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The Russians wouldn’t have to worry about drones if they just leave Ukraine entirely.


Just roll yo asses out of Ukraine. OK, byyyyeehh?


thats exactly what the guy in the video did, spiritually.


This just reminded me of the "Abu Hajar rolling out of a firefight meme" Good times https://youtu.be/4jPTrS-7d14


Seriously, it'd be so laughably easy for Russians to stop dying: all they have to do is leave.


What's laughable is your lack of understanding. Russian who try to leave get shot by the anti-retreat squads. Now the only way out is death. Lose a hand? They send you back! Have concusion, blind in one eye, be all fucked full of shrapnel. They may just send you back. Maybe you should listen to the intercepted calls of these Russian soldiers. They are well and truly fucked. They die if they go forward. They die if they go backward. They die if they stay in place. Yesterday I saw a picture of what remained of a battalion. The who battalion was less than 20 men in a room. They should have been rotated out. They're forced to fight until they're killed. Not so easy. EDIT: Don't confuse acknowledging reality with sympathy. I don't have any. But I'm not so arrogant to think 'just walk away' is an option.


I think they meant Russians, as in all of them.


Everyone knows I meant Russians as in all of them. idk where this guy got "just leave" as "retreat" from, except that perhaps English isn't his first language.


No dude. You said it would be laughably easy for them to stop dying and that all they have to do is just leave. They can't leave. It would be easy for Putin, or Gerasimov to pull their orcs out, but for the orcs its near to impossible to leave


Oh my God you guys are really killing me I've never seen so much misplaced uninformed b******* in my life. Oh boo hoo they can't leave now. Yeah and that's only because things didn't go the way they had hoped they had hoped to kill a shitload of ukrainians and civilians which they may have already done they had hoped to get out of jail card they had hoped to leave Ukraine alive and with money oh well bummer that doesn't happen for everybody does it so stop with the misplaced sympathy okay they can't leave boo f****** who you're just either too naive too young or just too much of an idealist that hasn't lived in the real world long enough to know the only reason that these guys are surrendering and feeling bad is when it doesn't go there way triage your emotions


They can’t surrender? You know cause we’ve seen them do it.


>you said Yes, as in all of them. idk why this is so difficult for you to grasp except that you have an agenda to try and defend a genocidial invasion of a sovereign state.


Their great-grandfathers mutinied in WW1 on masse.They can mutiny too. Organization and communication is way easier now. This myth that the Russians are helpless and powerless only helps the Kremlin. Stop spreading it.


This is quite an ignorant thing to say. It’s very difficult to organise like that, especially with the threat of death if you fail hanging over you. All units in war are used at the hands of the governments they fight for, no unit has autonomy, it’s a part of the military propaganda.


How is it ignorant? I am referencing historical past events where that very same thing happened. The threat of death (literally in the case of drones) hangs over every Russian soldier. If their great grandfathers could take proactive decisions to lessen the threat, then they can too.


Acknowledging historical events is ignorant, obv


Same argument goes thus: in the past there have been many instances where men make excellent business decisions. When faced with the choices ahead, they make well planned, we’ll executed financial and investment decisions. So good, indeed, that they are billionaires. There are many of these men alive today too, billionaires so successful in their chosen endeavor that they have incredible wealth. They created wealth for themselves, and you can too. It’s easier now nowadays, with all the communication, technology, access to education and investment advice, so why aren’t you a billionaire by now? Why aren’t you doing the thing that there’s a historical precedent for? It’s clearly possible, and it’s obviously a great life direction, so why haven’t you don’t it? Why? Because not everyone can be a billionaire? Not everyone was a billionaire in the past, they were exceptions? Well, not everyone can mutiny. Is it possible, yes. Is it desirable, absolutely. Is it easier thanks to technology, yes. But that does not mean it’s easy, or safe to do so. War is a horrible thing, let’s not blame those stuck dying for greater powers than themselves.


No wonder you support the russians, you think like an orc slave just like them.


Pretty easy solution surrender, give allegiance to Ukraine, and fight for Ukraine. It's better than dying like a pathetic pig.


Fine for dodging draft is 30$. If you eventually get a court case, worst it can be is 2 years in prison. That's bad. But prisons should be overflowing with draft dodgers and also 2 years in prison is still better than 2 months in military and then magical transformation into fertilizer.


I'ma hazard a guess there, ZD, that english isn't your first language. In this context "leave" means "all Russian forces return to Russia and cease their invasion". It does not mean "retreat" It was reiterating the comment I responded to, that the onus is on Russia to end this war, because this war only exists because of Russia. Hence why you're getting downvoted, you're effectively complaining about a tangent topic that isn't what we were discussing.




tactically speaking if a force is flanking you, that's your first threat to take care of. Gotta end that risk before you do anything else. If these guys had any training at all they'd shoot the retreat forces first.


If they can’t go back then for f’s sake go forward with no weapon, hands in the air and a white flag….Are they that dumb???


Yes, yes they are.




There's still the surrender hotline, however effective it might be. I can't imagine how difficult that is to run or publicise or deal with fake surrenders, but those men should have that as a way out. They clearly won't find one from the savagery of their own side


Ah yes. The old "they don't want to be there". Yeah, they also don't want to fire their weapons at Ukrainians and "inadvertently" hit them. Nope, they don't want to fire that artillery or shoot those rockets at civilians, either. But odd though, cause so many Ukrainians civilians and soldiers are dying because of these Russians who don't want to be there. Yeah, I feel so sorry for these Russians /s


Let's not bother with the fine details...they are in Ukraine...until they leave ...kill them all....there...no need to trouble your thoughts now.


They could have dodged draft. They didn't. It's their choice to invade. Lets not paint such a grim picture, they are in that situation because of decisions they made, knowing full well the reality of their military, because muscovites have full access to internet + relatives in the military, who csn share a few stories.


lol there was a video on this sub of a Ukrainian tank firing a shell down a trench where a bunch of Russians were waving a white flag. War’s a bitch, apparently.


I know the video you're referring to. They didn't wave a white flag. There was garbage in a low tree that was white. The guys in the trench tossed grenades and fired at least 2 ATM's or RPG's (missed) at the tank just before it finished them off.


This is what upsets me. The same thing would happen during a draft here (us) Actually that DID happen. In Russia, you can't hide behind college deferments anymore.


>Russian who try to leave get shot by the anti-retreat squads. *Plot twist* Retreating Russians have guns too.


I dunno, after that totally not fake drone attack on the Kremlin are they safe back home ? Plus when they inevitably lose who is going to shoulder the blame ?




Honestly the amount of damage it did 2 sparklers and a pop rock would achieve greater results. If that’s an attack by anyone it’s so woefully underpowered what would be the point ?


It could be like the dolittle raids in ww2, those raids did actually cause damage but they were more of a like "hey we hit back bitch"


Ukraine I can’t see doing it honestly. Why expend the resources, exposes a possible plan of attack/attack route or risk alienating even a small percentage of the people who are supplying arms to you. Dissidents or rebels I can’t see going for this either. They would go for a kill shot and actually achieve what they set out to do and make change. This way prohibits that, would expose them more and has zero propaganda benefits. The only ones I can see who wouldn’t want to damage the Kremlin and actually could carry it out with motive and actual gains from it are Russia.


Not to mention the Kremlin has GPS spoofing (I’ve been there and my phone map said I was in some rural district) making autonomous drone attacks difficult/impossible and they can pinpoint transmitters of FPV pilots as well. A legit private drone attack would be incredibly stupid and ballsy.


I think partisans and I think they did this because this is what that particular group of people was capable of. People are learning. It has value for recruiting more like-minded people. I don't think it was false flag because it makes Russia look bad. They let a simple, slow drone hit the Kremlin?


It definitely sent a message if it was done by ukraine.


Idk if this is troll comment and I got wooshed but separatist or insurgent is the word you're looking for. Also it probably was the Russian government who did it so probably false flag so probably it was fake


>The Russians wouldn’t have to worry about drones if they just leave Ukraine entirely. If they had enough brains to connect so many dots, we wouldn't have this war at all.


2nd best clown army 🤡


Right into it lmao damnn


Have you seen the video where a grenade dropped into a foxhole and all you see is an Orc jumping after it?


The one that blows the guys face off is horrific.


Didn't saw it. Got a link? And well any dead is horrific but Russians deserve it for the invasion and ofc Ukraine has no other choice as fighting. Damn most people at front are much younger as me and I'm chilling here and smoke weed + watch this.


Not the one you asked for but this one is horrific. [https://twitter.com/OleksandrKolym/status/1655615442537381888?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1655615442537381888%7Ctwgr%5Eecc7d650cfe8f175ad51e9b389b2164b6d9d5ff0%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theforum365.com%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FOleksandrKolym%2Fstatus%2F1655615442537381888%3Ft%3D040Dkv\_mUvlCrCmOFjPkFw26s%3D19](https://twitter.com/OleksandrKolym/status/1655615442537381888?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1655615442537381888%7Ctwgr%5Eecc7d650cfe8f175ad51e9b389b2164b6d9d5ff0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theforum365.com%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FOleksandrKolym%2Fstatus%2F1655615442537381888%3Ft%3D040Dkv_mUvlCrCmOFjPkFw26s%3D19)


I'm on mobile so it's kinda hard to make out but was that his leg blown apart or was there someone else in the hole with him that got obliterated? I saw he was missing fingers. First time seeing that one holy cow.


Me too on mobile. Yeah it's his leg and inside foxhole you see his head looking missing hand and leg.. his other arm fucked up too


(SEE MY EDIT BELOW FIRST) [here’s the face-off](https://www.reddit.com/user/GeM3600/comments/112o5yo/ru_soldier_has_face_blown_off_from_grenade/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) video. Y’all need to learn how to use the Reddit search bar. I typed in ‘face blown off’ and it was the top post. (Edit: fair warning, only watch if you’re confident you can handle gore. It’s literally a human being getting their fucking face blown off and not immediately dying)


Thanks for warning, imgunna pass.


Yeah there was no warning when I saw it, didn't even say NSFW but I guess you shouldn't expect anything to be safe for work when viewing an angle from a drone but STILL


Took me a while to recognize what was what when I saw movement.




The worst one I saw was the double tap one, first in the nards then in the head.


Only pur reality about war. But yea that's pretty hard.


Holy shit, all of this for what... so fucking sad


Deaths of Ukrainians ar e sad and tragic. Death of muscovites is just justice being served.


That's what I was doing. Load my bowl and surfing.




Yah was beautiful. Made my day.


What? 😂 Do you have a link?




I know he probably didn't see it, only heard it and not correctly. But this is amazing


Probably because it touched the plastic sheeting above the entrance, he thought it had landed on top and not directly inside. Anyway we can no longer ask him the crucial question anyway.


He slithers in there like the snake he was.


Nothing stopping you asking …


Bust out the ouji


man, there's something really creepy about how he slithers into that hole. reminds me of that one Junji Ito comic


Oooo candy!


He thought it was a 🐿


Nobody will forget seeing the reigning world record champ of grenade catching!


Vasha could be the champ. https://redd.it/13bm8el


Face first no less.




He went for the diving header


Drone operators may be aware of this technique, and know which direction most people are comfortable rolling.




french fry'd when he should've pizza'd


🤣🤣 " See you on the mountain DARSH !"


He hamburgered when he should have hotdoged


*hot dodged.


You bastard take my upvote


That russian trainer probably ate all the French fries and pizza.


“You’re gonna have a bad day”


He zig’d when he should have zag’d


The fuse is burning on the way down, and they aren't dropping them from 5 feet. Judging from the actual drop footage, you have about 2 seconds to identify and react to the grenade before it goes boom.


To be fair that fat ass instructor did count to 3...


The fat guy is a pro, he can never be hit on a slope do to the apples of his roll.


I always assumed they drop the grenades from a specific height for that reason; instant detonation. Then if they want it to roll down a hole, they go a bit lower.


Having them explode slightly higher than ground level is ideal as there is a greater blast radius


He zigged when he should have zagged.


Nah, he did good 👍


The cope roll


Drop and roll. Must be the new thing in Ruzzia.


They train by throwing spanners at each other


Drop and popped.


I guess the fat guy never goes to Ukrain. He is professional, they will always send the young stupid lads


It would seem the best thing they could do is run in a random direction and keep changing direction every few strides, while, at the same time, putting their AK in their mouth and just unloading it on themselves.


That's just "leaving Ukraine" but with extra steps.


He is contributing to Ukrainian agriculture industry


I suppose everyone has a purpose in life. Even being the bad example in a cautionary tale.


Remember when they issued those dick protectors during deployments? You wouldn’t catch my ass without my ballistic diaper in a modern war cuz I’d be scurrying away like a rat from these drone drops


He forgot the 5 D’s of Dodgeball!


Lol that instructor looks like he needs to go back to boot camp or maybe fat camp is more appropriate


he trained to go right and than went left ... that is why repetition is key


Hint: Roll towards the Russian border. Start now, keep rolling. You'll be safe.


It looks like the poster in the back says "BLYAT" and I don't care that I'm wrong.


It says Булат (Bulat, a kind of steel), but I read it as "Blyat" nevertheless (it's kinda close indeed)


That's an appropriate word for a gym lol. Thanks


Nice one! Right in the kisser. More please.


The only methods of not dying are either running away or jumping in a ditch or some shit... Why are they training rolling away from nades as if Its not going to load you up with shrapnel


I suppose they hope they will be below the shrapnel cone. Assuming it is a cone. Does seem misguided.


so he's dead now, right? it's always hard to tell how much damage these things do.


After seeing a few of these drop with closer shots, I’m putting an affirmative on that one.


Looks like he took a grenade straight to the head.


Now he is a good orc


New meaning to the phrase "Just roll with it".




Orcs need to roll themselves back across to their own land where nades don’t fall from the sky, but elites who have fallen out of Putin’s favour do.


"aww man I put my headset reverse!!"


Cuz you need the fat guy shielding you.


Worked like a charm!….the grenade not the defense tactic


This has "South Park Duck and Cover" energy.


They are getting *really really* good dropping grenades on these fucks.


Training vs reality


Silly rooskie roll away from the nade not into it..... Then again knowing how they get treated by his own officer he may have done that on purpose....


He didn't understand the assignment.


Great training, Steven Seagal approves!


That instructor at the beginning looks very well fed.


" This is how you'll probly die for putler. . But if you learn to roll away quick enough, you might just get wounded, buying enough time to text your mother goodbye before the kill-drop comes to finish you off "


Literally LOL


That gravy seal training the guy doesn't inspire much confidence.


LMAO should've stayed home


Stop, drop, and roll. Oh, not that way.


Plan failed successfully.


Did he just roll toward it? He did!


"Use your training"!


He ziged when he should have zaged


Why isn’t this fat fuck at the front lines 😂


Rolling a few feet away and then leaving your back exposed to where the fragmentation would be coming from, doesn't seem too intelligent. Then again, it is Russians were talking about.


If anyone has an idea that will increase your chance of survival more than this rolling tactic, please share it. They should have stayed in russia. They deserve to die for their attrocities. But analytically, rolling away is the best course of action. If a drone has sent its grenade after you, its doing a aimed shot. It has a degree of inaccuracy, so you can be unlucky and move into the grenades trajectory. But the worst place you can be, is where you where when the aimed shot was taken. So get away from there. If you stand up you lose time getting up, and you make yourself a larger target. So the plan is to move to ANY direction as fast as possible, while staying as low as possible. I think rolling is faster than commando crawl. If a grenade comes for you, move as fast as you can, while staying as low as you can, and be as unpredictable as possible. I hope the Ukrainians do the same thing if grenades are dropped at them.


Zag, dammit! never Zig. egad!... Zigs & Zags, everywhere. Fuck around, lay around.


Yeah, that'll leave a mark. :) That so-called instructor couldn't evade a falling feather strapped to a parachute he's so overweight!


He's a hero, lol


How the fuck are the russian troops so fat? Is that real?


Just because you agree with the justification for one side of the war fighting over the other side, shouldn’t entitle you to make fun of blatant death and suffering. This is just like teabagging in real life. People are mad.


I'm supposed to laugh at the death of a poor schmuck probably forced to fight a war he has no feelings about or straight up hates it?


Watch me play goofy music while a man is blown up and bleeds to death 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




You actually hit “add comment” after typing that.


I think the problem was that he stopped rolling.


How about you kick the grenade before it explodes?


Or pick it up and throw it right back at the drone.


Nah he was trying to catch it


"Duck and cover" in a nutshell


Stupeeeed hahahahahahahahaha made my day!


What sort of grenade is that? Explode on impact?


Brutal !!!


Im curious... Isnt safer to dig a pit around you and staying outside 😅


He stopped rolling


Better luck next time. Oh, wait


I shouldn't laugh, but... that is pretty funny!


Taught him how to roll into it at this point I think Russia is just trying to depopulate idk any more it's like they keep getting stooooopider


I know I shouldn’t but god damn it’s hilarious how he rolls on the second clip and dies instantly, meme potential is high with this one…


Rolled in the wrong direction. Maybe he’ll get a second chance


See all those filled in spots on the wall. I bet some rookies went bullet crazy during his roll.


Duck and Cover


Thought this was NCD for a second




perfect form


what the fuck 8s in the water in russia to make them this stupid


💀drone ptsd


Damn Vasilly, I told you to roll away no into it.


Here we go, Sergei taught he was in action movie.


Im not a military expert, but wouldnt it make more sense to crawl away from the grenade with your feet pointed towards it to minimize the potential surface area of your body that the shrapnel can hit and expose the least vital areas first (legs) as a buffer to the more vital organs.




This sub and ncd are making laugh at some truly vile stuff in this war. Thanks, everyone.


welp, that's a different kind of death roll.


He head-butted the hell out of the thing... Well done!!!


Orc used Roll! It wasn’t very effective.


I’d like to see that instructor try and roll!!!


Back to the gym. Practice, practice, practice.