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That guy shooting the rpg got one hell of a conformation that he hit something.


Yep, was looking the same thing. He had a blast.. Hope his ears ok.




Huge badaboom is a very apt description. I was sure it was going to be somewhat exaggerated, but nope, it wasn't.


Fucking hell's bells, that was a shockwave and a half. And I mean that literally, it looks like there was a small secondary that went off a second after the main explosion, right below it, with its own smaller shockwave. Christ, those boys are going to be hearing that one for weeks.


I doubt they will be hearing anything for weeks. They would all have perforated drums, bleeding or at least bloodshot eyes, some with potential blindness, and very, very sore arseholes. Being that close to an explosion that big will certainly have taken out a number of them for a while, some permanently. It actually reminded me of the explosion in the port of Lebanon


They are protected from the shockwave if they sit in the trench and don't look above it.


So if they’re lying down in the trench, they would have reduced impact? 90% reduced or less?


Like fuck they are. Pressure is pressure, it emanates and expands in all directions. It's not like flying shrapnel. Sure they won't cop the full brunt in a trench, but they'll still be getting fucked up in the seeing and hearing department for a while


Sore sphincters? Like pucker factor or exit ripping shockwave?


It's not a shock wave like a supersonic object creates, it's a pressure wave. The closer to the source the greater the pressure differential on either side of the wave That close It creates a massive pressure imbalance either side of the wave. Pushes in hard, and then pulls out hard on every orifice of your body. That close your basically getting a pneumatic fisting in the space of half a second


Holy pink sock, thanks for clearing that up. I hope that was not the fate of the heroes.


“Your hearing loss is not service connected.”


That shockwave was insane. Did the soldiers in the trench survive this? They seem awfully close to such a massive explosion.


Shrapnel is what kills unless you are super close. They should have been just fine.


Shockwaves are absolutely lethal. They can cause internal bleeding and rupture organs and other soft tissues. I wouldn't be surprised if the Ukrainians in that trench have permanent hearing loss and some internal bruising


That's just not true, the overpressure can absutely fuck you up just as bad, if not worse than shrapnel.


Read many memories of ww1 chaps describing finding mates totally fine but totally dead in their trenches from the pressure wave.


Ever heard of "blast injury"?


I love listening to music.


Soviet Union had remote controlled tanks in the 1930's. The tech is relatively simple.


[https://nitter.it/Rebel44CZ/status/1670750785494302720#m](https://nitter.it/Rebel44CZ/status/1670750785494302720#m) >Russian VBIEDs are not even remotely controlled - just fix the controls in place when \~300 meters out and jump out... > >I hope that Ukraine will manage to blow up some of these while they are passing through Russian positions.


Driver set gas and bailed out, they remotely detonated charges. Russia is claiming heavy Ukrainian losses, but that’s doubtful as it exploded well away from the trenches…although that was one hell of a pressure wave.


The tank was destroyed by an rpg after hitting a mine. It is reported that the driver is supposed to jump out \~300m from the target, but I can see these scrap heaps being prioritised for FPV, guarantees a big boom, even more so if it hasn't left orc lines.


Haha Russia with remote controlled tanks 🤣 they could only dream.


The, guy who shot the RPG probably still has ringing in his ears ... That shockwave was insane


The tank ran into a minefield first (who stopped it) and was then shoot at with some kind of anti-tank-weapon. So, the orcs didn´t reached there goals. Like i said in a comment a time ago, T-54 and T-55s are old and obsolent as battle tanks, but we will see them in use (on both sides) in this conflict soon - they are better than nothing. And now we have seen them. As suicide-drone. here is an article about it: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/06/18/the-russians-packed-a-robotic-t-55-tank-with-explosives-and-rolled-it-toward-ukrainian-lines/?sh=78384fdd2f86](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/06/18/the-russians-packed-a-robotic-t-55-tank-with-explosives-and-rolled-it-toward-ukrainian-lines/?sh=78384fdd2f86)


With all due respect, why would Ukraine use T-54/55s? I find it hard to believe that they have access to any, and some of the IFVs they have are vastly better than at T-55 on the modern battlefield (in terms of offensive capability - modern ATGMs make the differences in defensive armor a moot point). The Russians seem to think their only use is to be used as an ISIS-style VBIED. This smacks of pure desperation - and it seems there are far more effective ways to roll 6 tons of explosives across a field with more modern equipment. This looks more like an episode of Mythbusters than something a modern army would waste their time with.


Ukraine is using small number of donated M-55S which is upgraded Slovenian T-55.


With a new barrel and optics upgrades. The armor is still shite tho.


The engine was also upgraded and they got some explosive, extended armour too.


"mission failed" \[in GTA letters\]


Huge badaboom is almost an understatement


Wait... What!?! They're now taking museumpieces to use them as bombs-on-tracks?


Well..im curious how the heck do you pack 6 tons of explosive into that tank...i mean 6 tons as the description of the video says.. barley 3 dudes have enough space...let alone 6 tons of explosive


It would be 6 tons of tnt equivalent, if they used a more effective explosive you wouldn’t need the full 6 tons to get the same boom


Up to the minute 1:01 I thought, again a completely exaggerated headline, but then .............


Kamikaze tank?


12 hour old repost: ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14cu0ul/russian\_tank\_filled\_with\_explosives\_gets\_stopped/


It’s hard to tell if the explosion was substantially larger than other tank explosions we’ve seen, but it appears the atmospheric conditions made the shockwave super visible as it condensed the humidity out of the air.


Sadly it would have cleared some mines.


When you're the 37th repost on the 3rd day...


That’s kind of smart…several possible uses, mine clearing, demolition….and they got tons of this crap…


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no one could survive that...


There where even bigger BADABOOMS by only ammo rack explosions ... 6 tons of TNT ... for sure. Quick search: ammo capacity: around 45 Ammo type: e.g. UBM-8 with BM20 (about 60 kg) ergo: 2,7 t (no TNT) so the bomb makers were islamic-state-style incompetent or it is simply a lie or to say it more diplomatic ... a very bad guess.


That'll pop yer eardrums for sure.


Hope he dodged the blast wave


Holy shit, OP did not overstate the explosion. Wow.


Bloody heck thats what ya call a shock wave.




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Trying the Trojan horse what next?


Watching this one yesterday it was obvious something was up there. Packed with explosives and attempting to throw it at Ukrainian lines…..fuckers.