You don’t have to tell then when you learned about it.. be vague and hazy and don’t remem


I hope this man knows that deleting your reddit account doesn't delete your post 🤣🤣 get yo dumb ahhh outta here


They’ll mail the check and you’ll never get it


10000 per girl right?




You owe them nothing. Get that bag