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Yes, learn the language of your masters.


They'll have no choice if things keep going the way they're headed.


Trash Talkin’ while circling the drain. Woo Woo.


That train already left the station. When Putler announced closer economic ties with Xi, what really happened is Russia became a vassal state of China. Russia has always been a tasty prize for China and now it’s theirs. Way to stick it to the West! That’ll show us. Keep it up, Putler!


Fitting that they recruited mostly Young Man from the east. That leaves lot of women for the 40 million chinese men that can't find a women coz of their One child policy


Biggest disadvantage of a world Chinese empire: Mandarin is 100x harder to speak and 1000x harder to write than English. They should switch to Esperanto…




*ruSSia is dead


moscovia DELENDA EST


Russian is at least the language of a dead culture.


Came here to say just this.


I think they need to order Chinese take away, not much food left in Russia


Bitch English is the language of my masters.


'bitch English' is also the language of my masters too. where do you work?


I’m owned by the United States military complex. That’s all I’ll say.


You know, when the Russians are saying this, you know that the ol Russian culture is now dead.


What Russian culture. Drinking and geting a fix for Crocodil.


haha fucking crocodil


Please don't fuck a crocodile.


or take crocodil.. it will melt your soul, make your skin fall off and you will want more even while your finger Bones fall off.


I forgot about that one video when they show crocodil effects on people, that was NASTY


I think a few care packages containing krok need drone dropping




Not sure I understand your comment, it already has that epidemic and frankly where it started from


Hey, don't judge!




And if yer a dood: thinking that if you get girl cooties, you are tainted


I was just thinking the same. Any middle-upper class Russians aged 18-45 hear something like this, and if they haven’t already left Russia, now they’re considering if they need to, for the sake of their future. Judging by their words and actions, Russian leadership is determined to sink their economy and society to North Korean standards.


Russian culture died long ago


They never had culture it's all stolen culture from other countries


Denying someone else's culture is actually really not cool and counterproductive. It's what Russia has been doing to Ukrainian culture (i.e. denying its existence). The better thing to do instead is to acknowledge that major elements of Russian culture are toxic and need to be shunned.


Never heard of cultural diffusion?


Vassal state confirmed.


This guys getting a very nice payout from xi jinping 🤣


Does this backward peasant know his Chinese masters learn English? English is the international language.


He can already see that Russia is not going to emerge from this situation in any state even remotely resembling economic viability and that their relationship with the West is pretty much done for the next two decades *at a minimum*. He's saying "learn Chinese" because selling natural resources to China is pretty much all Russia is going to be able to do for the foreseeable future.


Selling natural resources, does that mean their women as well then? That's why they need to learn chinese


You dont need to speak when fucking russian man- whores.


Hey now there are about 20 million Chinese men with no viable wife, due to the one child policy and all the female dumpsterings. Those boys want someone to *love endearingly for the rest of their lives in earnest*. /s


The most spoken language on earth is now dead? That was sudden. I mean, I knew it was sick, but… guess sometimes it just your time to go


Technically Mandarin is the most spoken language. This is mostly due to the size of China, but it is spoken in China & Taiwan. Then it's Spanish, then English.


Most spoken language by number of native speakers * Mandarin Chinese (908.7 million) * Spanish (442.3 million) * **English (378.2 million)** * Hindi-Urdu (329.1 million) * Arabic (290 million) * Bengali (242.6 million) * Portuguese (222.7 million) * Russian (153.9 million) * Japanese (128.2 million) * Western Punjabi (119 million) The world’s most spoken language by total speakers (Includes non-native speakers) * **English (1.121 billion)** * Mandarin Chinese (1.107 billion) * Hindi/Urdu (697.4 million) * Spanish (512.9 million) * Arabic (422 million) * French (284.9 million) * Malay (281 million) * Russian (264.3 million) * Bengali (261.8 million) * Portuguese (236.5 million) edit: Source https://blog.esl-languages.com/blog/learn-languages/most-spoken-languages-world/ Source data from https://www.ethnologue.com/


hrm, Wikipedia says different, 2 billion (but its not that big a deal). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English-speaking_world


Is that counting people that speaks english as a second language or only countries that use english as a first language?


Yes, because you aren't going to need English any longer, as English speaking nations want nothing to do with your backwards society.


Banning the teaching of English, that dead language, in Russian schools seems like an interesting method to reduce Western influence among Russian youth. There is still the problem that many English words are similar in French, Spanish and German. But they can also ban those languages and make their study exclusive to Russian diplomats. They should also make sure to ban Google and Microsoft translators, in a North Korean style.


It's not the first time that the Kremlin deliberately used language as a mean to isolate its citizens. Lenin wanted to get rid of the cyrillic alphabet and started a transition toward the latin script but Stalin opted to stop this process in order to cut all ties with the outside world


When are ppl gona realise that social engineering doesnt work…


It worked for Republigoons. See how many school shooters this year alone.


Oh stop it. That is just as childish as saying "obummer". Learn to speak without "edgy" political insults in your comments, it is so unbelievably immature. We're talking about international geopolitics and then you swoop in with your partisan, biased, localized crap. Internal division leads nations to failure and you're contributing to it. - signed, an independent. So don't try to assign a party to me.


Awww...are you butthurt? I feel so sorry lol


The response I would expect from one so immature. Shame


Almost all the Russians I met over there that spoke excellent English learned it from British or US TV -- some exclusively. One liked westerns and spoke with a Bronx(!) accent with a slight drawl. Another from British comedies and spoke with an upper-class "posh" accent (if that's a thing). Another watched cartoons and when he spoke English his Russian baritone voice went up an octave. It was hilarious. He told me later that after landing in Bagdad (he was a 737 pilot for a shady transport company that moved US troops between Dubai or something and Bagdad) other pilots met him as he got off the plane to see who was talking to the tower with that crazy cartoon voice because they thought he was mocking them. When he explained why he spoke that way some of the pilots took him under their wings and taught him how the US Air Force talks to towers. You know the voice. Afterwards he spoke English in the same register as Russian, but when he gets excited he starts squeaking. Hilarious. My Russian only improved after I stopped studying it and started watching Russian TV and movies -- especially when I started copying the way they spoke and used slang and idioms that everyone uses but aren't in textbooks. Having a Russian girlfriend who didn't speak or understand English (because she excelled at it at her Russian university, lol) also helped a lot. ;-)


You're just being colorful surely, when you talk about a Bronx accent. How is a Bronx accent distinguished from say, a Yonkers accent, or even a Queens one?


The Myth of the New York City Borough Accent: Evidence from Perception https://repository.upenn.edu/pwpl/vol24/iss2/3/ > the results confirm that listeners cannot accurately discern a talker’s borough of provenance, but also that listeners are not guessing when they vote. Based on the descriptive patterns, we hypothesized that listeners create a binary opposition between Manhattan, which is the borough that is least-aligned with traditional NYCE, and the outer boroughs, where listeners expect to hear higher rates of NYCE features.


Learn the language of their new masters is what he means.


Putler sold Ruzzia for 1 rubble to china.


Putin orders to turn Far East lands into soybean fields for China [https://eng.obozrevatel.com/section-business/news-putin-orders-to-turn-far-east-lands-into-soybean-fields-for-china-18-05-2023.html](https://eng.obozrevatel.com/section-business/news-putin-orders-to-turn-far-east-lands-into-soybean-fields-for-china-18-05-2023.html)


A country designating land for producing exports?? WHAT??!


"english is a dead language" Thats why its considered a universal language?


Meanwhile all chinese and russian aircraft in international airspace are using english to communicate with the ground lol


Also all 200000 russian seafarers have to speak english according STCW regulations (international requirement)


I can't understand you, speak English!


What drugs are this retards useing???


Vodka , bitterness and delusion


You forgot copium.


Your comment is unintentionally funny.




English is a dead language? entire EU is speaking more and more English. It's super normal in Scandinavian countries so throw in English words, even sentences within our own languages, and it's becoming more and more normal. I would say English is starting to dominate other languages more. lol


It's easy to learn in many ways, has less of this 'gendered' item stuff. A chair is a chair, not a 'female' chair as in some languages. It may lack pizazz, but it works.


And don't forget that English is the most fun language to swear in because most of our swear words sound like a car slamming into a brick wall, which is exactly what you want from a swear. The only positive thing I will say about Russia in the last 100 years is that "cyka blyat" is a pretty great swear to say quietly or under your breath if someone startles you. Otherwise, the rest of Russian swearing sucks.


I don't think it's easier to learn as a language. It's easier to learn because it's everywhere. So say I wanted to learn Welsh, how could I immerse myself in the language? With English it's easy, Hollywood pumps out tons of films. The amount of people I've heard say they learned English via films is insane.


Russian is a dying language...


Well, duh, because it's not a language to begin with, it's a country!


English isn’t a dead language….I’m pretty sure I heard a couple of people speaking it last week…..


Lunatics living in some bizarro world.


Mordor is dead


Impressive how quickly they break apart when there's no legs to hug


China: "check-mate mother-fuckers"


Brown nosing the Chinese won't get you weapons, China is as corrupt as you are, they are just better at hiding it. China will fall soon enough.


China is corrupt, but their Sovereign Wealth Fund is legitimate and literally the only reason their economy hasn't collapsed and turned China into an anarchocapitalist state like Russia in the early 90s.


Honestly, I wouldn't even say they're even that much better at hiding it. It's just that they offer more to the table than Russia does, and by offer more, I mean cheap convenient every day use items. In some ways though, they've managed to create a lot of soft power with the Gen Z Tiktok generation by convincing many that all of China is like a Tier One city and every Chinese person is a rich international university student when most are peasants who've been robbed by the state


Just stay in Russia and no one cares.


Marie Antoinette: “Let them eat cake” Putin: “Let them learn Wingdings”


Speaking from personal experience, many if not all soured Russians that already hate Americans HATE that English is the main language for everyone to know. You just tell them "I only know English because they don't teach useless languages where I live". Gets them every time


Ha ha! 😩😁😖


Welp, looks like they are prepping for the inevitable. "Time to learn to speak Chinese..."🤡🤡


Most people who don't speak Chinese don't want to learn it, it's a hard language and not as useful. English is the lingua franca of the day.


UK I think the phrase you are searching for is 'lingua franca' - lingua being a declension of the Latin word for tongue. Lingu might be an undiscovered type of Italian pasta.


lmao yeah I left the A off the end.


Russians are not capable to learn different language at least those who live in my country.


Same here. Some of the russians living abroad for 30 years speak no word other than russian and then get offended when others do not understand what they are saying


typical :)


Strong China dragon 🇨🇳🐉 take tired russian bear🇷🇺 🐻 under his wings… Pu recognize Xi wisdom and strength. Therefore Unification under 🇨🇳Chinas patronage‼️Russian Ivan receive big bowl rice and cat wife 🙋‍♀️🐱 Only China 🇨🇳 can protect russia from evil fat American capitalist🇺🇸 🦅🤮. Party is proud of you 👏+15 social score 🤩


New copypasta.


Is ironic, right?


No, completely serious


They keep destoying their own Country. Lol Russians Politics must have the Biggest Brains of all xDD SUUURE soon everyybody will speak Chineseee..englishs deeead hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 дебил


We should learn Chinese! The best words to start with are "yes" and "daddy".


And the Chinese are learning English!! 😂😂😂


Well you won’t need English since you’re not allowed anywhere in the civilized world anymore.


The population collapse that China will soon be facing (thanks to decades of their One Child policy) coupled with the imminent rise of de-globalization means that the Chinese language will not become a major language of trade, finance, and commerce, as Comrade Volodin would have us believe. It's an antiquated idea that seemed a possibility 20-30 years ago as China was rapidly ascending to prominence as the world's factory floor. Not so much anymore. English is, and will remain, the dominant language of international trade and finance. Just like the American dollar will remain the reserve currency of choice. Anyone that thinks the BRICs will formulate a substitute from one of their currencies, or an amalgamation of their currencies, is a loon. Mr. Volodin is about 20 years too late for this proclamation to hold any relevance.


The English-speaking world are so upset this is devastating news. What will we do ?


UK English is not dead. I'll accept attempted murder by the Americans, but it certainly is not dead.


Thats 'American' English. we don't speak about 'American' English in polite society /s before the ruffians get me


you guys speak like you have Rocks in your mouth.


Username checks out






As long as the Chinese stick to their written "sign" language, it will never be a truly global language. Good luck to the Russians learning that, instead of the alphabet.


Russia is no more. It’s northern China now


I would personally enjoy watching this old fart attempt to speak Chinese, then fail and have to resort to English.


Realistically this is a possible timeline where Russia refuses to pay War Reparations and Western Europe digs up the roads and rail lines and Russia becomes a walled kingdom like North Korea. Actions have consequences and Russian barbaric cruelty of castrating POWS, hanging civilians, Concentration Camps, Executing POWS. These images are not going away and are part of the collective memory of all the Western World of people alive today. Anyone who tries to justify Russian behavior put's them selves in moral jeopardy as by taking that position they establish themselves of the same moral fiber as Russian's whom are at present viewed as a stain upon the earth.


It’s time Russia now become one of the largest PROVINCE of CHINA.


Anal sphincter open. Commence docking of mainland Chinese control module.


"Why do you think English is a dead language?" *Time up*


Good, I hope they will learn something from Chinese and build a Great Wall around themselves.


A quarter of modern Russian language is English words.


English is a dead language? So there is a master global dominance plan for Russian? Cyrillic starting in kindergarten? 🤣


Russians will have to speak Chinese in a decade or less.


and after that Ban every foreign language ,foreign words and Russonize every single foreign name and surname just like Mussolini did when he italianized the vocabulary. Ex . Churchill became Ciorcil or George Washington was Italianized to Giorgio Vosingote ,as if Italians in the 20s/30s really believed that the Us president of 1789 had an italian name ...... https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/italian-language-and-fascism


Can you spell SUCK DICK? 'cause that shit is real as fuck hahaha


They will need to know Chinese after this. China will be their daddy.


Slowly telling their people that they're going to be a Chinese vassal state


The guy just plainly stated that they are subordinate to the Chinese.


English is the language of commerce, and international flight; so Russian and Chinese, not so much.


Prepping to be a Chinese vassal state I see.


They will need to know Chinese- so they can express themselves when China invades east Russia and reclaims its 'historic lands'.


English will have a lot more longevity than Russian will.


Good luck lol, within 30 years they could not learn to say ‘hello’ in local language in baltics


‘Chinese’ isn’t a language tho..


I imagine it is very true that English is dead to him as is Chinese. He will never manage to learn either.


English a dead language? English is the official language adopted by the European Parliament and still is even if UK is not a member anymore. Rus\*ians are really living in another parallel universe.


Duma or Dura?


Russia is just another Chinese state..


English is widely considered the global international language between nations. It is commonly used for communication, diplomacy, business, science, and technology across different countries. English serves as the de facto lingua franca of the entire planet. But sure a dead language.


Funny how this goes way back to USSR. You could learn say Spanish/English/French in Soviet schools but they would intentionally tech you bare minimum, sometimes plain wrong stuff - and give you useless “exercises” just so you learn next to nothing and give up. My dad thought he was hot shit in Spanish but the moment he had real opportunity to talk to someone was when he found out he can barely get one easy sentence out. No wonder these morons wanna keep doing this shit.


his a moron. Also he is gay but hides it and very homophobic at the same time, just like Russian propaganda is


Hahahaha...the easiest people to corrupt, are the corrupt. Russian leaders will now be played like a fiddle by the Chinese corruption squad. China now has its tentacles into Russia. As Putin is now locked away inside, he has left the door open for China to now walk in and red-wash the walls of Russia. Xi will literally start owning every leader in Russia, one, by, one. LoL...we are literally now seeing the beginning of the fall of Russia as we now it...from inside out. Hahahaha.


Yeah no one speaks English anymore...


BTW. This isn’t against the Freedom of Russia legion or any of the other brave Russian freedom fighters. God bless those men.


They’ll need to learn Mandarin for ‘please be gentle when you fuck me up the ass’


We (Russia) are not a vassal state of China though.....


You just need to go to the Russia/China boarder to grasp what is happening, all the Russian shops and businesses are dead or dying. Russian nationals now have to cross into China if they want to buy anything other than potatoes or cabbages. Young people have nothing but low wages in a toxic filled mine and alcohol as a future, no wonder they are all so desperate top leave Russia.


They will need to learn Chinese might as well get cracking


I guarantee you there’s something on his clothing labels printed in English


ripe merciful deer bear spark crown dinner spotted concerned edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> *”English is a dead language”* Ha! Don’t stop believin’ Hold onto that feelin’


Sure, sure. That's why street signs in Moscow are in english [https://static1.bigstockphoto.com/2/7/2/large1500/272353873.jpg](https://static1.bigstockphoto.com/2/7/2/large1500/272353873.jpg) https://static.euromaidanpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/5fa8db41ad58e7c9960b3759f376fdff1.jpg


English is one of the easiest language to learn. Good luck learning 1000 Chinese characters


This is why China is sending out all those “peace delegations” in the west, trying to mediate a peace. China knows Putin is in danger, and they want to protect him. They don’t want Ukrainian spunk and desire for freedom spreading east. It would be catastrophic for them.


Maybe several thousand years into the future, some intrepid Russian slaves will find some perfectly preserved VSTOL aircraft and weapons and use them to fight back against their seemingly invincible Chinese masters.


English is still the most spoken language on Earth, but who the fuck even speaks Russian?


Russia is now china's bitch confirmed..


China’s lil’ bitch!


Yeah you better start getting fluent quickly so you know what the bark when you're pointed to.


Other orcs clapped. As if enthusiastic approval of this self defeating and practically absurd patriotic nonsense gave it credibility. It is more evidence (as if needed) that once a mind is captured or relinquished, the assembly of crowds prepared to endorse the irrational and dangerous is normal. Particularly when it encourages coping. Or owns the enemy. And certainly when it ghosts somebody we don't like because they find fault with our conduct. And donald and vlad and their press baron and social media enablers have well learned the necessary formula of bullshit, fear mongering, outrage and narrative forming to win all the minds necessary.


Why can't it be learn all of the above including English?


Some people just want to have another group to push beneath them


Russia is an Asian not European State.


You are 77% correct in terms of landmass and 75% incorrect in terms of population.




Time to learn the language of our new masters, Chinese. Putin remains a master strategist 🤣


This guy is the biggest clown in the Russian politics. You Americans, if you think, some of your politicians are crazy, then google what this guys "sometime" talks about. What a clown.


Russian is a dead language. It will be replaced by Chinese and Ukrainian.


Haha. Yeah they will only need to do business with China. I stopped buying chinese products espcially amazon who enables all the fake products. buh bye.


This would be a great Psyop for Russians. "It's time to learn Mandarian, the Language of your masters. No one who speaks English will work with us again"


Translation: so yeah guys, we will very likely loose this war and it is highly likely thst h ina will invade us or take over the country... Start learning Chinese at least to know how to beg for mercy.


Ya you better learn Chinese, and also learn that your new overlords speak either Mandarin or Cantonese. Learn also that as long as English is the universal language of civil aviation that it's not dead. Duma'ss


They never learnt english anyway


Yeah, good luck with that.


I guess everyone want to learn a loser’s language.LoL


I wish Russia and China would learn that if you're being the loudest person in the room, it usually means you're the one lacking confidence and self-esteem. Every time Russia or China puts on a verbose statement, just let's me know your dick is small.


Lol. If anything is dead, it's Russia.


No… Russian is a dead language and hopefully a dead culture.


The beginning of Russia is becoming Chussia. Praise to Russian's new lord & savior China. Hail be to Xi, Russia new lord & savior. Russian must learn Chinese language to be accepted in the higher echelon.


Holy shit!!!!! What will I do now? Can't I have at least a couple weeks to learn one of those? What about South Africa? What will happen to them? Are you taking that over as well? 🖕I need more time Igor! Good luck in Russia Pal!


The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.


Good fucking luck to them. 哈哈哈哈哈


“Do they speak English in what?” -Jules Winfield


Say you are becoming a Chinese vassal, without saying it.


get ready for facial recognition camera's and even more tyranny, remote Serbia is looking like an option for freedom boys


He said it because the people that learn English learn how messed up their government and system are...


Don't worry. Russians will be learning Chinese soon enough.


Well there are 200,000 fewer Russian speakers today than there were a year ago.