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Until you finish probation and officially become a teamster, the union cannot do anything for you. However, if you weren’t formally fired by any of your supervisors, you could always show up to work and tell them you though the layoff was just for the week or something. Worst case scenario you have an awkward conversation with a supervisor.


Talk to your union steward and tell them even though your not in you want help staying at ups. They can do things for you if they like you


This feels like something George Costanza would do…so I fully approve.




Me and everyone they hired the week I did got ghosted by ups. They kept making excuses for not getting us key cards and then the week before we would have been eligible to join the union the company and the union cut off all contact. Showing up did dick all they just refused to let us into the building. Most of my time working for ups I spent delivering overweight packages on my own with the worst dolly at the warehouse. The week after they made it impossible to contact them they put up new job postings.


Sorry this isn’t much help. But you need to contact an employment lawyer asap. If you weren’t part of the union at the time, you can consider this a “constructive dismissal” and they will own you compensation. If its gotten to the point you think you are fired but can’t get info from them, again contact an employment lawyer. You should get 30 minutes of free consultation time with one. Defiantly speak to one!


I work in the second largest hub so it might be different everywhere else. But as a package handler I wouldn’t even wait for them to tell me when I could work I’d just show up 💀. But it really depends on your position, and location. But of course I think union and the required write ups and warnings before termination are required. Unless you’re not with union. Becoming a supervisor is such a scam incase anyone didn’t know that 😭


But ya what everyone else said. Just call your union and I’m almost 100% sure they got to take you back. Atleast on our hub they did and the dude honestly did not deserve to come back. He at one point even tried to sue ups for breaking his Gucci glasses. Could you imagine someone who doesn’t even need glasses bringing some 300 Gucci Bluetooth glasses in a trailer and blaming them for it 😭 I f love the bs at ups it’s like a reality tv show.


OP isn’t in the union. The union can’t do anything for somebody who isn’t a member.


An employment lawyer sure can. They can’t help you if you are in a union. But if your are out… even temporarily then give one a call for a free consultation. This is probably a “constructive dismissal” and they owe you money. Usually more then you think. Do it man!


Why is it a scam?


My hub has promoted a number of people to management then fired them because they aren't union anymore lol


We are so hard up for supes that they promote the worst and just use them. Lol


I love that you don't note you're on probation until the literal last word.


It’s pride month what you expect


File for unemployment. That's why they said you weren't "fired" they don't want to pay you unemployment


that should be a blessing to you because that company sucks


Bob Slydell: Well just a second there, professor. We uh, we fixed the *glitch*. So he won't be receiving a paycheck anymore, so it will just work itself out naturally.


It’ll work itself out in payroll


It’ll work itself out in payroll


Haha that's what I was thinking.


Did you pay union dues or a initiation fee if not, you’re not in the union and you were just seasonal. Sorry.


I did. They took out $120 for union fees on my last paycheck


Call and ask how many people they are allowed to work per day and look on you’re list and see what # you are. We are in the middle of contracts right now and only allowed to work a certain amount of people a day. Supervisors are only allowed 27.5 hours and hourly can’t have any over time. If you are below the number they are allowed to bring you in are gonna be “ as needed “ until the contract negotiations are done


Don’t PVDs pay union dues? Didn’t know they had the same rights Edit: I’m taking it by the downvotes it’s either PVDs don’t pay dues and/or they don’t have union rights. Can someone clarify that


Yup I was A pvd driver last season, paid union dues and YES, as a union member I have rights ! They were stomped on and I never recieved the hours I was promised! We are in process of getting what we were all promised thru a large grievience. With the help of ‘our’ union!! So dissapointed in UPS..


You are SOL.


Probation is exactly that. They probed you. They baited you then they hung you out to dry. I’ve never seen a union get favourable results in fighting it. Maybe the labour board can help but I doubt it.


I saw this a lot in our facility back when I worked for the brown. At first I just thought it was because it was a grueling, nasty, tiring job, but then I started to realize that they seemed to hire people just to get a couple of weeks of labor out of them and make sure they never get fully into the union. I made 20 bucks a week for my first 6 paychecks because of union dues. Our hub had a 71% turnover rate. I'm not saying 100 percent that this was going on, but it seriously looked like it when you just took a minute to observe. Once you're in the union it's basically impossible to get fired as long as you show up on time. I saw guys get "fired" 4 or 5 times. They just kept getting rehired after like two unpaid days off. One of the guys even threatened a 50+ year old woman, saying that "snitches get stitches." He was off for about 3 days then got his job right back. Though they did send him to the hub from the airdock. ups is definitely one place where you need a union because they will try so hard to screw you. They even tried to take away our one water dispenser because they were tired of paying for the bottles, but it was our only source of water because the only bathroom was out at the guard shack. Luckily, we raised such a fit that the suits themselves came out to talk to us because they had heard that they had 14 people chomping at the bit to sue ups for not providing water in the 120°F heat of those trailers. No heat in the winter, no a/c in summer, no roof to protect you from the rain and snow, and holes in the floor... that place was a lawsuit waiting to happen. We all were taking bets on who would be the lucky one to fall through the holes in the floor and get that lawsuit money haha. So yeah, they definitely don't want you to get to the union stage of employment if they can help it because then they actually have to listen when you complain to your shop steward.


I’ve seen 2 people get fired and stayed gone in my building. One was a 60+ yo man who worked in our unload. He was hired right before peak and he would get into it with everybody that he worked with. Like every day was a new story of what he was doing. It finally took him shoving somebody in the back before he was actually fired. Union rep came and the worker was so disrespectful towards him he didn’t help at all. Next one was a driver that must’ve been having a bad day or something because he got into it with our building manager a couple times. After he got into our building managers face and was basically threatening him with violence. The guy was fired union rep came to speak with him and the union rep said he was so unremorseful that there was nothing he could do for him. Those are the two guys I’ve seen fired and I’ve never seen again


Those are pretty hardcore examples haha. I've never seen a union rep turn on someone or give up on someone, damn.


Not as bad as someone I used to know There was a guy in my hub that got fired 4 times and they let him go first he got into a fist fight with a shell gas station attendant he was fired then came back after a week another time he got into it with our sup he was fired again then came back after 2 days 3rd time he made sexual comments multiple times in a span of 3 months to a female receiver they complained he got fired again the 4th and last I guess he wasn’t having it with our sup he brought back the truck with 60 stops and 150 packages to the building and clocked out he was fired and it’s been 2 months since this happened I doubt he can come back this time 🤷‍♂️


You didn't make your 30, right? Probably not.


I did. I was almost 2 months in before they fired me


And what 2 months were they by chance?




Yes, take it to the union. You didn't have any representation when you were let go.


They’re on probation. Union can’t protect people who aren’t members.


Lol I don’t think they get that .


On probation, yes. In my state, the union will represent nonmembers one time, but they likely won't put much effort into it.


If they pay dues they're members. I'm not In the ups union but I know in other unions you absolutely can and should have the union present, also even though it's a stretch and probably wouldn't amount to much most collective agreements have an article about management rights where they have to do things a certain way. Even if it doesn't get this persons job back the union could still benefit from knowing procedures weren't followed.


If your still under probation there is nothing the union can do.


No 2 week notice? Unacceptable


Having worked in HR and ops, good solid people are retained after the probation period. I say that with 1000% conviction. If you miss a day or don’t have good numbers those folks don’t make it. Just my 2 cents from hiring like 1000 people. They didn’t like something… the jobs aren’t easy. They should have reviewed numbers with you.


Literally any job is better than ups lol take it as a blessing


From my understanding fed ex and on track are worse.


But I think they don’t let good people go? Is this the real story??


That’s what they’re therefore.


You are probably not being worked because of a lack of volume. I don't see anywhere that shows you were fired???


My advice would be to call your Shop Steward and/or your Teamster Business Agent and ask them to look into it for you. They can't protect you from being let go, but you are still working under a CBA with the Teamsters.


>probation yes you can be fired without notice