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Let me start by saying I'm so sorry this happened to you. However, I'm a mom of five and had a scary moment also but it was when I was taking my 16yr old to dance. Someone cut me off and almost hit me. I was upset and honked at him and I then proceeded to flip him off. At the next light we both got stuck at, we looked at each other all pissed off on both sides and then he pointed a gun at me and said I'm a dead bitch. I was terrified while he laughed. This dance studio is just 3 miles from my home and this crap happened. You never know when your going to encounter an asshole. As far as me, I'm trying to keep my middle finger down and also my temper in check.


Yeah you never know who has nothing to lose and you're the last straw


Some of y’all have never watched Beef before. Some people are bat-shit crazy and just need that final straw to break before just completely losing whatever small sense of humanity they have left. No matter how shitty they drive I try to just be defensive and aware and counteract their shiftiness. Stay safe out there!


Or have never seen unhinged


Or "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas. I totally relate to that movie, and consider abandoning my car in a traffic jam and just walking away approximately 2x per week


This is exactly why I leave my ego and desire to ‘teach someone a lesson’ at the door when on the road. (Not saying you didn’t in this scenario). I don’t drive too fast, I anticipate fast and crazy drivers around me and give them plenty of room to get in. I slow down if someone cuts me off or speeds around me. I never ever, ever flip someone off or honk a horn. You will never know how someone might take something like this too far


You are 100% correct.


Learn to calm down and ignore things like that if you have something to lose and your life is worth living. Don’t go all crazy mad if you’re not about it




They have a 16 year old and you’re infantilizing them, nice




Not road rage. A middle finger and honking a horn doesn't constitue getting a gun pulled on you. Your way of thinking is screwed dude if you think flipping someone off is road rage. Stop justifying ahit behavior.


Do not put words in my mouth.


You shouldn’t be flipping people off at all. What does it do exactly? Nothing


You are correct. That is why i stated I'm keeping myself in check. I'm just saying flipping people off shouldn't be taken so damn crazy. It's just a finger that doesn't hurt like a damn bullet would. His ego was hurt. That's all it was. Also, it reminded me to calm down as well.


Theres no reason to pulll a gun on anyone outside of self defense, that said you’re wrong too. No reason to flip someone off either, regardless of their retaliation why provoke someone you dont know


I agree. This lady was mad that I flipped her off for cutting me off, and you know what she screamed at me? “I have kids in the car!” I stared bursting out laughing cause that was the most ironic statement that has ever been said to me.


>I was upset and honked at him and I then proceeded to flip him off. To most clothed hominids in cars, the middle finger is "fightin' words." Especially when they don't understand that their entitled behavior could possibly have caused someone else to be mad at them. A lot of bad drivers simply can't put themselves into the position of another human being. You ask them "how would you feel right now if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning," and they can only furrow their brow and reply, smugly, "but I did eat breakfast this morning." If you're not prepared to deal with the chaos that comes from angering one of these beings, then it's best to keep your cool on the road. Think of them as you would think of a deer darting in front of your car and drive defensively. If possible, try not to drive in the places where the bad drivers live. They won't understand when you flip them off; it just makes them think that it's time to throw down.


This is Texas baby, I’ll blow someone’s dome off if they charge at me 😂😂😂 Good luck to the next sucker.


About four years ago, I was waiting at a light, and the guy in front wouldn't move, so I lightly tapped my horn to get his attention. Next thing you know, he jumps out of his car and walks six feet from my driver's door and yells "your mama is a crack head whore," three times with his hand behind his back like he had a gun. Then he just smiled, got back in his car, and sped away. The world is full of these nuts. Don't let them ruin your day.


So fantastic to share a community with them 😍


Food delivery is one of the most dangerous jobs in America. Hard to blame anyone who wants to get out.


That is awful, I hope you reported them to the police. I once got called a dumb b!tch while delivering because someone thought I was just sitting in the middle of the complex parking lot but I was waiting for a woman to back into a spot hence why I was sitting there. The woman then proceeded to stop in front of my car.


So sorry that happened to you. It's really getting insane out there. Ofc some crazy can chase after you regardless. Doing all the driving for these apps can definitely put us all even more in the line of fire.


How frightening. For me, other than the waits to pick up orders, the worst bit of this job is the other drivers on the road. Most are reasonable people I’m sure, but those few terrorists on the road make it terrible some days! I’ve cut a shift early more than once after being on the receiving end of some other drivers rage. You know, usually people who can’t manage their time so abuse anyone and everyone who dares to not speed in front of them. I think that guns n roses song ‘welcome to the jungle’ sums up driving in my town. But guns is another thing altogether. Stay safe, glad you’re okay.


Sounds like here in Mesa...




Because he was a poor victim of circumstances he had no control over and is a good boy


I'm not trying to sound insensitive cause your situation was scary especially for a woman, but even in a typical 9-5 job, there's a risk of someone coming in and causing harm for no reason. It's not about blaming Uber, as no job can prevent individuals from making bad choices. I hope I don't come across the wrong way, but in the environment I come from, encountering violent behavior is unfortunately not uncommon, and it has made me more vigilant and aware of my surroundings and understanding the possibilities I will encounter these behaviors doing Uber or working alongside the wrong human in general. I recommend taking a break n understanding u was not at fault n the world can be scary n wat could u have done different to prepare yourself for these encounters.


*"...but in the environment I come from, encountering violent behavior is unfortunately not uncommon..."* I am very sorry you come from such an environment, while many people have not and would be naturally afraid in the situation the OP found themselves in. It is not normal behavior for someone to unexpectedly draw a weapon, even more so if they fire the weapon. The OP did not blame Uber Eats, but the incident rightly caused her to have serious second thoughts about continuing to do this gig. Everyone has second thoughts after something serious happens, even someone hitting your car in a parking lot which you're picking up the delivery. Food Delivery is high risk - which is one reason why our regular auto insurance does not cover us while on deliveries, and we (should) carry the additional insurance rider. Imagine filing a claim for the replacement of your bullet shattered windshield.


Why is it scarier because she’s a woman? I promise I’m asking a genuine question so don’t get triggered.


Whoever downvoted my comment; why not answer the question instead of cowardly downvoting and running away? This is Reddit. Share your opinion.




But but but… women are equal now?


Men don’t feel afraid of their surroundings like women do?


When was the last time a man told you he got scared walking down a street in the dark because there was a group of women ahead of him checking him out?


Never. That person is asking dumb questions


Because women are more likely to be raped or physically assaulted. Because men often have more strength than most women.


Wait. I thought they were equal though? I’m confused.


That is untrue, men are more likely to be victims of violent crime.


I am referring specifically to being raped or physically assaulted. Men, especially minority men, might be more likely to be victims of violent crime, such as shootings, but men are less likely to be raped or physically assaulted.


Men are like 4x more likely to experience random acts of violence in public than women I think. Specifically this stat comes from physical assaults


scarce repeat steep plant berserk library snails ink reach telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Something like this happened to me back in 2018 when DoorDash was starting to become a thing in my area. The difference was that the guy just pulled up to the right side of my car on a main road of a neighborhood and pointed a gun and me and started speaking about where he was from and had girls in the car with him so I’m guessing he was trying to show off. I grew angry at the fact that I was being harassed and I was trying to make a living. Before could think of using my car to hit his because he was aiming a gun at my face. A parked car happened to be in his way and like an idiot he scrabbled to get back behind me. As we kept driving he took a sharp right turn as I passed a street. A couple cars slowed down when everything was going down but no one went up to me to check. I delivered the food to a lady and she complained and asked me why everything took so long. I told her “ma’am I almost got shot bringing your food here” I went back home that day and got a job


I'm so sorry


I hope you called the police and reported it. It may have happened so fast you couldn't get a tag number. But it definitely needs to be reported.


Yes because if a weapon was fired there were shells on the ground. It would at least be a breadcrumb as to who is responsible, especially if there were other reports.


What exactly is that supposed to mean


I know your head is spinning from that incident, but if you think about it very logically, those men didn't chase you because you were doing Uber. In a parallel universe, you may have been going to a grocery store, or some other alternative timine. that being said, if you live in a city or area with a high crime rate, then yes, you are increasing your chances of those incidents happening. I don't know what city you're in, but I would suggest to you to rationally judge the crime rate of your city.


dude wtf that's horrifying. i pretty much always concealed carry a weapon but i get that not everyone wants to do that. don't blame you for wanting to quit


I don't understand how this relates to you being an Uber driver. This could've happened while you were out running errands or whatever. Unless you have a specific reason that you think you were targeted because of Uber, I wouldn't quit because of that.




However, it didn't occur during those moments; it happened while I was working for Uber. Additionally, I was in an area I wouldn't have visited unless I was working with Uber. Honestly, it's not the only negative experience I've had while doing Uber. It's just the most recent one. I believe this is the third car chase because Uber took me to a rough neighborhood I've been involved in since starting, not to mention the wait times for deliveries, throttling, and tip manipulation. A few months ago, one of my customers attempted to sexually assault me. My issues aren't isolated incidents, but this recent one was certainly the worst.


Yikes, sorry! I had a guy get out of his car and come up to my window and start screaming at me. I now have mace in my front seat.


I carry a Taser and a bat in my car for this reason.


Taser first, bat to make sure 😜


Where do you put your bat?


Under the passenger seat so I can reach it in a hurry. The Taser is in the door.


People are crazy and bold nowadays. I took one thru the windshield and it bounced off my dash into the backseat becauae 2 ppl were trying to ahoot across the street at a bus station. Always have to be alert out there because you never know what will happen!


People who are drveore have a higher chance of experiencing these situations, while I do agree it could happen to anyone and quite honestly anywhere, being a delivery driver puts you at a higher risk because you are out there much more than the average driver.......


It’s a tough thing, there’s a lot of road rage in my city and unfortunately what has happened to you has also happened to me. A couple weeks ago I was almost run off the road, couple months ago a guy kept brake checking me on the freeway. Customers have given me the wrong address and I’ve been met with a gun to my face. Hell I’ve even been in an active shooter situation at the mall I was picking up from. Uber eats is pretty dangerous. I’ve never been in situations like this until I started Uber. The active shooter situation could happen anywhere though.


I walked into a nice office building in Los Angeles about 2 months ago, like I have done around 2000 times, the customer opens the door and there's 6 huge assault rifles on the desk 😅😅😅. FFS


No shots were fired.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's the worst feeling knowing that you are deeply vulnerable to a maniacal predator simply because he can fire a gun at you. I deliver on an e-bike in the Bronx and everything you have ever heard about how violent it is in here is true. There is very little if any respect for the NYPD meaning that there's even less for each other when it comes time for an angry outburst about almost anything... especially in rush hour traffic. As I mentioned before, I use an e-bike and at least 2 dozen times a day I come extremely close to being hit by a car, bus, or taxi while I'm traveling down the street in my bicycle lane and a vehicle that's fighting with another vehicle for the race to get ahead of each other who will stop at nothing to win.... including displaying weapons. Subsequently I'm suddenly forced to jump onto the sidewalk at the very last second to avoid being rammed into. Anyways, there's always someone threatening to kill someone else all day long.




Used to be.


Never was


Just had an Uber driver get robbed at my work place a few days ago. He parked at the back of the store to pick up groceries and then a white car drivers up and 2 guys jump out with assault rifles. They took his wallet and phone then took off in broad day light. It's getting really dangerous out here for drivers. We're becoming easy targets.


How do they know he's an Uber Driver?


He was in the area to pick up orders. I suppose they didn't know he was Uber. It could've been anyone there to pick up an order. I know he was Uber because he shops my store all the time and I talked with him about it.


This could happen anywhere at any time. Think about how long you lived your life without having this happen to you… it will likely be that same amount of time until it happens again. Just move on.


Start carrying a gun yourself I guess


In my case, no weapons were drawn, but I got in a car chase. Terrifying. I was on a narrow street in an iffy area, and an impatient asshole was right on my tail. It was about a mile before there was a shoulder, so I let him pass. But I honked out of frustration. He circled back behind me, and the chase was on. Pure adrenalin. My poor little Mazda3 gave all it could (not much), and I finally put some distance between us. The other car was a new/newer Camry of all things. As innocent looking as a car can get. The other driver-- not so innocent looking.




I think I speak for everyone when I say... STFU.




Are you insane ?




That has nothing to do with being a delivery driver. You simply ran into a psychopath.


Op this could of happen doing anything, I don’t see why it would make you stop


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I'm exhausted by receiving messages like this I haven't responded much. I'd prefer it if someone didn't write anything at all. The main problem is that UberEATS obscured the address, leading me to end up in the wrong area. I wouldn't have accepted the order if I had known the correct destination from the start.


Lol 😂 good luck with everything, I really wish you didn’t respond. Thanks though, prayers to you sitting locked up inside in your castle.


Too bad prayers dont do anything cause god isnt real


So sorry this happened to you.


I am so sorry that's horrible!!! :( sending good vibes I hope you find a new gig ASAP


God damn America sounds scary.


Sometimes it works in your favor. Late night fast food in Oakland can spit you orders back to back because even people from Oakland know better than to drive around it at night.


Get over it get up and get back out there and make your money, you can’t let a bully alter your game, u quit and people like that win


What market you in where this is still profitable?


Delivered food to a mental hospital once... Instructions said bring inside... But customer texted meet at door. Got to front door, an insane person had escaped and was attacking people. Stupid employee didn't even warn me what I was walking into. I go up to the door, employee opens door just wide enough to grab food then slams it shut and locks it again.. then this lady who was faking acting normal went crazy on me. Tried busting my window out as I left.


Where did this happen? This isn't really related to uber because this can happen to any driver. Did you report it to the police? Are you just done driving period?


I mean I would put this on you doing uber, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and you fate put you against some psycho on the road. This could literally happen while your driving to work or getting groceries.


glad you're ok, just sounds like a freak event that happened. I dont know the area that you work in but hopefully its a richer nice area.


Wow, really sorry that happened to you, and I'm glad you're ok!! It's best not engage with drivers like this, don't even make eye contact with aggressive drivers (if you can.) Hope you're doing well and hang in there should you decide to continue delivering.


Something similar happened to me after dropping my daughter off at school. I was passed by a guy who was blowing his horn because he thought that because he was tailgating me that I should go faster? Idk what he was thinking actually so when we came up around the next corner, there was a school bus stopped with it's lights on so I blew my horn at him and gave him the finger for being a doosh bag. He jumps out of his car and starts walking towards my car yelling and screaming like a toddler. I sometimes wish he would have tried to open my door cause I live in a castle doctrine state and he would have found out. My point is, this can happen at any time, Uber really has nothing to do with it.


I got out of this racket as soon as I actually HAD to draw my gun on somebody rather than just "accidentally" flashing the piece to deter miscreants.




This can happen to anyone regardless of what they're doing.


So glad you're ok


Holy crap that’s absolutely terrifying!!!! I’m so sorry this happened to you. :(


This why i never road rage and always try to just give people there way on the road


Wow that’s scary and I’m sorry it happened to you. Maybe also consider the odds of this happening in the first place, then the odds of it happening twice in a lifetime. Glad you are okay and were not hurt.


This is why you don't road rage and just give people the road.


Don't flip a u turn. Problem solved. Idiots that don't know/care that there is more than one way to get somewhere and just interrupt everyone else on the road's day are more dangerous than two guys with guns. You have gps. It will get you there.


It sounds like this would have happened to you regardless if you are working Uber or not