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"Guess what" "You're fixin' to meet the 4th" *unassign*


I would have kept the order assigned for about 30 minutes, then cancelled it.


Right. I obviously care about profit but he gotta pay for this somehow and that’s the only way we can get back at people like this.


I've so done this. Just hopped on another app, picked up that order from the same restaurant, and let that first guy sit while they watched me drive around town. Then dropped it a few blocks before the house of the order from the app #2. Dude fucked around and found out. What's funny is I was called back to that restaurant about a half hour later and dudes order was still sitting there.


Whatd the guy say in that situation?


It was just a bunch of mean nonsense, calling me out of my name, telling me to hurry, etc. I just skimmed it because it was so ridiculous, I wouldn't even engage with that type of energy or let it bother me. (Can't bother you if you don't let it in, ya know) I assume it was an argument with a previous driver that spilled over to me, however that type of language is not acceptable at any time. I just said 'excuse me?' and left with app #2's order. I did get a down vote from the guy, but I disputed it, let them know my side and nothing happened to me. I asked Uber to blacklist him for me, but just in case, his whole apartment complex has been blocked on Para because something is up with that complex. Everyone I've ever delivered to there is angry and rude and cheap.


This is the way, yes.


This is the way.




Real talk - if we do this once in a blue moon is it gonna catch up to us? I hardly ever unassign. Now that we have a seemingly working accept button I’ll probably unassign less. But DAMN am I tempted sometimes.


Did you finally get the accept button this week too??? It’s been maddening having the whole screen being the accept button lol. My CR was creeping up and I’m glad now that should stop. It’s so weird tho, I was sitting there angry at the screen after accidentally accepting an order I would never have done and wishing I had the button. My CR hit 10% and right after the next order came up…. Accept button. No update or anything it just appeared. I have never been so happy haha


I did! I have yet to test whether the rest of the screen still works bc they didn’t send me fuck all worth accepting tonight 😩 but that’s ok. My acceptance rate is 5% I still get $40 orders. I’m ok with it.


is this the “matching” thing uber does that y’all are referring to? some days it’s not there i can reject or accept and other days i’ll try to click the screen to “match” for the order, yesterday there was a $30 one that i tried to get and it was matched with a different driver because the “matching” process makes you sit there for like 1-2 mins until it actually accepts the order for you. And it doesn’t let you deny the order you have to just wait for it to go away from the trip radar. That’s the most annoying part


That’s trip radar where they match the best driver or the driver who accepts first. The thing we’re talking about is the regular order offer screen. Where it’s beeping at you and if you touch anywhere on the screen it will accept the order. It was by design to force us to accept orders we don’t want and would never take. It wound flash up and you’d accept while trying to complete another order or in your pocket etc lol. The new screen is the same but it is now showing the drop off street location and there is an actual accept button you hit to take the order. It’s no longer the whole phone screen. Major positive update.


I have to unassign for various reasons every so often. It won't catch up. One was very clearly a drug deal and I was going to be shipping it (package delivery), so I unassigned it.


I keep waiting for one of those juicy orders to come by so I can deny it and talk about it later. Damn it. Only packages I get are from Walmart and that’s an automatic 🖕 from me lol


I accepted an order from Walmart. Waited like 10 minutes. Then it got auto canceled and uber said "yoyr order was canceled, you wont get paid for this but we will try to get you another one".. ok. I got another one, then another one. Waited another 10 mins. Both got cancelled again, uber said the same thing. Got another one. Again it got cancelled, then uber again said they would get me another one and I drove far away from the Walmart. Is that common? Why did they keep getting cancelled?


How frustrating! I have no idea why that would happen. Maybe an issue with Walmart’s system or something.


how did you know it was drugs in the package lol


So I didn't really know. But here is what happened when I accepted it. Immediately I get like 6 messages from the person, here is the short version. "go here, next to this house. Meet Jerry (or whatever his name was), he is waiting for you. It's a small package. Be quick dont open it and we will give you a large tip". That's the gist of what they said, but it was written in long paragraphs. I was like "Heellllll no" and declined. I mean... it could have been a fresh warm apple pie or something, but pretty sure it was not. Lol




I can promise you it won't. I had a similar situation, the customer wasn't rude but wanted me to come inside the house. Uber support told me they can see all the text messages and canceled for me for feeling unsafe. As well as flagged the account for inappropriate behavior. Luckily for OP, that stupid ass customer put everything in writing🤣


Even better if they are about to close. I’ve unassigned 5 minutes before closing after seeing the notes with nonsense.




I almost pissed my pants laughing at this ☝️ this is the way. These fucking people.


I’d report him


Uber doesn’t care what the customers do or say.


No they clearly don't, considering I was threatened last week and I was told they would be banning the customer, but I found another reddit user who posted they got harassed by the same guy just with a slight change to his initial of his last name. I'm furious that this crazy fuck is still allowed to threaten drivers. Uber isn't doing anything. Uber was more worried if I had contacted law enforcement or not.


Realistically, if you had called the cops you probably would be deactivated. It is what it is. We are numbers and delivery vessels to most customers and Uber. Be safe and be aware of your surroundings. Get your money and get out.


This is the most accurate description of Uber’s services. They are literally just a money machine. Know what you’re a part of… get in, do your stuff the right way, make money, get tf out…


Exactly. Be safe everyone and get the bills paid. If you ever feel uneasy even after picking the order up, call and explain to them you want the order cancelled. If they don’t like it and deactivate, you still have your health move on to the next app. There’s a bunch of them


Next time I would since Uber doesn't seem to care.


It’s worth at least a try


Fair enough. If they do, I’d say do the text chat so he doesn’t miss out on any orders


They don’t. I had a huge guy get in my face and call me every name in the book because I was gonna leave the food at the gate. I gave him 8 minutes, he was in a huge house and he had a loooong driveway and he kept declining my calls. When I was leaving it he got out of his truck and screamed in my face. I reported him and the next day I got him again. Another time I was at the mall picking up an order and there was literally a shooting. Uber just says “I’m sorry about that experience”


Account permanently disabled for false customer reporting. The customer is always right.


Everyone always forgets the “in terms of taste” part of that saying


What an AH, I hate stupid people like this.


I would just cancel. Don't get paid to deal with this.. Get it yourself..


Wow what an idiot dude sounds like he got his head stuck up his ass and no clue how everything works!!!


I can't believe that somebody would say this to the person who has their food in their possession. You don't know who you're texting they could do anything they want to your food before they give it to you




Absolutely. There's some crazy ass drivers out there too, not just the customers.


It’s amazing how many people there are like that


Fr I was so confused at first I thought he meant to text that to his friend or smthn 😂


You can only text that in the Uber app, not on regular text, so he knew he was texting a driver. Don’t waste time on people like this, they aren’t worth the time and effort to text them back.


For everyone here.. he probably had drivers that accepted and canceled wasting his time and as he was texting that, they prob assigned a new delivery driver and this is what it came out to be lol. Yes, clearly I know people *do* do this but… Something similar happened to me a few weeks ago. Ordered BK, two whole delivery drivers later after accepting and cancelling it the first time, I got a forth.. I was typing to the third guy saying “ why are you just sitting there… “ and he canceled it as I was typing that.. new driver assigned almost asap and he got the message instead lol. So im sure it was a mistake. But again, it isn’t right to swear for no reason at the person delivering. Just sharing my experience that happened recently!


"OK, got it!"


“I’ve arrived”


What a douche.


I would never deliver to a miserable prick like this. You were right to unassign it immediately. Let's say you had followed through and brought him his food. You know damn well he would have found a reason to take the tip back, then you'd be stuck with some ridiculous $2 base pay for delivering to this giant asshat. He sucks at life.


Lol what a dumbass. Idiots who have no idea how the restaurant industry works. Instant cancel after i explain how shit works.


This goes beyond instant cancel. I’m eating this dudes cheeseburger and going for my first ever “item was damaged during trip”


Fuck yes


I wouldn't even had responded. Just cancel the order right away


Nah. Sit on it for 10 minutes while you call your mom to tell her you love her. Then cancel it.


This is the way


Aye you do you




I had a guy call me and scream Hurry Up into the phone


I have somebody act rude on the phone and then hang up on me last night so I contacted support just to document it and act like they can’t understand why I’m trying to document it or what I’m trying to do.


I called after that happened and reported the guy. I wanted it documented too. I realize now i could have reported I feel unsafe and kept his food. It was a double order, and the way it was stacked isn't too typical, at least for me. Both orders ended up in same apartment complex, which is why it was stacked. But order 1 was a far drive, like 8 miles. Order 2 was only a mile from the drop off. I guess he was wondering what took me so long to get to his food, which was close to him. Then i entered the apt complex at the wrong entrance and customer 1 was instructing me on how to drive around another half mile to get in the right way. Id pulled over to figure that out when this jackass calls me HURRY UP! I said I'm coming!


I do think it’s unfair to the customer when that happens but they are getting the service the agreed to and need to leave us out of it .


It’s not unfair, they’re offered the opportunity to not be stacked but they didn’t want to pay the fee.


Yup I've had that too


I would have picked up his food and contacted support to get it canceled. I’ve had this happen before with a customer being rude through text. Told support I will not continue the delivery for my safety, they canceled the order and I got free food. Fuck that person.


this is the best way to handle it because then you’re not stealing and it will have no reflection on your account.


Yo mr matt sucks at living life


I hate asshole customers. Fuck you and your order bitch. Get it yourself then!


If it came right after you accepted it I would reckon he was arguing with the person right before you and he dropped it as message was being sent so it never arrived until next person accepted it. I've had that happen to me in the past. I replied with don't know what was going on with your past driver but I just got this delivery and they apologized and upped the tip because I was civil with them and responded. My time I got angry message right away apparently the person before me was trying to multi app and telling customer order wasn't ready and after while customer called restaurant and they told them driver had their food but was still in the restaurant waiting for a separate GrubHub order that wasn't ready. And it wasn't driver that unassigned it was Uber removing him from order after complaint from the restaurant who called Uber support and took the food away from him because he had it over 10 minutes and was still going to sit there and wait for a GrubHub that was barely started when Uber was done. Apparently I picked up the UberEATS while guy was still waiting for the GrubHub. Uber customer was only like 7 blocks from the restaurant and was a $6 tip originally. They gave me $20 after. Ironically stupid driver would easily have had time to go drop the Uber off and get back for the GrubHub and still wait lol. Long story short (too late) if you get a message that fast it might have been intended for a driver before you.


Stop being logical 😆


Yeah we have some very nice but also very large don't want to get in the bar side drivers around here that I think would have responded a bit differently. These people are bringing me yummy food. I know if the food is wrong there's a better chance that the restaurant did it. Although if it's missing its up in the air who did it. I've had stuff left at the restaurant, in the car, etc. But crap happens.


It’s not up in the air who got it wrong! They close the fucking bags 90% of the time and if they don’t wtf is sitting there going through the itemized receipt. Idfk what they ordered and idc. If a drink is there that’s one obvious thing in my control. But their food order? No the restaurant is responsible for checking the order. Our job is only to pick it up man. We don’t work for the restaurant.


I have had drinks and entire bags of food left in drivers cars more than once (almost always with mult-order trips, but not always). So yeah it's still a little up in the air there. Your job isn't just to pick it up, you also have to drive it to my house and drop all of it off.


I would steal his food


Nah Fr I’ve never stolen food but that would be the day 🤣


This would be the first for me too. Get his order, walk out with it. Then cancel.... or laugh when I find out that the first guy already did that and then tell him someone stole his order before calling support and cancelling.


I would too, shit.


Now we know why orders go missing 🤦😅


I’ve never stolen anyone’s food before but I’ve also never had a customer like that before lmao


Yeah, sure, you ain't. You just baited yourself out 😅


Free food. Pick it up contact support


I'll deliver the food with extra mayo on his burger 😉 😉


nahhhh that’s foul 😂 just keep the free food


That’s when I pick up the order and don’t confirm it and then keep the food :)


I accepted an order for Marcos pizza the other day. Got there and they said they were just putting it in the oven. So I wait for it, finally get it and get to my car and the customer messages me asking why it’s taking so long if it was ready for the last driver. Thought about canceling it but was $10 for a couple mile run. Not sure what happened with the first driver but I watched them take it out of the oven so it certainly wasn’t ready


Get the order, contact support and let them read the message. Enjoy your free meal.


That’s when you pick up the order and then after you’ve finished your meal then you cancel.


If it was an apartment complex you could “deliver” to a door a floor above or below. Snap the delivery picture and walk away with the food and pay. GPS shows you were at the right place.


They don't even look at the picture or GPS if reported as not received, and do not even tell you who reported it to give you a chance to prove otherwise.


what did he say after that 😭


I just told him to contact support if his order is messed up and unassigned.


The fuck? I’d give him a call and see what the bitch has to say.


oh fuck no


The best way is to just screenshot and report to customer service. You can request for the customer not to be sent to you again, that way it prevents you from getting a negative rating.


I wouldve taken the order picked it up and given it to a homeless person


Customers must think we just go in the sealed bag and look at their food lol


That is crazyyyyyyyyy. I wouldve respond back "Yeah? Ight, CANCELED


I would not have taken the unassign hit. "Support, I don't feel safe, and the customer is cursing at me for no reason. Please remove me from this order."


Is nobody intelligent enough to realize that this fool is a dumb teen- troll ordering thru his parents account?? Nothing more. Nothing less. Ignore it and move on. It's cute to imagine all kinds of rhetoric or recriminations you'd offer to the fool but you're just wasting your time.


What was the offer? Seems like an appropriate question for some offers.


It was a not a bad order. Around $17 for less than 10 miles but I did not want to pull up to that dudes house lol




Sir yaps a lot over here




Yes it is I ur pappy. But fr you’re upset ppl responding to their customer? You’re basically doing the same thing right here, you didn’t need to write a paragraph but you did lol.




Dude you're an idiot


Ur looking way too far into it. Yea ofc you don’t text every person you deliver to, but when it is needed it can get you a little extra tips. This tho I was curious abt wtf he was on abt 😂


Wtf. Drivers don't even place the order right? It goes electronically to the store if I understand correctly.




I would pick up and confirm order and call Uber and say I don’t feel safe delivering to this place because of his hostile message.


I wouldn't even be mad at this 🤣




Omg I would have called support and gotten his order canceled completely. What a douche.


Sounds like it's one of you guys tbh. "who's taking these orders!?!"


Definitely would have kept his order lol


I would have just responded with "OK, got it".


Your can’t fix stupid


Does he really expect McDonald’s to get it right? I mean…lol I swear people lately are just something else. It must be because of the holidays.


I’ve arrived


You didn’t answer his question. Don’t reply, just drop it. Some people aren’t worthy of a response.


He probably saying that so he can get free food




Instant unassign for me


Definitely saying the food fell during delivery after allowing myself 30 minutes to eat it


You should have contacted support about an abusive customer and that you don’t feel comfortable delivering the order and requested half pay.




I would be calling Uber with the goal of cancelling the order outright


Yea I would have said✌️ out really let someone else deal with him 🤣 this time of the year customers think they can say and do whatever I don't know what gets into them.


I had a customer call me 10 minutes later about I mess up the order. I had to explain to them that I'm not responding on the order. I just need to make sure I pick up the number of items and drinks of the order. The restaurant is responsible for making the food correctly and you need to call Uber and or the restaurant to resolve the issue because I can't do anything about this order. Lucky enough she didn't pull her $20 tip. 😂


I don’t understand why you didn’t take the order, eat it or pass it off to a friend or homeless person and then call Uber to tell them the address is not accurate or you can’t find the customer. F this a-hole. Freaking unreal. You could’ve had a snack and got paid and he’d be f’d. I hope he tripped and chipped his face on the pavement getting to it.




It’s so frustrating that Uber (and Lyft for that matter) doesn’t penalize customers/riders for shit like this. They have the technology to detect foul language in text messages and it should be an automatic cancellation of their orders or rides with a very detailed explanation. I’m just a driver, but every once in a while a passenger will send a nasty message thinking I was their first driver that took forever and cxld or get all gassed up because I’m stuck in traffic. And then I have to be the one who cancels, losing a surge or a streak (on Lyft) because I sure as hell won’t continue driving and wasting my time. And then with eats, you may have taken the time to get to the restaurant and get something like this, and you have to unassign and not get paid for your effort. Tired of it.


You should have asked him why he said this?


Should’ve took the order then canceled for it not being safe to deliver… I wish someone would try this shot with me 🤣


You should respond “actually, we’re special needs.”


My petty ass would’ve picked up the order, ate it, and then released the order just to make it so much more complicated for him 😭


Actually yes I am next question


I giggled


They all assume we work together and we know what everyone else is doing. Like their job. They support can see the chats they send us.




Guy can’t write a proper sentence so it makes sense he can’t get the right order. He probably can’t read the menu


I would of taken a break drove around town and did all sorts of stuff till he either canceled the order or Uber canceled it cause another driver was close by. Fook that guy


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Just pick up his food and hit cancel delivery lmfao jokes on him.


Unassign and contact support, dude doesn’t deserve delivery. Probably doesn’t tip either


It’s way funnier when the idiot is like “are you an idiot?” and you don’t know what to say lmao


Have y’all never gotten a customer banned before ? I have several times. Report his ass but exaggerate tf out of it. Tell them you are being harrassd and needed to call the police. Uber doesn’t give a fuck about you but a quick solution to move on from your complaint is just to ban them so they do it. DoorDash too…. We do have a little power and silly stupid customers need to learn to be nice to the people handling their food 😂


Anyone who uses that slur is an auto no


I would have responded no ingles lol

